Bad Penny (29 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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‘Dirty bitch!' I heard.
‘What a tart!'
‘Little whore!'
I came at that. They'd caught me, tied me and stripped me, fucked me and buggered me, filled me with sperm. They'd boot-blacked my bare bottom, my face, my tits, my pussy: yet it was me who was the bitch, the tart, the dirty, degraded little whore. His finger was working hard on my clit, bringing me to a peak that made every muscle in my body contract. I felt the plug of boot-polish squeeze out of my pussy and my anus contract hard on the intruding tent peg. Someone gave a laugh at what must have been a truly obscene sight and it hit me again. The bastard wouldn't stop rubbing and I couldn't get enough air. I experienced an extraordinary sensation as I gagged on the oily rag in my mouth as I hit yet another peak, then I was choking.
An instant later the rag was being pulled out of my mouth and a hand was slapping my back. I gasped in great lungfuls of the fresh air, dizzy with my orgasm and feeling completely soiled and abused as I sank down over the rock.
‘You are a dirty bitch, Penny Birch,' someone said.
‘Me?' I exclaimed, even as I was still fighting to get my breath back.
She laughed and slapped my filthy bottom.
‘So when did you realise?' Amber asked as she filled my glass with wine. ‘When you found the polish?'
‘I wasn't sure,' I admitted. ‘I couldn't believe you'd go to so much effort just to realise my fantasy.'
‘Any time,' Anderson said cheerfully.
We were relaxing around the fire at Manga Farm. It had taken ages to clean me up, and afterwards they'd insisted I sit back with a drink while they did everything else. It was Anderson who had planted the polish, as he and Vicky had come down to inspect the cottage. By that time they'd had the whole plot worked out, including the collusion of the two extra men. These were Dave Symmes and Rob Kale, both old friends of Anderson and Vicky and no strangers to kinky sex. They'd stayed in a nearby hotel that night and watched me bathe naked in the river that morning from the forest. After that it had simply been a matter of outmanoeuvring me, which had been easy with five of them against just me. Finally they'd caught me and given me what they knew I wanted, with the details carefully orchestrated by Amber. They'd been ready to stop if I got in a real state, but hadn't actually been sure I had guessed it was them until I'd started to really show my pleasure.
‘So when were you certain it was us?' Vicky asked.
‘Quite late,' I admitted, ‘but I was pretty certain when Amber stumbled and went into a kneeling position briefly. No man ever had such a well-fleshed bottom, and certainly not a fit young army boy.'
‘Cheeky slut!' Amber joked.
‘That's when I decided it was you,' I continued, ‘but I wasn't absolutely certain until the three of you joined Rob and Dave. You were quiet, which I suppose you had to be, but it was a big giveaway.'
‘That was always going to be a problem,' Vicky admitted. ‘You'd have been bound to recognise our voices.'
‘I was sure then,' I continued, ‘and it was all just too convenient as well, with you having the big wooden tent peg and the boot polish and the twine and everything.'
‘And the strap-on dildo,' Vicky added.
‘Well, yes,' I said, ‘but I wasn't supposed to know about that. I knew for certain before that was put in me anyway, when one of you casually sucked. Rob's cock for him. I'm sure there's plenty of homosexuality in the army, but they wouldn't just suck cock as if it was no big deal at all.'
‘That was me,' Vicky admitted.
‘And you call me a slut!' I replied. ‘At least I was bound and helpless.'
‘Maybe,' she retorted, ‘but I know you, Penny Birch, and if we'd just ordered you to do as you were told, you'd have been on your knees with your bum in the air soon enough.'
I shrugged, wondering what I would do if five army boys ordered me to strip for sex. Run like the blazes, I was sure of it.
Cocks and Hens
It had been a long day. My nine o'clock lecture had been attended by just over a dozen students, all of whom looked as if they'd rather have been in bed. After that there had been a couple of tutorials before I got down to my research, which was at that dissatisfying stage where all I could do was press on and be patient. In the afternoon I had to oversee a demonstration for a particularly obtuse group of first-year chemists who were doing genetics as a minor option. By the time I had answered the last silly question, I was ready to drop, and was less than happy when I got back to the flat to find a huge pile of post to be dealt with.
Only one letter looked personal: a big, pink envelope postmarked from Devizes. I knew it would be from my friend Ginny Scott, and left it until last as a treat. When I opened it I discovered that it wasn't from Ginny, but from her prospective sister-in-law, Catharine King, and that it was an invitation to her hen party. She was marrying Matthew Linslade, Ginny's brother, and it was at his farm that we would be meeting on a Friday three weeks away. Despite it being smack in the middle of term and over a hundred miles away in Wiltshire, it was more than I could resist. Ginny was organising the party, and I could guess that anything she put together was not to be missed. Putting my tiredness aside, I wrote to say I would be there and then retired to bed with a ham sandwich and a railway timetable.
It was unfortunate that they had put the party on a Friday. As I had to lecture on Saturday mornings, this meant getting back after the party. Driving was out of the question, and so I was faced with an interminable rail journey in the dead of night. In the circumstances, I was prepared to put up with that. I was fond of Katie King: very fond, in fact, as I had been the first woman she had had sex with. When I'd been living with Amber, Katie had asked me how it felt to be spanked. I'd shown her, and her punishment had led to some deliciously messy sex. She was only a little taller than me, but with fuller breasts and hips, bright red hair and a combination of innocence and naughtiness that echoed my own character. Not only did the party raise the prospect of playing with Katie again, but Ginny would also be there and probably Amber herself. It seemed likely that the night would end in a pile of naked, giggling girls, and I was not going to miss out for anything.
Of course, I'd forgotten that Katie had no shortage of friends who'd have been horrified at what she got up to. When I arrived at the farm, there were already over twenty women there, of whom only myself and three others knew about Katie's experiments with lesbian sex. Ginny and Amber were two of them, and the third was Vicky Belstone. I greeted them all with as much enthusiasm as I felt was safe, only to have Amber take my hand and pull me firmly in the direction of the stairs.
I knew exactly what was coming, and followed with a delicious sense of anticipation and naughtiness. We went up to Matthew's bedroom and jammed the door. An instant later we were in each other's arms, kissing and fondling with a nervous passion born of long separation and the chance that we might get caught. I wanted to be spanked, but knew that it would be too noisy and so contented myself with burying my face between her thighs and giving her a leisurely lick. She sat on the bed with her skirt up and her panties pulled aside while I knelt submissively in front of her, kissing her shoes before starting on her pussy. She came fast, and was about to return the favour when we heard someone coming. Fortunately it was Matthew, who knew about us, but it still broke the moment. We returned, giggling, to the party, which was about to move on.
Having licked Amber, I was feeling incredibly turned on and desperately needed to do something about it. Of course, it was impossible, either as we drove to Broadheath or in the restaurant we had booked. I was in a cab with Amber and Vicky on the way, and both of them kept stroking my thighs through my skirt, which made it worse. By the time we got to Broadheath, I'd have gladly done it in front of the driver and Katie's friend Pauline, who was in the front – or with them, for that matter.
The restaurant was worse still, with me again seated between Amber and Vicky and the tablecloth covering enough of our legs to allow them to torment me without attracting attention. The last thing I wanted to do was stop them, but it was driving me mad, especially when Vicky dropped a spoon and took the opportunity to put her hand up my skirt and have a feel of my pussy through my knickers.
For all their lack of real sexual openness, Katie's friends were by and large pretty good company, and the party went well. There was plenty of laughter and plenty of drink, and by the time we got to the champagne and chocolates stage my head was spinning with the effects of both as well as sex. We were in the upstairs part of a converted barn, which gave us plenty of privacy, and Ginny had already told us that she had laid on a stripper for Catharine. He was going to spank her, bare-bottomed, although she didn't know it. I was greatly looking forward to seeing her rosy pink bottom and hearing her squeals of mock outrage.
Her favourite fantasy was being given a public spanking and, while her other friends didn't know this, Ginny was counting on it being accepted because it was her hen party. We also knew that she would find it incredibly humiliating in front of her friends, and enjoy it all the more for that.
When a waiter came over and whispered to Ginny, I sat back with my drink to enjoy what I knew was coming. Sure enough, a moment later a solidly built young man in a traffic warden's uniform appeared and tapped Katie on the shoulder. As she turned around, he started to give his spiel about having failed to pay numerous parking tickets. Of course, she realised immediately that it was her stripper and not real but, when he finished his piece with the information that he was going to have to spank her, she looked genuinely alarmed.
Not that there was much she could do about it. He was a muscular, swarthy type who obviously spent a lot of time at the gym. Poor Katie didn't have a chance; he simply picked her up, pulled her chair back and laid her across his knee. She was laughing and kicking even before he started but, with his brawny arm locked around her waist, her helplessness was genuine. Everybody was laughing and clapping as he began to plant gentle smacks across her seat, although one or two of her friends looked a bit doubtful. She protested half-heartedly until he stopped and began to pull up her skirt. Then she really started to kick and struggle, which of course she had to, in order to prevent just how much she enjoyed having her bottom smacked from becoming public knowledge.
He pulled her skirt up anyway, exposing pretty blue silk panties, loose over her bottom but with plenty of cheek spilling out at the sides. She quieteried down as soon as her panties were showing, presumably because there's no point in struggling once the deed has been done. He started to spank her again, slightly harder and concentrating on the chubby crescents of bare bottom flesh that showed around her panties. As I listened to her squeaks and giggles I was wishing it was me and waiting for the delicious moment when he pulled her knickers down.
Her bum-cheeks were already quite red by the time he decided to do it. He stopped, and turned to us.
‘Do you think she's sorry?' he asked. ‘Or do you think she needs her pants pulled down to make her really sorry?'
‘Pull them down; it'll teach her a lesson,' Ginny said coolly.
‘No!' Katie squeaked as his hand went to the waistband of her fancy knickers.
‘Shall I, girls?' he called out.
The answer was a chorus of demands for her panties to be pulled down. Even the quietest of her friends seemed to like the idea of her getting a bare-bottom spanking in front of them and, out of twenty-five women, only two remained silent. The rest of us were demanding that her knickers come down, and I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were secretly as excited as I was by the prospect of her lovely round bottom being stripped for a humiliating public spanking.
She fought hard to keep them up, kicking and wriggling over his knee, clutching her panties and calling us all sorts of interesting names. He just pulled her arms up into the small of her back and held both her wrists with one big hand, rendering her helpless. I love to be held like that and was even wondering what the girls would think if I asked to be given the same treatment afterwards. Because everybody was watching Katie's punishment, both Amber and Vicky had taken the chance to molest me a bit more openly. Their hands were both up my skirt, kneading my pussy and thighs, and what they were doing was barely hidden by the table.
The stripper took a firm grip on the back of Katie's panties and started to pull them down. She kicked and thrashed and swore, but down they came, exposing her lovely plump bottom with a puff of red hair showing between her thighs. He actually took them off, and dangled them tauntingly in front of her face, to her increased fury. He then started to spank her again, making her cheeks bounce and wobble, with each smack making them part to show off her pouted pussy-lips and the tight spot of her bumhole. It must have been so humiliating, showing it all in front of her friends, with her arms twisted into her back and buttocks turning pink as she was punished. I knew her fury was a fake, as it was just what I'd have done in her place; after all, if you're given a public spanking, you've at least got to pretend not to like it. The stripper knew that she would say the word ‘red' if she really wanted him to stop, as Ginny had primed him. Whether Katie knew that, I wasn't at all sure, and what did surprise me was her friend's delight in her pain and humiliation.
The smacks were coming quite hard, and she was really dancing over his lap, giving an open display of vagina and anus with each slap. Amber had found my clit and was rubbing it, while Vicky was tickling the curve of my bottom with her nails. My eyes were fixed on Katie's pink, wriggling bottom and I could feel my orgasm welling up. Just as the muscles of my abdomen started to contract, he stopped spanking her and everybody burst out clapping. We had to join in or somebody would have noticed, and the abruptness of the come-down from the brink of orgasm to nothing was so severe that for a moment I felt faint.

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