Balance (Off Balance Book 1) (49 page)

Read Balance (Off Balance Book 1) Online

Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Balance (Off Balance Book 1)
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His fingers were digging into my legs, struggling to stay calm.

“If you regret it so much, then why are you here and not another coach?”

Kova didn’t say anything, he just stood there glaring.

Smugly, I smiled and said, “That’s what I thought.”

I jumped off the table and limped toward the door. Before I could leave, Kova stepped ahead of me and slammed the door shut and locked it. He grabbed my elbow, turned me around and pushed me up against the door. With one hand braced above my head, his other held my thigh hitched around his hip. Thank goodness it was my bad leg, otherwise this straining would hurt.

Kova leaned down. Hovering above my mouth, I stopped him. “I thought you said relationships are banned,” I panted.

“I make the rules, remember? I am the coach. You are the gymnast. And who said this was a relationship anyway? You have a lot to learn, Ria.”

“This is much more than a relationship. You just don’t want to accept the reality of it.”

My leg hooked firmly around his hip as my toes struggled to remain on the ground. His hand slid over my thigh, rounding my ass to hold me to him. His erection strained against my center and my eyes flitted shut before I forced them open. His wild eyes looked into mine. Kova tilted his head and rolled his hips, a purr of pleasure escaped my throat.

“You confuse me,” I said breathlessly.

“I confuse myself,” he countered. “This is the one and only relationship you are allowed to have, if that is what you want to call it. Get rid of Hayden.”

My eyes narrowed. “Hayden is just a friend, I really like him.”

He gave me an amused stare. “I was not born yesterday. You guys are very close, too close for me.”

“I’m not getting rid of him, he’s the only true friend I’ve had since I’ve been here. I want him in my life.”

“I do not like the way he looks at you. Or maybe you want him too?”

“He’s just a friend.” I reaffirmed.

“The looks you two share appear more than friendly.”

Rolling my lip between my teeth, my eyes grew heavy. “We may or may not have kissed.”

“You really know how to push my buttons.” Kova flared, his lip curled. Revelation of his jealously coiled my belly. “What else happened? Did he touch you?” It was my turn to ignore him. He gripped my chin with his thumb and index finger. “There could be consequences for it, Adrianna. Do not test me.”

“You mean test you more than I already have?” I quirked with a half-grin. Two could play at this game. “Hayden is staying in my life.”

Kova leaned down and sensually nuzzled my neck, whispering, “When did this happen? Before or after I was deep inside your pussy and fucked you senseless? Did he touch you the way I did? Does he make you come like I can?”

A gush of air burst from my lungs. My entire body was about to combust. “It’s none of your damn business.”

With his eyes on my mouth, he pulled my face to his and crushed his mouth to mine. This was more than just a kiss. He kissed me with his entire being, surging into me. Kova’s hips pressed forcefully into mine and marked his territory, claiming me.

I clutched his shirt in my fist, holding him tight, feeling his solid chest firmly pressed to mine as his mouth devoured me. I wanted Kova so badly, but I could tell he was holding back—and with reason. We were inside World Cup in broad daylight.

Reaching between us, I slid my hand down to his hardness, and grasped him through his shorts. He tensed. “I want this again,” I admitted against his mouth, tugging on his length and bottom lip at the same time.

Kova pulled back and smirked, his emerald eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Greedy little girl. I knew you would want it again.”

Blood rose to my cheeks as wetness coated the fabric between my legs. What a cocky Russian he was and I fucking loved it.

“And what is this?” He asked coyly.

I paused, not understanding his question. He saw my confusion and reached down with his hand to cover mine over his growing erection. “What is this, Adrianna?” he repeated, and this time I understood when he squeezed my hand that was holding him.

Nervously, I bit my lip as my gaze wavered to his shoulder. My cheeks flamed in embarrassment once again at his question, unable to meet his gaze. I knew what it was, he knew I knew, but apparently he wanted me to say it.

“A penis,” I said quietly.

“Wrong answer. Try again.”

His deep, quiet voice had my heart pounding as my breathing intensified.

“Eyes on me, Ria.” His commanding tone demanded my attention.

My eyes snapped back up, locking with his. “Dick. I want your dick.”

He grinned, and God, was he gorgeous when he did. The kind of grin that soaked panties and made them drop—like mine. It made me wonder if he actually had stayed away from mothers and gymnasts like he said. He squeezed my hand in his again, and I could feel him growing harder.

Kova’s head tilted to the side, his eyes flitted across my flesh. Leaning down, he placed his tongue on my collarbone and worked it up the curve of my neck. He pulled my skin into his mouth and continued until he hit my ear. God, what he was capable of making me feel.

“I want your tongue stroking me the way your hand is. Tell me, where is your hand, Ria?”

My lips parted. It was getting harder to breathe. There was no way to stop the shiver that racked my body from the feel of him on me, the way his words pulsated every vein in me.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the hot air trickling along my skin. “Try one more time.” He whispered it ever so slowly right next to my ear and my legs almost gave out. I felt silly saying the word I knew he was waiting for. I hardly ever said it, and not many of my girlfriends back home had either, but then again none of them were in pursuit of an older man.

However, the reaction I drew from him topped it all.

Breathing in, I stood on my tiptoes and boldly whispered in his ear. “Cock. I want your cock, Coach.”

He groaned hoarsely in my ear and it made my heart stammer. What was it about him that made me react the way I did to him? Kova’s body tightened, his strength felt under the tips of my fingers as he internally struggled with the words I spoke.

A low growl rumbled in his chest, and I loved that I caused it. Being in the grips of a man compared to a teenage boy is something all together different. It was an awakening.

“Exactly. It is
cock. And if you want it, you will have to learn to prove it to me. Do you want my cock?”

“Yes,” I answered breathlessly.

“Say it again.”

“I want your cock,” I purred.

He pushed into me with his
. “Again. And this time look me square in the eyes.”

“Cock. I. Want. It.”

“Adrianna…” he groaned, and then straightened. “Do you really think you are ready for a relationship of this magnitude if you cannot even use the word?”

I shook my head contradictorily and used the same line he used on me. “Tell me to stop.”

He said nothing, but by the harsh look in his eyes, I knew exactly what his silence meant.

I stroked his cock, adding pressure to the head and said again, “Tell me to stop, Coach.”

“Do not…”

My stomach tightened and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I didn’t want him to end this after we only just started, but I also didn’t want him to do anything he was opposed to either.

We stood inches apart, staring into each other’s eyes, desiring so much more but not taking what we craved. I may only be sixteen, but I could read his internal battle knowing what he should do as my coach, as opposed to what he longed to do to me as a man. One glance at his hard body coiled with restraint and the greedy look in his eyes said everything.

I let go of his length and my shoulders sagged. Fearing I made a huge mistake, my eyes dropped to the ground unable to look at him any longer. I let out an exasperated sigh. I thought I’d read the craving cloaked in the indecision in his eyes correctly. Apparently, I hadn’t, and it stung. This was my first real taste of rejection and I didn’t know how to handle the onslaught of emotions it came with.

His decision was clear and I needed to get away so I could think straight, but before I could take another step from the invisible cage his presence held me in, Kova wrapped his fingers around my wrist, stilling me instantly.

Snapping my eyes to his face, I was confused when I saw his jaw grind down. He pulled my hand slowly back toward his body and placed it where it was before. On his cock.

“You did not let me finish before. Do not…stop is what I was going to say.”

Leaning in, Kova was just inches from my mouth when a knock sounded at the door. We both jumped apart, equal parts of fear and shock matched both of our faces.

“Go to the table,” he whispered ever so quietly. I ran, lied down, and crossed my arms over my chest staring at the ceiling. My heart was in my throat, the beat drumming in my ears so loud it was all I could hear. Nausea swirled the knots in my stomach and I fought shaking from panic. My mouth was as dry as the desert. There was no way I could make eye contact with whoever was on the other side of the door. Doing anything in the gym was careless and stupid.

Nervous sweat coated my body when the door opened.

“Madeline,” he stated.


“Everything okay in here?” she asked, her eyes landing on me. “Why is the door locked?”

I froze.

“Forgive me. I did not realize it was locked. I have been meaning to replace the knob for that reason alone.” The lie rolled swiftly off his delicious lips.

“Kova, Reagan’s looking for you.”

Kova rubbed his jaw before he spoke. “Ah, I will be out soon. I was just telling Adrianna she has to see a doctor before she can return to train. It seems she has been hiding an injury from us.”

It wasn’t far from the truth, but I needed to follow his lead so nothing looked out of the ordinary. I continued to stare at the ceiling as I spat, “I don’t need to see a doctor. I just need some ice and a wrap.”

Madeline turned to Kova and asked, “What’s wrong with her?” He gave her a quick rundown.

She walked over to me. “You know, Adrianna, Coach Kova is right. If you don’t seek medical attention now, you risk tearing your Achilles tendon completely and putting you out for weeks. I’d hate to see that after how far you’ve come.”

I took in Madeline’s heartfelt words and her concerned tone. For some odd reason, tears formed in my eyes. She was right, and in the back of my mind, I knew she had a valid point. I just didn’t want to accept it.

Agreeing, I said, “I’ll call my dad and let him know.”

She brushed my hair back from my forehead. “If they don’t want to come all the way over for just one appointment, I’ll gladly go with you,” Madeline offered.

I looked up at her and smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

“Of course. Just let me know and I’ll be there,” she returned the smile before she left the room. I may be stubborn, but I wasn’t stupid enough to risk everything I’ve worked for. Being checked out by a doctor was the responsible thing to do, it just took a few moments to accept it. Downplaying an injury wasn’t really the best idea. I was better than that.

Kova made sure the door was shut and then walked back over to me. He placed his hand on the table and peered down at me, looking almost nice and calm.

“Now, let me put some ice on you.”



t was no surprise Madeline accompanied me to the doctor. Dad had been out of the state on business, and when I told my mom Madeline offered, she quickly agreed to let her. She said Madeline would be better off anyway because she’d know what to do with the injury and treatment that would follow. She did, however, find a reputable doctor for me, one well-known on this side of Florida who could see me at the drop of a hat.

Which was where Madeline and I were at the present moment. Dr. DeLang was a fairly young looking Asian doctor only a little taller than me. Her petite frame contradicted her stature and poise. After giving her a brief rundown of my injury, she ordered me to lie on my stomach across the exam table with my legs hanging off. It was an odd position for sure, but who was I to question her.

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