Bad Kitty (9 page)

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Authors: Debra Glass

BOOK: Bad Kitty
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Kitty arched, ready for more as warmth spread through her sensitive backside and down the backs of her legs.

“Have you forgotten how you are to refer to me?”

“No, I haven’t forgotten!” she snapped and then bit her bottom lip, bracing for another blow.

His palm caressed the curve of her hip as he leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “Climb onto the dais, Kitty.”

She glanced once more at the imposing dais and the block. Her heart thundered against her rib cage. The idea of being restrained, bent for whatever punishment he wanted to mete out to her, both thrilled and terrified her.

“Go and bend over the block and I’ll give you what you want.”

Common sense screamed that she fight him but she did not want to do that. She wanted to bend over that block and be chained at wrists and feet, to subject herself to his whims. Before she could stop herself, she was walking toward the dais, climbing onto it and laying her body across the smooth, cool wood. It was just long enough to support her trunk and head and just the right height so that her hands and knees braced on the dais, the block slightly declined so that her backside was thrust higher into the air than her head.

“Spread your legs.”

Instantly she complied, trembling in anticipation of what he would do next.

Cold steel clamped around one ankle and then the other.

Her center pulsed maddeningly. She tried to swallow but could not.

“Give me your hand,” he said in that velvet voice.

Kitty stretched out one arm, allowing him to shackle her. She could not believe she was so willingly submitting to this but when he came ’round the dais, she offered the other hand without protest. In the back of her mind, she justified that if she got this over with as quickly as possible, she could escape once more to retrieve her letter and get it to the post office.

As it was, she was now completely at his mercy. In this position, he could spank her, tongue her, fuck her anywhere he wanted and there was little she could do about it.

Bram caught her chignon and lifted her head off the block until she was looking into his eyes. “You will not run from me again. Is that understood?”

She stared defiantly, willing to play his game.

When she didn’t answer, he snorted and let her hair loose before he went to the shelf.

Kitty watched as he gathered several items and brought them back to her. He laid them in a row on the dais. A little whip made of ribbons. A leather paddle. Something that looked like a phallus with a belt on it to hold it in place. Curious little pieces of jewelry. “I’ll let you think for the time being about what your punishment might be.”

Kitty’s eyes grew wide. He was leaving her here?

Like this?


But she watched him walk away, listening to the sound of his footsteps as they faded.

Kitty wanted to scream. She ached for him to touch her, to torture her until she throbbed between the legs. She wanted him to shove his cock up inside her and bring her to that feeling again.

Most of all, she desperately needed to get her letter posted.

Damn him!

* * * * *


Bram returned to his study, trying to ignore the voice in his head that told him to go back to that room, unchain Kitty and fuck her in his bed.

Such ideas were insidiously threatening. He had made her his wife against his better judgment. He damn sure was not going to let her under his skin.

There was plenty of paperwork to do before he returned and gave her the sound thrashing she deserved for trying to make a fool of him. Had she merely been testing him, wanting him to ride her down and drag her back, or had she really wanted to get her belongings?

There was only one way to find out.

But first on his agenda was penning a letter to his father’s barrister to inform him of his recent marriage.

The old duke would not like it but there was little he could do about it now that Bram had ruined her.

She had gone willingly onto the platform. She had prostrated herself to receive her punishment. Bram inhaled. He could go back there right now and bury his cock to the hilt in her. Maybe filling her full of his seed would dampen this fire in his breeches.

He had thought as much before but one taste of her had only made him mad for more. Then, he had been consumed with roiling emotions. He had made a fool of himself, rutting her like a hound to a bitch. But now…

Now he was in control. He would show her what a good fucking he could give her and have her on her knees begging for more like a seasoned harlot.

His cock lurched against his tight breeches and he shifted in his chair. The words on the paper in front of him blurred but somehow, he managed to write the letter to the barrister. There would be no looking over the accounts. Not today.

Not while his newlywed wife was chained and waiting for her punishment.

Chapter Seven


After Bram dispatched a crew of servants to collect Kitty’s belongings, he checked his pocket watch. It had been a full hour since he had left her to contemplate her new surroundings—to grow wet and ready for anything he desired to mete out to her.

As he made his way down the hallway to the dungeon room, anticipation set his every nerve on edge. He had toyed with more than one willing participant in this room. Why was Kitty any different? What about her made him as giddy as a love-struck teenager?

Kitty jerked when he entered the chamber. “You bastard!” Fire danced in her dark gaze. Redness encircled her wrists and ankles where she had struggled against her bonds. Tendrils of blonde hair meandered wildly over her back and shoulders. With her thighs spread and her rump in the air, she was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Her golden mons glistened in the dim light and although Bram chuckled, all he wanted to do was lose himself in her beautiful, supple body.

“How does it feel to be chained and spread for your husband?” he asked.

She growled.

“You are absolutely beautiful, Kitty,” he said. Her skin was flawless and white and the thought of turning her bottom bright red made his cock rock hard.

He moved around the front of the platform and watched her eyes as he reached down to the dais to finger the whip. While the ribbons looked rather benign and playful, the little knots tied along the lengths were deceptively lethal in creating the perfect sting. But her eyes did not widen with alarm or warm with desire when he touched that particular toy.

He then reached for the phallus. “Would you like this fake cock shoved up you, Kitty?” he asked. “Perhaps I could fuck your arse with it and bury my own cock in your delectable little cunny. Would you like that?”

He lifted it, holding it in front of her face. She twisted her head as he rubbed it along her cheek.

“You’re the very devil,” she seethed, rattling the chains with her futile struggles.

Bram placed the dildo back on the table and then he lifted the leather paddle. Kitty’s eyes widened.

Her cheeks flushed pink.

Ah yes. She did so love to be spanked. “This will be our plaything of choice today,” he drawled.

Her body shivered as he slid the tip of the paddle up her arm, over her shoulder, down the length of the back, over the enticing curve of her ass and down the back of her thigh.

“I want you to tell me why you ran away,” he said.

“To go home,” she said. “To get my things.”

“I told you that you would not need them.” Bram knew exactly how hard to apply the first swat. The sharp slap of leather on skin reverberated through the room.

Kitty cried out but it was not a cry of pain. Instead, it was a tense cry of need.

Behind her, he could see that the crevice between her legs was already damp. He inhaled, breathing in the sultry scent of her sex.

“Does that feel good?” he asked. “Do you feel the heat, the sting of the paddle?”

She moaned.

“Would you like another?” he asked as he teased the tip of the paddle up her inner thigh and patted her golden mound with it.

Her body tensed. She had obviously not expected to have a choice. And he had not expected to give her one. The power she held over him was intoxicating. Dangerous.

“Yes,” she hissed.

Bram drew the paddle back and swung it with a little more force. She sucked in a breath when it made contact with her bottom. Her fists clenched and her legs shook.

The imprint of the paddle on her ass cheek deepened from red to crimson. Bram’s cock grew as stiff as a steel rod in his breeches.

“You are the wife of the heir to a duchy. Whatever could you want with your old belongings when you have the world at your beck and call?”

“Another!” she cried. “Give me another, Master.”


“Tell me, Kitty.”

“No! Another. Spank me!”


“Oh yes,” Kitty groaned. Her nether lips quivered as she tried in vain to squeeze her thighs together.

Bram ground his teeth. Damn, he wanted to sink his cock in her and give her the sound fucking she deserved. But no. He wanted her begging for it. He wanted to break her will, to have her crawling on her knees and pleading with him to grant her a climax.

But Kitty was not broken. Not yet.

Her breaths came in great heaves while her entire body trembled. “Another,” she mewled.

This time he swung harder. The stinging slap echoed and when Bram withdrew the paddle, he saw the plethora of bright red marks left behind on her pale buttocks.

Kitty sucked in a sharp breath and wrestled against her bonds. “Yes, like that, Master. Again and again. Do not cease!”

Bracing herself, she laid her head on the block and gripped the chains hard in her fists while Bram paddled her cherry red ass. With her blonde hair askew and her teeth set hard in her bottom lip, Bram thought she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her willing submission affected him like the strongest liqueur, dragging him back to his past, back to a time when he had been forced to submit to such treatment.

Only he had not enjoyed it.

He had tolerated it. He had bit his tongue and held his tears while his father thrashed him for minor infractions.

Cry, boy!
his father had shouted.
I will not halt until I see your tears.

But Bram had not cried. Not once. He had never given in.

And neither would Kitty.

The fight gone out of him, Bram dropped the paddle and kneeled on the table behind his bride. By now, crimson welts had formed on her skin. She was so still he wondered if she had lost consciousness. He traced one with his fingertips and she shivered.

Bram trembled himself as he began to kiss the marks marring her pretty flesh. The desperate need to comfort her inundated him and he felt tears stinging his own eyes as he kissed and caressed her heated skin.

Kitty moaned. “I want you inside me, Bram,” she uttered, her voice but a whisper. “Fuck me. Fuck me now.”

Still kissing her bottom, he undid his breeches and freed his turgid cock. Out of habit, he slid his fingers through her folds to see if she was ready. Her cream dripped and Bram’s cock pulsed.

He swatted his own tears away. “You want me to fuck you like this while you’re chained and at my mercy?” he growled, teasing her with his fingers.


“You’re wet enough for me to slide my cock up your arse,” he said, raking the head of his phallus through her drenched lips and up to prod her anus.

Kitty trembled.

“I can bring you to climax like that,” he uttered. “With my cock in that hole.”

Flipping her loosened hair over her shoulder, she twisted to look back at him. “I want you in my cunny.”

He pushed inside her and she let out a sound that was more animal than human. Her tight sheath felt like wet velvet, drawing him deeper and deeper within her. Bram shook and clutched her backside, fighting the desire to explode.

His wife. His lover…


How many women had he had over the years while they were tied, bent impersonally away from him? That was not how he wanted Kitty.

He wanted to feel her touch, to watch her face, to kiss her mouth.

Abruptly he withdrew his cock. She voiced her protest but Bram stood and unfastened her chains while Kitty watched, bewildered.

“Get up from there,” he ordered.

“No—” she began but he lifted her bodily off the block and stepped down from the low dais with her, carrying her to the bed.

He laid her gently on the mattress and then he began shucking off his clothes.

“What are you doing?”

our wedding day,” he ground out.

Kitty gaped. What had come over him? At once, the hard, controlling Bram had grown sentimental and…tender. And while Kitty thoroughly enjoyed his sexual domination of her, she wanted to explore this side of her husband as well.

As he joined her on the bed, she reached for him, drawing him down to her. His knees parted hers and with one slow and determined thrust, he was buried to the hilt inside her. Kitty gasped. This was not like the last time. This time there was no pain. Only pure, pure pleasure that made her want to weep with joy.

His hands moved over her body, stopping to gently tug her nipples, to squeeze, to caress. Kitty gazed up at his face, realizing for the first time that he was more than just a handsome man. This beautiful god was her husband and a sense of possessiveness flooded her, surprising her. She welcomed his lips as they covered hers. As he slowly dragged his phallus in and out of her, he continued the assault on her mouth with the same deliberate intensity.

Kitty met each thrust, tilting her hips upward, writhing beneath him as her instincts cried for more.

“Patience, my sweet,” he murmured in her ear.

But the way his body shook told Kitty he struggled with patience himself. While the sensations she experienced were wonderful, the emotions roiling to the surface were frightening. Being with him like this, Kitty realized she was a willing participant in her own pleasure.

Then again, had she not always—always—bent for him when he commanded it, spread for him, submitted to him?

He dragged his mouth from hers and gazed into her eyes. Kitty stared back as the shocking realization washed over her that she had always been the one in control of her own pleasure. He had never dominated her. Not in the way she had thought.

She had always been a very enthusiastic contender in their games. She had even consented to their marriage and now that she understood it, everything had changed.

She cupped the hard line of his jaw and studied his face. His eyes were moist and the soft gray of a mourning dove. A lock of his hair stole forward to graze his forehead and she gently brushed it away. His expression was one of lust and admiration and Kitty wondered how she could not have seen this before.

Sudden passion consumed her and a wave of heat swarmed up her spine. Kitty hooked her legs around his and entwined her arms around his back to draw him down to her. The skin on his back was rough under her palms and she recalled the scars she had seen there. But this was not the time to dwell on past hurts. She could ask him about that later.

Their mouths fused again as he withdrew almost completely and then surged into her with such force her body was propelled up the bed.

Kitty’s concentration swirled downward, culminating in one magical spot inside her channel. Every time he dragged the head of his phallus against it, tremors swept through her. She writhed, following his thrusts to keep him on that one spot a fraction of a second longer.

Again and again. Faster and faster.

The muscles in her bottom burned with her movements and her mind flew back to the fierce spanking he had dealt her. Each skillful blow had been harder than and superior to the last, filling her with desire to have him embedded inside her. Chained and spread as she was, he could have easily slipped his cock in the hole where his finger had been just that morning.

Kitty envisioned it and suddenly her channel convulsed as violent spasms emanated from that spot inside her, rolling in waves throughout the rest of her body.

“That’s it, my sweet,” he whispered in her ear. “Milk my cock.”

And before the last spasm eddied away, Bram tensed. He pushed up hard inside her once and then again. A groan tore from his throat and Kitty opened her eyes to watch him rearing above her, his face contorted in ecstasy. When his eyes opened and his gaze found hers, Kitty realized something between them was different.

Breathless, she lay underneath him, overwhelmed with the desire to draw him down to her and kiss him. Instead she remained quite still, watching him. His eyes warmed as they moved over her, down to her breasts, to where they were connected.

“I want to keep you here in this room, in this sanctuary,” he said. “Here, no one can touch us, and here, I can teach you all the delights your body has to offer.”

It would be marvelously wonderful to stay here ensconced in virtual darkness and wrapped up in his arms, to forget about society, reputations, her secret life as Alistair Allenby…

A twinge of panic surged that she desperately needed to retrieve the letter she had hidden and have it posted before the defaming article she had written about her husband went to print, but it was dispelled by warms hands cupping and squeezing her breasts.

His mouth dropped to her ear. “I am still hard inside you.”

Kitty’s stomach tightened as he began to move restlessly inside her once more.

* * * * *


When Bram awakened her with a kiss sometime the next day, Kitty opened her eyes and snuggled more deeply into his warm embrace. She could have remained here but for the audible growling of her stomach.

Bram gave voice to a hoarse little laugh. “I was beginning to think you planned to sleep the entire morning away.”

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