Back on Solid Ground (16 page)

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Authors: Debra Trueman

BOOK: Back on Solid Ground
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“No wonder
you’re sick
,” he said, under his breath.  “I don’t think we should go
there,” he said finally.  “It’s not going to serve any purpose to speculate on
something like that,  and it would just tear you up in the process.” 

Stacy was
quiet and she looked like her mind was a million miles away.  She was thinking
of her mother and how different things would be if she was still alive.  The
two had been as close as a mother and daughter could be.  Stacy had heard girls
refer to their mothers as their best friend, but she had never thought of her
mother in those terms; she was so much more than a friend could ever be.  She
was her mother.  She was the one who Stacy went to for advice or for a
sympathetic ear; the one who could always impart a sense of logic and rightness
when things went wrong.  She was Stacy’s rock; the one she could always count
on, no matter what.  And when she died, a part of Stacy had crumbled to dust
that day, too.

“I wish I had
a painting of you sitting like that,” Niki said.  “You look so beautiful.”

Stacy’s mind
snapped back and she looked at Niki like he was crazy.  “I look disgusting.  I
haven’t showered or anything.”

“Yeah, actually
I can smell you from here.”

Stacy laughed
and crawled over onto Niki’s lap. She was playing with his hair, wrapping it around
her finger making ringlets.

“So, do you
have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“You mean
other than you?” Niki laughed.

“Other than
me,” she clarified.

“No.” She was
hypnotizing him again with those eyes.

“Don’t you
want to know if I have a boyfriend?” she said.

“Not really,”
he said.

“Why not?”
Stacy asked, pulling his hair back into a ponytail to see how he would look.

“Well if you
have one, you must not like him very much,” he laughed. “You’ve been all over
me for days.”

laughed.  She let his hair back down and fluffed his curls.  “You’ve got the
most beautiful hair,” Stacy said.  She put her hands behind Niki’s neck and
kissed him.

Niki put his
arms around Stacy’s waist.  “You are frustrating the hell out of me, Stacy,” he
said.  “Why don’t you just agree to marry me and have my children so I can stop
fighting the temptation to fall completely in love with you.”

laughed.  “Well I don’t know about marrying you, but I might have your kids.”

“You think
I’m kidding, don’t you?”

The truth is, you’re already in love with me, and we both know it,” she

It was
starting to sprinkle, but neither of them got up to leave.  Stacy leaned
against Niki and rested her head on his chest for a minute, then she kissed him
on the neck. 

“I’m right,
aren’t I?” She pulled back from him and took Niki’s head in her hands and
kissed him on the cheek.  “You’re in love with me, aren’t you?” she said leveling
her green eyes on his.

“I’m in
with you,” he said with an ear-to-ear grin.

laughed.  “That’s not what it is.” 

Niki took
Stacy’s hand and they walked along the dock back toward the beach.  The rain
was coming down steadily and they were completely soaked.

“Carlos is
going to be pissed I brought you out in this,” Niki said.  He reached over and
put his arm around Stacy’s shoulder and pulled her close to him trying to keep
the rain off of her.  When they got back to the house, Carlos, Eli and Jason
were in the kitchen and there was no sign of Consuela. 

Carlos lit
into Niki as soon as they walked through the door.  “What were you thinking,
taking her out in the rain like that?  Look at her!  She’s soaked to the bone!”
he said, irritated.

Niki looked
at Stacy.  “What’d I tell you?”

 “You should
take a warm bath before you get a chill,” Carlos directed.  “I’ve got some tea
you can take up with you.”

“Come to my
room,” Niki said, wiping the rain off Stacy’s face with his wet shirt.

“Okay,” she
smiled.  “Let me go upstairs and get some clothes and I’ll meet you in there.”

Stacy turned
around and Eli, Jason and Carlos were all watching.  “He loves me,” she said,
and Niki rolled his eyes.  “Will you bring my tea with you?”

“Sure,” he
said, watching her leave.

The three
turned their eyes to Niki.  “When’s the wedding?” Eli asked.

“She turned
me down,” Niki laughed.  He started out of the kitchen with Stacy’s tea, then
turned to Jason as he got to the door.  “Is everything set for tomorrow?” Niki

“Yeah, we’re
out first thing,” Jason said.

“Good.  We
need to get this behind us.”

Niki stopped
at the bar and made himself a drink and when he got back to his room, Stacy was
already in the bathtub.  She had brought the bath gel from her room and Niki’s
entire living quarters smelled like gardenias.  He went into the bathroom and
sat on the floor beside the tub and they chatted while Stacy bathed.  She
finished her bath and wrapped up in Niki’s robe, followed him back into his
bedroom and laid down on his bed. 

“I need to
pack for tomorrow,” Niki said.  He rummaged through his closet and pulled out a
big duffel bag and started throwing things into it.  The last two things he
pulled out were a 9mm and an M-16.

“Shit Niki! 
What the hell do you plan on doing tomorrow?”

“This one’s
for you,” he said, checking the safety on the pistol.  He put it on the bedside
table next to Stacy.  “You won’t need it, but just in case.”

“I’m not
worried about
, I’m worried about

“Well don’t
be.  There’s nothing to worry about.”  He put the duffel bag on the floor and
laid down on the bed beside her then leaned over and kissed her.  “You smell
good,” he said, burying his head in her neck. 

Stacy pulled
him up by his hair.  “How can you tell me not to worry when I just watched you
pack an M-16 into your bag?”

“I’ll take it
out,” he said, preoccupied, opening her robe.  He ran his hand up Stacy’s
stomach and over her breasts. 

“I’m serious,
Niki,” she said, with no authority in her voice.

Niki slid his
hand down between her legs and Stacy moaned.  “So am I,” he said, moving his
mouth to her breast. 

surrendered. Niki brought his lips up to her mouth and gave her a long and
lingering kiss, starting slowly and building in intensity until his desire was
so profound that he was short of breath. Fuck tomorrow. All that mattered right
then was that Stacy was there in his bed, and nothing had ever felt so right. They
took their time getting to know every inch of each other’s body, relishing in the
other’s pleasure, and living in the moment.

Stacy laid on
top of Niki wearing a smile that wouldn’t quit.  “That was incredible,” she
said, kissing him behind the ear.  Stacy rolled off of him and curled up beside
him and Niki put his arm around her. 

starving,” Stacy said. 

“Me too,” he

“Too bad you
don’t have room service,” Stacy said.

“Call the
kitchen on the intercom and tell them to bring us something,” Niki suggested. 

Stacy got out
of bed laughing and went to the intercom.  She pressed the button for the
kitchen, “Is anybody in there?” she said, trying not to laugh.

Stacy,” someone answered.

“Who is
this?” she asked.

“Eli.  What
do you want, Stacy?”

“Will you
bring us some dinner?” She took her finger off the button and burst out

“Hell no!”
Eli said.

Niki was
laughing from bed.  “Ask if anyone else is in there.”

“Is there any
. . .”  She was laughing too hard to talk.  “Is there anyone else in there?”

There was
silence for a moment then Eli was back on.  “Not anyone who is going to bring
you dinner,” he laughed.

“Okay. ’Bye,


She ran
across the room and jumped back in bed, laughing. She leaned over and kissed
Niki then picked up his hand. “Come on.  Let’s go eat,” she said, dragging him
out of bed.

They got
dressed and met the others in the kitchen.  Eli, Carlos and Jason had just sat
down to dinner, and they were talking about Stacy and Niki when the two walked

“Speak of the
devil,” Eli said.

looking better,” Carlos told Stacy.

Stacy smiled
at him.  “Thanks,” she said.  She was at the stove checking out the food. 
“What are we having?” she asked Niki.

rice and beans.  Sit down.  I’ll bring you a plate.”

Niki filled
two plates with food and brought Stacy’s to the table, but her illness and her
worry over Niki and Jason’s upcoming trip were affecting her appetite, and half
of her food was still on her plate when she sat back in her chair.

Jason looked
at Stacy’s plate.  “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m
just really tired.”  She hesitated, then continued, “And I’m worried about you
and Niki going away tomorrow,” she said, meeting Jason’s eyes.

“Well don’t
be.  Niki will be fine,” Jason said confidently, trying to reassure her.  He
looked over at Niki and Niki shrugged his shoulders.

Stacy had
looked away, so Jason took her by the chin and turned her face back to him. 
“He’ll be fine.”

attempted a smile.  “Okay.”  She turned to Niki, “I think I’m going to lie down
for awhile.”

“Go in my

“Okay.  If I
don’t wake up, will you wake me up before you leave?”

“Sure,” Niki
said smiling.


“I promise.”

Stacy was
sound asleep when it came time for them to leave.  Niki and Jason had eaten an
early breakfast and the plane was waiting.

“You tell
Stacy goodbye?” Jason asked.

“She’s sound
asleep,” Niki said.

“Well get your
ass in there and wake her up,” Jason said irritably.  “I heard you promise.”

Jason waited
at the bottom of the stairs.

Niki sat on
the side of the bed.  Stacy was sleeping so peacefully Niki hated to wake her. 
He reached down and brushed her hair back from her forehead and kissed her on
the cheek. Stacy woke up and smiled at him.

“Are you
leaving already?” she said hoarsely.

“Yeah, the
plane’s waiting.” He leaned down and kissed her on the lips and Stacy put her
arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

“Be safe,
Niki,” she said, fighting tears.

“I will.”  He
kissed her again and then he was gone.

Chapter 16

Stacy was
restless.  She had tried to go back to sleep after Niki left but it was no
use.  She got out of bed and brushed her teeth then left Niki’s room and walked
around the house for a while, but it was big and lonely and she needed
company.  She decided to go wake up Eli, so she went upstairs and knocked on
his door.  When there was no answer, she let herself in and went back to his

“Eli,” she whispered
from the doorway.  He rolled over but didn’t open his eyes. “Eli,” she said a
little louder, walking over to the bed.

“What?” he
said, with his eyes closed. 

Stacy sat
down on the bed.  “Niki and Jason left.”

“Okay,” he
said, falling back to sleep.   

Stacy tried
again.  “Eli.”

“Go away
Stacy,” he said into his pillow.

“When are you
going to wake up?”

He groaned
and rolled over, “Later.”

“Later when?”

Eli turned
over and opened his eyes.   They were squinty and his hair was a mess.  “All right
Stacy,  I’m awake,” he said irritably. “Now tell me what you came in here to
tell me, so I can go back to sleep.”

“I want you
to wake up and visit with me.”

Eli dropped his head back onto the bed and covered it with the pillow.

“Come on
Eli.  This house is so lonely when there’s nobody around.”

“Stacy, I
went to bed really late.  I’m tired,” he said, his voice muffled from the
pillow.  “Go bother Carlos.”

“Oh, fine,”
she said grumpily. Stacy started to walk out and realized she didn’t know where
Carlos’ living quarters were.  “Where’s Carlos’ room?” 
No response
“Eli,” she said.

“What!” he
said, annoyed.

“Where is
Carlos’ room?”

“Across from
Niki’s,” he said. “Goodbye, Stacy.”


Stacy went
downstairs and knocked on what she thought was Carlos’ door, and was happily
surprised to find him awake.

“Come in,” he
called. “Oh, good morning and what a pleasant surprise. How do you feel?”

better.”   Carlos motioned for her to sit, so she sat down in a big overstuffed
leather chair and propped her feet up on the matching ottoman. 

“I suppose
Niki and Jason left?” he said.

“Yeah,” Stacy
said, sounding sad.

Carlos smiled
at her.  “And you feel at a loose end?”

“Big time,”
she said.  “I’m so glad you’re awake.  I tried to wake Eli, but he was really
grumpy.  Do you ever get lonely here in this big house?”

“No,” he
said.  “But I wasn’t kidnapped and brought here against my will.”

true,” she said, then she thought about it for a moment.  “But, you know what
Carlos,” she said, “I don’t feel like I’m here against my will.  Not anymore.”
And then she added, “That’s kind of sick isn’t it?”

“Some people
would say so.”

“And what
would you say?” Stacy asked him.

“I would say
that you are exactly where you are supposed to be,” he said.  “You and Niki are
meant to be together.  I told him that on the plane.”

Stacy was
floored.  “Why in the world would you say that?”

“You don’t
remember the conversation?” Carlos asked.

Stacy shook
her head. “No.”

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