BABYSITTER STORIES: 5 Babysitter Stories (3 page)

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Authors: Lexi Hunt

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

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I have no idea how long I maintained the effort, but I can tell you her reaction was little short of spectacular.  Her feet went straight up in the air, her toes pointed at the ceiling.  Her eyes bulged and her nails tore into the flesh of my ass as she pulled me into her.  Her hips flailed beneath me and her rising cry ended in an abrupt scream so loud I was afraid for a moment that it might waken Miranda.  Not that it mattered.  Ginger had me locked into her pussy, her arms and legs wrapped so tightly around me I don’t think dynamite could have blasted me out of her.


She came back slowly at first, then faster as she covered my face with tiny butterfly kisses.  Ginger rolled and writhed beneath me like a veteran belly dancer, determined to wrest my semen from my balls as erotically as possible.  It was at this unfortunate time that I realized I had been fucking my babysitter bareback and I froze in place.


“What…what’s wrong Adam,” she gasped.  I told her.  An evil grin spread across her face.  “Fuck me Adam!”  Her heels dug in and she did some little grind with her hips and we were at it again full tilt.  She was demanding, she was wild, and she was determined.  In the end I came in her, and her ankles locked behind me, locking me tight inside her until I stopped spurting.


She looked so sweet and innocent lying there naked on the carpet…until her eyes opened and met mine.  Her green irises glowed like a cat’s, and the shared knowledge of what we’d done was as evident as my sperm spilling down the inside of her thighs.  “Don’t worry Adam,” she said, “I’m on the pill.”  My relief must have been evident in my own eyes, as she chuckled wickedly.  “Sorry, sometimes I like a little melodrama with my sex.  I had no option but to laugh uproariously.


Ginger appeared just as fresh as she had when I’d brought Miranda home…her eyes clear, her sundress hanging sweetly from her slender body, and her small hands crossed in her lap.  Ginger looked absolutely nothing like the freckled demoness who had swallowed my cock and then fucked me to a total standstill.  I was at a loss for words.  “I have no idea what I’m going to tell Miranda,” I said lamely.


“Why don’t you tell her what I’m going to tell her,” Ginger said placidly.


“What’s that?”


“I’m going to tell her that you paid me what you owed me and offered me a ride home, which I refused because I have my own car here.”


“Nothing else?” I asked plaintively.


“What else would I tell her?” Ginger asked.  She stopped at the front door and I went to open it for her.  Her small pale hand reached out and grabbed my cock through my pants, squeezing it hard.  “But you need to remember what’s going to happen the next time you bring her home drunk!”  She kissed me, and walked quietly out the door.             



Pleasure’s Edge




It started as a flirtation while driving his babysitter home after a night out.  What seemed like a fantasy turned to a dangerous reality after Sawyer learned what it was like when a man fell over
pleasure’s edge
…and into the depths beyond.



It had been a great evening.  Sawyer had enjoyed the dinner and the dancing, but the best part was driving Carly home.  Carly was sweet and demure, and had a body that was out of this world.  He did his best to conceal his appreciation for her physical beauty…she was eighteen, but he was pretty sure that was young enough to qualify him as a dirty old man.


At forty one, Sawyer was trim and fit, and had a full head of thick sandy blonde hair with no trace of gray in it.  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Carly’s classic features.  The girl’s slender profile was draped in a cotton sundress and her perfect wavy hair cascaded down over her shoulders in a cloud of light gold.


“I’m surprised a pretty girl like you is babysitting on a Friday night instead of out on a date,” he said by way of small talk.


“I don’t really date much,” Carly said, “Most of the guys I know are eighteen like me, but they act like they’re eight…they just aren’t worth my time.”  She said it shyly, coloring a little as she spoke.


“So what do you do about…” his voice trailed off.


Her violet eyes swiveled around to meet his directly, seeing him in a new light, and the change in her demeanor was marked.  “You mean about sex?”


Sawyer was nonplussed by her directness and her sudden animation as the subject turned to something he had desired but never intended.  “Uhhh, yeah, I guess that’s what I’m asking.”


Carly seemed amused by his embarrassment.  She shifted around in the front seat, the skirt of her dress rising high on her thighs as she regarded him, and giving him a shadowy glimpse of panties between her silky thighs.  “I’m no virgin Mr. Thorpe. I fuck some of the more mature men I know, and when I can’t I use one of my toys.”


Sawyer choked on his own saliva and nearly had to pull over to the side of the road before recovering.  He didn’t remember
woman being so direct in response to his probing questions, and to have an eighteen year old girl speak this way to him was, well…eerie.  His cock was suddenly pushing hard against the zipper of his trousers and nearly rubbing against the steering wheel.  There was no doubt in his mind that Carly could see it, and his embarrassment increased. He fumbled with the tilt steering control and raised it away from his lap.


Carly laughed.  “Don’t be such a fuss budget Mr. Thorpe, that’s not the first hardon I’ve seen.”  He turned his head sharply back to the roadway, partially to hide his shock at her directness…and his further arousal.  He heard her low chuckle.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”


“I’m sorry too Carly.  In my day young ladies weren’t so direct when talking about stuff like sex…it sure as hell would have made my life less complicated.”  He grinned self-consciously.  “I apologize for coming across like a dirty old perv, too.”


“I don’t mind at all,” she said, her thighs spreading apart even wider and causing the dim light to show more of her sheer panties.  “It’s kind of nice to be appreciated by a mature man instead of awkward guys my age who can’t keep their hands to themselves.”  She gave him a more direct look. 


Sawyer nearly missed her driveway turn in, and his tires squalled as he made the sharp turn and came to a halt.  Carly leaned across the seat, giving him a tantalizing glimpse of the valley between her breasts and placing her hand on his erection.  “It’s almost as frustrating though, when an older man I really find attractive
put his hands on me at all.”  She leaned forward even further and kissed his lips, her delicate tongue slipping between them for just a moment.  Then she climbed out of the car and walked up to her front door before turning to wave at him.


Sawyer backed into the street and then pulled to the side of the road.  He unzipped his pants and masturbated furiously until he came all over the steering wheel.


It was another week before he saw Carly again.  His wife Helen had called him at work and told him her mother was going into the hospital in Montgomery, a hundred and seventy miles away, and that she was going up to stay with her until she could get around by herself.  “I know you’re tied up on the Dawson deal dear, and won’t be keeping regular hours until it’s over…so I’ve contacted Carly’s mother and arranged for her to stay in the guest bedroom until I get back…she’ll be there when you get home tonight.”  Helen paused for a second.  “Todd’s excited about it.”  Todd was their four year old, and he loved Carly almost as much as he loved his mom.


It was almost eight o’clock before he even left the office, and he was nervous about going home to Carly.  His cock still burned from the pressure of her hand on it when he had dropped her off at home last week, but by now he had convinced himself that it had been an innocent accident, a mistake he had blown all out of proportion.  The last thing his ego needed right now was another embarrassment.


She met him at the doorway wearing only a thin tee shirt. Standing on her tiptoes, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and told him his supper was ready.  She was bubbly and ebullient and it cheered him up enough that he couldn’t refuse her when she offered her hand to him and led him to the table.


The meal she had cooked was simple but good and she had him laughing as she told him about her day. She had crossed her legs and the hem of the tee shirt had risen dramatically on her tanned thighs…Sawyer carefully averted his eyes to avoid embarrassing himself again.


After dinner, he sat in his recliner and watched as she lay on the floor in front of the television doing her homework and talking on her cell phone with her friends. When she lay on her stomach and raised her feet in the air behind her it was clear to him that she had no panties on beneath the tee shirt.  He couldn’t concentrate on the television, and in spite of his best efforts, his erection grew harder and harder.


As it got later and Carly spent more time with her books and less time on the phone, her legs spread wider and her shirt rose higher.  Some time around ten o’clock, she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at him.  “What do I have to do?” she asked.


Startled, all Sawyer could manage for a response was “huh?”


Carly sat up cross legged and lifted her tee shirt over her head.  She was completely nude and she was incredibly beautiful in the dim light.  Carly crawled over to the recliner and put her hands on his erection, stroking him through his pants.  “I want you,” she said simply, “and I was hoping you wanted me…”


He kissed her then, a hungry, needy kiss that didn’t end before his hand touched a small perfectly formed breast with a hard rubbery nipple atop it. When the kiss broke, all he could say was “Oh shit.”


“Mmmmm, that feels good,” Carly said, her lips still just inches from his own.  “Do you know what I’d really like to do?” she asked him.


“I have no idea,” Sawyer said raggedly, completely out of breath.


“I want to give you a bath,” she said with a giggle. Carly stood up and tugged at his hand, dragging him towards the master bathroom and it’s garden tub.  She sat on the edge of the tub and turned the water on, waiting for the temperature to get right.  When she was satisfied, she poured some of Helen’s scented oil in the water and turned to Sawyer.


Her small hands went to his belt and she dropped his trousers to the floor.  Taking his briefs in her hands, she exposed his burgeoning cock and laughed as it bounced against her cheek.  Taking his thick girth in both hands, she took the tip into her mouth and gave it a quick suck before pushing him down into the tub.


She bathed him, adding bubble bath and a great deal of mirth as she used the washcloth to scrub every inch of his bare skin.  Her actions caused him a little embarrassment at first, but he had to admit her attention was flattering, and fun as well.  By the time it was over she was in the tub with him and they were delighting in the close slippery contact of their skins.


He dried her off and wrapped her in a large fluffy towel, carrying her to his bed and dropping her unceremoniously on the bed.  When he dropped the towel he had tied around his waist, Carly mock snarled at him and playfully attacked his still erect cock.  It disappeared down her throat and the surge of sheer pleasure he felt overwhelmed him.  Involuntarily, his hands reached for her hair and he pulled her head down on his cock.


Carly immediately raised her head, her eyes huge, her nipples hard, and her ragged breathing giving away her sudden rush of lust.  “Yessssss,” she hissed, “pull my hair and fuck my mouth damn you!”  The look in her eyes was one of sheer animal lust…Sawyer had inadvertently pushed one of her buttons.  With a snarl, Carly attacked his swollen cock, sucking, licking, and smacking her lips like a madwoman.


Sawyer grabbed great handfuls of her wavy blonde hair and began thrusting into her mouth.  He could feel her nose bumping against his pelvic bone as he fucked her mouth as if it was a pussy.  Her mounting groans told him he had read her right.  Carly wanted it rough, she wanted it deep, and she wanted it now.  Her hands grabbed at his balls and her tongue skittered wildly on his cock.  Every few minutes she would come up for air.  “Come on baby,” she whispered, “fuck my mouth.”


He couldn’t tell for certain, but he thought she was cumming as she sucked him…she was definitely making a racket.  Her excitement aroused him, as did the fact that now woman had ever sucked so much of his cock into her mouth.  Every time she took her mouth off him to breathe, she was urging him to cum inside her mouth.  Before much time at all had passed, he was obliging her, shooting massive jets of scalding white cream against her tonsils.

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