Bassist Instinct (The Rocker Series #2) (19 page)

BOOK: Bassist Instinct (The Rocker Series #2)
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“Since when?” Liam asked.

“I don’t know, birth?”

“Why don’t you like it?”

“It’s too greasy,” she said. He stared at her.

“Give it a rest, mate,” Tate wiped his greasy fingers. “More for us.” He grinned at Liam.

“More for you, you mean, I don’t see you sharing it,” Liam said and they both laughed.

“You can have it off the next piece if she has one. She’ll be full after half of this piece,” Tate said.

“You two need to stop talking like I’m not even here,” she glared at them, but they only smiled back.

“She’ll finish it now that you said something,” Liam said.

“Put a tenner on it?”

“Damn right I will,” he went for his wallet and pulled out a ten dollar bill. Tate smiled at him and slapped his on top of it on the table.

“She has to eat the whole piece, aye?” Tate said to Liam.

“Yeah, yeah, she will, just to vex you,
.” Liam stressed the word
again and grinned. He knew his little sister better than anybody. Sam shook his head and Tate winked at him.

“Really? You guys are doing this?” Fiona said.

“It’s done, love, eat up, I know you’re hungry, I heard your stomach rumble earlier,” he had such a great grin. She didn’t know if she could finish the second piece of pizza now that she thought of it. Liam was finishing his third piece and Tate was deciding on his fourth. She muscled through the piece and slowly chewed and finished the thick crust, then licked her fingers, smiling at Tate.

“Done and done, I’ll take those two tens,” Liam said, but Tate whipped them up in no time.

“No you won’t, she didn’t eat the whole piece,” another stunning grin.

“Uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure she just did,” Liam said.

“Sorry, mate. Sam, can you tell the man who won?”

“Tate did, sorry McBride.” Both Liam’s and Fiona’s mouths fell open.

“And how is that?” Liam asked.

“Tate ate her pepperoni, man,” Sam said and laughed. “He had you at go.”

“Fuck! You sly bastard.” Tate just smiled. Fiona sat back laughing and felt her swollen abdomen.

“Ugh, I just gave myself a food baby for that.” She laughed and Tate leaned over and kissed her.

“I’m off, love. Thank you for the lovely day. Finish up your grading and get some rest, and let’s do it all again tomorrow.”

“Oh, you’re leaving?” She sounded bereft. Tate stood up and pulled her off the sofa. They went to the kitchen and closed the door.

“I should go,” he touched her cheek with one finger. “My head is throbbing and that’s not the only body part making a nuisance of itself.” He kissed her cheek. “I have a thing with the lads tomorrow, but I’d very much like to spend the rest of the day with you.” He looked hopeful. “And you did say you’d have dinner at the Flemings’.”

“Yes, I’d like that, too.”

“Good. I’ll phone or text. I’ll send you the snaps I took today, too.”

“Okay, thanks,” she smiled and then her face changed. “Wait, you took pictures all day.” His eyes got big, too.

“You’re a genius,” he said and he pulled her back into the living room and pulled out his phone.

“Tate might have pictures of these guys, Liam, he took pictures all day.” Liam stood up just as Tate sat down. Sam moved the pizza boxes out of the way and sat across from Tate and Fiona.

“I’m sending them to your phone, too.” Her phone made the message sound and she opened the files. On the fifth picture she saw the side of the man’s face.

“He’s in this one,” she said and Tate leaned over to look.

“That’s him,” he said.

“Send it to me,” Liam said. She did, and Tate made a growling sound.

“Got you, you fecker,” he said. “The last one, which was really the first one I took, he’s looking right at you, love.” She caught his eye and shivered. The look on the man’s face was the most frightening thing she’d ever seen. She saw his hunger and viciousness and she began to panic. Tate put his arm around her and pulled her close. She handed Tate’s phone to Liam and suddenly felt very cold and terrified. “Your hands are like ice.” Tate held them in his. “Can I make you tea, or draw a bath?”

“Excuse me,” Liam stood and walked toward the kitchen. “I’m sending these on, we’ll find out who this guy is.”

“I’m going to bed,” Fiona said, suddenly shaking like a leaf. Tate picked her up and cradled her shaking form up the stairs to her room.

“Christ lassie, what can I do for you?” He placed her gently on the bed. “A shower? A bath? Tell me.”

“I just want to get under the blankets, I don’t want to get wet.” He knelt before her and took her shoes off, then kicked off his own.

“I’m getting in with you until you’re warm, okay?” She nodded, her teeth clacking together.

He pulled the duvet back and she crawled in, hesitated and undid her bra, flinging it on to the chair next to the bed. Tate took a deep breath. The bright red lacy underwear had been on her body, and he was practically cavalier in taking it off of her earlier. He made a note to himself to go slowly next time and savor everything. He climbed in behind her and pulled the duvet back over them both, cradling her shaking body against him.

“I’m so scared. It suddenly hit me how bad this is, Tate.”

“I’ve got you, my love. I’ve got you,” he whispered into her hair.

His head throbbed with every beat of his heart and the frightened woman trembling in his arms smelled so wonderful he knew he’d never sleep a wink, and yet he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. After twenty minutes she stopped the wracking shakes, and after thirty they were both sound asleep.

A few hours later Tate woke to Fiona thrashing. She was curled around him, her face pressed to his chest and she whispered “No, no,” over and over.

“Fiona love, wake up, it’s okay, you’re safe.” Her head shot up.

“Don’t touch me, Dean.” She sounded shocked and afraid and tried to pull away from him.

“Hush, my love, it’s just me. It’s your Tate,” he whispered back and her body lost all its rigidity ad she stopped thrashing.

“Oh Tate, thank God.” Her hand reached up and touched his face to make absolutely sure. “Thank God.”

“Are ye all right?”

“Just hold me.”

“Try and stop me.” She heard the humor in his voice and he kissed the top of her head and she turned her face up to meet his lips. She was too tired and shaky when they fell into bed to close the curtains, and in the light from the neighbor’s yard she could see him fairly well. He pulled his lips away. “By Christ, I’m not strong enough to resist you. You’d best stop now if you don’t want this,” he said roughly and noticed that his hands were shaking when he brought one to her face.

“I want this, Tate, I want you,” she said softly, and in one smooth motion he was on top of her with his mouth on her throat and his leg over hers.

“And I want you, Fiona,” he said into her throat.

Chapter Six

She tasted like nothing he’d ever had before, it was sweet and addictive. He ran his tongue down her neck and felt the vibration of the low sound she was making. Her hands pulled his t-shirt up in the back and he helped her take it off him and then finding agreement in her face he pulled her sweater over her head. He stopped and stared at her, finding it hard to breathe suddenly. She was small, and fit from her bike riding, and her skin was luminescent in the dappled light. He hadn’t realized it until that moment, but she was everything he loved most in a woman, she was perfect.

“I want to turn all the lights on, you are exquisite,” he reached for the waist band of her stretchy pants and worked them off of her. She lifted her hips to make it simple and reached for his belt buckle which was undone and on the floor with his pants in milliseconds. He grinned at her. “I hardly know where to start, love.” He rubbed his hands together with glee. “I want to do everything at once.” She chuckled and then got serious.

“Just don’t hold me down, or hurt me, anything else is fair game,” she said.

“Why on earth would I do either? I want your beautiful hands to touch my whole body, to rake your nails down me spine, and squeeze me arse. You can’t do that if you’re held down, aye?” He was smiling, she saw his teeth shining in the dim light. “As for hurting you, Christ, I just want to take care of you, lass. To make you insensible with pleasure.”

“I feel like I’m in bed with the Lucky Charms leprechaun, your accent just got very pronounced,” she said and giggled a little.

“Are ye after me Lucky Charms? Cause they’re all yours, lass, every last one of them,” he kissed her then and the heat of it engulfed them. His hands were blazing a trail down her body and he moved his attentions to her breasts. “So perfect.” She thought he said but she couldn’t quite tell. His tongue licked her nipple and then his teeth grazed it and his hand was gently squeezing her other one, making it pebble under his fingers. His other hand had caressed her midriff like feathers and landed lightly on her clitoris. He applied a little more finesse there and she felt her first orgasm rip through her unexpectedly.

“That was astonishing, Fi,” he said delighted with her, and he moved his head down her body, swirled his tongue into her navel and travelled even farther down.

“Yes, that
astonishing.” She was panting like she was running a marathon, and Tate hadn’t even gotten started. His hot mouth moved down her body leaving searing kisses everywhere.

“Tate, I…” she whispered as he proceeded to his destination, not really knowing what she was going to say. She knew oral sex was a thing, but this would be her first time on the receiving end of it. She should relax and let it happen, find the Zen.

“I believe you said fair game, love,” he grinned at her and focused on his job. On his elbows in between her legs he bent her knees and placed a single finger at the apex of her thighs on the hard sensitive pearl there and heard her gasp. She was wet from before, and his fingers slid easily into her folds as he put his warm mouth right on her clitoris.

“Oh my God!” She gasped loudly and bucked up off the bed gasping. She had never made a sound during sex before, but she had never had sex with Tate before. Tate made her lose all control. She looked at him and he smiled. “Tate, that’s so unbelievable.” This was the most responsive woman he’d ever known.

“That’s two, my lass, but who’s counting?” His voice was getting ragged, and he moved his fingers slowly in and out of her while nibbling her bud lovingly. He could feel her tensing again and knew she was close, her breathing had become ragged, so had his, he realized, and he plunged his fingers deep and sucked hard and she went rigid and whimpered.

He kissed her skin all the way back up to her face and looked at her. She was looking well shagged, and he hadn’t even started yet. “I love how you respond to my touch, Fi. It’s like you were fashioned just for me. Can you stand a few more orgasms?” Her eyes went round and she smiled.

“I will certainly try my damnedest, but you’re already the best lover I’ve ever had and we haven’t even done the deed.”

“I’m getting to that, but you’re just so delicious, my sweet Fiona.” He sucked her nipple and then leaned over to grab his trousers for a condom. He pulled it out of his pocket and Fiona took it out of his hand.

“I think it might be my turn,” she said and got on her knees next to him. “Lie back, Lucky Charms,” she said and he cocked an eyebrow and did. He watched her as she bent her head to him, her black hair cascading down to obscure her face, and kissed the tip of his penis and then took him in her mouth.

“Argh,” he couldn’t make an intelligent sound. Those lips. The first time he saw those lips this is what he wanted them to do, he couldn’t help it; he was just a man. She enfolded his length and pulled up and down slowly at first, sucking the willpower from him. Her tongue swirled around the head of his penis as her hand lightly raked his bollox. This felt tremendous, but he wanted to be inside her like nothing else, and he leaned forward to take her arms and lift her head from him. She made a sound he interpreted as not wanting to stop.

“Climb on top of me before it’s all over, Fi. I want to give you one more orgasm, if I may,” he grinned. “And I have to be inside of you like I have to breathe.” She couldn’t argue with that, the man had needs after all. She rolled the condom on to him and marveled at his length. She looked up and met his eye and grinned at him.

“Since you put it that way, you certainly may,” she said and lowered herself on to him. They both gasped when she had taken him fully into her. Nothing compared to how they each felt at that moment. They locked eyes and Tate put his hands to her hips as she leaned forward and back, rocking herself lower with every pass.

“Sweet Jaysus,” Tate managed to say and slowly pulled her hips forward and away again several times. “I may not. This is bliss, you tiny lemming, please tell me you’re close.” He had never been so aroused, she was so stunning, sitting astride him, her body looking perfect in the dappled light, her breasts tantalizing him moving in and out of the light seductively and the memory of her warm mouth around his cock so fresh in his mind making him want to explode. When she squeezed him inside of her his heart nearly stopped. He was having the most significant and powerful sex he’d ever had, and he could barely breathe.

BOOK: Bassist Instinct (The Rocker Series #2)
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