| threat to society, McDuff deemed as a, 324-25
 | timeline of McDuff's known whereabouts, 298
 | Travis County District Attorney's Office, 300.
 | See also Counts, David; McLeery, Steve; Powers, Marianne; Sanderson, Alan
 | Travis County Medical Examiner's Office, 343
 | trials, McDuff's
 | attorneys appointed to McDuff, 291, 307
 | for Broomstick Murders, 43-47, 317-18
 | closing arguments, 309, 323-24
 | cross-examination, 309
 | death sentence, 47, 324-25
 | hair as the central issue of, 322
 | juries, 43-44, 47-48, 308-9, 310, 324