Baiting Ben (3 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Baiting Ben
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mates we should find out about our likes, dislikes, how old

you are, why you left your pack, and what you do for a


Ben winced. "I don't suppose we could kiss first and

answer questions later."

Thomas laughed. Scooting over, he slid a hand up

his mate's leg. "Tell you what, pretty. For every question

you answer I'll give you one kiss." He knew it was

probably a terrible idea, but the thought of not touching the


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

other man within the next few seconds was killing him.

Both his human and wolf sides wanted the man with an

unprecedented need.

"Fair enough," Ben agreed, quickly. "I'm twenty-


He would be lying if he didn't hope his future mate

would've started with something more personal. He gave

the answer the response it deserved.

Thomas leaned over and gave Ben's cheek a peck.

"That wasn't a kiss."

"A small answer gets you a small kiss. Besides,

you're just a baby. I've got a hundred years on you."

"Wow." Ben's eyes went wide, making Thomas

wonder if age was going to be a problem between them. In

general, werekin didn't worry about age differences

because they lived long lives. What would be an

insurmountable age gap in a human couple wasn't worth

mentioning between werekin.

"Does the age difference bother you?"

"No. I was just surprised."

"Yeah, that's real convincing."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Give me a moment to adjust,

all right. Not everyone learns their mate is so much older

than them."

Mate. The word made Thomas smile.


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

He leaned over, sliding his fingers into Ben's hair

gripping the man's head in a firm hold. "I believe I owe you

another kiss to convince you of my worthiness as a

potential mate."

"Yes, I believe you do."

This time the kiss wasn't chaste, light, or brief. This

time Thomas searched for the size and shape of Ben's

tonsils. He took Ben's mouth like a parched man seeking

the last drop of water in a desert.

One kiss blurred into two, until the sexy redhead lay

shirtless beneath him. Thomas nipped and sucked the

smaller man's nipples. Pleased with the reaction, he kept it

up, palming the ridge in his mate's pants as Ben squirmed

beneath his touch.

"Fuck questions, I need to feel you around me."

Thomas froze as an unwelcome thought entered his mind.

"You will bottom, right? I don't mind switching back and

forth in the future, but right now I need to claim you." He

barely breathed as he waited for his mate's answer.

"I won't always be on the bottom, but for tonight

I'm all yours." Ben leaned back and let Thomas's hot mouth

take control.

Unable to resist the need for bare skin to skin

contact, Thomas’s touch was sure and confident as he

stripped off his mate's clothes in swift, economical


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

movements before removing his own. He barely got a

glimpse of smooth white skin, with a sexy sprinkling of red

hair, before he covered the younger man with his body.

"Hey! I didn't get to look," his mate protested.

"Why bother to look when it's so much better to

feel?" Thomas growled, sliding his body across Ben's and

sending shivers of need through his smaller frame.

He was careful not to put his full weight on the

younger man. He didn't want to crush his newly found

mate. He wanted to bond with him.

* * * *

Thomas's cock felt long and hard against Ben’s

stomach, its silky head trailing wet kisses across his naked

flesh. Unlike his partner, Ben's body was relatively hair

free with only a light sprinkling on his arms and legs. A

part of his half-breed status, it always caused

uncomfortable staring by the other wolves on full moon

pack night, except from Dillon whose gaze was never

uncomfortable, just needy. His eyes made Ben hard, which

was why he always tried to change away from the other

man. It was difficult enough to make the change when you

were only half wolf; it was much harder if your

concentration was on your cock.

"You feel so good." Thomas's low voice brought

Ben away from thoughts of his previous pack. Now was the


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

time for a new start. A new start with this amazing man

who not only wanted him for a mate, but wanted him in

other ways as well. Dillon was in the past where he needed

to stay. Regrets never did anyone any good.

Ben clenched his stomach and rubbed his cock

along Thomas's. The other werekin jerked. "Keep that up

and there won't be any question about who's topping. I'll

come before I get inside you."

Chuckling, Ben grabbed Thomas's tight ass, pulling

him closer while giving in to temptation to kiss those

fabulous lips. Lips slid together and mouths opened to

allow tongues to entwine. Ben's cock pulsed in reaction to

the feel and taste of the other man. Thomas gripped him

tight around the base, pulling away from the kiss.

"No coming yet. I want to be inside when you do."

"Then you'd better hurry."

Thomas released him before jumping to his feet. He

held out a hand to help Ben up, a good thing since all of his

brainpower abandoned him. The other werewolf held all of

his attention and he couldn't think past the next touch.

"Bedroom. Lube." Those two words had Ben

jumping to join his mate.

"We can do the couch another time," he agreed.

A low, dirty chuckle came from the sophisticated-

looking man. "Count on it."


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

Still holding hands, they all but sprinted to the other

room. A dark wooden four-poster bed with an embossed

leather headboard was the starring attraction. Ben gave it a

cursory glance before leaping for the mattress. Lying there

he crooked a finger at his mate.

"Come here, gorgeous."

"Who knew such a shy, pretty thing like you would

be an animal in the bedroom?"

"I'm not shy," Ben said with a smile, "I'm just not an

asshole. Besides, we both know I'm an animal a lot more

places than the bed, but we can start here."

After giving him a heated glance, Thomas reached

into a bedside drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.

Ben looked at the label. "Nice," he said with


"Only the best for my mate."

He doubted it was waiting there the entire time for

him to wander by, but not wanting to ruin the mood, he

beckoned his lover closer. Ben didn't care who used to

share Thomas's bed, there would be no one else from now

on. That's how mates worked, at least in Alaska. He'd have

to find out what the mores were here. Though to be truthful

he didn't care. He wasn't going to share Thomas. He'd have

to find a good way to break the news to the sexy man.



Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

"Come show me what you can do with your fancy


With a wicked smile Thomas joined his mate on the


* * * *

Looking at the beautiful man's pale skin against his

navy blue covers almost had Thomas coming all over the

bedding without ever touching the jewel lying there. Damn,

he'd thought the man adorable in the bar. Here, without any

clothing, he was so much more. Without any covering he

could glimpse the predator lying beneath the surface of the

slim body and, for the first time, he was turned on by

another wolf's power.

Hoping Ben didn't notice his shaking fingers,

Thomas popped open the lube cap, spreading the liquid

liberally across his fingers. Without a word Ben rolled onto

his stomach before sliding onto his hands and knees and

presenting himself beautifully.

Thomas almost came. Again. He gave a rough

laugh, unable to help the bubble of joy building in his


"If you keep that up, it will be the shortest mating of

all time."

Ben laughed. "Hurry up or I'll finish without you."

He could see the redhead reaching for his long,


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

gorgeous cock.

Discarding caution, Thomas leapt. "Gotcha."

His mate wiggled beneath him. "You had me


He smacked Ben on the ass. "Don't ruin my fun."

"Yes, sir."

He snorted. Thomas couldn't remember the last time

he'd had fun in the bedroom; sweaty hot sex, yes, but not


Easing his first finger inside Ben's tight hole he

gave his mate a moment to relax, pumping in and out while

he waited for the smaller man to adjust.

"Another," Ben grunted.

Thomas slid another finger in, scissoring the two

until the younger man loosened up. "Ready for my cock."

Ben nodded. "Yeah, give it to me."

Pressing a kiss on one freckled shoulder, Thomas

aligned the tip of his penis with his mate's hole and slowly

pressed in until his balls snuggled up against Ben's.

Simultaneous sighs came from the lovers, triggering a

round of giggles.

"Stop that," Thomas growled. "You'll make me

come." Being inside a man while laughing caused the

oddest sensations. Smiling against his mate's back, he

slowly pumped his hips until Ben screamed at him.


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell


Eager to oblige, he shoved himself quicker inside

the younger man, letting nature and the bliss of finding his

mate determine his speed and depth. Despite wanting to

prolong the experience, Thomas could feel he was close.

Reaching around, he gripped his mate's cock, giving the

man something to rub against while still moving inside


His fangs dropped and, giving into his wolf’s needs,

Thomas bit down on the tender skin between neck and


Ben screamed. Wetness coated Thomas's hand as

the smaller man's hole clenched around him, pulling him

into orgasm. Howling, he pumped his seed into his mate's

tight ass. Together the pair collapsed on the bed. Thomas

barely remembered to fall to one side in time to avoid

crushing his mate. With careful movements he slid out of

Ben and licked at the wound he'd created.

"Mine, my mate," he said into the sudden quiet of

the room. He could feel their hearts beating together, a wild

rhythm of two creatures desperately trying to become one.

"Wow." Ben's whisper brought a wide smile to his


"Sometimes it pays to be with someone with

experience," Thomas said modestly.


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

"I don't want to know where you got all that

experience." Ben's voice was firm, but also a little sad.

Pulling his mate close, Thomas cuddled him in his

arms. "Don't give it a thought, my sweet. You know with

our mating I'll never have anyone else again."

"Good. I didn't know if your pack worked that way

or not. I was trying to figure out a way to break the news to

you that you were no longer single." Ticklish fingers

tangled with his chest hair. "'Cause if you did fool around

with someone else I'd make sure that was the last thing you


"Ouch." A portion of his chest hair was now

between Ben's fingers and no longer attached.

"Possessive wolf," he said, affectionately rubbing

noses with his mate. "Let me go get a cloth to wipe us


A few minutes later, cleaned up and cuddling, the

two werewolves fell asleep for the first time as mates.


Baiting Ben

Amber Kell

Chapter Two

Ben slid onto the bar stool and gave the bartender a


"Hey, Dare, can I get a glass of water?"

"Sure thing, Ben." The friendly bartender poured

him a glass, gave him a wink and moved on. A typical

Saturday, even before four in the afternoon, the bar was

jumping with visitors and their guests. Ben had finished up

with his customers earlier that day and was now waiting for

his mate.

The last two weeks had passed in a blur of hot sex

and bonding. Sleeping in Thomas's arms was the highlight

of his day. It never ceased to surprise him that the other

wolf was a snuggler. Sometimes it got too hot with all the

heat his mate put out but he'd happily sleep in an inferno if

it kept the big man close.

Thomas was everything he'd ever wanted in a mate;

strong, sweet, and respectful of Ben having a brain of his

own. They didn't have any battles for who was the bigger

alpha. It was a bonding of equals. If occasionally his heart

yearned for the wolf he left behind, well, he would never


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