Bare-Knuckle Love (biker gay dark erotic romance) (Rabid Mongrels MC Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Bare-Knuckle Love (biker gay dark erotic romance) (Rabid Mongrels MC Book 1)
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Jason arched into the kiss, out of his depth, unsure what he was doing yet desperate to do well, not to embarrass himself any further with his lack of experience. His toes curled on their own accord, and he closed his eyes, imagining more pleasant surroundings than being tied to a chair in a storage room.

“We’ll set you up for the fight next week, and you’re gonna lose this time, right? You’ll do that for Hyde?”

Jason took a deep breath, light-headed over his first kiss. But through the haze, he could see where this was going. Hyde had always been a smooth talker who had gotten what he wanted no matter what he’d had to say to get it. What was a stupid kiss to him? What was getting his dick sucked by a guy, if he could get a good deal out of it?

Jason nodded and licked his own lips, which still tasted of Hyde’s unique flavor. He’d get played by Hyde any time if that was what he’d receive in return.

Hyde grinned and sucked on Jason’s bottom lip. “Sweet. You’ll move in with me for the week. Do I hear a ‘Wow, thanks, Hyde’?”

Jason blinked in panic. “Move in with you? Into your house?” His heart began hammering, and reality crashed into his dream. “Doesn’t your wife live there?”

Hyde frowned. “So? She’s got her own room.”

“I’ve got a place to stay.” Jason was being pulled into some scheme, and he didn’t like it one bit. He was sure it was a trap.

“Yeah, a motel room. You can do better than that,” said Hyde, sliding off Jason’s lap.

Jason looked to the wall with a sigh. Obviously, Hyde’s “associate” must had told him all about the conditions in Jason’s filthy impromptu home. “I doubt it, but fine. I guess I can stay on your sofa, or something.”

“Good boy,” said Hyde, slowly walking to stand behind Jason. The sound of the key unlocking the handcuffs made Jason tingle. He was free to fight back now.

But instead of launching himself at his tormentor, he pulled his hands to the front and rubbed his wrists. He hadn’t noticed when he cut his skin on the cuffs. He could try and fight Hyde for the phone now, but he didn’t even know where he was. Jason needed to pace himself, find a good moment. Not to mention that he didn’t want to hurt Hyde. He’d probably not be able to bring himself to hit that handsome face. Ever.

Jason shuddered when a switchblade opened right by his cheek.

“Do your legs,” said Hyde, strolling back to the door.

“You’re not afraid to give me a knife?” Jason squinted at Hyde and cut the tape on his ankles.

Hyde shook his head with a smug smile. “My guys will turn you into Swiss cheese before you even walk out of this building.”

Jason groaned and gave Hyde the knife back, but as he stood up, his knees gave out, and he had to hold onto the chair. Had to be an aftereffect of the fucking Taser. Hyde used to be much taller than him back in high school, and that was still the case, though it was now more like two inches instead of five.

“You own this place?” Jason asked as his gaze drifted to Hyde’s mouth.

Hyde put his arm around Jason’s shoulders. “Why, yeah. Handsome, charming, and with his own business. That’s me.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “Too bad polygamy’s illegal, because that sounds like marriage material to me.” He couldn’t force himself to pull away, though. The touch of the hot, heavy arm was way too pleasant.

Hyde chuckled and pushed Jason out the door. “Everyone’s dying to meet you. Especially Titan.”





Chapter 3


Hyde had no fear in him. First, he gave Jason a knife after having openly played him, now he was walking through the narrow corridor first, seemingly unconcerned whether his life was in danger. But as much of an asshole as he was, God, was Hyde a fine-looking man. There was a relaxed softness to his gait as he moved, gently swaying to the sides. Some of the soft hair escaped the ponytail, and Jason felt his skin getting hot when he realized it must have happened when Hyde fucked his mouth with the ferocity of a madman. The discomfort of the forced entry felt so good that just thinking about it gave Jason a kick.

They say that people who are popular in high school don’t necessarily end up successful in life, but Hyde? He hadn’t lost even the slightest bit of his natural charm. Trim and broad-shouldered, with beautiful arms and smooth skin, he had it all, just as he did ten years prior. At school, Hyde was the guy everyone wanted to either be or date

handsome and smart enough to get good grades despite not spending much time with his homework, and with a father who tended to be extremely lenient. Hyde had had a good car and cool clothes that most parents would not accept on their teenage kid. He didn’t have a curfew and threw the most epic parties— all that while being a badass whom no one wanted to cross.

Jason had been to one of those parties. Shy and friendless, he got excited as if Hyde invited him to the prom, and spent all his money on a new pair of cool sneakers, not realizing that literally everyone at school was expected to be there, so there was nothing special about it. But when Hyde spoke about it at the gym where Jason had been hanging out after school, it had been the first time Hyde spoke to him. Or toward him. At that point in time, Jason didn’t have much of a concept of gayness, as it was definitely not something spoken about at his home other than as an insult. What he did know was that Hyde’s voice had his insides fluttering and his skin erupting in goose bumps.

At the party itself, Hyde had asked Jason to get him a beer and put a hand on his shoulder as he did so. Jason still remembered it so vividly as if it were yesterday. Unfortunately, when he returned from the kitchen with a perfectly chilled beer, Hyde was gone, off with his friends somewhere. Jason agonized over his failure for several days after. That maybe if he had taken less time, Hyde would have still been there, they’d have hung out, and who knew what could have happened. But it never did. Most probably never would have, as Jason wouldn’t have dared to make a move on Hyde even if the guy had been completely drunk. After all, he hadn’t dared to make a move on anyone. Ever.

Hyde opened a door to the right and walked Jason into a large communal shower room, with open stalls and toilets right across from them. The place was incredibly old school, with cream-colored tiles, some of which were broken or missing like gaps in an old man’s smile.

“Right,” said Hyde, casually turning around in front of Jason. “Hop under the water.”

“H-huh?” Jason swallowed and glanced between Hyde and the showers. “Now?” He knew the answer to his own stupid question, but was still delaying the anxiety of undressing in front of the guy.

Hyde raised his brows. “Should I do it for you?”

Jason’s eyes went wide. “No!” he said louder than he would have wished. He walked into a shower stall and pulled down his shorts after a deep breath. The chill immediately made his scrotum pull up closer to his body, but it was a loud whistle that made his skin crawl.

“You don’t shave anywhere. I like that,” said Hyde, pulling close a metal stool. He sat on it and leaned against the wall behind him, ready for a makeshift peep show.

“Why the fuck would I shave? I’m not even hairy anyway,” Jason groaned and dared a peek at Hyde before turning on the water. He would miss Hyde’s smell on him, but after the blackmail, the fucker had another thing coming if he thought he’d get a blow job ever again.

“It’s more common than you think. When I hook up, it’s like a lottery of pubes. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

“Like dick sizes, I suppose,” Jason muttered and got some soap as the water warmed up. He didn’t want to have any blood left on his face when he met Titan again.

“Yes, exactly like that!” said Hyde with a broad smile that Jason really tried not to look at. That man was a treacherous beast. “Only I don’t care much about that. I’m more interested in the back than the front.”

Jason clenched his buttocks and turned around, but that wasn’t optimal either, so he settled on standing sideways and washing faster. “I don’t care at all. I just watch some porn. Any guy can get curious.”

“Tell me more. I love closeted types. They’re the most dedicated at worshipping my dick,” said Hyde, slowly getting up from the seat.

“Ah, fuck you. You know shit about me.” Jason watched Hyde, already wishing to stroke the stubble on his face. Wishing him naked under the shower as well.

“Seven inches? It’s a wild guess,” said Hyde, walking up to the stall.

Jason’s mind instantly drifted off to Hyde’s thick dick, and his lips parted slightly. “Stop staring, creep.”

“What else am I supposed to do? Wash it for you? I think you’re old enough to do that.”

“You can get me a towel.” Jason just snarled at Hyde and finished washing with a quick soap-up of his short hair.

Hyde made a low cat-like purr and moments later, fabric slapped Jason’s ass.

“Here you go, tiger.”

Jason grabbed the towel and gave himself a quick rub before tying it around his hips. He made sure to make a show of it when he toweled his hair, as Hyde had mentioned he liked Jason’s muscles. Jason worked hard to have pronounced abs, and showcasing them paid off, as Hyde’s cool gaze definitely left a sticky trail down Jason’s freshly cleaned six-pack.

They left the showers and entered an equally ancient locker room. It was depressing to look at, yet on the other hand, Jason had been to worse places. Hyde tossed him some stale-smelling clothes from one of the lockers and leaned against the wall.

“Is this getting you off?” Jason asked as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants over his naked body.

“Your lips did a decent job at doing that.”

Jason pushed Hyde’s chest without a second thought. “What the fuck? Don’t ever fucking say that again!” He pushed Hyde once more, all the way to the wall.

Those hazel eyes opened wider, and Hyde laughed. “What? Perfect it wasn’t!”

“I’ve never done it before, so what the fuck do you expect, huh?” Jason grabbed Hyde’s top. Heat was creeping up his neck. He wasn’t good enough even for sucking cock?

Hyde grimaced and grabbed the back of his head. “What the fuck? Your mouth is like a freaking vacuum.”

Was that supposed to be some fucked-up compliment? Jason’s fist went up on its own accord, but he stilled when Hyde opened his palm to protect his face.

“You want to knock my teeth out? Where’s your sense of decorum?”

Jason imagined that pretty mouth without teeth and stilled. How was he supposed to fight Hyde? Before he could come up with an answer to that question, something smashed into the underside of his jaw so hard he bit his own tongue, stumbling backwards.

“You obviously have none if you bite people’s cheeks off,” hissed Hyde.

“You’re the one who Tasered me, aren’t you?” Jason asked with a bit of a lisp, massaging his numb jaw. Looked like hitting
face was perfectly appropriate. It made sense.

Hyde spread his hands. “It’s able to put a grown man to sleep. And by the way, did you just say I took your cherry?”

“There is no fucking ‘cherry’ in the throat, you dumbass!” Jason curled his shoulders and pulled on a T-shirt with the gym logo, a blue bird with muscular arms. He stilled, realizing this was the very gym he, Hyde, and the other guys from Hyde’s circles frequented after school. It hadn’t looked nearly as bad back then. It was far from Jason’s old home, but he used to rather spend over an hour walking than miss a chance of smelling the faintest hint of Hyde’s sweat.

“Right. It’s in the ass, I forgot,” said Hyde, watching Jason with a deep frown that wasn’t making him any less handsome.

“And you’re not getting it, so fuck off, and let’s just get on with it.” Whatever “it” was.

“You’re lying.”

“Why would I lie? I’m telling you I’ve never been with a guy.”

Hyde sighed. “Ridiculous. You’re one hot piece of ass.”

Jason spread his arms, not sure what to say. He never considered himself much of a hot guy. “How does anyone even meet anyone? I don’t know. I’m not good at this shit. I don’t know any gay guys.”

Hyde grinned and opened his arms for a hug. “Poor you!”

“It’s not funny!” Jason hugged himself instead. “I’m not good with people.”

Hyde’s arms dropped. “If that’s any consolation, you’re pretty talented with cock. It was damn impressive for a first-timer. So there’s that.”

It wasn’t a talent Jason wanted to have. “I got carried away,” he muttered, wanting to hide.

Hyde stared at him with those piercing eyes.

“Just let it go, I’ll do what you asked for.” Jason broke the silence, too tense to bear it. Hyde wouldn’t understand. He was always the life of the party. “It was a one-time thing, and I’m done with that now.”

Hyde pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one into his mouth. “You need to meet my guys.”

Good. The message must have gotten through to Hyde’s brain, because he finally changed the topic from dick-and-ass talk. Jason was ready to get back to his miserable, loveless life full of unresolved sexual tension first thing next week. He nodded.

“Come,” said Hyde, leading him through two more rooms and into a windowless weight room. Now they could hear voices and some music ahead, and Jason wasn’t sure what to anticipate.

He rolled his eyes at the way Hyde ordered him around. He took a deep breath and focused on the width of Hyde’s shoulders, on his own aching jaw, and the little scratch in his throat, all to avoid making eye contact with whoever was there ahead.

They walked through a door and into a well-lit room. The voices died down, only to erupt again.

“Motherfucker! I’ll bite your nose off!” shouted one, and when Jason looked up, he was shocked to see a mass of gauze and bandages over Titan’s face. The guy was wearing a leather cut with lots of patches sewn on at the front. One of them read “Sgt at Arms.”

Jason swallowed. What was he to say? That he’s sorry? That wouldn’t be good enough. He crossed his arms over his chest. Four other men got to their feet, but none of them tried to stop Titan as he charged straight at Jason.

Hyde gave a theatrical sigh. “Come on, it’s not like you were pretty before. Remember when you got drunk and complained about your acne scars? Isn’t the one big, badass scar you’ll have now more of a chick magnet?”

“You claim you have any control over this rabid motherfucker?” a bearded young guy asked, but Jason was too busy dodging Titan’s fist to listen.

“Titan, for fuck’s sake! You want the money back or not?” growled Hyde, grabbing the giant from behind.

“How is his head in one piece gonna help with that? You better put a shock collar on the fucker!” Titan yelled, spitting all over Jason’s face.

Hyde snorted, and with a strong push, he got Titan to back off. “Deal. Now can you not mess up our investment?”

“He’s right, Titan. Chill,” said a tan man with a buzz cut and a plum-colored birthmark spread over half his cheek.

Jason frowned at Hyde.
? He couldn’t be for real.

Titan groaned. “But you’re putting it on that crazed mutt. He’s fucked in the head. Should get fucking isolated.” He walked over to the wall and got a collar from under a large flag of the Rabid Mongrels MC, along with its logo, a red-eyed dog laying on a pile of guns and human skulls. It was the club that organized that night’s fight, and he now realized they were also the ones to make the contract with him. All of the men but Hyde wore identical leather vests, with the same symbol on the back.

Jason swallowed. Would these guys really let him go with a slap on the wrist if he won back the money? Somehow he didn’t think that would be the case.

“He’s gonna get the fucking collar,” hissed Hyde, as if Jason wasn’t there at all. Typical. Hyde looked at the guy with the birthmark. “Spotty, help me the fuck out?”

Jason took a few steps back, his eyes wide. “I’m not wearing a fucking shock collar! You outta your fucking mind? This is some first-class bullshit!”

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