BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (46 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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For a moment, Jeremy thought about leaving.  He thought of just getting up, getting away from the man, and pretending like they never saw one another. But then, he saw the small smile on Darrius’ face, and Jeremy wondered if it would be okay.  Would they be able to talk all of this out?  Or would it end up being awkward once again?  He moved tentatively over to the other man, blushing madly.

“Hey there,” he told Darrius.

“Hello Jeremy,  It’s been a long time,” the other man said with a small smile.

Jeremy wondered if it was even safe to sit with this man.  He remembered that he basically left the hood to pursue his dream, and he did technically leave his best friend high and dry.  He wondered if Darrius would judge him.  He hoped not, but right now, he couldn’t tell if the other man was just being friendly or was truly going to get into a deep conversation of their past occurrences.

“What are you doing here?” he asked Darrius.

“Well, I figured I would get myself a cup of coffee.  It’s been hard working out on the streets,” the man said.

Great, so Darrius has been working out on the street.  That didn’t make his resolve any better than it already was once before.  It scared him, because that meant he might be doing something illicit.

“It’s not like that Jeremy.  I’m playing music on the streets.  Being a street performer and rapping in the streets actually does well to pay the bills.  I also do a couple of odd jobs delivering things.  I wouldn’t get caught up in the drug cartels or anything,” Darrius said, pulling Jeremy out of his thoughts.

“Oh thank god.  I was scared for a minute you got into that.  I was worried about what you might think of me too, not living that sort of life anymore,” he told the other man.

Darrius drank a bit of his coffee, not saying anything.  For a bit, Jeremy wondered if the other man would tell him off, to say that he was a bastard for leaving him all those years ago.

“It had been nine years since you left Jeremy, I already took out my anger.  Besides, there is something else that I’ve wanted to tell you, but I don’t think this is the fitting place.  Let’s just catch up though, because that’s not awkward to do, and we can discuss the elephant in the room later,” Darrius insisted.

Would they really discuss it?  It seemed like Darrius didn’t want anything to do with that past, but was only focused on the here and now.

“What have you been up to?  Besides the odd jobs and crap?” Jeremy asked the other man.

“Been mostly working, keeping my nose clean and out of trouble.  The old area is pretty much the same as it always was.  Been thinking about getting out, but I’ve wanted to wait,” he told Jeremy.

“Why is that?” he asked.

Darrius looked at Jeremy straight in the eye, and then the next words immediately had another meaning.

“I’ve needed a reason to leave.  Someone to push me forward,” Darrius said.

So there was a person who could do that?  Who would it be?  Jeremy didn’t know, because he thought that him leaving would be the kick starter to all of this, but apparently not.

“Well, I’m glad that you want to get out,” Jeremy said nervously.

“Indeed.  What about you though?  I heard you have a wife now, and you’re working on some company,” Darrius said, looking at Jeremy with shifty eyes.

“Yeah, I’ve been married for a few years, but to be honest, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be.  To be honest, I’m kind of miserable in the place I’m in right now,” he told the other man.

“Whys’ that?” Darrius asked.  Jeremy stared at him for a bit, realizing that Darrius had very penetrating eyes.

“Because…I don’t love her,” he told Darrius.

That’s when Darrius looked at Jeremy with emotion.  “Seriously?  You’re with a woman that you don’t love?  Why?  I mean, you could have any woman that you want to.  You have one of the most successful startup companies out there.  You fulfilled your dream, and yet you’re settling for being unhappy?” Darrius asked.

“I know, I know.  I just…I don’t feel like I should try to pursue anything else.  The weird feelings that I have, they’re just hanging around there waiting to escape, but I’m not sure what to say,” he told Darrius.

“Well, you should work on being happy.  You’re not put on this damn planet just to sit around and mope like crazy.  You need someone who cares about you, who will be there for you, who is okay with you and who you are.  You’re not supposed to just end up dying like the rest of the world.  I get it that you have money, man.  I totally do.  But instead of just focusing on the greed of your company, try and look to see how you can have the best relationship possible.  You should do something with your life.  I’m trying to, but I’m looking for the right one,” Darrius said.

Jeremy listened to this.  Darrius did have a point, he always did.  The only person he’s ever felt emotions for was Darrius though, especially in the realm of caring.  He only did care about the other man and not much else.  Sure, he did wish that his wife wouldn’t spend all his money and be annoying, but they hadn’t had sex in a while, and she rarely did more than her domestic duties.  It had been forever since they went out on a date as well.

“You’re right.  I hate to fucking say it, but you’re right,” he told the other man.

“I know.  I’ve always been right.  I’ve always been that good conscience that hangs around and tells you to stop fucking your life up,” the other man insisted.

He was right.  But then, Jeremy started to feel something within him start to grow.  He felt a sort of longing for this man, even though he never had any sort of thoughts about the man before.  He never felt gay for Darrius, but at that moment, he knew that the only person who truly understood him was Darrius.

“Listen, let’s head back to my place,  I want you to see it.  I’ll take you there,” Darrius said.

Jeremy nodded, and soon they got up.  The people in the coffee shop looked at them, briefly wondering where the two men were going.  However, when they got to Jeremy’s car, Darrius told him where to go.  They drove for about ten minutes until they got to a familiar place, and when Jeremy saw it, he gasped.

It was the skyline.  This was a place right near the hood where they grew up, and when Jeremy and Darrius got out, Jeremy looked at the place with wide eyes.  He couldn’t believe they were back here, but when he got there, Darrius spoke.

“I took you here because I think there’s something that’s been on your mind recently.  I know for a fact that I have my own feelings as well, and I don’t think it’s time to just sit around and let these go.  I knew you came back into my life for a reason, and I think this was it,” Darrius said.

“What do you mean?” was all Jeremy could say.  He was then turned around, and soon, he felt something soft against his own lips.  For a moment, Jeremy didn’t know what to say, but he kissed the other man, waiting for the answers to come. 


Darrius pulled away, blushing as he looked at Jeremy with a soft face.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while now,” he told Jeremy.

Jeremy touched his lips.  He didn’t want to pull away from the other man, but instead he wanted more.  He’s never kissed a man before, and he knew what type of trouble he was getting into with this man.  He knew that kissing and being with Darrius would mean cheating on his wife, so he had to think twice before doing all of this.

“But…why?  Why me?” he asked Darrius.

“To be honest, I don’t fucking know, but it’s something I’ve wanted to express to you for a long time.  I know that you’re a good man Jeremy, and I can tell that you’re miserable.  I’ve loved you for a long time, probably since we were young and stupid,” Darrius said.

Jeremy couldn’t believe this.  Darrius was in love with him?  It seemed almost too good to be true, but in a sense, Jeremy couldn’t believe that he felt the same way.

“Are you…sure?” he managed to ask the other man.

“I’m fucking sure Jeremy.  I’ve been in love with you for a long time, and the reason why I’ve stayed in this goddamn area was because I had hopes that you would come back.  However, I realized that it was indeed something fragile that was stupid of me to hold on to.  I love you Jeremy, and from this, I’ve realized that you’re the only man I give a flying fuck about.  I want to be with you, and I love you.  The reason why I haven’t left this area was because I was hoping that I could see you again, and tell you how I feel.  I love you Jeremy, and I want you,” Darrius said.

Jeremy was about to ask him more about this confession, but deep down, he knew it was a waste of air.  He loved Darrius too, but he’d never acknowledged the feelings until now.  He ran off to his wife, a woman who he didn’t care about at the bottom of it.  He really did only marry her because the people in his company insisted that he get married off soon, because if he did end up dying, he needed an heir.  But they struggled, and now that Darrius had told him the truth, he realized as well that the truth, although it did hurt for a bit, was the truth that had been hiding within them.

“You’re right Darrius.  I love you as well.  I was a fucking idiot for running off,” he told the other man.

“You’re not.  You were living your dream, and although I was a bit selfish at the onset when I thought of that, I realized that was how I felt.  I love you Jeremy, and I knew that if I waited for you, everything would be okay.  Even if I had to wait until I was 50, I would do it, because you were my best friend. The man who changed my life, and the one that I fell for,” Darrius said.

Before Jeremy could say anything else he decided to express his feelings with actions instead of words.  To say that actions speak louder than words at this moment was an understatement. He started to press his lips to the other man, and the each of them were soon lost in the touch of the other man.  Their kisses were intoxicating, and Jeremy felt more passion with this one man than he had with his wife throughout their entire marriage.  They stayed like that, kissing each other with passion along the lakefront of the city.  After a moment or so, Darrius pulled away, blushing.

“Sorry…I didn’t mean to be so…forward,” he said.

“That’s fine.  How about we head back to my second home and have some fun.  I’m not letting you go tonight.  I would be a fucking fool if I did that sort of thing,” he told the other man.

Darrius couldn’t believe his ears, but he immediately nodded.  Jeremy grasped his hand, and soon they walked to his car, wondering what was going to happen next.  It was time that they finally expressed those feelings that they couldn’t nine years ago, the feelings that had been holding them back and the feelings that would take them into the future. 


When they got to his second home, Jeremy glanced around before he got out of the car.  Darrius followed. Darrius was trying hard not to be seen, as the last thing Jeremy wanted was to let a neighbor notice his situation.  When they got to the door, Jeremy opened it with a card key, letting the other man in first.  He then scurried in second, and Darrius looked at the place with awe.

“I still can’t believe I’m here,” he told the other man.

“I know, it’s a lot to take in. but to be honest, a billionaire’s life is meaningless without something to spur it along.  And I think that something is you,” he told Darrius.

“I think so too.  I mean, we can talk about this later, but for now I want you,” Darrius said with a husky voice.  Before Jeremy could say anything else, the other man pinned him to the wall, kissing him hungrily and with a passion that knew no bounds.  Jeremy couldn’t believe that this was happening, that he was kissing his best friend that he once betrayed but was now together with once again.  It was perfect, simply perfect, and soon the other man started to continue the actions.

He slipped his tongue into Jeremy’s mouth, and for a moment, Jeremy was a bit confused.  It didn’t feel like how he expected, but soon, he opened up his lips, parting them slightly to let the other man roam in there.  It was a bit shocking, that’s for sure, and soon the two of them let their tongues start to mingle with one another in a passion that was unlike anything else they had ever felt before.  They started to let their tongues slip into each other, and soon, they were both moaning with unexplainable pleasure, loving the way that it felt.  It was by far a great feeling, and it was certainly one of the best moments ever.

After a moment or so, he then felt Darrius start to tug at his suit jacket, which Jeremy immediately slipped off.  Darrius then worked in a hungry fashion to get the man’s undershirt off, leaving him half-naked in front of the man that he grew to love.  Soon, Darrius started to move his lips against Jeremy’s neck, lightly touching and teasing the flesh with little kisses.  Darrius started to bite down in the flesh there, eliciting a moan and a groan from Jeremy as he continued to do so.  Soon, Jeremy was trying to hold back moans as Darrius continued the onslaught against his body. Jeremy soon felt the small feeling of his leg against his crotch.

“Fuck,” Jeremy breathed.

Darrius smiled, happy to finally reenact his dreams.  He had wanted this for a long time, to have Jeremy in his arms and be happy like this.  Soon, Darrius was dotting the other man’s collarbone with little kisses, and he moved to Jeremy’s peaked nipple, taking it between his teeth and lightly sucking on the flesh, letting his pink tongue get to work.  Jeremy groaned, bucking his hips with need and pleasure as the other man continued to tease his nipples.  Sure, his wife did that at one point, but it was different with her.  She seemed to only do it for a bit, and it wasn’t arousing when she did it.  With Darrius against them using his tongue to swirl and feel around, Jeremy felt the hot passion envelope over his body, and soon, he felt like he was about to go completely and utterly insane.

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