Bad Penny (18 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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It was getting late, and clouds were blowing in from the west, plunging the quarry into an eerie half-light. The lower deck of the bus was dark, the upper illuminated, and I was on the point of calling out when I was taken by a sudden fit of shyness. I hadn't really thought out what I was going to say, or even what my intentions were. I certainly had no intention of trying to persuade Susan to drop him, especially as it would have been terribly hypocritical of me when I was having occasional sex with her big sister.
I paused in indecision, then, displaying an example of displacement reaction that would have had my old ethology tutor reaching for his notebook, I decided to climb on to the lowest ledge of the quarry-side and sneak a look through the windows. It was a bit of a scramble, but I got up and turned to look back at the bus from the concealment of a convenient stand of scrub willow. My viewpoint was excellent, and it was some view. A man, presumably Neville, was standing with his back to me, his trousers around his knees and his meaty buttocks moving rhythmically as he pushed himself into a slim young woman who was bent over the seat in front of him. She had a little leather collar around her neck, but was otherwise stark naked, her round, muscular little bum bouncing to his thrusts, her eyes tight shut and her mouth wide in breathless ecstasy. It was Susan, quite clearly Susan, despite her hair having been shaved at the sides and sprayed into irregular scarlet spikes.
I stood gaping in amazement, my eyes riveted to the obscene movement of Neville's backside as he fucked the girl I used to baby-sit a few short years before. She was twenty now, I reminded myself, and there was nothing immature about the little boobs dangling from her chest or her neat but womanly bottom and long, shapely thighs. Neville was a worse shock. I had expected someone with some mystique or charisma, but he was a short, fat man of perhaps fifty-five with long, straggling hair sprouting around a bald patch and a hairy, overweight backside. It seemed extraordinary that such a pretty, lithe young girl should offer herself so rudely to this dirty old man. A final touch of debasement was added by the contrast of her total nakedness and his state of partial undress, his woolly jumper pulled up over his beer belly and his greyish underpants and threadbare longjohns pushed down over his buttocks, just enough to give comfortable access to his cock.
His pushes became faster, then stopped as he came to a shuddering climax, making her squeal so loudly that I heard her. He rested for an instant before pulling out of her and sitting down heavily on a seat. She turned to the side and, just for an instant, I could see full between her bum-cheeks, her pussy neat and pink but her anus a dark spot, gaping black and wide. My mouth dropped open even further – he hadn't been fucking her; his prick had been up her bottom. I'd watched her get buggered and she'd obviously been enjoying it.
It took me a moment to pull myself together enough to think clearly, but as I started back down the slope my mind was nonetheless a confusing welter of thoughts. Ignoring the uncomfortable and slightly humiliating dampness in my knickers, I was torn between distaste at Susan being involved in a relationship that involved being bum-shagged by an ageing hippie and my feelings that she was entitled to make her own choices and it was none of my business to interfere.
Not that I'm one to talk, in any case. More than a few men have put their cocks up my bottom, and generally at my instigation. I love that really dirty, breathless feeling of having my anus invaded by a nice, fat cock, preferably with my face pushed into a bed, several pillows under my tummy to keep my bum up and the man in a welter of guilty ecstasy as he rides my bottom. Somehow it didn't seem the same for little Susan to be doing it, especially with such an obvious dirty old man.
I resolved to talk to them and, after waiting five minutes for them to rearrange themselves I poked my head through the curtain that shielded the entrance to the bus and called upstairs.
My shout was followed by a clatter of activity and Neville's head being thrust down the stairway. His expression was wary, even aggressive, for an instant, and then melted to surprise at the sight of me. As I was wrapped in a heavy polo-necked jumper several sizes too large, I must have been about as threatening as a slightly damp teddy-bear.
Ten minutes later, I was relaxing on a bus seat, stretched out with a beer in one hand while I took a long draw on the outsize joint that Neville had made for us. Susan was in a manic state, one moment walking up and down the aisle and pushing herself up on the seat handles so that her feet left the ground, the next sitting on Neville's lap or by his side as she stroked him. She had thrown on a long T-shirt, but still had her little dog collar with the ring at the front. I could see that she was naked underneath the top, as occasionally the neck would slip down to uncover a pert breast or the cloth would catch between the cheeks of her trim little bum. He was calmer, sitting back and smoking and talking, his easy and unpretentious manner making me warm to him. After a while, I began to see why Susan liked him. The relationship still seemed incongruous, but my mind kept going back to the way he'd been using her up her bottom just a few minutes before.
I'm not totally immune to dirty old man fantasies myself. I'd occasionally frigged off over fantasies of being had by a tramp, a game-keeper or whatever, usually in country settings and once or twice imagining their cocks up my bum instead of in my pussy or mouth. Still, I'd never been tempted to put such dirty ideas into practice. True, I'd once sucked a much older man's cock after a party. He had been perhaps in his late fifties, but very attractive and hardly counted as a dirty old man. Also Amber had let her godfather fuck me, but that didn't really count. All the men who'd buggered me had been young and good-looking . . . well, reasonably so anyway . . . OK, so there was the Czech guy who'd been maybe forty, but that had been different . . . OK, so I'm a slut and I like it, but Neville really was the limit. Or was he?
As we talked and became more relaxed, I began to wonder how it would feel to take Neville's cock, which had looked pretty skinny. Really dirty, was the answer. It would be humiliating, really humiliating. If there's one thing I can't resist, it's sexual humiliation, under the right conditions, and the current situation was becoming more and more right. Of course, the real question was whether they'd mind me joining in; but, from Susan's state of manic excitement and constant references to sex, I guessed that she wouldn't be entirely averse.
I began to think about it more seriously, imagining the shame of confessing I was willing, my pants being pulled down, having my bottom-cheeks pulled open, letting him lubricate my anus . . .
‘You caught us at it,' Susan giggled, breaking into my reverie.
‘I know,' I replied, now sure that they wouldn't be offended.
‘How?' Susan asked.
‘I'm afraid I peeped,' I replied. ‘I wanted to be sure someone was there, and . . .'
I stopped as Susan was blushing and giggling, her head slightly down so that her eyelids half hid her big, grey eyes. Neville just grinned, clearly pleased with himself.
‘So you saw what. . .' she started and then stopped when I nodded.
‘You wouldn't tell anyone, would you?' Susan asked.
‘Don't be silly,' I reassured her, and then, before I could think twice, I added, ‘it really turned me on, actually.'
Susan smiled at me and put a finger in her mouth, as if uncertain of what to say. For a moment we were silent, the smoke floating in banners in the warm evening air.
‘I thought I'd left enough time for you to sort yourselves out,' I said. ‘Sorry if you hadn't finished.'
‘I hadn't, well, you know, I wanted to come . . .'
‘Oh, sorry . . .'
There was another moment of silence, this one slightly awkward while Susan fiddled with the hem of her T-shirt.
‘Penny,' she spoke quietly, ‘would you mind if I gave . . . I mean if I, um, played with myself now . . . 'cause I feel really horny.'
‘Susan . . .' Neville broke in.
‘No, no, go ahead,' I replied quickly, expecting her to go downstairs to masturbate. ‘I don't mind at all.'
‘No, I mean while you both watch,' she stammered.
She had curled her legs up and was holding the T-shirt down over her knees, apparently oblivious to the fact that her position left her pussy showing, the swollen outer labia pouting from between her thighs with a glimpse of darker, moist pink between them. The sight sent a little shiver through me and I found myself swallowing in sudden excitement.
Susan lifted her T-shirt, knotting it around her waist and so enhancing her sweet hips and then parting her legs to expose the full expanse of her downy, black pussy fur and her round little tummy. She locked eyes with mine as her fingers went to her vagina and probed, emerging wet and glistening. I watched as she spread her pussy with her middle fingers, stretching the flesh and bringing her clit into prominence. She put the middle finger of her other hand into her mouth and began to suck it, making a sight that I found irresistibly erotic: the scarlet hair in its punk spikes, the nipples pushing up the fabric of her T-shirt, the pretty face looking coy and sweet and the long thighs wide open with the wet, pink centre of her pussy spread in blatantly rude display.
Putting the finger to her clit, she began to rub, her eyes closing in pleasure. Her thighs began to tense as she masturbated, her bottom sliding forward on the seat so that I could see the swollen pink knot of her freshly fucked anus, a dribble of white pussy juice running down to the puckered flesh and filling the opening. Her muscles began to contract and relax, the rhythm quickening as she neared orgasm. She squealed and at the last instant slid a finger below her pussy and up her bottom-hole, stabbing it well in as her ring contracted around it and then pulling it free with a sticky pop and opening her eyes to grin at us with an expression of impish delight.
‘Now you,' she said, looking right at me.
Neville said nothing, but turned to me with a hopeful look on his weathered face. Susan's offer was far too good to refuse. I'd been turned on from the start and watching Susan masturbate had added to it. The effects of several beers and a joint may have also made a difference, but I doubt it.
I looked at Neville, not quite sure of myself. Susan wanted me to masturbate for them, but I was game for more.
‘Do you want to?' he asked, gesturing to his crotch.
‘Go on,' Susan urged breathlessly.
I nodded, swallowing as he stood and came towards me, his crotch level with my face. His hands went to his fly and I watched like a mouse enchanted by a cobra as he eased his zip down and delved inside his longjohns and pants for his prick. I reached out my hand tentatively and let him lay it on my palm, the flaccid shaft greyish-pink against my pale skin. He was circumcised, his knob fully out of a thick ring of flesh that was all that remained of his prepuce. I curled a thumb over the shaft and began to stroke gently, making it move oddly, the inside squirming under the skin as it filled with blood in response to my gentle rubbing. Susan leant forward on the seat, putting her arm around my waist and watching me caress her boyfriend's cock from a distance of inches.
‘Go on,' Susan repeated, her voice quiet but insistent and excited.
I felt a lump of excitement rise in my throat, knowing she wanted me to gulp the obscene thing into my mouth so that she could watch me suck it. I hesitated for a second and then flopped it into my mouth, tasting the thick, salty, meat as my tongue enfolded the rubbery shaft. I glanced to the side to see Susan's eyes wide and moist with excitement as she watched my lips work on Neville's rapidly thickening cock. His hand cupped my head gently and he pushed his prick deep into my mouth, making me gag briefly from the feeling of his swollen knob at the back of my throat. For a while he worked me, holding me by the back of my head and using my wet mouth as a slide-box for his prick, then suddenly stopping and pulling away, probably only an instant before reaching the point of no return and filling my mouth with thick, salty come.
‘Would you like to try?' he asked.
‘Up my bottom?' I replied.
‘Yeah,' he managed, his breath coming hoarse and fast.
‘Please, Penny, I really want to see it,' Susan begged.
His cock was just in front of my face, standing proud and glistening wet with my saliva. It was quite long but not very thick, and the prospect of having it pushed up my back passage filled me with need. It just looked so deliciously obscene, stuck out of his trouser fly with bits of his underwear showing. It was too dirty to resist.
‘OK,' I said after a pause, ‘if Susan cuddles me while you do it.'
‘Say what you want,' he asked, pleading.
‘I'd like you to bugger me, please,' I replied, more than willing to play his game of talking dirty. ‘I'd like you to bend me over, and pull down my panties, and lick my anus, and force your lovely cock up my bottom; then use me slowly, pushing it in and out, pulling it out so my bumhole's gaping open like Susan's was and stuffing it back up me. Then I want you to take me by the hips and bugger me properly, ramming it in and out until I'm panting like a bitch on heat. Then I'd like you to spunk up my bottom and watch it dribble out and run down my pussy . . .'
As I had been speaking, I had turned over, kneeling on the seat so that my bottom stuck up in the air, covered only by my long jumper and the plain white knickers that I had chosen that morning. Susan moved around so that my face was between her little breasts, her hands coming up under my jumper, taking a grip on the waistband of my panties and pulling them down over my bum, helping me wriggle them down and off. I rubbed my face into her chest, nipped the erect bud of a nipple through her T-shirt as she cradled my head in her arms. I pushed my bum up higher and wiggled it, signalling that I was ready and willing to have my bottom fucked.

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