Bad In Boots: Colt's Choice (8 page)

Read Bad In Boots: Colt's Choice Online

Authors: Patrice Michelle

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Bad In Boots: Colt's Choice
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Colt stared at the clock on his desk. Man, it felt like an eternity until six. He lost count of the number of times he stopped working and glanced at his watch, willing it to move faster. He hadn’t seen Elise since lunch. Earlier, he heard her talking on the phone, heard her sexy laugh and he instantly hardened. This was the longest damn day in his life. His body reacted as if Elise hadn’t satisfied him just a few hours ago. If anything, her knowing touch only managed to make him want her more.

Another long hour passed.

Colt said goodbye to Mabel as she waved goodnight. On his way out, Mace leaned in his doorway. “Have a good evening, bro, ya hear?” His brother winked at him and laughed heartily as he turned and walked out the main door.

His heart already pounding faster, Colt forced himself to wait until Mace turned toward the main house and Mabel’s car disappeared down the long driveway.

He pushed his chair back, picked up his hat and set it on his head as he made his way back to Elise’s office.

A grin rode up on his face as he pushed open her partially closed door. He was surprised to find Elise, her head cradled in her arms on her desk, fast asleep. Colt felt the disappointment course through his body, but it was quickly replaced with concern as he stared down at her, watching her sleep.

He walked over and scooped her up from the chair into his arms. “Come on, sweetheart, time to go home.”

“Wha…?” She looked up at him, dazed and confused. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she mumbled into his neck, “I’m sorry…must’ve fallen asleep…that’ll teach me to take the red-eye back.” When Colt moved to walk out of her office, she quickly lifted her head. “My keys.” Colt turned back and she swiped her purse and keys off the desk.

After he set her down next to his truck, Elise looked around. “My car’s over there.”

Colt put a finger on her jaw and turned her face toward his. “You’re too tired to drive yourself home. I’ll drive you.”

She stared into his eyes for a long moment and then sighed. “I guess you’re right.”

He opened the door for her and she slid into the seat. Once she’d buckled her seatbelt, he walked around to his side of the truck. Climbing in, he put his hat on the seat and started the engine. As his truck rumbled down the gravel drive, he saw Elise’s eyes begin to close once more.

Colt pulled into the parking lot in front of Elise’s apartment and she lifted her head when the car stopped. “Are we here already?”

He chuckled and got out of the truck. Opening her door for her, he leaned over and grabbed her keys from the seat. When she stumbled as she stepped down from the truck, Colt lifted her in his arms once again.

“Colt! I’m fine to walk myself,” Elise complained.

“I like holding you close, Lise,” Colt said as he nuzzled his face into her neck, inhaling her scent and wishing for more.

Elise sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked up the stairs to her apartment. Without setting her down, he unlocked her door and walked inside. Kicking the door closed behind him, he asked, “Which way to your bedroom?”

Elise pointed and he followed her direction. As Colt walked toward her bedroom, he vaguely noticed an overstuffed cream-colored sofa and chair with a rattan frame and a matching round side chair. Several boxes were still sitting around, waiting to be unpacked.

He laid Elise on her bed and started to move away.

“Where are you going, Cowboy?” she said in a sultry voice, her green eyes gazing up at him with sexy promises.

His jaw tightened. He fought the wave of desire coursing through his body at her suggestive question, the thought of her warm body pressed against his for hours.

Colt planted a brief kiss on her forehead. “You need to sleep, Elise.” He moved to untangle her arms she’d wrapped around his neck.

“You can’t leave me now.” She tightened her hold and pressed closer to him.

How did she manage to sound incredulous and alluring all at once?

Colt tamped down the hunger raging throughout his body. He looked directly into her eyes. “Elise, darlin’, the last thing I want to do is leave your delectable body alone right now. There’s nothing more I would like to do than bury myself so deep in you that neither of us would be able to tell where one left off and the other began.” He heard her intake of breath at his lascivious words, saw her pulse racing at her throat and his body throbbed.

Running his hand down her side and across her breast, he never relinquished her gaze. “I want to see every inch of your beautiful body, to know that my touch makes it hum.” He skimmed his fingers over her stomach and lower where he cupped her sex possessively through her jeans. Her heat radiated through the fabric and he felt his own body grow instantly hard at its fiery promise. She arched her back at his touch, moaning softly.

God, she was so responsive.

He removed his hand before all his good intentions slipped away in a haze of lust-filled passion. “I want you. But I want you rested and ready, not tired and half asleep.”

Elise sat up on her elbows and he instinctively dipped his head toward hers. She closed the small distance between them and drew his bottom lip in her mouth. After she’d sucked on it, she let his lip slide through her lips as she laid her head back on her pillow.

“You’ll pay for this,” she said with a disappointed sigh.

Colt chuckled at her petulant behavior. “Is that a fact?”

Elise bit her full lower lip and then ran her tongue slowly along it. She nodded. “Yes, it is.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Well, then, I’d better make the payback worth my while.” Lowering his head, he ran his tongue along her lower lip where she had just moistened her mouth.

Elise opened her mouth to speak and he took advantage, sliding his tongue into her mouth, intending to plunder her senseless. Elise kissed him back and began to suck on his tongue the same way she had sucked on his cock earlier. Her seductive act sent a jolt of raging lust slamming into his groin.

Colt jerked away, breathing hard. He stood, straightening beside the bed. “Good night, Elise. Sleep well.” Turning on his heel, he walked out of her apartment as fast as his boots would take him. As he closed her apartment door and used her keys to lock it, he heard her throaty laughter floating from her bedroom. His body reacted, winding even tighter.

Damn the woman and her talented mouth. Now, he’d be the one dragging tomorrow. Fuckin’ hell, he knew he wouldn’t get a lick of sleep tonight.

* * * * *

The next morning, Elise awoke to the aroma of fresh roasted coffee. It smelled strong, as if it were right under her nose. She inhaled again, drinking in the inviting scent and actually felt the heat against her skin. Her eyes flew open to see Colt sitting on her bed with a hot cup of coffee from the local coffee shop down the street in his hand. He pulled it away from her nose and took a sip.

“Morning, Princess. Sleep well?” His eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at some hidden humor.

Elise harrumphed and rolled away from him, pulling the covers over her head. “What time is it?” she mumbled. She vaguely noticed the sun had barely begun to rise outside.

“Time to rise and shine, sunshine,” he said in a voice way too awake for her. “I brought you coffee.”

“Go away and come back in two hours,” she said ungraciously. The truth was she didn’t feel very gracious toward Colt. He’d left her wanting.


All she did last night was dream about his handsome face. His hands touching her. Everywhere. She tossed and turned and slept fitfully for the first hour until the lack of sleep from the night before finally caught up with her. She slept like a rock the rest of the night. But she still felt like she could use a couple more hours.

She drew in her breath when Colt’s large hand landed hard on her backside.

“Get up, Elise. If you want to get to the office before Mace and Mabel do, get a move on. Else, they’ll wonder why your car is there and you aren’t yet.”

Man, she hadn’t thought of that. Elise threw back the covers and gave him a fuming look. “Oh, all right.” She rolled out of bed and stomped off toward the bathroom, not even sparing him a backward glance. Stopping off at her dresser, she quickly grabbed some clean clothes and closed the bathroom door behind her. As she slipped out of her silk pajama set, she heard his deep chuckle.

“So, how’d you sleep last night?” he inquired through the door.

“Like a baby,” she replied. There was no way she’d let this man know he kept her awake last night. No way!

“Uh-huh,” he replied, disbelief evident in his tone.

Elise turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up.

“Don’t take a long one. We need to be at the office no later than seven,” he called out over the patter of the water hitting the shower floor.

It would serve him right if she took a long one. But, then they would get to the office late and she didn’t need to give Mace anything else to tease her about. As she stepped under the warm water, it occurred to her how she could get Colt back. Elise said in her most suggestive voice, “It’s too bad we don’t have much time, Colt. You could have taken a shower with me.” When she heard no comment, she continued, feeling braver since she had locked the bathroom door behind her, “Well, there’s no use wasting a good shower.” She picked up the soap and ran it all over her body. “I guess I’ll have to imagine your hands all over my wet skin.”

Moving her hands over her breasts, she moaned loudly just for Colt’s benefit. The latest shampoo commercial sprung to mind, making her smile. Oh, she had the urge, all right.
Maybe I should kick it up a bit.
She threw back her head and closed her eyes as she ran her hands down her stomach. “Yes, yes, oh, yes, that’s it, YES.”

A cold draft of air, chilling her skin, caused her to jerk her eyes open. The soap slipped from her hand as Colt pulled the shower curtain completely back. His eyes burned with open desire as he raked his gaze over her wet, naked body. His look darkened as he watched the rivulets of soapy water disappear into the dark hair between her legs.

“I may as well see what I am missing out on,” he said in a light voice that didn’t quite mesh with his predatory gaze as it stayed locked on her body.

After a brief initial embarrassed heat infused her body, Elise regained her composure. “Colt!” She reached over to pull the shower curtain closed.

He grabbed her hand, staying her attempt to pull the curtain. His eyes locked with hers and held. “I told you I’m a very visual man, Elise. Did you not take me at my word?” His gaze challenged her to finish her shower while he watched.

Sexual power surged through her at his suggestive eyes. This man better learn she never backed down from a challenge. She gave him a seductive smile as she pulled her hand away and bent to pick up the soap. Straightening, she met his gaze once more and said, “Are you sure you can handle it?” as she began to rub the soap over her breasts and down her stomach once more. Through half closed eyes, she watched and relished Colt’s reaction. His jaw hardened and his grip on the coffee cup in his hand was so tight the cup bowed inward.

Elise chuckled inwardly at him and at herself. She was actually getting all hot and bothered at the idea of him watching her. Lifting her leg, she set her foot on the edge of the tub so she would have better access when she ran her hand lower. As she inched her hand toward herself, she looked up in time to see Colt turn to leave the bathroom.

“Hurry up. You have five minutes,” he called out over his shoulder in a gruff voice.

When he shut the door sharply behind him, she chuckled out loud, knowing she’d won that round. She spent the next ten minutes getting dressed and drying her hair. As she walked out of the bathroom, Colt grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the open door, thrusting his thigh between hers.

His mouth came down on hers, hard and invading, the thrust of his tongue in her mouth, taking…everything. Elise kissed him back, returning his fervent kiss. She loved the way he kissed, fast and hard or slow and heated. She didn’t care. She loved the way he tasted. This morning he tasted of coffee and cinnamon.

Colt slid a hand from her shoulder down her body to cover her aching center. His thumb pushed against her sensitive nub through her jeans. Elise arched into his touch. He applied more pressure but didn’t move his hand an inch beyond that. Elise tried to move her hips, but his thigh had her locked in place.

Colt lifted his head from hers and stared into her eyes, his eyes blazing with undisguised lust mixed with anger. “Don’t ever do that to me again when you know I don’t have time to do anything about it.”

Elise opened her mouth to defy him. Colt moved his thumb ever so slightly, giving her the sensation she sought. She gasped and tried to rock her hips. But then he immediately stopped and applied straight, frustrating pressure once more.

“I mean it, Elise. Am I clear?” he ground out.

Elise bit her lip and narrowed her eyes on him before she spoke, “Yes, I get the picture.”

Colt slid his hand up her stomach and laid it on her shoulder. Pulling her close once more, he planted a firm kiss on her lips before he turned and walked away. “Let’s go, Princess. The office awaits.”

She wanted to scream in frustration at the man’s retreating back. Instead, she grabbed her purse and backpack and followed him out the door, all the while mumbling about irascible cowboys.

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