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I also am indebted to many people who generously offered the time, expertise, and insights that led to this remarkable story. Jan Herman and Andre Sobocinski at the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery were as enthusiastic as they were helpful. They are unsung historians dedicated to preserving the legacy of naval medicine. Similarly, colleagues at the Naval Historical Center, National Museum of the Marine Corps, and National Archives supplied historical documents and public domain photography for use. Attorneys Christopher Neils and Barrett Marum played a key role in my quest to find a publisher.

My gratitude extends to many who wear our nation’s uniform today. Captain Matt Brown, USN (ret.), and public affairs officer Sonja Hanson were as responsive as they were resourceful. Major Rory Quinn, USMC, was among those who opened doors, provided contacts, and marshaled troops to provide indispensable firsthand reports and experiences. Captain Paul Hammer, USN; Commander Scott Johnston, USN; and others enabled me to comprehend the incredibly demanding world of frontline medicine and the unique responsibilities of corpsmen and medics who not only volunteer to serve their country but also willingly risk death on the battlefield to saves the lives of others. Former corpsmen Martin Olmeda and HM2 JuanCarlos Montgomery, among others, helped me understand the life of a Navy corpsman as well.

On a more personal note, I must salute former corpsmen and medics who invited me into their living rooms and shared what were often painful memories. Midwesterners Ray and Helen Duffee were typical of families who allowed a stranger to enter their lives and ask questions that I suspect became more personal than they anticipated. Their candor, generosity, and hospitality led to new friendships I value deeply.

I reserve my deepest gratitude for my wife, Marjorie. She was extraordinarily supportive throughout countless writing sessions at dawn, interviews at all hours, and research trips from coast to coast. Her unwavering confidence and encouragement is perhaps my most cherished gift in life.

It’s been an extraordinary journey and I thank all who made it possible.

Select Bibliography

This is not a complete inventory of all sources and resources used in the development of this book. They represent the substance and range of research I conducted and are offered as a resource for those interested in pursuing individual study.


Bayne-Jones, Stanhope.
The Evolution of Preventive Medicine in the
U.S. Army 1607–1939.
U.S. Army, 1958.

Boardman, Robert.
Unforgettable Men in Unforgettable Times.
Mukilteo, WA: Winepress Publishing, 1998.

Bosworth, Allan R.
America’s Concentration Camps
. New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 1967.

Burns, M.D., Stanley.
The Face of Mercy.
New York: Random House, 1993.

Condon-Rall, Mary Ellen.
Medical Service in the War Against Japan.
Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, 1998.

Cooter, Roger.
Medicine and Modern Warfare.
Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1999.

Cowdrey, Albert E.
Fighting for Life.
New York: Free Press, 1994.

Freeman, Gregory A.
Sailors to the End.
New York: HarperCollins, 2002.

Gabriel, Richard and Metz, Karen.
A History of Military Medicine.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Gillett, Mary C.
The Army Medical Department 1818–1865.
Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, 1987.

Greenwood, John T. and Berry, F. Clifton.
Medics at War: Military Medicine from Colonial Times to the 21st Century.
Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2005.

Hayes, Thomas.
FDR’s Prisoner Spy: The POW Diary of CDR Thomas Hayes, USN.
Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Press, 1987.

Herman, Jan.
Battle Station Sick Bay.
Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997.

Langley, Harold D.
A History of Medicine in the Early U.S. Navy.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1995.

Mode, Daniel L.
The Grunt Padre.
Oak Lawn, IL: CMJ Marian Publishers, 2000.

Neel, Major General Spurgeon.
Medical Support of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1965–70
. Department of the Army, 1991.

Oman, Charles M.
Doctors Aweigh
. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1943.

Shaw, Henry.
Operations in World War II, Volume III, History of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1966.

Sledge, E. B.
With the Old Breed
. New York: Presidio Press, 1981.

Tateishi, John.
And Justice for All
. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1984.

Toyn, Gary W.
The Quiet Hero
. Clearfield, UT: American Legacy Media, 2006.

Tsokos, M.D., George.
Combat Medicine
. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2003.

Vedder, James S.
Surgeon on Iwo
. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1984.

Wilber, M.D., C. Keith.
Revolutionary Medicine
. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot Press, 1997.

Articles and Documents

. “Military Medicine During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth

Centuries.” Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, n.d.

__________. “Military Medicine Through the Eighteenth Century.” Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, n.d.

__________. “Operation Swift: After-Action Report.” 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, USMC, October 13, 1967.

__________. “Rules and Regulations for (American) Prisoners of War (in Bilibid).” Japanese Army, transcribed March 25, 1946.

__________. “USS
Patrol Reports.” U.S. Navy, October 1942.

__________. “USS
War Patrol No. 5 Report.” U.S. Navy, October 1944.

Ayers, Leonard P. “The War with Germany: A Statistical Report.” Government Printing Office, August 1, 1919.

Bergeld, Carlos. “Caring for War’s Casualties.”
, July 26, 2006.

Buchan, M.D., W. “Domestic Medicine.” n.p., 1785.

Capodanno Medal of Honor Nomination Dossier. 3/5 Marines, 1st Marines, October 9, 1967.

Carter, Phillip. “Iraq 2004 Looks Like Vietnam 1966.”
Washington Post
, December 24, 2004.

Dixon, Bernard. “Sulfa’s True Significance.”
Microbe Magazine
, November 11, 2006.

Figg, Laurann. “Amputation in the Civil War: Physical and Social Dimensions.”
Journal of Medicine
, Vol. 48, 1993.

Gawande, M.D., Atul. “Casualties of War: Military Care for the Wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
New England Journal of Medicine
, December 9, 2004.

Hacala, Mark T. “The U.S. Navy Hospital Corps: A Century of Tradition.”
Navy Medicine
, May–June 1998.

Holcomb, M.D., John. “2004 Fitts Lecture: Current Perspective on Combat Casualty Care.”
Journal of Trauma
, October 2005.

Keen, W.W. “Surgical Reminiscences of the Civil War.” Jefferson Medical College, 1905.

Monitz, Dave. “Military to Fund Prosthetics Research.”
USA Today
, October 6, 2005.

Owens, M.D., Brett. “Characterization of Extremity Wounds in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.”
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
, April 2007.

Peck, Michael. “Golden Hour Surgical Units Prove Worth.”
Military Medical Technology
, August 9, 2003.

Pruitt, Jr., M.D., Basil. “Combat Casualty Care and Surgical Progress.”
Annals of Surgery
, June 2006.

Pueschel, Matt. “Navy Corpsmen Training Enhanced.”
U.S. Medicine Magazine
, April 2005.

Sartin, L.B. “World War II Diary.” March 20, 1946.

Scott, M.D., Russell. “Care of the Battle Casualty in Advance of the Aid Station.” U.S. Army Graduate School, Washington, D.C., 1954.

Silliphant, William. “World War II Diary.” Personal diary transcribed 1968.

Stewart, Henry P. “Impact of the USS
’s 1967 Fire on United States Navy Shipboard Damage Control.” U.S. Navy, 2004.

Strott, George. “Corpsman’s Handbook.” U.S. Navy, 1943. Swift, Foster. “Report of a Surgeon of the Eighth.”
New York Times
, August 18, 1861.

Weina, Peter. “From Atabrine in World War II to Mefloquine in Somalia.”
Military Medicine Magazine
, September 1998.

Zbailey, Michael. “Sullivan Ballou.”
Washington Post
, July 8, 2001.

Selected Interviews and Recorded Oral Histories

Arend, Bill. February 2005.

Barker, Francis. 2003.

Berley, Ferdinand. 1995.

Blecksmith, Ed. February 2005.

Bonacker, Beryl. 1995.

Bray, James. 1987.

DaSilva, Jesse. Undated.

Duffee, Raymond. November 2005.

Farren, Ann. March 2005.

Frustaglio, Neil. February 2007.

Hammer USN, Capt. Paul. January 2009.

Harton, Ray. March 2005.

Hauge, Anna. February 2005.

Hensley, Arlen. April 2005.

Herman, Jan. Multiple, 2005.

Hoskins, Franz. 1977.

Johnston, USN, Cdr. Scott. January 2009.

Jones, Everett. March 2005.

Keenan, Jim. March 2005.

Keenan, Mike. April 2005.

Keenan, Paul. March 2005.

Keenan, Richard. March 2005.

Kelliher, Kelly. January 2005.

Kennedy, Tom. March 2005.

Kirchner, Gary. January 2007.

Leal, Zulema. February 2005.

Lipes, Bruce. May 2005.

Lipes, Wheeler. 1986.

Montgomery, HM2 JuanCarlos. January 2009

Moorer, Thomas. 1993.

Mowad, Sam. January 2007.

Nunez, Larry. February 2005.

Olmeda, Martin. January 2007.

Quinn USMC, Major Rory, including group interviews with Kurtis Bellmont, USMC, and members of Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. January 2007.

Renner, Herbert. 2001.

Seeley, Shawn. 2007.

Smart, Harry. 2001.

Smith, Alfred. 1985.

Sobocinski, Andre. 2005.

Sullivan, Craig. January 2005.

Tapscott, Donald. 1998.

Trevino, Nory. January 2006.

Warren, Bob. March 2005.

Watson, Brad. 2007.


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