Read Battles Lost and Won Online

Authors: Beryl Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

Battles Lost and Won (28 page)

BOOK: Battles Lost and Won
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After carefully going over the badly scarred limb, Bob helped Dave back into his shirt and jacket. ‘Well, as far as I can see, your shoulder is all right, so that’s good, but the arm needs work to loosen it up. If you come to my house this evening around eight, I’ll see what I can do for you.’

Dave rubbed his arm, looking at Bob with interest. ‘That feels better already. I’ll be there, but what are you charging?’

‘Nothing. If I can help anyone who has been hurt in the war, then I’m happy to do it.’ Bob jumped in the cart. ‘Your dad will tell you where I live.’

As the cart rumbled out of the yard, the young man called, ‘What’s your name?’

‘Bob Hunter,’ he called back.

As soon as the wood was stacked in the back yard, Bob returned to the market. He found Steve laughing with Hannah Law, but looking rather tired. ‘Time to go home,’ Bob said. ‘That’s long enough for your first outing.’

‘I am feeling a bit tired, but it’s been good to be out again.’

Ruth kissed her dad. ‘Thanks for helping; it’s been lovely to have you here.’

‘I’ll come again, won’t I, Bob?’

‘Of course.’ He said goodbye to everyone, and then pushed Steve towards home.

When Eddie and Alf saw the wood they suggested that the bed be moved downstairs at once, instead of waiting for the weekend, then they could make a start building the frame.

Everyone joined in to help with the moving. Even John and Sally were trotting up and downstairs, getting in everyone’s way, but no one said anything to the youngsters who were so eager to help. Daisy had pitched in with enthusiasm and was even giving orders about where things should go, appearing to be much more like her old self.

Alf and Bob struggled to get the heavy iron bedstead down the narrow stairs, but they eventually managed it. Daisy and Ruth made up the bed, and then they all sat down to have a rest.

‘That calls for a nice cup of tea.’ Daisy filled the kettle, obviously relieved something was being done to make her husband’s life more bearable.

There was a knock on the front door and Daisy went to answer it. When she came back, she said, ‘Here’s a young man to see you, Bob. He said you’re expecting him.’

‘Oh, Dave!’ Bob jumped up. ‘I didn’t realize it was so late.’

Dave stood in the doorway and his gaze swept over the people in the crowded scullery, then rested on the man in the wheelchair. ‘You look as if you’ve all been busy. I’ll come another time if it’s not convenient, Bob.’

‘No, stay.’ Bob introduced the young man to everyone, and gulped down the tea Daisy had just handed him. ‘Right, let’s go next door and see what we can do for you.’ They made their way back to the Hunters’ house.

‘Take off your shirt,’ Bob ordered, when they were in his scullery, ‘and get on the table so I can work on you more easily.’

Leaving Dave, he ran up the stairs and came back with a large bottle. After rubbing some of the oil in his hands, he set to work.

Half an hour later he stopped. ‘That will do for this session. How does it feel?’

Dave sat up and was astonished when he could move his arm a little. ‘That’s bloody marvellous. Look, I can lift my arm about six inches, and even curl my fingers slightly. I couldn’t move it at all before.’

‘I’ve managed to loosen it a little, and with more sessions you might be able to get some more movement back.’ Bob helped him off the table. ‘But don’t expect miracles. Your arm will never be as good as it was before this happened to you.’

Dave nodded. ‘I know that, but anything would be a blessing. Can I come again, please?’

‘Come three times a week and we’ll see how it goes.’

‘Thanks.’ Dave put his shirt back on. ‘What are you intending to do with the wood you bought today?’

Bob explained about trying to make Steve more independent by building a frame over the bed.

‘Have you got a pencil and paper?’

They both sat at the table and Bob watched as Dave began to draw a frame in great detail, using his left hand. ‘That’s brilliant, Dave! It will be a help having it set down on paper.’

‘Not as good as I used to be able to draw. I’m right-handed really, but I’ve had to learn to use my left.’

‘What’s this bit sticking out from the bed?’ Bob was still studying the drawing.

‘I thought it might make it easier for Steve if he had something extra to hold on to when he gets in and out of the wheelchair.’

‘I see . . . yes, you’re right. I don’t think I’ve got enough wood for that though, because I want to build a frame in the outhouse as well.’

‘I’ll get you anything else you need. No charge. It’ll be my way of thanking you for helping me.’

The two of them talked for a while, and then went back to the others to show them the drawing.


Thank goodness Mum was getting better, Ruth thought. It had been awful to see her lose control like that, and heaven knows what they would have done without Bob’s steady, calm help. He seemed to know just what to do. She had stopped looking for the young boy she had grown up with, and now accepted him for the person he had become. This big, confident man was nothing like the boy she remembered, and it saddened her to realize that she had lost that special friendship. They had both grown and moved on in life, and it was useless to keep hankering after the past. There was one thing that couldn’t be denied though: they needed him, they needed the man he had become.

Drawing in a ragged breath, Ruth looked at the crowded market. The long winter was over at last and people were strolling around, enjoying the warmth of the sun. She smiled, hoping to attract customers to her stall. They were struggling to manage, and every penny she could make was needed.

Her thoughts turned back to last evening, remembering how they had all worked together converting the front room into a bedroom. It would be much better for their dad, and once he was in the wheelchair he could move around on his own. And Bob was helping another man, Dave Wilson, as well. They all knew his dad, of course, but she hadn’t realized he had a son. He seemed quite nice and had an easy smile. She liked him.

‘Ruth!’ Hannah called, laughter in her voice. ‘Look what’s coming.’

She turned her head and waved at the group of people. John was pushing their dad, helped by Bob, who was guiding the wheelchair as well. But the most welcome sight was that of her mum with them, and they were all laughing. Seeing them like that brought tears to her eyes. She swiped them away quickly before they reached her.

‘We’ve come to help,’ John said, leaving the chair and coming to greet her.

‘What, all of you?’ she laughed.

‘Bob’s thrown us all out while he and Alf build their contraption,’ Daisy told her. ‘They don’t want me to see the mess they’re going to make.’

‘That’s right. We’ll be ankle deep in sawdust by the time we’re finished,’ Bob exaggerated.

John began to tug at Bob’s sleeve. ‘There’s that man who came last night.’

Following John’s outstretched arm, Ruth saw Dave striding towards them, a big smile on his face.

‘Morning, everyone. Lovely day, isn’t it?’

They all said hello and agreed that it was.

‘I thought you might be here, Bob. Dad’s put some more wood round the back of your house for you. It should be enough to build both frames.’

‘Thanks. What did he say about you giving away his wood?’

‘Not a word when I showed him this.’ David curled his fingers round the largest of Ruth’s dolls, and even managed to pick it up. He bowed when they all applauded. ‘Not too bad, eh? I still can’t hold a pen, but with Bob’s help, I’m hopeful now.’

Ruth smiled with approval, feeling drawn to the man with the infectious grin. Her family liked him too, she could see. He might come from a line of rag-and-bone merchants, but they were hard working, and she approved of that. And the drawing he had done last night was very good indeed, so he obviously had talent. Perhaps that was why he was so anxious to be able to hold a pencil in his right hand again?

‘When are you going to start on the bed frame?’ he asked Bob.

‘Right now. Dad’s already started sawing the wood into the required lengths.’

‘I’ll give you a hand if you like. Left one, of course.’

Both men laughed, and Bob nodded. ‘Any help gratefully accepted.’

‘Don’t bother coming back for us,’ Daisy said. ‘I can manage the wheelchair.’

When he looked doubtful, Steve said, ‘We’ll be all right, Bob. I’m getting the hang of this thing now.’

‘That’s true, but if you need help send John along to get me.’

‘We’ll do that. Now off you go.’

Ruth watched them walking away, already deep in conversation. They appeared to have quickly formed a friendship, so perhaps she would see a lot more of Dave Wilson.

‘I’ve brought some help, Dad.’

‘Thank goodness! I hope you two know how to build this thing, because I’m blowed if I do.’

Dave nodded. ‘I built a bridge during the war, so I’m sure we can rig this up between us. You’ll have to carry the wood though, and I’ll be the foreman.’

Alf snorted. ‘I thought you said he was here to help.’

‘I can make the tea with one hand.’

‘Ah, that’s all right then.’ Alf glanced at his son, a look of disgust on his face. ‘Where did you say you found him?’

‘In a junk yard.’

Dave just stood there grinning, thoroughly enjoying himself. ‘I’ll have you know I was training to be an architect before the bloody war put a stop to that. You need me if you’re going to make this thing work.’

‘An architect?’ both men asked, looking at him in amazement.

He nodded, serious now, a flash of disappointment showing in his dark eyes. ‘A London firm of architects had taken me on.’

‘Why didn’t you go back there after the war?’ Bob asked.

‘They said they couldn’t take any trainees, but I knew it was because my right arm was useless. At first my drawing with the left was terrible.’ Dave shrugged and his smile was back again. ‘So, are you going to build this thing, or spend the day thinking about it?’

‘Put the kettle on.’ Alf gave Dave a gentle push towards the scullery. ‘And we’ll start getting the wood in.’

Alf hoisted a thick plank on his shoulder and muttered, ‘Bloody war. That boy laughs and jokes, but he’s hurting inside.’

‘I know that, and I’ll do what I can for him.’

For the next two hours they cut wood, hammered and nailed it into place, with Bob and Alf doing all the hard work, and Dave giving advice.

‘Time for a break.’ Bob sat on the edge of the bed, mopping his brow, and Alf did the same.

Dave took that opportunity to inspect the work they had done so far. ‘Hmm, not bad. We make a good team.’

Alf nudged his son. ‘Team? Do you see any sweat on his brow?’

‘Not a drop.’

‘I know what you two giants need.’ Dave grinned, completely ignoring their teasing. ‘Food, so I’ll pop out and get us fish and chips.’

‘Good idea.’ Alf started fishing in his pocket for some money.

‘No you don’t.’ Dave held up his hand. ‘This is on me.’

‘You can’t do that,’ Bob protested. ‘You’ve already given us more wood without charge.’

‘That’s nothing. You two have given me much more. Won’t be long.’

‘What do you think he meant by that?’ Alf asked his son when they were alone.

‘Not sure, but I have a feeling that for all his cheerful attitude he’s hurt and lonely, like so many men who fought in the war. He’s surprising, and must have had a good education to be taken on by a firm of architects. Junk is obviously a good business.’

‘Must be.’ Alf gazed at the half-finished frame and sighed. ‘I hope to goodness this works.’

‘It will, but Steve’s going to have to build up his strength to be able to use it properly. Spending all this time in bed has weakened him.’ Bob ran his hands through his hair. ‘It’s just one blasted battle after another, and it’s time we started winning a few.’

‘That will come; it must.’ Alf’s face broke into a huge smile when Dave appeared with the fish and chips. ‘Ah, lovely, did you put plenty of salt and vinegar on them?’

‘Of course.’

Starving, they all settled down, unwrapped the paper and tucked in, not bothering with cutlery.

‘Ruth Cooper seems a nice girl.’ Dave licked the salt from his fingers. ‘Pretty too.’

The other two men nodded, still eating.

‘Er . . . Bob?’


‘Are you and her courting?’

‘No.’ He popped a chip in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. ‘Why?’

‘I just wondered if I’d get a bashing from you if I asked her out. Only you’re too big to get on the wrong side of.’

Alf chuckled. ‘You don’t have to worry about him, Dave, he’s quite gentle really.’

‘I’d rather not take that chance.’

Finishing the last of his chips, Bob screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it at Dave. It whizzed past his ear.

‘You sure he’s gentle, Alf?’

‘Well . . .’ He put on a thoughtful expression. ‘I might have exaggerated a bit.’

‘Fancy her, do you?’ Bob asked, keeping a perfectly straight face.

Dave grinned and nodded. ‘Not only is she pretty, but she’s clever enough to run her own business, and she’s so young. How old is she by the way?’

‘She must be eighteen by now.’ Bob stood up and wiped his hands on the sides of his trousers. ‘I’ve always looked out for her since she was a toddler, so you be careful you don’t hurt or upset her.’

‘I’ll remember that.’ Dave’s face lit up. ‘So, I can ask her to come out with me, can I?’

‘You can try.’

‘How on earth do you expect me to be able to get in and out of bed using that contraption?’ Steve shook his head in disbelief.

‘I agree it isn’t very pretty, but it works. I’ll show you.’ Bob hoisted himself on to the bed and off again. ‘It’s strong enough for someone of my size and weight, so it’s quite safe. Have a go.’

After several attempts, getting more and more frustrated, Steve gave up. ‘You’ve wasted your time. That’s impossible.’

‘It’s just a case of getting used to it,’ Alf said encouragingly. ‘You’ll manage it after a while. Let me have a go.’

‘Don’t bother!’ Steve spun the wheelchair away from the bed and stormed out of the room.

BOOK: Battles Lost and Won
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