Read Barely Winging It Online

Authors: Tigertalez

Barely Winging It (17 page)

BOOK: Barely Winging It
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“But Seamus
he would be
all right
. Why is he
there if he is all right? What aren’t you telling me?”

“He will be, but he
speared by a branch. Doc wants to keep an eye on him, and Gale
isn’t leaving his side, which is a good thing ‘cause Doc wants to keep an eye
on her, too. Both girls actually need to take it easy for the next few days.
They were really lucky.
should be able to be let back into his own bed by
tomorrow night possibly. Just relax, sis. How ‘bout I bring you your laptop? It
was left out in the barn, but I can run and get it.”

Havana felt grumpy. She was swamped with raw, uncomfortable weepy emotions and
nothing to get her mind off of it. She leaned back against the headboard and
looked at her petrified mate after her brother left the room. A smile played
over her lips as a plan formed in her mind.
can work on my apology.

Chapter Eleven




hazy mind slowly started to wake at the sound of someone knocking on their
door. Nix’s muffled voice tickled her neck, and his strong arms tightened
around her. “Go away!”

“It’s Seamus. I wanted to check on
The doctor’s voice sounded through the door, bringing her memory back.
The plane crash
She slowly opened her eyes and tried to move, but a few muscles reaffirmed her
memory of the event.
Oh, that hurts

As if reading her mind, Nix poked his head up over her
“You all right?”
Without waiting for an
answer, he turned to the door and called for Seamus. “Come in, doc.”

felt cold air cool her back as Nix moved away from where he had molded himself
since they returned. A shiver morphed goosebumps over her skin, and she tried
to pull the blankets closer to her body.

“I was just checking on Havana and thought it would be
a good time to check in on you.” The doctor’s face, complete with a full fanged
smile, came into view. She squinted against the light that permeated the room
through a nearby window.

“What time is it?” She nearly slurred her words. She
felt so sore and groggy, and her throat was slightly dry.

“It’s late morning, almost eleven. How do you feel?”

A cool hand rested on her forehead, and she saw Seamus
looking into her eyes. “I’m fine, just really sore.”

“You do have a slight temp. Why don’t you roll over
onto your back and let me feel around your stomach?”

As she did as he asked, she saw Nix’s eyes go wider in
quiet panic. “You sense something? Is she all right? What’s wrong with her?
What can I do to help?”

Ok, not so much quiet panic
, she thought.

“Calm down, Nix. You can fetch her breakfast and make
sure she gets plenty of orange juice and an extra glass of water.”

Nix hurried out of the room, and
gave Seamus a pointed look as he started to press in places on her stomach.
Seamus returned her look with a smile. “Mates tend to overreact and become
irrational when it comes to their mates. I would like to ask you a personal
question. Do you plan on letting Nix claim you?”

thought the question was a bit odd, or the timing at least. “Um, yes, but what
does that have to do with anything?”

“Plenty, actually.
You did sustain a mild injury that I was hoping your
body would heal on its own, but if I push right about here…”

let out a pained hissing noise and stiffened.

“Ah, see. I’m not entirely happy with how slowly it’s
healing. The best option, if you are willing, is to let Nix claim you. Your
bond will change your system, and one of the benefits is faster healing. It is
one of the biggest reasons why Gale is doing so much better than you, as you
had noticed last night. However, if you aren’t comfortable yet with the idea of
claiming, we can discuss other options.”

“Yeah, I remember them saying that now. My aging will
slow, too.”

“That’s correct.”

A light knock had them turning to look at the closed

recognized Ryker’s voice. Seamus pulled the sheet up to her neck and called for
him to enter. Ryker’s bright red haired head poked through the door. “Your
parents are on their way up. They wanted to see you, and I couldn’t stop them.
They’ll be here in about three hours. And before you ask, Sea-Salts, yes, I
and Enzo. They’re preparing everyone so
there won’t be any more ‘surprises’, while they’re here.”

Seamus looked back at
and she shrugged. “Thank you,” she said.

The bright red hair disappeared, and she heard the
door lightly click shut. Seamus stood up. “So what do you want to do?” he

The door opened, and Nix walked into the room carrying
a tray near overflowing with dishes piled with food and glasses of juice and
water nearly slopping as he tried to keep the tray steady. She held in her
snicker but couldn’t stop the smirk on her face. The man before her really was
a catch. “I’m going to let my mate claim me.”

Seamus had gone over to inspect the food when she made
her claim, which put him in just the right place at that time to catch the tray
from falling as Nix’s arms dropped along with his jaw. His face showed shock, but
then it morphed into heat, and he didn’t even seem to notice that Seamus had
taken the tray completely away to place it on a dresser.

“With that said, I’ll give you
. However, Nix, nothing hard and fast. You have to be gentle and
slow. Do you hear me?”

Panic started to creep into his eyes.
“Wait, slow?
Is it safe for me to even claim her?”

“It will be fine so long as you go slowly. She’s
running a slight temp, so having her claimed will do her good. Just be sure to
give her something to drink first.” Seamus didn’t wait for any more questions. He
simply walked out the door and closed it behind him.

liked the bulge tenting the sweats Nix wore. She was able to see the lining of
his cockhead and as she was staring at it, she noticed it jerk. Looking up into
Nix’s face, her own core thrummed with heat at the look of need on his face.
With everything she had learned
she could clearly see
the want in his eyes for her. It was extreme, a genuine devotion and care, and
she couldn’t think of anything that had ever looked sexier in her entire life.

“Nix, I want you to know that I truly want you to
claim me.”

He stopped, obviously pondering what she said, and she
could see him putting the pieces together what she meant. Nix walked over to
her side and knelt down. He reached for her hand and looked her in the eyes.

“What did he tell you?” She knew he was referring to
the doctor.

“Nothing much.
He said I had other options to getting better, but I
really wanted you to claim me. He said that would do it.” She didn’t want him
to think she wanted to be mated so she could get healed, but she didn’t want
him to find out later either and then doubt her intentions. He did say it was
permanent. No one wanted a relationship to start off like that.

“Are you sure? I can’t and won’t ever let you go,
. And know now that if you say yes, I don’t think I
could stop myself until I fully claim you. It will extend your lifespan, it
will slow your aging, but it will also bind you to me.”

could understand his reservations. She was human, who didn’t know anything
about the paranormal until less than forty-eight hours ago, and she was already
asking for a relationship that would last for centuries. But she didn’t feel
the same reservations. “Nix, my parents raised me to believe in fate. One thing
the doctor said when I first arrived here was that everything in the paranormal
world happens fast. I’m not usually scared of things. I like taking things in
stride, but this paranormal world of yours does scare me. I can totally accept
that, so long as I have you with me. I’ve always wanted a relationship like my
parents’, and you can give that to me. I’m not willing to give that up. Please,
if you want me, too, claim me right now.”

Nix smashed his lips against hers and slowly laid her
back. His hands clutched the sides of her head, and he kissed her like his next
breath depended on it. Need bloomed through her chest and stomach and continued
south causing her inner walls to spasm and moisten instantly. She spread her
legs apart, as she felt his body rest on top her hers, and gripped her hands on
his upper arms, letting them explore over his muscular shoulders and down the
sides of his back.

Giving a pained
pulled back and stared down at her. They were both breathing heavily. She could
feel the heat through of his groin as he rubbed it between her lower folds
through the sheet, eliciting a moan from her.

Nix leaned slightly on his left elbow as he lifted his
lower form up and pulled the sheet away. He brought his lips back down onto
hers as she felt him removing his sweats. His heavy shaft slapped her inner
thigh, and she felt the tickle from the hairs around his groin, and on his
legs, rub against her skin.

Nix pulled back again and tapped her hip. “Lift for
me, Dove.” His voice was lower and rough.

Planting her feet flat on the bed, she lifted as he
asked, and he slid his fingers under the strap of her panties and pulled them
down her legs. It was slightly awkward, but before he could fling them aside,
his lips were devouring hers again. She moaned and let her knees fall to the
side allowing his fully hardened shaft to rub up and down between her folds as
his hips moved his solid cock through her slick heat.
dug her nails, only slightly, into his back, teasing him further into crazed

One of his hands slid between them, and he used his
fingers to pinch and twist her nipple. An electric zing shot down her body
straight to her pussy, and
pulled away letting
out a shout of pleasure.

Nix didn’t pull his lips away from her, instead he
kissed and nipped his way along her jaw until he got to her bent neck and then
continued a path down until he reached the apex of her shoulder where he gave a
heavy nip and growled. “This is where I’m going to place my mark on you,
, for everyone to see that you are mine.” Nix began
kissing his way back up her neck. “Are you ready for me, Dove?” His words
buffeted heat against her sensitized skin.

own hips were gyrating in a slow rhythm. She was more turned on than she had
ever been in her life. Her fingers dug deeper into Nix’s back. “Yes, make me
yours, Nix. Claim me.”

Nix used his hips to maneuver his cockhead so it
pressed against her opening. Closing his mouth over hers once more, he flexed
his hips and slid into her tight heat.

felt his girth as it stretched her to a slightly pained level. She wasn’t a
virgin, but she hadn’t been with many men. But Nix went slowly, distracting her
by nipping at her lips and
his tongue into her
mouth. His tongue traced her mouth, lining it with his unique flavor. All she
could taste was him.

felt his balls nestle against her puckered star as he pushed the last bit of
his length into her. Opening her eyes as he lifted his head, she could see his
face was strained and his forehead covered in sweat. Her fingers slipped along
his sweat covered back, and she noticed ripples moving through the muscles in
his body slightly shaking him.

“Fuck, Dove, you feel so good. Give me a minute to get
control. I want to fuck you through the mattress so bad.”

smiled up at her lover. She loved that she had this effect on him, but she
wasn’t going to encourage him to do the wrong thing, so she used her hand to
trace his face. “That will be next time. Right now show me how much you cherish
me.” After seeing the others with their mates, although she hadn’t seen much, still,
added with what she learned and how he had already treated her, she knew she
had something special with him. She hoped giving him that to focus on would
help him, and as she watched his face warm into the same loving smile her
father would send her mother at times, she felt a flutter in her tummy and knew
she’d made the right choice.

Nix slowly moved in and out of her wet channel. Zings
of euphoria emptied her mind of all thought, throwing her into a pleasure
filled autopilot. Her body moved with Nix, and sweat slicked both of their
bodies making it easier to move.

Nix switched hands and began tugging and twisting her
other nipple.
felt her body tingle, and she
was unable to stop the orgasm that surprised her, taking hold of her body and
exploding. Her body stiffened, and he let out a strangled shout. Above her, Nix
pushed into her two more times until he stiffened, too.

felt heat fill her as his balls emptied right before he shot forward. She
shouted in pain as she felt his huge canines sink into her exposed flesh. But
it quickly morphed into an even louder shout of pleasure as another orgasm
rocketed through her, stronger then the first, and locked his shaft into her
channel, milking him further. She felt him sucking on her neck, and
with every suction
, her body would spasm. It kept going and
going until her body relaxed as he finally pulled from her neck. His soft
tongue slid over the bite mark, and her inner walls rippled again around his
softening shaft. Her eyes got heavy, and she couldn’t prevent them from

“Mine,” she heard him whisper before she completely
succumbed to sleep.

BOOK: Barely Winging It
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