Badass (5 page)

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Authors: Gracia Ford

BOOK: Badass
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My cock was begging me to fuck that ass.  Visions of me taking her and sucking on those nipples, hard, flashed through my mind as I walked her to my office.

“Would you like me to come in?” Tina whispered as we approached the door.  Her voice was faint, which was unusual for her because she was so confident.  I turned and shook my head.

I was fucking floating in heaven because of this mysterious lady.  She brushed past me as I opened the door and I pointed to the seat in front of my desk.

“Would you like something to drink, Mrs. Watson—tea, coffee, or water, perhaps?” Tina popped her head in the door to ask.

I nodded, wondering what she was wearing under her dress to make her nipples show so proudly.  Did she do this to her husband or just any man she came in contact with?

She shook her head and Tina closed the door as I walked to my chair.  Mrs. Watson started talking and I was shocked by her words.

“Let’s cut the crap, shall we? A friend of mine needs to enroll in your program.” I was confused. Why start with a friend if she wanted to cut to the chase?  Women normally refer to themselves as friends when they’re scared that speaking for themselves would mean automatic dismissal.

“Bullshit,” I interrupted, before she could say anything else. “You don’t need to lie and say it’s for a friend. I don’t like liars.  Anyway, my membership’s full,” I blurted, not even checking the calendar or the dates she required. I knew I never wanted to see her again.

I smelled lust when she’d brushed past me to sit in the chair. I could sense how much she needed to be fucked, but I sensed trouble when she spoke, which was enough to keep me away.  One thing I can’t stand is trouble. 

She’d crossed her legs and inhaled, sitting in silence for what felt like an eternity, but could have been only a few seconds.  Time seemed to drag on. I was getting hot under the collar and wanted this woman to leave. She was starting to really get under my skin.

I glanced around my office, making sure everything was in order.  I scanned each item, stopping first on my trophies, then the celebrity photos hanging on my wall.  She was making me feel twitchy. My dick was reacting to her scent, her breathing, her gaze on me. Fuck, everything!

I hated not being in control. It’s the one thing I despise. I’ve always steered clear of any woman who made me feel like that.  “Confession time,” I commanded.

Mrs. Watson re-crossed her legs and clasped her hands together to reflect an aura of power.  I relaxed back in my leather chair, wondering what this flawless beauty before me had to offer, other than sex. Shit, I had plenty of that, but I stared at her mouth, wanting to put my cock in it. Her cheekbones were sculpted to perfection.

“I’m not here for me,” she said for the second time that day and paused, waiting for my reaction.  I didn’t react. I listened as I always do unless I’m fucking. In that case, I’m the one who speaks and instructs.

“My daughter needs help,” she said.

Shit, I ain’t no counselor.

“Look, lady,” I said as I reached across the table.  I needed to stretch. She was taking too long to get to the point and I had a class scheduled in twenty minutes. “I’m not a counselor. Didn’t you see the sign? It’s a gym. Explain to me how that’s unclear.”

“I did and I know where I am. What I need—” she got up and started pacing back and forth in my office like she was the one pulling the strings.  Mrs. Watson was starting to piss me off. 

“I need you to have four weeks of your special lessons with my daughter. That’s all. Nice and easy.” She clapped her hands together like she had discovered a cure for cancer. “It’s called BNY, isn’t it?”

What? She has got to be fucking kidding me.

No one comes into my place of business and tells me who to recruit. I decide who is accepted and who’s not, or rather Tina does.  She sat back down and crossed her legs once more. I stood and saw she was wearing a garter. That’s right, a fucking red and white lace garter.  She didn’t even try to hide it.  She just looked at me, flapping those long, luscious eyelashes, and I found myself walking toward her, bending down, and stating what was going to happen.

“Of course, but what’s in it for me? I don’t do favors, ever. You want her in; show me what you’re going to do to convince me she deserves a chance in my program. You have one shot or you can get the fuck out of my office.”  She made me angry with her presumptions about her daughter.

I wanted to run my tongue down her leg and take that garter off with my teeth.  When she stood up, she slowly lifted her dress showing me she had no panties on.  Then, she rolled it down again licking her lips.  Damn, this woman was hot.  I felt my cock harden.

She simply nodded and said, “I’ll give your assistant the details and then we can start.”

My cock rose, knowing this wouldn´t be the first and last encounter with Mrs. Watson.


he ladies started to snigger at Mia´s confession.  She didn´t even mind. Her face remained emotionless; she had told us the reason for her attending the class and managed to stay confident in her response.

“She says my fiancé cheated because I’m a worthless lay.”  Everyone gasps, including me, but we have a flow so I motion for number five to carry on.

“I’m frigid,” says number five, the beautiful Asian. Frigid, how’s that even possible? She speaks to the wooden desk as she says it, as if she’s embarrassed.  I so fucking want her more after she said that.  Big boy Alex will get you out of your shell, sweetheart.

“My fiancé wants the sex to be better during marriage, so he sent me,” number six says, and this is the first time today that I actually feel sorry for her, because her outburst earlier made no sense. She was telling number one off earlier.  Tina probably forgot to do orientation with all the shit that is going on with her, ‘cause no one in this group is making any sense.

“Me,” says number three, and I raise an eyebrow.  The redhead is turning out to be my favorite.  Shit, she has the confidence and the body to pull everything off.

I stand and write all their answers on the board.  I turn around to see them all making notes. They’re taking notes as if I’m teaching fucking Latin or something.  What’s on the board that they need to write down?

I pick up the marker and put a line through every one of their answers, except the last answer: me.  I turn to them. “This is the only reason each of you should be here.  Only one of you is fucking here for the right reason. I’m still debating whether the rest of you should go or not.”

Silence hits the room like a ton of bricks; there is no more bitching or comments after that statement.  The rest of the day, they listen as a group. They even start to bond.  I stop being so harsh, as it is clear to me that this group needs molding in a different way. I just hope I hear good news from Tina sooner rather than later.


need to hear from Tina, soI give them a few minutes to grab a drink or go to the bathroom.  Whatever they want to do. I don’t care. I just need to collect my thoughts and hear Tina’s voice.

Mia’s making her way toward me; I catch a glimpse of her heading in my direction as I turn around.  I really don’t want to have a one-on-one conversations with anyone, especially her.  How can a woman in a white shirt and khaki shorts, be so hot?

“Alex, I wanted to catch up with you for a minute,” she screams from a distance.

I’m not sure what to say.  What could she possibly want to catch up with me about? “Yes?”

She starts looking at the ground as she makes her way closer, stopping in her tracks a couple feet in front of me.  I can smell her sweet aroma lingering in the air as she stands so close to me. “Alex,” she whispers.

Even the way she says my name gives me goose bumps. She doesn’t say it abruptly like most of the guys, and she not purring it in my ear ready to seduce me like most of the women.  It’s soft, yet strong, with a thick Philly accent.

“I’ve got—”

What is it? What’s her problem that she can’t say it out loud?   She looks up at me and this is the first time I’ve noticed how her brightly eyes shine.  They’re brown, but with a slight hint of gray.  I want to touch her, but I can’t. Her fucking lips are screaming at me to kiss and suck them, to redden them with my assault.


I can’t speak. I’m dumbfounded. For the first time in my damn life I don’t know what to say. What the hell is wrong with me?

“There’s not enough—” She looks down as if she’s embarrassed, and then she turns around and points to her ass. I know what the issue is exactly. “Oh,” I sigh as I notice the small bloodstain on her shorts. They’ve got three sets of uniforms.  She must have used them up all three already.

“You need....” I nod as she turns back around.  I feel uncomfortable and awkward, and like such a jerk for handling her this way.

Is she really talking to me about this issue? Maybe she should have told Carl. I´m fucking confused. No one feels comfortable talking to me about anything, especially something like this, except Tina.

“I couldn´t talk to the other women.  They´re–”

“Different.” I was using a polite term. Seriously, after what I went through with Tina, I realized for the first time in my life that not all women were like my mom. Some were vulnerable, others were bad, like my dad, most were good. I needed to tone down my attitude and be a part of the bigger picture.  Even settle down one day, maybe.

“Look, I’ve got to go attend to some business. I’ll give the cleaning staff a call. You’ll have what you need waiting in your cabin. I’ll take care of it. I just have a lot on my mind right now, sorry if I was a bit of an ass before. Let me know if you need anything else.”

She smiles and nods. I hesitate before making my way to my room.  I feel like a fucking lovesick teenager. I should be heading in the opposite direction.  Grow up, Alex. You’re a grown man. 

Then, I do the stupidest thing. I smile at her.  Even worse, she returns the gesture. I don’t think this is a good sign for me. Maybe I’m moving too fast in a direction I know nothing about and with a student.

Keep it cool Alex.

Keep it real cool.

Chapter Seven

he ladies think they have a yoga session. I like to help the ladies be more flexible. I watch as they take out their mats, thinking Linda is going lead them.  She comes in once a week to get them all stretched up, especially after their trench session.

Two trench sessions in one week; I bet their bodies are aching. 


Mia walks in and smiles at me.  I wish she wouldn´t do that.  The other ladies either purr or seem to be scared of me, like number one.  Mainly because every time I see her, I just want to feed her.  She looks a bit better than when she started, toning up nicely.  It’s only been a couple of weeks; she needs a good diet for a couple of months to make her healthy, at least.

My cock twitches as Mia drops her mat.  Shit, down boy. Calm down, she’s not that hot.  After all the women I’ve been with, why does she make my dick react?  Sure, she has tits, but they’re not big or anything.  Just the right size to squeeze in the palm of my hand.  The lace bra under her shirt highlights them.  She must be cold, because her nipples are screaming my name. 

I move my attention to the rest of the ladies, any one of them except Mia.

“Where’s Linda?” number six blurts out. She’s probably scared I’m going to take her through the trenches again.  She’s pretty, but she has way too much attitude.  Her chest could suffocate me.  I mean, I’ve seen big, but her breasts bounce into the room before the rest of her does.

“She’s not coming,” Carl sighs as I stand by the window.  I look at my fucking feet, just so I don’t have to watch Mia drop her mat on the floor.  Her butt is up in the air and all I can think about is getting behind her and sticking my dick in it. 

“No, she isn’t. I’m taking the class today.”

I clear my throat, aka adjust my dick, as I focus on number three.  That’s a bad idea. Her tongue went up from the top of her lip to the bottom in a slow seductive motion. I imagine it on my dick for a brief second and it jerks up again.  Shit, I really need to get some sort of control. 

“No yoga?”  Number six cries while she adjusts her bra—or could it be her tits?  Shit, those things could hurt someone.

“No,” Carl says as he shuts the door and comes to my side. 

I shake my head because today there seems to be no concentration.  I’m not in control and I don’t like it.  I’ve done this shit so many times and never, not once, have I been distracted.

“I want to know what you ladies know about the art of seduction.”

I start to walk around them, one by one, taking in their body language as I speak. “No makeup, no sexy clothes.  I want you to use your body and mind to seduce me. “

Number two laughs as she sways her hair from left to right, as if she’s running down the beach at the start of Baywatch.  She really does love herself.

Number three simply moves her hips to the side and I swear she purrs as I walk past her.  She rubs against me like a Cheshire cat.  She, obviously, doesn’t need this class. She’s a born natural. 

“What we want....” I pause as I stand in front of Mia. 

“Is for you ladies to want us to fuck you tonight!” Carl stops at his statement, in front of number two, Miss All-America.  I get distracted. This is something he shouldn’t be doing; he’s with Tina. 

“So, how are we going to do that?” number six asks.  Everyone stops and turns to look at her.

“That’s for us to figure out!” number five says. The pretty little Asian girl is batting her eyelashes as if she’s catching flies or something. 

Shit, I thought hormones were for women, not men.

“Yep, as Carl said, make us want to take you.  Right here and now.  One by one.  Starting with number one.”  Carl and I walk to the window.  Our arms are folded and our signal that it’s working is to unfold them.

Our aim is to act defensive.

Pretend we can’t be broken.

These women need to work hard for it

Chapter Eight

o,” number one says as she stands before us as her eyes dart from me to Carl as if she’s watching a tennis match.  “Do you come here often?”

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