Ballers Bitches (4 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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“It will and toast to that,” I said clicking our champagne glasses together. “Wait, before I forget, I need you to do something for me.”

“Really? What could you possibly need from me?”

“Double date. I know you have a man so we don’t have to call it a date for you. How about you be my escort.”

“Who is it with?”

“Cameron and Kirk.”

“Those basketball players we met last night?”

“Yes. He called me today and I told him I was meeting you and he suggested we all do dinner. Of course I accepted because I knew you wouldn’t let me down,” I grinned.

“Of course I can’t let you down, although that Kirk seems a little full of himself but he is an NBA player what should I expect.”

“Well he seems to be very interested in you.”

“What I’m supposed to jump from one asshole to another. I think I’ll stick with the one I got.”

“Listen, I’m not asking you to become his baby mamma. Just do me a favor and go with me to dinner tonight.”

“No problem. Michael already told me he was going to be busy tonight so I’m free.”

“Great! Let’s eat our lunch and get out of here. I want to take my time getting ready tonight because unlike you I think I might want to be Cameron’s baby mamma,” I laughed out loud.

“Diamond…Diamond…Diamond, what am I going to do with you!”



It was a surprisingly
rather mild Saturday afternoon but instead of being out and about enjoying the sunny weather I was on my way to work. I was still tired from last night’s event but none of that mattered because Darcy needed me to start working on our next big project. Darcy would always say that in her line of work all the days just ran together. There was no separation between the weekday and the weekends. Plus I was looking forward to going to work, because Darcy had already said my commission check was there waiting for me to pick it up and boy did I need that money. Living in New York City was kicking my ass. At first I was living in Queens but the hours I kept at work was making it painfully difficult to do the commute. When I spoke to Darcy about changing my hours she suggested I get out of Queens and move to the city. So I was now living in an apartment the size of a closet and the rent was basically eating up my entire paycheck. But this commission would have me sitting pretty for a minute. It also motivated me to go out and secure other deals for Darcy to keep the money rolling in.

As I was getting off the train and heading towards my job I heard my cell ringing and saw Diamond’s name on the screen. “Hey, what’s up, did you have a good time at the event last night?”

“I sure did! And I met me a cutie which made it even better.”

“Of course you did. I wouldn’t expect anything less,” I said laughing. And I wouldn’t. Diamond was a guy magnet. She revamped her entire look a year after having her baby and it was working wonders for her. Before she was a cute, sweet looking girl, now she had that whole sex kitten thing going but still classy not trashy.

“I wish you could’ve hung out with us.”

“Me too but I had to work my ass off for this event. Because I brought the contact to Darcy I got a commission so I had to make sure everything went perfect.”

“Well you did a great job because that was one of the best if not best events I had ever been to. You should pat yourself on the back.”

“Girl stop…but I did do my thing though,” we both laughed.

“But listen, I wanted to speak to you about something else.”

“What’s up?”

“Remember the girl I was with last night. The one you switched my seat around for so I could sit next to her.”

“Oh yeah, she’s dating that big entertainment lawyer.”


“What about her?”

“Well, we just finished having lunch and she said she really wants to break into the business.”

“What does she do?”

“She’s an actress and before you ask, no she hasn’t had any major roles but she is extremely talented.”

“So what do you want me to do?”

“She just needs some great exposure to create some buzz and get her noticed. Darcy is a huge publicist she could get her that exposure.”

“Honestly, Darcy doesn’t take on people who aren’t known and if she does she charges them like five to ten thousand a month. Who’s going to foot that bill?”

“I will.”

“Excuse me, what did you say?”

“If you make sure Darcy gets her the exposure she needs then I’ll pay for it.”

“Why would you do that and more importantly where would you get the money?”

“Listen, I’ve known Blair since I was a little girl. She’s had a tough life and her boyfriend isn’t exactly helping her self-esteem but you know what she really is talented. I’m not just saying that because we’re close friends it’s the truth. If I can help her make it then I will.”

“Wow, I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you do this for her. But I would recommend you make it a loan. Say she blows up which is very possible if we take her on as a client. When the checks start rolling in you should get your money back. I know Blair is your friend but this is also business.”

“That’s true but first let’s see if you can get Darcy to do it.”

“Oh, I promise you she’ll do it and I’ll make sure because when I bring on a client I get a commission.”

“Great! That works out perfectly.”

“Sure does. And trust it’ll be me doing all the work, so I’ll make sure you get your money’s worth. I’ll have Blair’s name on the tip of every casting director’s tongue.”

“Kennedy that would be awesome.”

“I’m actually on my way to the office right now and I’ll discuss it with Darcy. So I should have good news for you shortly.”

“Wow, it would be great if I had some good news for Blair when we meet for dinner tonight.”

“I’m about hundred percent positive you will.”

“I hope so but call me as soon as you know something.”

“I will but Diamond make sure you really have the money because Darcy doesn’t play when it comes to getting paid. She’ll want a three-month retainer fee up front. So I’ll try my hardest to get her to charge you the lower end but you’ll still need at least fifteen thousand dollars.”

“I tell you what, if she agrees she can get her money tonight?”

“Are you serious! Diamond, how are you going to get your hands on that type of money?”

“I had some money saved and hooked up with an investment company and the money has been rolling in ever since.”

“I tell you what, when I get my hands on a couple of dollars I need that dude’s number. I would use this commission check I’m about to get but I’m so behind on bills I need every dollar. But I have some other projects coming so hopefully soon. I mean damn if you can get your hands on fifteen stacks just like that then I need to be a part of whatever you got going on.”

“Girl, you know I got you. But right now just focus on getting this thing done for Blair.”

“Oh I can guarantee you, if you have fifteen thousand dollars to give Darcy tonight then she’ll get to working for Blair asap…that I can promise you.”

“Then I’ll be waiting for your call.”

When I hung up with Diamond this huge burst of energy shot through me. I couldn’t remember exactly what Blair looked like but I do recall when Diamond introduced us I thought she was very pretty and if she truly is talented then it would be so much fun to take an unknown and make her into a star. Because like I told Diamond, Darcy would no doubt put all the work on me but I was excited because this would be an opportunity to see if I could make magic from scratch. It also didn’t hurt that I would have some more commission money coming in.

When I got to the office I went straight to Darcy’s office and the door was half way opened and she was tonguing down some man. I guess they felt my presence because they stopped, exchanged a few words and came walking out. The man looked very familiar but I couldn’t remember where I knew him from and I hated when that happened. As he made his exit he arrogantly walked past me. I guess with my baseball cap on and sweats he assumed I was just some low level help. Not letting his attitude distract me, I kept it moving straight to Darcy as I had important issues to discuss.

“Kennedy, I’m glad you were able to come in this afternoon as I have a ton of things for you to do.”

“Not a problem but there is something I want to discuss with you first.”

“If it’s about the check…”

“Actually it wasn’t but since you brought it up, what about the check?”

‘There’s been a slight problem and I won’t be able to give you the commission for this project.”

“Excuse me! When you called this morning asking me to come in you said my check was here waiting for me.”

“At that time I thought it would be but some unexpected expenses came up and I’m not going to be able to do it.”

“Darcy, I earned that commission and I need the money.”

“We all need money, Kennedy, but things happen. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to make commissions. The same way you brought me that project you’ll bring me more.”

I felt my left eye twitching, which happened when I was about to explode. I had put up with a lot of bullshit from Darcy but this was the final straw. It was taking all my strength not to snatch her by her weave and beat her ass. But instead I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. No matter how badly I wanted to use her petite frame to swing around the office like a baseball bat and demolish it, I let my good sense prevail. I was done working for Darcy but I wouldn’t tell her I quit by coming for her neck instead I would keep it professional and submit my letter of resignation.

“You’re right, things happen.”

“I knew you would understand. Now what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Oh, it was nothing. I’ll get started on the work you need for me to get done.”

“Good you do that. No need to go over anything as you already know what to do and I’m running late for my spa treatment. Call me if you need me if I don’t answer leave a message and I’ll get back to you when I’m done.”

I watched in disgust as Darcy sashayed out the office with her designer sunglasses, handbag and stilettos on. Her entire getup probably cost more than the money owed to me but she didn’t care because as long as her pocket stayed full damn the rest of us. I couldn’t get to my computer fast enough to type my letter of resignation. I would tell Darcy to go screw herself in the most polished way possible. As I was starting to type my letter I noticed a text message from Diamond. Instead of responding with a text I decided to give her the news with a phone call.

“Girl, sorry I bothered you but I was anxious to see what Darcy had to say,” Diamond said unable to contain her enthusiasm.

“I had to burst your bubble but I didn’t get a chance to tell Darcy.”

“So are you going to talk to her later on today? You know I want to get this ball rolling.”

“No, if you want to use Darcy’s services you’ll have to reach out to her yourself because I’m quitting…today.”

“What! Why?”

“You know that commission check I was anxious to get she said some unexpected expenses came up and she can’t give it to me. I bust my ass everyday for that chick and that’s the thanks I get. I’m fed the fuck up. I can go to a bunch of other PR firms and work for them. It may not be all glitz and glam like doing entertainment PR but at least I’ll make way more money and have much better working hours. I’ve had enough of dealing with Darcy and her bullshit.”

“That’s so fucked up. Every time I want us to hangout you can’t because you’re doing something for her so I know how hard you work. Damn, Kennedy, I hate this had to happen, I was so excited.”

“I know, I was too but I can’t keep busting my ass for peanuts. At some point I have to draw the line and this is it.”

“What if you didn’t have to bust your ass for peanuts anymore?”

“I’m not! That’s why I’m quitting…hello!”

“I meant not quit and not bust your ass for peanuts.”

“I’m not following you.”

“You keep working for Darcy but you do Blair’s project on the side and I’ll pay you the money I was going to pay Darcy instead. You already said it would be you handling the project anyway.”

“Wait, you might be on to something. Use all the connects and relationships I have from working here and let Blair benefit from them. She can walk the red carpets at the events we organize and get invitations to other stuff companies invite us to and I can make sure Blair is on the list so she has the opportunity to meet the right people.”

“Exactly! Blair can be the unofficial client but still get all the perks and instead of Darcy benefiting from all your hard work, you will.”

“You are so smart and manipulative, Diamond and I love it! No wonder you’re making all that money!”

“Ha!! I’ll take that as a compliment. So is it a deal?”

“Yes, it’s a deal! When do you want me to get started?’

“Right away. I don’t know what your commission check was supposed to be but I think this will make up for it. So stop by my place and get your money.”

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