Barely Breathing (Just Breathe) (22 page)

BOOK: Barely Breathing (Just Breathe)
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"Ever, did you get your bow?"

"What?" I turn toward his voice. He is just entering the room after leaving me alone for a minute.


He faces me and puts his hands on my cheeks, "Why are you so sad?" I shrug not wanting to get into this with him. He slowly lowers his lips to mine. Before my brain registers what is happening, my lips are exploring his. My body slowly calms and my hand grasps the back of his neck, getting lost in his hair and pulling him closer. Our lips part as we explore. My brain is mush and I'm embracing every part of mush, I can get. The kiss ends and slowly we pull away. He looks so sure of himself.

I ask half out of breath and very unsure, "What was that?"

His lips turn up and that dimple shows front and center, "We'll call it a friendship kiss."

I point my finger in the center of his chest and push, smiling, "No more friendship kisses."

I point to my heart and head, "Causes confusion between the heart and the head. We are only using the head these days"

He chuckles with a smoldery look, "I'll take that into consideration."

Then he leans closer again. I back up and turn to the wall of bows. I busy myself selecting a bow and quiver of arrows. As I turn back, he is in front of me again. I'm kicking myself now.
I should have never let that happen.

He produces a dagger between us. It's the most beautiful dagger I've ever seen. The handle is gilded with gold and red jewels. He grabs my hand, turns it over and places it in my palm.

"This was my mother's. I didn't get to train you with it so use it sparingly."

I frown and try to give it back, "No Alex, I can't, this is important to your family."

He shakes his head refusing to take it, "You need it, just in case. It protected my mom..."

I can tell he was going to say something else but he turns before he can add anything.

"Alex, I'm sorry...Is your mom..."

He turns across the room and meets my gaze, "Killed in a battle, like so many others..."

I can tell he doesn't want to talk about it.

He crosses the room again and fastens a knife holder around my waist. I place the knife securely in it's spot and vow not to use it and return it as soon as I can. Obviously it means a lot to him.

He grabs my hand and guides us into the hall. Then he stops and turns to face me.
Oh no, not again, I can't let this happen again.

Both his hands rest on my shoulders. I rest both my hands on his chest, just in case.

"Ever, you can do this, I know you can. Take a deep breath and believe in yourself."

I do as he tells me. I take a deep breath and calm flows though me with just a hint of confidence and a lot of fear.













Chapter 39




I look across the field in front of me and see that the cause of the cloudy water is the churning of the sand. Bodies are moving fast across the field, all moving with a purpose. I look off in the distance toward the city of the Lior and see small flashes of light. This must be it. The battle must be starting. My sister suddenly pops into my head. I hope she is safe through all of this and I hope we don't have to face each other.

I don't recognize any of these Erebus and none stop to find out anything about me. I glance toward the caves and barely make out the doors. Better than nothing. I head in that general direction. When I finally make it to the door, it swings inward and Jaspen is hovering in the water before me.

"Ah there you are my boy. I thought I was going to have to come and find you."

He frowns and shakes his head, "That wouldn't have been right. But no matter, here you are."

He slaps me on the back and guides me through the door. "Are you ready for the fight of your life?"

When he puts it like that, Uh, NO!

I wince, "Ah, Not sure..."

"Yes you are, I sent Sara to make sure of it."

This perks my interest. "Where is she? Um Sara, I mean?"

"Oh yes, I was afraid of that, well, she's rather busy at the moment. Don't worry yourself with her."

I'm confused. He was afraid of what? I'm about to ask when the door down the hall to the right of the entryway opens. I look over and see Jack swimming toward us. He has the most miserable look on his face yet. He seems thin and more gaunt, than the last time I saw him. As he swims, his green eyes bore into me with anger. Obviously he's not over the fact that I wouldn't let him see Ever last week.

Jaspen glances over at him, "Jack, will you get James settled and bring him to my quarters. It's time we all talk battle strategies."

Jack nods at Jaspen and tilts his head for me to follow him. He leads us down the hall toward the room I used the last time I was here. Once we're in, I set my bag down on the bunk, if you can even call it that. I turn to lay into him about Ever. Now's my chance to pummel him, It's going to feel so good to get back at him for hurting my sister. I close the space between us with clenched fists. He has his hands up in surrender before I can even get the first punch out.

"Whoa, James, it's not exactly as it seems."

I lower my fist but keep it clenched. I'm seeing red the more I look at this douche bag.

"What is it exactly then? You broke my sister's heart."

He glances at the door and looks at the bunk and back at me, like he's defeated. I nod. He sits and puts his head in his hands. My fists loosen. Maybe he's not in the best of shape either.

Finally, he glances back at the door and at me, "We should go, Jaspen will be expecting us."

"Just spit it out Jack, Why did you even get involved with Ever if you were going to wreck her?"

He winces at my choice of words, "I didn't...I thought...I thought... she's with Alex now."

Okay he's going to avoid my questions.

I shake my head and relax a little more, "She's not. You...she hasn't gotten over you."

He gets up heading for the door. I put my arm up blocking his way. I'm not letting it go this time.

He looks over before hitting my arm and says under his breath, "We can't discuss this here. It's not the right place."

He points around the room and to his ear. I get it, they're listening in. I move my arm for him to pass and follow him out. There must be more to this whole thing than what I originally thought. I place my hand on his arm to stop him and he turns.

"I'm not letting this go."

He nods.

I add, before letting go of his arm, "Where is Sara?"

A worried look crosses his face but quickly he recovers.

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not sure, I think Jaspen sent her out to the shield around the city."

I frown suddenly worried, "Why would he do that?"

"They are starting to...They have to get through the shield to get into the city."

I panic, "But she's not safe, she shouldn't be there where they're fighting."

I start to swim toward the door to get out of the caves. Jack grabs my arm this time. He smirks and tells me, "Actually James, you don't have anything to worry about with Sara. She can, she can handle a lot...believe me."

I nod and follow him down the hall. I glance back one more time at the door. As soon as Jaspen's through with me, I'm there.


Jaspen has been talking in circles for hours now. My head hurts from this shit. I just want to find Sara and hit my bed. I have a feeling though, it's going to be a long time til I see the inside of my eyelids.

I speak up, "But, you said there are many Erebus in the city already."

He takes a deep, frustrated breath, "Yes James, there are, they weren't supposed to attack until we found a way through the shield so that we would have the numbers. I'm hearing reports that they have been found and our numbers inside are decreasing. Someone gave them up."

I shrug my shoulders because truthfully I can't contribute to this conversation. Two days ago I was still sitting in high school. Now I'm responsible for using force to save people and hurt others. Not quite comfortable just yet.

Jack speaks up. I look over at him, he seems so tired, like he hasn't slept in days.

"Jaspen, we still have numbers, we just have to change our tactics."

Jack turns to me, "James, can you travel?"

I nod unsure where this is going.

He continues, "I will bet James can travel through the shield."

Jaspen shakes his head, "We've been through this, none of us who can travel, can get through."

"But he's a descendant of Seamus. Just try. It will be a great advantage if he can get through."

Suddenly, I'm not liking where this is going.



















Chapter 40




As we enter the throne room I swear I felt a wave of tingles run through me, the first sign that I might lose it. I take a deep breath and squeeze Alex's hand. We stop a few feet in front of Seamus, Metea, and Mersa. The witch is glaring at me. Metea has a snide smile on her face and Seamus has that stupid proud looking, goofy grin. How can these three people be in the same room and the same situation and portray such opposite of emotions all at once?

I straighten up my posture hoping it gives off a bit more of the confidence I am completely missing. Seamus gets up from his chair and swims over, treading in front of us.

"Alex, thank you for delivering her, in one piece. This right here is our assurance that we will win this battle once and for all."

I look over at Alex as he lets go of my hand and backs away bowing slightly. I'm confused. Where is he going? His eyes dart around but he refuses to make eye contact with me. I'm full on panic now. What does this mean? Alex is leaving me. I glance over to Seamus. He is holding his hand out to me. I naturally shy away. The tingling is rising up my fin and overtaking my belly. I can't faint, that's a sign of weakness. I can't be weak in front of these people. I grasp Seamus's outstretched hand apprehensively, hoping it will steady my nerves. He turns and leads me past the line of thrones. We pass through a glass door that seems hidden behind the chairs, entering a small box of a room. The walls are plastered with shiny weapons hung in every available space. There is armor in every shade of gold and bronze. He tells the same mermaid that led me here a few days ago, "Samaris, get her ready for battle."

She bows her head and responds with a "Yes, your power."

What the heck? I'm more confused now than ever. In just the past five minutes, everything seems like it's on fast forward and I can't find the stop button.

The mermaid, I guess her name is Samaris, fastens, pokes and prods me. She places a golden breastplate over my head and adds a type of linked metal to my arms attaching it to the breastplate. I struggle getting my quiver of arrows back around me, but manage. Finally, she places a golden helmet over my head. It surrounds my head leaving my face open, thank god. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see for a second. Samaris doesn't speak the entire time. I try to start up a conversation but she ignores me.

As soon as she seems satisfied that I'm covered and uncomfortable, we leave the secret room and swim back out past the thrones. Seamus is the only one in the room. He is fashioned with a similar getup. I notice a long sword by his side. This whole thing reminds me of the Romans or the Greeks, except under water. Now I wish I would have listened a little more in my history classes.

His eyes light up when he sees me, "There's my girl. You make me proud to see you here bearing the emblem of the Lior."

I frown, emblem, what is he talking about? I glance down at my breastplate. A design I didn't notice before becomes apparent. It resembles a wide circle surrounding what looks like a line of bubbles. In the center is a mermaid in armor similar to mine grasping a knife with her hair flowing behind her. She looks strong and dangerous. Both of which I am lacking.

"A beautiful depiction, don't you think?"

I frown. Who is he talking about?

"You don't know? It's Metea, of course. She was younger in this particular crest but regardless, she is the queen of all and the beauty of all beauties."

I can tell he is completely still in love with her. Even after all of these years. A small bit of admiration flits into my heart for my great-grandfather. Then I am reminded that I will never know that love again and my heart twists losing the warmth I might have just felt.

BOOK: Barely Breathing (Just Breathe)
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