Bad Boys of London: The Complete GYPSY HEROES Collection (45 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of London: The Complete GYPSY HEROES Collection
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My hands curl around his cock. ‘Done,’ I say.

And then I am slowly, with water sluicing down my body, rising out of the pool. Fuck! He’s strong. I feel the hardness of the tiles by the side of the pool under my buttocks and thighs.

‘I want to kiss your clit now…’

I spread my legs out eagerly. I’ve never known a man who is so crazy about eating my pussy as he is.

His lips move forward and kiss the front of my bikini bottom. Looking up at my face, he pulls on my hips to bring me even closer.

‘Move the fucking material.’

Now that is what is called a fucking command. I pull the triangular piece of cloth slowly across to one side and expose my pussy to his eyes and lips.  I put my hand on his shoulders to steady myself and press my naked pussy against his face.

‘Lie back,’ he orders.

With my legs still in the warm water I lie down on my back. I feel the cool tiles on my back and his cheeks brush against my thighs as he moves between them. My legs move up and across his shoulders. And so he licks. Long languorous, thorough licks. The same dedication with which way a dog would groom itself clean. Earnestly.

There’s a job to be done here.

With each lick he goes deeper and deeper inside. One finger touches my hard clit.

‘Oh!’ I grab his head and spread my legs wider still. His tongue slips inside my pussy. Just a bit. Wow! It is enough to carry me home. I moan when he uses his finger to gently spread open my swollen lips.

‘So pink. So sweet,’ he murmurs.

One finger slides inside as his tongue continues to lick. I push against the finger. It slides farther inside. My eyes close and my body arches. His finger moves in and out of my wet, wet pussy. He covers my clit with his mouth and sucks.

My hand is clenched on the tiny material that I am holding back. My body tenses and I begin to moan. He begins to rub his whole face in my pussy. The action is so dirty I explode right there and then. Gushing onto his chin and listening to him slurp my juices greedily.

I come up on my elbows. Breathing heavily and craving cock! ‘I think I’m going to need a very big cock deep inside me.’

He grabs the sides of my bikini and yanks them down my legs. ‘I agree.’ He presses his palms on the edge of the pool and pulls himself out. Then he lays a towel beside me and I quickly get on my hands and knees, push my bottom up and wait.

His huge erection slides in slowly. The fit is tight and the sensation of being stretched and filled is wonderful. Then he holds still and my pussy calls him. I move against him, rocking my body, calling his sperm. This is the first time we are doing it bareback. Nothing between us, flesh to flesh. He reaches forward and starts massaging my clit. Little slow circles as I impale myself repeatedly on him. His stiff cock goes in and out of me like a piston.

‘I’m nearly there,’ I say, and he grabs my hips and rams into me. I gasp at the rough, hard slam. He fucks like savage, jerking me like a doll. I feel his shaft become harder and bigger and then he sprays his load deep inside me. In seconds I am adding my own cum to his. It’s a beautiful moment. We climaxed together. Without planning. Without trying. It just happened naturally.

He withdraws his throbbing cock and some of our warm cum gushes out of me, and drips down the inside of my thighs. He runs his fingers up and down my spine. We say nothing. We just enjoy the orgasmic high until we slip into warm water.

Like dolphins we glide and chase. Our bodies wet and slippery, we fuck in the water. I look deep into his eyes as I climax. He doesn’t know it, but that is my body saying, I love you.

I don’t know what lies in the future, and I don’t care. I am just happy seizing the moment.


return home the next day, still enchanted by the feel of deer eating directly from my outstretched palm, to find my answering machine blinking. One message at twelve thirty a.m. Who the hell left a message after midnight?

I press play and the message is blank. Well, it’s not exactly blank—I can hear someone breathing. Frowning, I replay it. Yes, for at least thirty seconds someone held a phone to their ear and breathed into it. A chill runs up my spine. I dial 1471 and an automated voice says, ‘Caller withheld their number.’

‘Fuck you, Michael,’ I whisper into the stillness of my flat.

I stand for a few moments looking at the phone. Then I pick up the receiver and call my mother.

‘Hi, Mum,’ I say brightly.

‘Ella,’ she says. ‘Guess who I saw?’


‘Your ex, Michael.’

I grip the phone harder. My mum doesn’t know how much trouble I had with Michael. I never told her how crazy it all got because I didn’t want to worry her. She only knows that he had become a pest and she was instructed to entertain neither phone calls nor any attempts from him to make contact.

I feel my heart rate increase. ‘Oh?’ I say as casually as I can. ‘Where did you see him then?’

‘I bumped into him at the supermarket.’

I frown. ‘Which supermarket?’


‘You mean the small one near you?’


‘Why was he shopping there? He doesn’t live nearby,’ I say, thinking aloud.

‘I have no idea. He never said.’

‘What did he say, then?’

‘Not much. He was very friendly, though. He invited your dad and me for dinner. Obviously I said no. And then he went on his way.’ My mother pauses. ‘He didn’t ask about you or anything like that.’

‘When was this?’

‘Day before yesterday. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I forgot. I haven’t done anything wrong, have I? I couldn’t be rude.’

‘Of course you didn’t do anything wrong, Mum. But if you see him again, even accidentally, let me know, OK?’

‘OK. When are you coming over?’

‘This weekend?’

‘That’ll be nice. Why don’t you stay the night?’

‘Um … I probably won’t. But I’ll definitely come over on Saturday. We can do some shopping and then I’ll take you and Dad out for lunch.’

‘All right, love. Do you want to speak to your dad?’

‘What’s he doing?’

‘What do you think he’s doing?’

‘Oh, if he’s watching TV don’t bother him. I’ll see you both at the weekend,’ I say quickly.

‘Goodbye, love.’

‘Speak later, Mum.’

I put the phone down and call Anna’s office number.

‘How was it last night?’ she says with barely suppressed curiosity.

‘Er … it was great.’

‘Great?’ she explodes dramatically. ‘That’s all I get?’

‘I’ll tell you all about it in one minute. Anna, has Michael tried to contact you?’

‘Michael? I’m the last person that spineless, useless pig will call after the ear bashing I gave him the last time he tried to get
to pity

‘Right,’ I say distractedly. Just the thought of having Michael in my life at this moment when everything is so wonderful and dreamlike gives me the shivers. I couldn’t go through all that again.

‘Why are you asking’ Anna queries quietly.

‘I think he called here last night, and Mum said she met him at the supermarket. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but I just wanted to make sure he hasn’t tried to contact you as well.’

‘Coincidence? My ass! I’d call the pig right now if I were you and warn him that the injunction is still active. He’s not allowed to come anywhere near you, or your family members.’

‘Can I call you back Anna?’

‘Sure. I’m here bored out of my mind. I’d love to hear about how you sucked Mr. Eden’s fine, non-tax-paying cock.’

‘Speak to you soon,’ I say with a small laugh and cut the connection.

Right. Anna is right. The brightest thing to do is to face it head on and nip it in the bud. I dial Michael’s number. Amazing how it’s branded into my memory. I shudder at the thought that I’m again calling him.

The sound of his phone ringing echoes in my ear.

But he doesn’t pick up, so I leave a coldly brutal message telling him to stay away from me, my mother, my workplace and all my friends. I remind him about the court injunction and tell him that if he ever calls me in the middle of the night again I’ll get the police involved. Again!

I know he definitely won’t want a repeat of what happened the last time.

I stand outside Rob’s door holding my envelope, a tight ball of nervousness in the pit of my stomach. Well, you don’t have to fear him after today. I knock on the wood

‘Come,’ he calls.

I open it and as I enter he looks up from some papers. There is slight frown on his face. ‘What is it?’ he asks impatiently.

I walk quickly to his desk and place my envelope down on his table.

He narrows his eyes. ‘What’s this?’

‘It’s my letter of resignation.’

His eyes pop open. For a second he actually looks panicked. ‘What?’ he erupts.

‘I … er … I’m leaving HMRC.’

He stares at me with a shocked expression while I fidget uncomfortably. I certainly never expected this reaction. I’ve always suspected he secretly doesn’t like me.

‘Why?’ he asks finally.

I look down at a spot on the blue carpet. ‘We’ve actually had this conversation before, you know, about the unfairness of taxation. All this time, I thought I was making things better, but it turns out I’m not. I’m just perpetuating a system that is intrinsically wrong.’

‘I see. So when did this change of heart come about?’

I shrug. I really don’t want to discuss Dom with him especially since he dislikes him so intensely. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ I say. ‘I just came in here today to give you my letter in person and thank you for everything you’ve taught me. I won’t be coming back after today. I’ve got some leave accrued to me and I’ll just use it up as part of my notice.’

‘Don’t be stupid, Ella. No matter where you go there will always be unfair practices. At least here you know that you’ll have a good pension scheme to take care of you.’

‘Look, Sir. It’s really kind of you to think of my future and everything, but I just can’t stay.’

‘But you’re one of our rising stars. You have a real talent,’ he says.

I look up, surprised by the compliment. I don’t think I’ve ever had one from him. ‘Thank you, Sir, for saying that. Er… it … um … means a lot to me, but my mind’s made up. I just can’t work here anymore.’

He frowns. ‘Where will you go?’

I shrug again. ‘I don’t know yet. I’ll probably find something temporary first and see how it goes.’

He holds my letter out to me. ‘I’m not going to accept your resignation. It seems to me you are acting on an impulse. You should take some time to think about this more clearly.’

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