Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance (7 page)

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Authors: Caitlin Daire,Alyssa Alpha

BOOK: Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter Nine



The kiss in the elevator had not been mentioned again, and after a lot of trouble sleeping for a few days, I figured it was probably for the best. I’d be better off forgetting the whole thing ever happened, and it was obvious that was what Rory was doing, anyway.

The new normal was the old normal—working days in the hotel, nights in Helvetica…except now I’d get to see Rory and her family occasionally, giving me apprehensive smiles whenever we ran into one another in the hotel.

I tried to steer clear of Rory as much as possible. Not because I wanted to, fuck no, but because I figured she wanted me to stay away. She didn’t make any attempt to approach me or hang out, so I stayed out of her way and purposefully tried not to bother her. She’d had enough of my teasing, and even though it was even harder to stay away after the kiss, I made myself keep my distance.

Tonight, I was getting ready for a rager of a party. My friend Brian was having his bachelor’s extravaganza in my suite, and I was actually looking forward to it. Maybe some booze and strippers were all it would take for me to start acting like the old Finn Grayson again.

Still, I figured I should let Rory know that there’d be some commotion on her floor…at least that’s what I told myself as an excuse to go to her room. We hadn’t spoken in a week now, and the tension between us had been sky high the last time we were forced to have dinner together with the family. I also had a nagging feeling that her
was on to us. Nothing seemed to get past that firecracker of a lady.

I shut the door of my room and strode down the hallway to Rory’s. My heartbeat had sped up for some reason, and I felt like a goddamn teenager, like most of the time when I was around her.

I was about to knock on her door and get it over with when I heard soft laughter coming from the other side of the door. My hand formed a fist and I waited. Did Rory have a guy in there with her? Jealousy streaked through my veins, making me tense and nervous. She couldn’t possibly turn me down and then bring some jackass to her room, right under my fucking nose, all within the space of a week.

Could she?

I stopped feeling like a horny teenage boy and launched into full-on thirteen-year-old-mean-girl territory by leaning against the door and eavesdropping. The sounds coming through the thick door were muffled, but I could just about make out what she was saying.

“I know, it was really funny,” she said, laughing softly. There was a long pause before she spoke up again, and I knitted my eyebrows together, trying to figure out who the hell she was talking to.

“Yes, Britney Spears! He’s a horrible, horrible singer, Dana. Seriously, I thought I would die laughing. So funny.”

Her sparkling laughter followed as I realized a few things.

One—she was talking on the phone to one of her girlfriends as opposed to the imaginary hunk I’d wanted to drag out of her room by his hair.

Two—she was talking about me. She was describing what had happened in the elevator to a chick called Dana, and apparently, she thought I was funny.

I realized I was smiling like a fool a moment later, so I quietly cleared my throat and tried to stay grounded. I listened for more, desperate to hear the thoughts which Rory would never tell me willingly.

“Yes, I know I’ve told you a million times.” She giggled in embarrassment, which only made my grin grow wider. “Oh my god, Dana, stop! He’s my stepbrother now, remember? Of course I wouldn’t!”

Was it just me or was her voice a little too shaky with nerves? So she
thought about me in that way, as much as she was trying to deny it. Little minx.

“Dana!” she gasped. “Don’t be so horrible! I would never, ever, ever, ever do, you don’t get it. I could never sleep with him.”

, I mouthed against the door.
We’ll see.

“Stop calling me a social goblin! I know I need to go on more dates. And no, I will not take any more blind dates from you. We all know how that ended last time.”

Quite well, in my humble opinion.

“Don’t you dare! I am
going to a sex shop with you!”

Things had taken an interesting turn.

“I do
need a vibrator, Dana.”


“No, not a butt plug either! Jesus, will you let it go?”

She was angry and giggling at the same time, and the whole thing was making me grin like a fool. I only felt a little bit bad for invading her privacy, mainly because I was learning some
stuff about my sweet, innocent stepsister.

“Oh, okay. I’ll see you later for drinks anyway, right?” she said a moment later before pausing for a few seconds. “Yeah, I know you can only stay till eight, it’s cool.”

Another pause, which I used to back away a little, scared she’d exit her room at any moment and bust me eavesdropping the same way I’d busted her the other week. She said goodbye to her friend, and then nothing happened for a couple of minutes until I heard her speak up again.

“Room service?” she said, her tone more curt and professional. I realized she was one the phone again. “Yes, can I please get you to send up your special for dinner tonight? Uh, about nine P.M. Okay, thank you.”

She was ordering dinner for later on, probably wanting to make sure she pre-ordered the special before we ran out of the fresh rock lobster we were serving for dinner in the main hotel restaurant.

Oh, she was gonna get a ‘special’, all right.

I backed away from the door as quietly as possible, sneaking back into my own room with a devilish smile plastered on my face. My night was looking up; not just because of the booze and strippers, but because I had a very fun room delivery planned for Aurora Villanueva…


It was only a few hours later that I found a bare-chested, very busty and very friendly girl sitting in my lap, grinding against my cock.

“Come on, Finn,” she purred, her voice seductive and flirty as she twisted on my lap, trying to grab my attention. She couldn’t quite get me to commit to the lap dance she was busily performing, as my eyes kept drifting towards the door of my suite.

I was a fool.

Here was a gorgeous woman, sexy as fuck and ready to do anything and everything I asked of her….but I wasn’t asking, and I wasn’t going to. Judging by the wetness of the crotch she currently had pressed against my groin, I figured she was much more turned on than I was.

“Sorry, I can’t,” I grunted, pushing her off my lap. She pouted, but I couldn’t have cared less. I walked away, my steps slightly woozy as I made my way across the room.

The room was loud and boisterous, male voices cheering for the group of strippers someone had had the great idea of hiring. My head was fuzzy with the noise, and I needed to get out of here, fast, otherwise my head would explode.

As I made my way through the room, several of my buddies high-fived me and patted me on the back. I grinned and returned the happy cheers, though truth be told, I really wasn’t feeling the party. I was exhausted, and what was worse…all I could think about was Rory.

I got closer to the front door of my suite, and only when I was a foot or so away did I hear someone frantically knocking on it, like they were about to tear it down. I managed to stumble over before flinging the door wide open. The knocking ceased right away, and I looked down into a pair of familiar, warm and soft brown eyes. Only they weren’t particularly warm or soft right now; instead, they were blazing with angry fire.


She barged past me and stomped into the main room, glaring at everyone in there. The thumping music spilled into the hallway, and I quickly closed the door after her to make sure we didn’t disturb anyone else.

A slow grin spread across my face as I watched Rory, checking out every inch of her. She’d obviously just come home from somewhere. She was wearing a white top and a black pair of leggings that looked a lot like leather, and my eyes widened, taking in her pert rounded ass in those pants. Those things definitely needed to be illegal. I could already feel my cock stirring in my jeans.

“What the hell is going on here?” Rory yelled at the top of her voice.

Someone turned down the stereo and we all stared at her in the middle of the room. For such a tiny person, she sure knew how to own a room and make everyone listen to her.

“You’re making so much noise!” she said, stamping her foot down. “Is this supposed to be some sort of party?”

For a moment longer, a deathly silence ruled the room, but then a round of loud cheers erupted. The music came back on, and my friend Brett threw Rory over his shoulder as she shrieked in horror.

What the hell was going on here?

My eyes landed on Rory’s ass in those tight leather pants again, and the rest of the girls in the room gave each other confused looks as Brett placed Rory on Brian the bachelor’s lap. It was then that it dawned on me. My friends thought Rory was another stripper, doing some sort of bad cop routine by coming in here and yelling.

Holy fuck.

I could barely stifle my laughter as I made my way over to break the catastrophe up, just in time to see Brian struggling free.  “I can’t, guys,” he said, laughing and shaking his head. “Celia would have my balls for breakfast if she found out!”

His eyes landed on me and I could almost see the cogs in his head turning. “Hey, make her do a lap dance for Finn! He looks like he could use some cheering up today.”

Everyone cheered as Rory and I exchanged looks of absolute, pure horror. I was quickly pushed down on a velvet loveseat, and Brett carried Rory over, placing her directly in front of me. She was fidgeting, nervous and scared.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to do this,” I murmured to her before calling out to everyone else. “Guys, she’s not a stripper! Jesus.”

As much as I would have loved to watch her strip, I wasn’t that much of an asshole.

“Thank you,” she said, her shoulders shaking a little as I got up and gave her a reassuring smile. Actually, her whole body was wobbling a bit, as if she were slightly inebriated and trying her best to hide it. If she
drunk, then that’d certainly explain her outburst when she stormed in here a few minutes ago. It had been so out of character for her.

By now, most of my friends had gone back to partying and the music was back on, so there was no fear of anyone overhearing our conversation. I gave Rory a pat on the back, feeling like a patronizing jackass.

“No problem. You should get back to your room anyway, it’s getting late,” I said. Initiating big brother mode, apparently.

“Huh?” She looked up at me with a confused expression and crossed her arms. “Why? It’s not even eight-thirty yet. It’s not like I have a bedtime, Finn. I’m only one year younger than you.”

“Well, act like it, then,” I said, wondering why she was being so belligerent tonight.

She gave me an icy glare. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“Don’t come busting in here screaming at all my friends like a banshee, then,” I said, returning her stare. “What’s wrong with you? I mean, first you come in whining about the noise, and now you want to stay? Are you drunk or something?”

She rolled her eyes. “I had a couple of glasses of wine with some friends earlier, but I’m nowhere near as drunk as
friends seem to be. I can’t believe they actually thought I was a stripper!”

I arched an eyebrow. “Well, look at those pants…aren’t they a little revealing?” I said, hoping my jealousy wasn’t too noticeable.

I knew I had no right to be jealous, but fuck, I didn’t want other guys staring at her sexy ass. Considering how tight the pants were, there was no way any red-blooded guy
be staring.

“Are you saying I look like a stripper?” she asked in an acid tone.

I shook my head. “Not exactly…I’m just saying, they’re very tight and revealing. I wouldn’t have let you out in those pants if I’d had any say in it.”

Because if I had any say in it, you’d never be wearing any clothes at all,
I silently added.

“Are you freaking kidding me?” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “You’re seriously telling me how to dress now, like I’m some sort of child?”

“Maybe,” I said with a smirk. I wasn’t being serious; teasing her and getting her all riled up was just amusing as hell.

“Well, it’s a good thing you
actually have any say in what I do, isn’t it?” she said.

“Hmm…I dunno about that. Pretty sure I can make you leave this party if I want to.”

She narrowed her eyes, her look challenging me, and we stared at each other like dueling gunslingers waiting to see which one of us would draw first. I’d be damned if I’d blink before she did. I could feel my dick stirring in my pants already…she was driving me crazy. Her eyes alone could get me hard, whereas the stripper grinding on me earlier had only made me regret throwing this bachelor party.

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