Baller: A Bad Boy Romance (21 page)

BOOK: Baller: A Bad Boy Romance
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"The plane is mine; we can leave as soon as you want."


"I want to go home," I said.


"I'll start making the calls now. We can go to the hotel and get ready to leave and it will be ready when we get to the airport.”


I ended up falling asleep in the car back to the hotel, an Uber that Dante called while he was on the phone. I was ready and packed quickly, and the hotel let us check out.


I must have fallen asleep on the second taxi ride, the one to the airport because all I remembered was waking up. We didn't have to go through the usual airport protocol and were led right out onto the runway where the plane was. It was a little smaller than the one that his team used, but the inside was more luxurious.


Inside, it looked like a really nice living room. There were seats along one side with a table between them and a couple rows of seats—the way they looked in regular planes—on the other side of the aisle. In the back was a door which was closed.


The captain and the single flight attendant were warm and accommodating.


"You like it?" Dante asked me.


I loved it. If I wasn't careful, I would get used to traveling like that. Coach would never be enough again.


"I've seen better," I joked. I sat down in one of the plush seats gratefully. I picked at a couple of the grapes that were in the bowl of fruit that was between the two chairs. "And bigger."


"You haven't seen the best part."


He noted my posture and probably the bags under my eyes. I must have looked exhausted. I had washed all my makeup off after we had gotten back to the hotel.






"Too bad, I thought we could have some fun," he said.


? We're on a plane."


He smirked and stood, holding his hand out for me to take. He led me to the closed door and opened it. The plane had an entire bedroom with a bed in the back. He closed the door behind us. The room looked just like a regular bedroom if a little oddly shaped because of the shape of the aircraft. I felt his hands on my waist and his lips on the back of my neck. He swept all my hair out of the way and kissed me there. I sighed and let him.


It felt great. It was intimate and gentle. He trailed kisses up my neck, close to my hairline, biting along the outside of my ear. I turned around and kissed him on the lips. He deepened it immediately, pushing his tongue into my mouth.


That was what he had meant by “fun.” Part of me probably knew but was really tired and hoped he would just let me sleep. That part, the tired part, felt wide-awake suddenly. Suddenly sleep seemed
. Why would I go to sleep when
was on the table?


I felt myself start to get wet. I knew he didn’t bring me back here to sleep even though he must have been tired after the night he had had. I knew I was tired, but there were slightly more important things going on at the moment.


“I thought you'd be tired and want to go to sleep,” I said to him. He smiled down at me.


“You’ve seen me play, Quinn. You know it takes a lot to wear me out. I’ve been waiting so long to get you alone like this again.”


“Oh yeah?”


“Yeah. I already know you have an exhibitionist streak. All the times we’ve had sex, it's been in places where anyone could catch us if they really wanted to. I’ve been waiting to get you in a room alone.”


“What difference would that make?”


“Here…I can finally see you naked.”


He walked past me and sat on the bed. He leaned back, bracing himself on one arm and using his other hand to undo his pants and fish his cock out of his underwear. I stared. The sight of his member took me out every time. I’d had it inside of me, inside of my mouth too, but the size of it was still impressive. I felt myself becoming wet, thinking about what was about to happen.


Dante was right. This was going to be the first time that he and I were going to be truly alone together.


“Strip,” he said. “Take it all off.”


I looked into his eyes. They were clouding over with lust. I pulled my blouse out of my skirt and started undoing the buttons one by one. I pulled the two sides of the top open and slipped it off. Dante was watching me, silent and intent. I reached behind myself and undid the button and zipper of the skirt I was wearing, letting it simply fall to the ground in a pool around my feet. I was in my underwear now. I only ever wore white under my clothes, unless it would be visible through the fabric of my shirts, in which case I wore nude like I was today.


It wasn’t anything extra special. Nothing lacy and erotic from
Agent Provocateur
. It was just a matching bra and thong set.


“Keep going,” he said. “I didn’t ask you to stop.” He was jerking his dick, and it was getting stiffer and stiffer. I smiled and unhooked my bra, letting it fall off my body and join the rest of my clothes on the ground. A lot of guys in the past had been fans of the tits. I realized then that I didn’t know whether Dante was. We had never been fully naked when we’d had sex. They were natural full-C cups, which I always put in push up bras because I wasn’t sure they were proportional to my height.


I was in my heels and panties now. Dante’s dick was at attention. There was no getting harder than it was right then. I slipped my fingers into the waistband of my panties.


“Stop,” he instructed. I looked at him, wondering whether I had done something wrong. “Come here.”


I walked over to him like I was hypnotized. I didn’t even question what he wanted me to do. I stopped right in front of him, between his spread legs.


“Turn around,” he said.


Turn around? Turn around and do
? I turned slowly so I was facing away from him. I moved my hair over my shoulder to the front so I could look back at him.


“Bend over. Pull your panties off,” he said. I was thankful I wasn’t looking right at him because I was sure I wouldn’t be able to take it. I bent slowly at the hips and slid my thong down my thighs. I felt open and exposed. I had been with other guys before, but this experience was one of the most erotic things I had ever gone through.


I knew—bent over like that—that he could see just how wet he had made me. I held my breath, feeling the shock of his hand coming to rest on my hip. He ran his hand over my ass, squeezing. My breath caught, feeling him run his thumb over my tight rosebud.


“Spread your legs,” he said. I felt him kiss and bite the skin on my thighs and ass until he finally ran his tongue over my soaking wet lower lips. I sighed. It felt incredible. I felt impossibly open to him. My head was down and my legs were open. I had nothing to hide behind. He held my hips and ate me out from behind.


The embarrassment I had initially felt being so exposed immediately evaporated.


His tongue ran over my lips and between them, lapping up the juice spilling from me. I felt deep carnal desire inside me radiating from between my legs. The tip of his tongue lapped over my entrance before he slid it inside, tongue fucking me. I pushed my hips back, wanting more. I felt his hand reach for my clit, gently rubbing, as his tongue went to work penetrating me. My eyes were shut. The sensation from his tongue and hand warmed my whole body. His tongue left my channel and moved up, licking over my bud. He was groaning, and the sounds his mouth made as he ate me made me blush. I wanted him to stop so he would fuck me. I wanted him to let me ride him until he shot his cum inside of me.


“Dante, I
you,” I said.


“Hm?” his mouth was still occupied.


“I want you to fuck me, Dante. I want to feel you come inside of me.”


He released my hips so I could straighten up. My legs felt unsteady. I turned around to look at him. He smirked at me and wiped the back of his hand over his mouth. I walked back over to him and stood with my legs apart. He took my hips and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me, sucking my tongue into his mouth. I could feel his dick against my stomach. I reached between us and held it in my hand, pushing its thick head into me.


I held his shoulders to keep me steady. I closed my eyes, feeling him fill me up, almost too much. His hand brushed my cheek. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He kissed me sweetly. The contrast between the sweetness of his kiss and what we had just done and were about to do was dizzying. I ground into him.


His lips attacked my neck and chest as I rode his dick. He leaned back on one arm, wrapping the other around my back and using it to feel me up. His hand moved up between my shoulders and to the back of my head and down to my ass. His dick stretched me out erotically as he penetrated me.


“Slow down, baby,” he whispered to me. I didn’t want to. I wanted to come. I wanted him to make me come. He suddenly leaned all the way back down onto the bed and held me by the hips, making me stay still. He pulled me down so my tits pressed against his chest. He kissed me, deeply licking the inside of my mouth. My lips felt swollen and tender from his rough kisses. I tried to grind against him to feel the friction of his dick, but he wouldn’t let me.


Holding me still, he thrust up into me lazily. It was slow and sensual. I relished the feeling of him rubbing against the most sensitive parts of me, but I felt needy and frustrated. He was making me wait.


“Faster,” I begged him. He kissed me and held my face so I would look at him.


“Relax, baby,” he said. “You’re mine; we can do this whenever you want.”


"I want to feel you come inside of me Dante, please," I begged. He continued his slow, delicious torture. My body was hot and cold at the same time. I wanted to be ravaged, but he was going to take it slow and drive me crazy. The frustration felt as good as the sensation. I felt his hand reach between my ass cheeks and tease my hole. If I didn't come soon, I was going to scream. I was going to cry. I was going to explode.


I need you
," I said. I sounded desperate and wanton. I was. I was begging a man to fuck me the way I knew he knew how.


He suddenly gripped my hips and started hammering his cock up into me. Holding me by the arms so they were behind me and my tits hung near enough his face for him to suck my nipples. He used his teeth, biting as he slammed into me from below. I screamed from the pleasure and pain of his mouth and cock stimulating me at the same time.


I came, collapsing in an exhausted heap on top of him. He blew his load with his last few thrusts, spurting deep inside of me.


We fell asleep on the bed for the rest of the flight.


Chapter Eighteen



We had left Houston in the morning and the flight had been nearly four hours long. Because of the time difference, it was just before noon when we finally got to the house. I had called and made the arrangements for us to get there. She had agreed to stay with me.


I didn’t want her to know just how excited I was that she had decided to stay with me. I had a feeling we would have a very good time. There were tons of rooms in the house and I wanted to fuck her in each and every one.


I had arranged for my staff to be there to meet us when we got to the house. The first person she met was actually Jaime who was the driver. At the house, Daniella was there, my housekeeper and Agnes, the cook. I wanted them to be there to say “hi” to her. They needed to know who she was and that she was my guest. Not in the way that the other girls were my guests, but like… I actually wanted and needed them to make her feel at home.


Jaime had helped with the bags, immediately taking them upstairs.


“I can’t believe you live here alone,” she said looking around.


“I’m not always alone. Daniella’s here most days out of the week,” I said.


“That isn’t what I meant,” she said. “It’s so much
; you’re just one man.”


“I’m a
of man, what can I say,” I told her. She was looking around at the walls. I had some art up there. I didn’t know who had painted it; it was just nice. Some of them were gifts. Some of them my mom or Gabbie chose and said they would look good, so I just put them up.


“Don’t you get lonely?”


“Nope,” I lied. It wasn’t that much of a lie. I mean, if she was asking whether sometimes I wished I had someone around, then yeah, sometimes I did. But I didn’t get lonely, like, sad that there wasn’t anyone around.


“Hm, you have company over often. I forgot,” she said.


“You bring that up. You don’t have to be jealous, babe. You are the only woman I’m seeing. You made sure of that.”


“I’m not jealous,” she said. “I’m just saying.”


“Come on, let me show you around,” I told her.


We passed a couple guest rooms. All the bedrooms
the master bedroom were guest rooms because I lived alone. Sometimes mom or Gabbie would use them when they came over. I didn’t bother showing her into any of them because I didn’t want her to stay in any of them. I wanted her in my bedroom. I had asked Jaime specifically to take her bags to my room.


We walked into the master bedroom. It was big and sections of the floor were carpeted. The bed was a California King, of course. I had a television mounted onto the wall with Apple TV and a whole lot of other accessories that I barely used. I just wanted to watch HBO on a screen bigger than my laptop’s. There was a balcony overlooking the pool and the yard. The pool was there because it had come with the house. I cared less about the pool and more about the hot tub, but the pool was useful sometimes when your body hurt too much to do high-impact training. It was there for PT—just in case I got an injury later.


She walked out onto the balcony and looked down with her hands on the railing.


“I hope you brought your bikini,” I said.


She looked back at me and smiled, turning to walk towards me.


“Hm, I don’t think I did,” she said playfully.


“Oh no?”


“Nope, looks like I can't go swimming with you.”


“Why would you say that? You can go swimming naked.”


“Only if you are naked, too.”


Working for me, I could only imagine the sort of shit that my staff, Daniella especially, had seen. I didn’t tend to bring girls out here voluntarily. Usually, it was nighttime and all they wanted was to get to the bedroom. I led Quinn out to the pool. If she was tired from the trip or would rather have done something else, she didn’t tell me.


I would never get tired of watching her take her clothes off for me. I hoped she wasn’t shy. We weren’t really going to have an audience, but there was always a chance that Daniella or the guy who did the lawns, David, would see us.


I knew she wasn’t shy when we were behind closed doors, but we were outside. It was broad fucking daylight and I wanted to fuck her in the pool. Having sex in places where people were likely to see us was totally her thing though.


The first thing she did was walk up to the side of the pool. She had her back to me, but she turned and looked at me over her shoulder. She smiled before she pulled her shirt off. She tossed it onto the ground and did the same with her bra. Her pants were next, then her shoes. Last, she peeked over her shoulder at me again as she bent down at the hips and pulled her panties down as she did it.


Just like in the plane.


She knew I liked it. I felt myself getting hard watching her. We were going into the pool, but we weren’t about to do a lot of
. I watched as she stood at the edge of the pool and did a perfect dive into the water. I pulled my shirt off and watched her swim. She was completely naked under the water, and I couldn’t wait to join her.


Her body was so hot. She was so sexy. She was lush and curvy and her body dipped and flared in all the right places. She looked hot just
there; she didn’t even have to do anything. I got all my clothes off and joined her in the water. I waited for her at the edge of the pool because I wasn’t there to swim. She swam up to me and stood in the shallow water.


Her hair was wet so it all lay plastered to her skin. The water was dripping down her tits and down her body. I pulled her into me and kissed her, sucking her tongue into my mouth. My cock was rock hard already. I was ready, but I didn’t want to fuck her just yet. Not just yet. I leaned back into the wall and pulled myself up onto the side so I was sitting.


I didn’t even have to tell her what I wanted her to do. She leaned into my lap and took my dick in her mouth. I leaned back on my hands and let her go to work. She obviously enjoyed feeling me grow thick and hard in mouth. I wanted to fuck her mouth and watch her swallow my cum, but there was time for that another day, or later today.


I groaned feeling her tongue circle my tip. She was a goddamn pro. I loved it. I held the back of her head and pushed her all the way down so I was balls deep down her throat. She fidgeted a little, but she didn’t gag or squeeze my leg or anything to tell me that she was uncomfortable. I let go of her, and she slowly sucked me all the way to the tip again.


Okay. That was it. I needed her. I needed to feel her hot, tight pink walls squeezing my dick.


I pulled her up and slid back into the water. I kissed her and pulled her head back by her hair, making her moan into my mouth. I moved us so she was against the wall and spun her around so her back was to me.


“Have you ever had sex in a pool, Quinn?” I asked her. My hand was running up and down between her ass cheeks. She loved it when I played with her hole.


“Never,” she whispered.


“Lean forward,” I instructed her.


She offered her ass to me under the water. I didn’t want to waste any more time teasing her. She was already wet. We were in a pool. I slid my cock into her hot, pink pussy. I heard her moan and felt her shudder against me. I braced myself against the wall and went in on her.


I fucked her like I was mad at her.


I held her to my body by her hips and drove into her so hard and so fast she needed to lean against the wall to support herself. I was about to bust any second. Thinking about how rough she liked it, and how rough she would let me give it to her was pushing me over the edge. I felt her pussy tighten around me and she sagged forward, moaning my name. I gave it another three good thrusts before I was shooting inside her.


BOOK: Baller: A Bad Boy Romance
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