Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Slowly, she looked up into Mikhail’s eyes and in a very quiet voice said, “Yes to both.”

His fingers started to play with the loose strands of hair that had fallen from the ponytail she wore that day. She felt as though her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

She couldn’t breathe. Every breath she took, all she could smell was the clean, fresh male scent of Mikhail.

“Mikhail,” she whispered. “I didn’t think it was such a big deal.”

She watched his mouth as a smile broke across it. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip, watching as her tongue came out to quickly taste his path.

“Oh, but, Sienna, baby, it is a very big deal when it means that we have wasted so much time. Time that could have been better spent in bed with Sasha’s cock in your ass and mine in your sweet, tight pussy.”

She gasped, and that gave Mikhail the opening he needed as he brought his mouth down hard, his tongue sliding along her lips, seeking and gaining entrance. Fuck, he tasted good, she thought as he played with her tongue, swiping back and forth against it.

She felt movement at her side, and then she was being moved so that Sasha could get behind her and pull her back against him. “God, baby, we have wanted to do this for so fucking long,” he whispered against her ear as he continued on down, kissing and licking her neck. His hands came around and started to undo the front of the dress that she was wearing so that they had better access to her breasts.

“Undo your bra for us, sweet pea. Show us those luscious breasts you’ve tried so hard to hide from us,” Mikhail asked as he continued his assault on her senses. His hands slid down to her hips and pulled her lower body against the bulge in his jeans.

Not knowing why she was unable to say no, and really, at this point not caring, Sienna reached up and quickly undid the front clasp of her bra and allowed it to fall open.

Sasha’s hands covered the underside of her breasts immediately, holding them as if they were offerings to his brother. “They’re exquisite, baby. Soft”—he rubbed his cheek against them—“full, and topped with the most luscious pink nipples I have ever seen.” He took a long, slow swipe with his tongue across the top of her breast to close his mouth over her extended nipple.

“We gotta stop now, Mikhail. I don’t want to take her here in the office…at least not today!” Sienna could feel his arousal against her butt crease and wanted nothing more than for them to spread her out on the conference table and have their way with her.

* * * *

Sasha watched as Mikhail lifted his head from her breast and slowly started to dress her. Damn, how the hell were they ever going to get any work done now that they knew what kind of fire lay beneath their quiet little assistant?

They could tell that Sienna was having difficulty making sense of her world. How the hell had this happened?

* * * *

Stepping out from between them, Sienna covered her mouth with his hands, trying to hold the feeling of his lips against hers. She felt like she was going to break into a millions pieces after that incredible make-out session.

Stepping backward toward the door, she tried to hold the tears back that threatened to fall. She couldn’t let them see how much they affected her.

Sasha was quicker than she realized because before she could make it to the door, he had his arm around her waist and was walking her back toward the leather couch.

“You’re not going anywhere until we get the answers to some questions, little one.”

Mikhail sat down on one side of her and Sasha on the other, each taking a hand in theirs.

“You haven’t said much since this all started, babe. Please tell us you feel it just as much as we do?” Sienna looked into Mikhail’s eyes and knew that she was a goner. She burst out crying.

“Oh great, Mikhail, make her cry,” Sasha said sarcastically.

Between sniffs and hiccups, Sienna tried to tell them that she wasn’t upset with them.

“Why the tears then, sweet pea?” he asked.

Pulling herself together somewhat, she sniffed. “I just can’t believe that you want anything to do with me. You are so out of my league it’s scary.”

Sasha’s face lit up. “Baby, we have wanted you from the moment we saw you, but we live a certain lifestyle, and there are a few things that we need you to understand.”

Sienna suddenly stiffened and realized that it was now almost coffee time and they had yet to ask her the favor that they wanted from her.

“Just what is this favor that you boys needed from me before this all started?” she asked, suddenly afraid that all the kissing and touching had been to soften her up for their favor.

* * * *

They saw her become rigid in her seat and knew exactly where her thoughts were headed, and it was not a good place.

“Honey, everything that just happened was only a taste of what is destined to happen whether or not you do us any favor. You will not deny what is between us. We won’t let you!”

Sasha grabbed the sheet of paper that Mikhail had retrieved from his desk earlier and showed it to Sienna.

Club Kinsey’s Annual Sub Auction

By Invitation Only

7 subs will be offered by various companies to help out our local charities.

100% of all monies raised will be given to four local charities.

The Healing House—A safe place for battered women to heal and get the help needed to move on with their lives.

Dell’s Center—A drop-in center for troubled kids. No child is ever turned away.

Kinsey’s Corner—A once-a-month dance party that is provided for all kids in Kinsey. Security, food, drinks (non-alcoholic), and bands are provided by the Kinsey Foundation. Rides are also provided for anyone needing them. Babysitters are provided for the younger children so parents can have some free time.

Sarah’s Place—A house where families can stay, free of charge, while their children are being treated for any life-threatening illnesses or injuries. Families are also given any help needed with medical bills.

“We need you to represent Dalhousie Electronics as our sub. The girl that was originally going to do it is unable to.”

* * * *

Sienna sat there looking blankly at the piece of paper that she held in her hands.

They want me to be auctioned off as a submissive?
Holy crap!

Looking surprised and a little shell-shocked by their request, Sienna knew that they were waiting for her to say something.

“Sienna…? Baby…? Are you okay?” they both said simultaneously.

“What do I have to do for this auction?” she asked nervously.

“Well, Kane, one of the Doms from the club, will choose an outfit for you to wear, and then you are taken up on stage to be bid on. The winners get you as their submissive for the weekend. You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do with anyone.”

Sasha wanted to leave the option open to her, but he knew that they would be her Doms for the weekend no matter how much they had to spend. After all, all the money was going to some really great charities.

“And you guys don’t mind me going off for a weekend with some other guy? To do who knows what?”

* * * *

She didn’t know what she was expecting for an answer from them, but their “Sure why not” really surprised her and pissed her off at the same time.

Okay then, they didn’t give a rat’s ass who she fucked, then sure, she could do this.

“Sure why not.” She smiled just a little bit too enthusiastically. “Sounds like it could be a lot of fun, and I might even meet that
someone, hey!” She giggled to herself when she saw both men’s faces pale at the thought.

Chapter 2

Friday Night

Why the hell did she agree to this anyway?

Sienna had arrived at the club at the time she had been requested to and went straight through to find Master Kane so that he could help her to dress for her little adventure.

Sienna had always felt that she would love to be dominated in the bedroom but had never tried to experience it. Her ex-husband hadn’t touched her since their wedding night except to punch her or kick her if she pissed him off, which as time went by, she seemed to do more and more. Hence the reason he is now her

She was taken to a large room with no windows and told to wait until Master Kane came to get her. Looking around the room, it seemed to be some sort of playroom. One wall was lined from ceiling to floor with mirrors. The other side was made up of built-in drawers. In the center of the room was a large padded table, similar to ones she’d seen in her doctor’s office but much larger and softer-looking.

Setting her overnight bag down on the table, she walked to the farthest wall, curious to see that there seemed to be what looked like a swing in the one corner and some sort of cross in the other. Only the “cross” had cuffs attached for both the hands and feet.

Images of Mikhail and Sasha cuffing her to the cross and doing whatever they wanted to her made her body shiver and her pussy very wet.

The door at the far end opened, and in walked the largest man that Sienna had ever seen, He was just a little taller than her bosses, but he had a barrel of a chest and arms that looked like they could crush her like a toothpick.

“Sienna…? You are Sienna Watson, are you not?” the mountain asked.

“Ah, yes I am, are you Kane? Oh sorry, Master Kane?” She blushed as his dark gaze slid over her from head to toe.

“Yes, I’m here to get to know you better so that I have some idea on what type of outfit to put you in. Here”—he gestured to the large table—“sit here, and we’ll get better acquainted.”

* * * *

Kane could see how nervous she was. He backed away from the table to give her a little more space.

Once Sienna was sitting on the table, he continued, “Now I just have a few questions for you, and even though they are very personal, I need to ask them. Club Kinsey is a very exclusive club, and I want to know what the extent of your knowledge of what we do here is.” Kane hoped that his quiet demeanor would help put this little bit of a girl at ease.

* * * *

She realized that even though Kane was the size of a bulldozer, he had one of the gentlest voices she’d ever heard. “Well, I can tell you right now that I know very little.”

Kane’s voice sounded harder when he said, “Did I give you permission to speak?” Suddenly, she wasn’t quite so relaxed anymore.

“Understand right from the start that any Dom in the club will expect you to act submissive to them. Not sexually, only the one that buys you can do that,
you choose.”

Leaning forward, he looked directly into her eyes and lifted her chin.

“And remember, Sienna, it is always your
. No one will ever force you to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with.”

Clearing her throat, she asked, “Permission to speak, Master Kane?”

“Very good, Sienna, you learn quickly. You can speak freely from now on, and you can call me Kane when it just the two of us. I just wanted to see your reaction and to make you aware of your surroundings. Not that you would ever come to harm from anyone here, but just as a precaution.”

Letting out the breath that she had been holding, she sighed. “Thank you…Kane. I’m very new to everything. I’m doing this as a favor for my bosses. The girl originally scheduled to do this backed out at the last minute. It’s for charity, and I would really like to expand my horizons, so to speak…” She knew she was rambling but couldn’t seem to stop herself. “I’m very curious about the lifestyle and thought that this would be a good opportunity to find out a little more.”

Kane laughed. “Breathe, girl. I’m sure that after this weekend, if your mind is open enough, you’ll be able to make more-informed choices. Now, how many sex partners have you had in the last year?” Sitting on the stool in front of her with his clipboard on his lap, he looked more like a doctor than a Dom.

“Wow, these are personal questions, aren’t they?” She blushed.

“We don’t want you to get purchased by a Dom looking for an experienced sexual submissive, now do we?” he asked.

“No, I don’t think I’d like that. Um, actually in the last year I haven’t had any sex, period. Make that the last decade or so.”

Kane’s stood and dropped the clipboard on the table beside her. Taking her chin firmly in hand, he forced her to look at him. “I thought you were married for a number of years? Are you sure you want to do this, girl?” he questioned her.

“Yes…yes, I’m sure. My husband didn’t touch me after our wedding night unless it was to use me as a punching bag. I need to do this.” She shook her head emphatically.

“Fucking like him should be taken out and have their dicks cut off. Did you get counseling after the divorce?” he asked.

“That was one of the first things I did when I left the hospital after his final shitkicking.”

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