Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (118 page)

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Jessie calls out, “I’m the good looking one. I’m Jessie.”

Liam smiles and says, “You know me.”

Cruz smiles slightly and says quietly, “Hey, Melonie. I’m Cruz. It’s really nice to finally meet you.”

Micah smiles at Melonie with his arms around Bradi and calls out, “Hi, Melonie. I’m Bradi’s Mister. I’m Micah.”

Alec tucks his hair behind his ear and grins. “I’m Alec. Welcome to the bunch.”

I smile over Melonie’s head at my friends and family. They’ve finally met her.

But, what IS she doing here?

Turning her towards me, I say, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Her eyes go wide and fill with apprehension. She nods and glances around with a small smile at everyone.

Lexi promptly says, “You can use my office.”

I nod at her and pull Melonie through the doors and down the hall.

Closing the door behind us, I walk over and sit on the edge of the desk. She’s standing there wringing her hands. Why is she doing that? Why is she nervous?

I smile at her. “Hey, why do you look like you’re about to jump out of your skin, Melonie?”

She jumps at my voice. I frown.

What the hell?

Walking over to her, I take her shoulders. “What’s the matter, Melonie?”

She looks at me. “Are you ok with me being here?”

Huh? I’m thrilled she’s here. But I want to know WHY she’s here.

“Am I ok with you being here? Why wouldn’t I be?” I sound confused.

She looks at me from under her lashes and bites her lip. “I just wasn’t sure this would be ok.”

“You weren’t sure what would be ok? Sorry, I’m not following.”

She looks right at me. I see her back straighten. “I wasn’t sure you would want me here… With your friends.”

Why wouldn’t I want her near my friends?


She crosses her arms and then uncrosses them and blows out a breath. “We’ve been sleeping together for a while, Dade. Yet, I only met them today. I didn’t want you thinking I was encroaching on them.”

My mouth opens and closes and my eyes narrow. “Huh? You think I don’t want you to know my friends?!”

She taps her foot and points at me. “Why would I think differently, Dade?”

What is she talking about? I don’t even know what the fuck she’s saying. She’s not making a damn bit of sense to me.

I grit my teeth in my frustration. “Why the hell would I not want you to meet my friends, Melonie?”

She glares at me.

She’s mad at me? Why is she mad at ME? Is that why she didn’t return my calls and texts? Does she think I’m ashamed of her or something? What the hell is going on here?

“Oh, now, I don’t know, Dade. Now why would I think that!? I mean we fuck every other night, yet we don’t go out on dates.” She points at me. “You don’t introduce me to anyone. I only see you in a bedroom for the most part. And when we do go places, it’s somewhere no one would know you. So, no, why on earth would I ever think that?!” Her voice is rising with every word at the end.

I’m incredulous. What the hell? Is she serious?

“Now wait just a damn minute. That is bullshit.” I step up to her and her finger is jabbing me in the chest. “We go on dates. I take you to George’s. I’ve taken you to Southeastern.” I throw my hands up in frustration. “Yes, we spend a lot of time alone, but that’s
everywhere I go, I get recognized! I was trying to protect you from that! You’re a doctor, Melonie!”

She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What the hell does that even mean? I’m a doctor. So fucking what? I’m a doctor so you can’t be seen with me?!”

“What? No, that’s not what I said!” I grab her and shake her. “Listen to what I’m saying. You’re a doctor, so, I didn’t want being seen with
to jeopardize
. Would your patients still respect you if they knew you were fucking a rock star?!”

She steps back and stares at me. “What I do in my private life has nothing to do with my profession. I don’t fit in with your image. That’s the real issue. I know that, Dade.”

Is she fucking crazy? What is she even talking about? Like I give a rat’s ass about my image. I never have and I never will. I do what I want. I always have. I’m a rock star, yes, but I’m not some loose, headline covering asshole.

I pull her close to me and lean down, resting my forehead against hers. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Mel. I swear. I don’t care that you’re a doctor. But you’re a damn good doctor from what I hear and I just didn’t want being associated with me to have any kind of negative effect on you.”

She looks at me and starts laughing. “Seriously?!”

I’m confused. Why is she laughing and what is she asking?! “Seriously, what?”

She touches my lips. “Why would it have a negative effect? Are you Tommy Lee?”

My brows raise. “How do you know who Tommy Lee is?”

She blushes. “I’ve seen the video.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.”

Tapping my lips, she smirks. “Yeah, well…”

Leaning down, I kiss her.

She leans back and takes a step away from me. “Dade?”


She frowns. “What is this?”

What is what?


Crossing her arms, she asks, “What is this? You and me. What is this? What are we doing? We’re not dating. We are fucking. But, I’m not the kind of girl that is someone’s fuck buddy, so what the hell is this?”

Walking back, I sit on the edge of the desk again and regard her. “What do you want it to be?”

“I asked you the question, Dade.”

Watching her I think it through. Finally, I answer, “We’re seeing each other. We fuck, but I also like you. You like me. I need to make more of an effort though. I’ll take you out. And we’re having sleepovers from now on.”

Her face is priceless. “Sleepovers?”

I nod. “Yes. You sleep at my place. I’ll sleep at yours. No more fucking and then leaving. We slept together on St. John. We are going to sleep together now, too.” I can’t gauge her response. Searching her eyes, I continue, “We’re not strangers, Mel. We weren’t completely honest with each other on the island, but I was real with you and I’ve learned that you were real with me, too. I want that level of comfort back.”

She just stares at me and purses her lips. “Really? What if I don’t want those things?!”

I grin. “You do. You’re crazy about me.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever. You’re an asshole.”

“I’m not.” I shrug. “I’ve never been an asshole to you. You make me lose control and that’s never happened before. I’m always the responsible one. I’m the one that everyone else comes to for advice. So, I’m going to take my own. We’re going to date. You’re going to sleep in my arms… in my bed. And we’re going to figure it out. Got it?”

She smirks. “Yeah. Got it. But, one more thing…”

“What’s that?”

A knock at the door interrupts our conversation. I call out, “What?”

A sassy voice comes through the door. “Don’t take that tone with me, Dade Rodrigue! Y’all done screaming at each other, now? I’m hungry and since we’re done here, we’re going grab food. Y’all coming?”

Melonie laughs. “We’re done, Clove. I could eat. Be out in a sec.”

I look at her. “What were you going to say? What’s the other thing?”

She grins at me. “You have to sing me Luke Bryan. It makes me really hot.”

I feign irritation. “You know, most women find
really hot.”

She chuckles and nips my chin. Her hands fondle me and I gasp. “I know. I’m one of them.”

Then that tease walks to the door and unlocks it before opening it and walking through.

We head to grab food with everyone and head back to her house for the night.

As we walk in the door, she grins as we see eyes peeping through the blinds next door. She chuckles. “I see we have an audience.”

Grabbing her, I push her against the door. “Then let’s give her something to see.” I swoop in and kiss her as I hold her hips hostage. Moaning, she grabs my hair and wraps her knee around my hip. My cock instantly swells.

Thank God it’s dark and her porch light is off because she reaches down and slips her hand inside of my shorts and rubs my rigid length.

Breaking the kiss and fumbling for the door, I breathe into her neck. “Damn, if you don’t stop, we’re really going to give her a show.”

She throws her head back and laughs before turning and unlocking the door. “Well, we don’t want to give her a heart attack. Come on in here.”

We’re greeted by a black bundle of fur and a loud meow.

Reaching down, I scoop up the cat and she instantly starts purring. Spoiled pussy. Scratching her neck, I walk with her to the kitchen. “What’s the matter, pretty girl? Do you have a bad mommy? Did she not feed you? Where’s your food?”

The kitchen light flips on and Melonie is looking at me in shock. “Are you trying to steal my baby?”

I grin. “Nah, but I do have a way with pussies.”

She gasps and then rolls her eyes before hunching over cracking up. As she straightens, I see tears streaking down her face. She chortles. “Wow, talk dirty to me.”

I start humming Jason Derulo and shaking my hips. “Oh, I can talk plenty dirty, but first, let’s feed the cat.” She walks into the kitchen shaking her head. As she walks by me, I palm her ass and squeeze. “Let’s feed her, then, you can feed me yours.”

Her breath catches and then she’s breathing erratically.

Knowing my teasing, double entendres are affecting her has my cock standing at attention. No half-mast here.

I like this. This is what I’ve been wanting. The easy conversation that’s charged with sexual energy is exactly what’s been missing with us.

She feeds the cat and then walks past me, trailing her hands across my groin without a word. As she gets to her bedroom door, she crooks her finger and walks in. A second later, her blouse is tossed into the hall.

Within seconds, I’m storming down the hall to her room.

Walking in, I see she’s left the light off, but has a bedside lamp on. She’s standing in the corner and sliding her black dress slacks down her smooth legs. They pool on the floor and she’s in nothing but pink lace. It’s sexy, yet demure and kind of innocent. My already hard dick jumps with anticipation.

She chuckles as I step into the room completely and close the door.

Her brow arches as we watch each other. Removing my shirt is the only break in our eye contact. Her gaze follows me as I unsnap my jeans and push them down my legs, taking my socks and shoes with them.

I’m standing in nothing but my black boxer briefs while she’s in her pink lace bra and panties.

Crossing the room, I watch her as I near. Her breathing escalates and her chest rises and falls in rapid succession. Once I reach her, I lean down and trail my fingers over her face, memorizing the planes. Her breath whooshes out.

Leaning down, I lift her into my arms and cross to the bed before laying her gently across it. I want to make love to her tonight instead of the frantic, enflamed coupling we usually do. I feel like we need this.

My hair is loose as I lean over her and capture her mouth. It creates a cocoon, as if we’re in a bubble and no one can intrude.

We take our time and explore each other. There’s no rushing as we make long, languid love. For the first time.

When we’ve crossed the threshold together, I pull her into my side. As her breasts lay across my chest, she tucks her knee between my legs. I hold her close and we fall into a deep, relaxed slumber.

Chapter Twenty


’m having the most delicious dream. I don’t want to wake up, but the light in my eyes makes staying asleep impossible. Sighing, I stretch and feel the weight of an arm across my breasts.

Cracking open my eyes, I see dark brown ones peering at me and dark stubble on a chiseled chin.

Holy shit. Not a dream! Dade really is here. In my bed. With me. He spent the night.

My eyes fly open and I try to sit up as I pat my hair.

He looks at me curiously. “Morning, Melonie. Everything, ok?”

I’m naked. He’s naked. I mean, shit of course he’s naked. But we’re naked together. In my bed.

Melonie Rayne Bird, what the hell are you tripping for?!

You’ve explored every part of this man’s body multiple times and he knows yours, too. But he spent the night. For the first time, since St. John, we’ve spent the night together.

This blows my “not a relationship” freak outs straight out of the water.

Shut up! Shut up, Melonie.

Wait, is that… Yes, yes it is. It’s morning and Dade is naked in my bed with a very, very hard dick. I think that needs some attention.

So, shut the hell up you idiot and jump on this man!

Shit. Don’t mind if I do…


He’s been watching me freak myself out and then calm myself down. He’s looking at me like he’s not sure what I’ll do.

Giving him a look, I duck under the covers. “Melonie, what are you… Ohhhhhhh. Oh, God yes…”

An hour later, we head into the shower since we’re both starving and need to clean up before grabbing breakfast.

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