Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance (11 page)

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“We’ll make it. We have knives, we have means of making fire, and we have our packs. I just hope nothing is broken inside, especially our water filters.” Wes finished his main meal and opened the dessert, a bag of chocolate candies. “I seem to remember you favored the red ones best. You want to share?”

I grinned and held out my hand. “Sure. And you can have half of this supposed oatmeal cookie they gave me.”

We shared our desserts, then Wesley turned down the lantern to preserve the batteries. In the total darkness, I could see nothing, but could hear Wesley breathing. “Uh, this might be the time to strip down,” he said, a quaver in his voice. I felt the same quaver in my stomach, and kept my mouth shut. “The heat sharing works a lot better if we’re in just our long underwear. And I’ve slept in a field jacket before, the zippers tend to chafe.”

I could feel my heart speed up as I heard Wesley do as he said, the rustling and familiar sounds of a belt being undone and clothes being pulled off seemingly loud in the pitch black cabin. I wondered for a second if he was just trying to get me half-naked, but honestly, even if he was, I didn’t care.

I listened for a minute before following suit, until I was down to the silk long underwear, panties, and light sports bra I had worn for the flight. Feeling around, I found the entrance to my sleeping bag and slid inside, shivering already in the cold of the cabin. Wesley followed the sound, only bumping me once as he worked his way into his own bag and pulled the
cushions on top of us.

“Another thing,” Wesley said as he laid down. “I didn’t tell you before, but the pontoon that had the food we lost also had our big tent. We may have to build our own shelter once we move on.”

“Can you do it?” I said, wrapping my arms around Wes and feeling warmer already. “I mean, I know you can, but will we make it?” I already knew what his answer would be, but I needed to hear him say it.

“We’ll make it,” Wesley said confidently, words he seemed to be using a lot lately. “We just need to hope for good weather. If it starts raining or snowing, it’s not going to be fun out here.”

I felt myself drifting, nodding my head sleepily. I was exhausted, emotionally and physically. “Okay. I think I’m going to sleep now. Good night, Wes.”

“Good night, Robin.”

I wasn’t sure if I was sleeping or not, but I didn’t really care. I snuggled closer to Wesley and kissed his neck before realizing what I’d just done. It didn’t seem to faze him, though, and he didn’t say a word.

Even as I lost consciousness and my dreams overtook me, I smiled as I heard Wes shifting, pushing his hips back. Still, despite his best efforts, I could feel his cock poking into my hip, and for the first time in my life, I welcomed it.

Chapter 4

knew I was dreaming
. It was that type of dream where I felt like I was watching an old movie of my past. Wesley and I were about eighteen. It was a Saturday night, and we had stayed up late to watch a movie on HBO.

“Wes, do we really have to watch a horror movie?” I asked as Wesley munched on caramel popcorn. Wes was already over six feet tall, although his face was still pretty smooth and he hadn’t filled out yet. “I mean, really?”

“Oh come on, Robin, it’ll be fun,” Wesley replied, passing me the bowl of popcorn. “Besides, I didn’t say a thing when you made me sit through two hours of Sex In The City.”

“Okay, but you have to get me a Coke before the movie starts,” Robin said in way of compromise. “And a real Coke, none of that Pepsi stuff that you like to drink.”

“Good for me,” Wes said, bouncing off the couch and out of the family room. I could hear him half-running down the long hallway toward the stairs to the first floor, and I shook my head.

By the time Wes got back, the first strains of the theme music were playing, and Wes quickly plopped down on the sofa. Within minutes, both of us were caught up in the story, and when the first gory death happened about fifteen minutes into the movie, I jumped, a small shriek coming out unexpectedly.

Wes chuckled. “Come on, Robin, it’s only a movie. Tell you what, come over here and I’ll keep you safe.”

“Ass,” I replied, scooting over toward him anyway. We jockeyed around a bit until stretching out on the couch, Wes behind me while I stayed in front. We filled almost the entire couch, but I felt comfortable and warm as the remaining seventy minutes of gore and death rolled by on the screen, before in the end, the monster was vanquished by the smart yet outcast heroine, who was of course remarkably beautiful for a teenage outcast.

As the end credits rolled, I thought about getting up off the couch, but I was too tired. It was already two in the morning, and I felt warm and comfortable on the couch with Wesley. He was pretty cool for a stepbrother, although it was a shame that college would be starting soon and I’d probably see him less and less.

I could feel Wesley’s arms settle around my stomach as he also relaxed and started to settle in to sleep. It felt good, so I didn’t remove them, but instead I let myself drift off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later, feeling something exciting and unfamiliar happening. My breasts were being stroked, and my nipples were hard and tight, sending delicious ripples up and down my body. At the same time, I could feel something hard and warm pushing into my backside, and with a start, I realized I was feeling Wes’s hard cock. His hands had crept up and were cupping my breasts, and his hips were rocking back and forth, pushing his dick against me. “Oh my God!” I whispered, rolling off the couch. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Wesley blinked uncomprehendingly for a moment, before he realized his cock was poking out. “Oh Jesus, Robin, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean . . . ”

“Just shut up,” I hissed, but my eyes were still drawn to his cock in his sweatpants. “In fact, we both need to get to our rooms. This is awkward enough already. Good night, Wesley.”

After going to my room, I couldn’t get the feeling out of my mind of Wesley’s body pressed against me, or his hand stroking my nipples. Before I realized what I was doing, I started to rub myself. And even though it felt dirty, I continued, admitting as I came that Wesley was sexy. I knew I could never let him know what I’d done. It was my little secret.

I felt my dream dissolve as I woke up the next morning, unfamiliarity at first washing over me at the numbing cold on the tip of my nose and the warm cocoon of the sleeping bag wrapped around me. I panicked at first, but then I felt Wesley’s arms still wrapped around me, his right hand still resting on my stomach while his left, which was underneath me in a convenient dip in the cushions I had laid the sleeping bags on top of, curled under my body. My left breast was lying against his elbow, and his breath tickled my neck, right in that area that sent tingles through my body. I shivered again, not in cold but in warm, delicious heat, admitting that I was turned on. My body ached for his touch, and I could feel his bulge pressed against my ass, nestled in between my cheeks.

I knew I should push away, saying nothing. It wasn’t like Wes was groping me or anything. But I couldn’t. Instead, I pushed back into him, letting the soft moan that had been building in me ever since last night loose. Taking the hand that was on my stomach, I lifted it to my breast, squeezing my hand around it and groaning at Wesley’s fingers on my nipple. “Oh Wes,” I sighed, biting my lip.

When Wesley’s fingers tightened on their own, I realized he was awake and froze, not sure what to say. I was a little embarrassed; did Wes want me the same way I wanted him? I squirmed around, turning over until I was looking him in the eyes. “Wes . . . ”

Instead of replying, Wes pulled me closer, his lips caressing mine. We were soon kissing softly, his hands stroking up and down my back, gentle touches that lit up the nerves up and down my entire spine. He pulled me on top of him, sending the cushion fort walls and roof tumbling, both of us laughing as I batted the foam away. My hair tumbled down around my head, dangling down as I sat up, pushing the zipper of the sleeping bag down until I could straddle Wesley’s hips comfortably.

Wesley looked up earnestly, his eyes not twinkling with their normal good humor, but instead, a darker sapphire blue with emotion. I’ve always thought that Wes had cute eyes, but until that moment I never realized just how amazingly beautiful they were. “I can’t deny it anymore. I want to make you mine,” he said.

“Then show me,” I replied, leaning over and kissing him again. The kiss was hotter this time, passionate as Wesley’s hands moved under my silk long underwear to touch my naked skin, each fingertip blazing a hot trail of desire on me. I rubbed his chest, marveling at his chiseled muscles underneath the thin silk fabric. Wesley always had the body of a Greek god, and I could tell that since leaving the Army he hadn’t let his physique suffer in the least. Pulling his shirt up, I thrilled at running my hands all over his firm 6-pack abs and rock-hard pecks. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just said the first thing that came to mind. “I’ve been wanting this for so long.”

Wes’s hands came around to cup my breasts, sliding underneath my light sports bra to trail over the sensitive tips of my nipples. I’d never told him, obviously, but my nipples are one of the most sensitive erogenous zones on my body. Crying out, I ground my hips into him as he lightly pinched my nipples, lightning shooting from my breasts to my stomach to meet the wave of pleasure coming from down below. I pulled back, grinning at him as I rolled to the side, kicking my legs and squirming to try and get the long underwear and panties I had on off. It took a few moments, but when the cool air tingled over my trimmed lips, I looked at Wes in anticipation.

Wes teased me, taking his time, letting the anticipation of the moment build. Pushing slowly, he lifted his hips up, working his pants down. When his cock sprang out to bob slightly, my need to feel him inside me exploded to unknown heights. Reaching out, I wrapped my fingers around his cock, smiling and biting my lip. I looked into his handsome yet tense face and started stroking slowly, taking my time, knowing that I would want to relive this moment forever.

“I can’t wait any longer,” I said, rolling onto my back. “Take me, Wes.”

Wesley scooted around to let me lie more comfortably, lifting my right leg up so he could move in between my legs. Our eyes locked, and I could feel a connection form that I knew could never be broken.

Wesley smiled and aligned himself with the entrance to my pussy. His eyes stayed locked with mine as he pushed in slowly, almost agonizingly so. Despite being somewhat of a serial dater, I didn’t just sleep with anyone I dated. In fact, I hadn’t had sex in months, and I was glad he took his time.

With short, slow strokes, he worked his way inside me until his hips were pressed against mine. He kept his upper body partially propped up on his forearms, so as not to crush me, but he still kept the perfect amount of weight on me, enough that I could feel him while I could still breathe easily and freely. The whole time, his blue eyes stayed locked on me, our bond growing deeper and deeper as he began to thrust in and out. I’ve never felt such an emotional and physical wave build within me like what was happening as Wesley smoothly stroked in and out of my body.

I pulled Wesley more on top of me, my fingernails scratching at the back of his shirt, which had slipped back down when he rolled on top of me. I knew what I needed, and I kissed him hard, breaking it to whisper in his ear. “Don’t hold back. Give it to me.”

Wesley nodded, his hips speeding up as he began to pound me. I wrapped my legs around his hips, wanting more and more. We were both breathing deeply, a sheen of light sweat breaking out on our skin despite the cold inside the wrecked airplane’s cabin. A wave of pleasure grew deep in my belly, working its way higher and higher. Our eyes locked again, and our noses touched. Wes’s breath grew faster, and I could feel him start to tremble, his own body rising with me. Still, his hips sped up more, slapping hard against me and sending ripples of pleasure throughout my body.

“Yes, Wes, yes,” I whimpered quietly. Wesley’s hips slapped against me as hard as I could take, his cock driving me wild with liquid desire. With every thrust, I could feel the hard base of his cock rub against my clit, and I couldn’t hold back much longer. “Please, Wesley, I’m going to come.”

Wesley responded by speeding up to almost impossible levels, his cock obliterating all coherent thought as my body clenched and then released, my orgasm coming from me not through a scream or a growl, but a choked cry, almost a sob full of emotion. I felt him tense, and with two more tight strokes, he buried himself deep inside me, a rumbling groan starting in his chest, his cock filling me with warm seed. It felt like he came for ages, until my body felt like it couldn’t take any more.

When Wesley finally relaxed, I realized that his eyes had never left mine. Our bond was deeper than ever, our relationship forever changed. Our lips found each other again, and this time our kiss was soft and tender, his hand coming up to stroke my hair and to cup my face. Wordlessly, he smiled and rolled to the side, keeping our bodies pressed together as he pulled me into his chest. He held me for a few long, silent minutes, and before I realized what was happening, tears began to form in my eyes.

“What’s wrong, Robin?” Wes asked.

“I’ve loved you for years, Wes,” I said as his eyes were still shimmering at me. “I just don’t think I realized it.”

I’d realized my feelings for him ever since the crash, and my emotions were whirling inside me. I stroked his face, chuckling inside at the feeling of his day’s growth of beard. It wasn’t like he’d had time to shave after the plane crash, after all.

Before he could respond, I added “ Wes, we both almost died yesterday. And the thought that went through my mind as we crashed was that my only regret was that I hadn’t loved you the way I know I do. The only relief I had was that if I was going to die, I was going to die in your arms. So when I woke up this morning and I felt you pressed against me, I wasn’t going to live in fear any longer. I realized that life is too short, and I don’t want to have any regrets.”

Wesley lay there, stunned at my words, before pulling me in and kissing me again. When he was finished, he was grinning. “Then let’s get going. I think we can make the first lake of the chain today if we work hard. I need to get you back to civilization so I can fuck you in a real bed.”

A thrill came over me. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to feel him inside me again. I nodded and gave him one of my sexy
I’m down with that

I reached over for my panties and long underwear. I’m normally the type to enjoy lying around nude with a lover, relishing in the hedonistic nature of the moment, but it was too damn cold in that aircraft to even think about it.

Wesley rolled to the side, smoothly getting to a kneeling position and finding his own clothes. “During the hike, I’m going to be giving a lot of orders and commands, but I’ll need your help. I know the woods, and I know survival, but I also know it’s been a really long time since I was green. I need you to tell me if you think you can’t make a climb, or if a path I choose looks too much for you to handle. This part is going to be the hardest too. Once we hit the lake level, we can more or less skirt the water as it curves around, and it’ll be level. But up here? It’s going to be rocky and icy.”

“I can do that,” I said, pulling the rest of my long underwear on. “I think I can handle it.” In all honesty, I wasn’t too sure. But I had Wes at my side, and that at least gave me enough confidence to keep going.

Wesley smiled, his confidence returning. “Good. Now, let’s go through your backpack and pitch out what we don’t need. I’m going to distribute the remaining food between the two of us, and lighten your pack at the same time. When we originally packed, I thought you’d be on level ground, not going down rocks. The big problem with that is that I didn’t pack any climbing rope—I didn’t think we’d need it.”

“What do we have?” I asked, going over to my pack and opening it. Instead of taking my time, I decided to cut the proverbial Gordian Knot and dumped out everything, finding a fresh pair of pants and pulling them on. I figured I could get by with the same tops from yesterday, but I wanted to give Wesley as much support as I could. “Uh, should I have done that?”

“Why not?” He laughed, coming over in his own pants and socks and kissing my cheek. We hugged quickly. “I would have done the same thing anyway. I’ll do the same to my pack too, so we might as well get started. As for your question, I have about a hundred meters of what the military calls five fifty cord, because it’s supposed to be able to support five hundred and fifty pounds, but it’s not a climbing rope. We used it for parachutes, but there’s supposed to be a lot of lines to support one soldier. It’ll still be useful, though.”

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