Be Careful What You Wish For (10 page)

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Authors: Misty Blue

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For
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Slave In Training


Playlist fo
r Slave


You will read through the list only once, writing beside each your immediate response to what has been suggested to you, together with comments, concerns and fears. At the same time you will mark the suggested play item between 0-5 according to whether or not it is an enjoyable experience to you. A question mark will mean you do not know what the item is attempting to describe. ‘N/a' will indicate that you have never taken part before, followed by a number between 0-5 as to how much you might desire to. There is intentionally some overlap between categories.


The instructions were clear, and the playlist continued over three or four pages with enough space left for her writing. Marked in alphabetical order, it provided a comprehensive list of activities for a slave in training.

A shiver of excitement ran down her spine. She began to read through the list, marking each, one at a time, focusing completely on the activity described.


Age play

Anal sex

Anal plugs (small)

Anal plugs (large)

Anal plug (public, under clothes)

Animal roles



Auctioned for charity

From body piercing and modification, to penetration in various orifices, blindfolding and bondage, to the degree to which she might allow conditioning and control to become a part of everyday life, there seemed no boundaries or limits. There was also special clothing mentioned, such as corsets, cuffs etc, together with sharing and exchanging partners, threesomes, slave markets and auctions. She wasn't at all sure about some of them, so she was very careful to include all concerns and fears, and finally she reached the end.


Violet Wand (electrical toy)

Voyeurism (watching others)

Voyeurism (your Dom w/others)

Video (watching others)

Video (recordings of you)

Water play


Wearing symbolic jewellery

Weight gain (forced)

Weight loss (forced)


Wooden paddles


How little suddenly she knew. She didn't know what half this stuff meant and it made her feel so stupid, left her wondering just how far this lifestyle would go, and how much would be expected of her.

The pencil hesitated, scratching at the end of each activity down to the final one on the list. Slipping off her chair she was careful about making any sudden movements lest the recalcitrant plug found an excuse to slip out and get her into trouble. She brushed her teeth, wanting to do something normal, something in her comfort zone she knew she could cope with. But as her head touched the pillow worries came and went to be replaced by a strange kind of dreamy wonder. Her body snaked around the bed, writhing, aware there was something alien within that shouldn't be there. The list was prompting all fashion of new ideas and fantasy somewhere deep within, over which she had no control. She was soon in a high state of arousal as she presented a body perfectly toned and honed, subject to a host of very different and exciting experiences about which she could as yet only imagine.


On waking the sensations of her dreams still coursed through her veins, giving her a pleasant glow, new energy and life. She was eager to begin the day. The plug had remained successfully inserted, and she went to the computer and sat carefully to share thoughts and feelings with Master.


Dream Catcher

I wish I were slim and able to walk uninhibited, naked and proud and do the moves you wish of me. I miss you. I am lonely without you. And yet Shadow is patient, kind, and I love working with him. I want only to please you through him.

This morning I feel so full of excitement it's as if I will burst. My body is on fire in a way like never before. I can hardly contain my emotions...


She paused, her body squirming, pussy aglow, with the most wonderfully delicious tingling inside.


Please, help me harness what I have, who I am, and make me the kind of person I have always wanted to be. Show me how to use my wings. Teach me to fly.



Shadow was approaching, stealthily creeping up behind her, catching her unawares, as if to trick her into a punishment by not being where she should be at any given time. Quickly she knelt on the floor, assuming the position of submission she'd been taught. His hands slid across her back and fingers to her anus, removing the plug he'd placed there. She was relieved but careful to remain prostrate until he bid her rise. Then on his command she presented herself to him upright, hands behind her head. Again his hands felt down her body before removing the plug hidden within her sex. Strangely she felt empty, as if something was missing. And yet the tingling continued, as if searching, rippling, carving a path between her pussy and rectum and a special place deep within. Her nipples were red and sore without the clamps. Sensitive to touch they remained erect awhile, until the shy one hid, as was its nature.

Abi and Shadow breakfasted together as friends. Hesitantly she released the papers to him. He read them through once, nodded, and then a frown creased his forehead.

‘As long as you are willing to follow commands, to be obedient and to give freely at all times, then all things are possible. We're pleased with your immediate progress. Do you have any worries, anything you need?'

Suddenly words would not come. Too much crammed her head. She felt the fire of slave-heat flood her body at his touch, and knew she desperately needed to orgasm.

He knew her need. She was so open, so vulnerable, so obvious in the way she felt. It was easy to read her movements, to realise the things which lay in her heart.

‘Look at me. Look deep into my eyes. We will become much more than Master/slave, you and I. We will be lovers, soulmates. Already you share a special place in both our hearts. Your place is here. Remember; control... instruct... cherish. It will all come together as a whole, I promise. We each of us have a part to play in this.'

‘But what of Dream Catcher? He's part of this too, but I haven't seen him since the moment I came here.'

Again she was aware of that look which passed across Shadow's face, leaving disturbing feelings of restlessness and desire - and something more; something she could not understand.

‘He has not left you. He is here, a part of everything we share and do. And soon, very soon, you will meet again. He is our host.'

Worry lines left her face. So easily was she reassured and pleased.

‘Now, are you ready to begin training?'

Shadow conducted a morning following the pattern of before. The programme of exercise used tired muscles, but still he pushed for the extra one she didn't feel she could give. He was pushing her, as if enjoying seeing her struggling and straining and unable to do more.

After a shower he led her to the couch. ‘Lie down,' he told her, securing her to it as before. ‘Now today we're going to concentrate on “feeling”. There will be no distractions, nothing to see or hear because I am going to block your senses to everything other than what is happening inside you. Within this Chamber you have had no outside influences. No clocks, therefore no sense of time. No television, radio or newspapers. No intrusion from the outside world. Now we will take this one stage further. All I need from you is that you open your mind and focus on what you feel within.'

A blindfold settled over her eyes. Plugs placed in her ears took away all sound. For the briefest moment hands swept through her hair, touched her face. Otherwise it was the strangest feeling. Isolated and alone she began drifting, floating in some far off place. At first her body tensed, needing to know, to be reassured. Then gradually she relaxed into the experience.

Shadow watched the signs, then moved to her head, and gently holding it in place pulled down that section of the couch, letting her head fall right back. Her body quivered for a moment, and was still. He held her chin with the tip of a finger to prevent her head straightening itself, feeling her throat, moving on down her neck.

He paused at her breasts, bunching the right in his hand, caressing the nipple. He knew she would not hear the humming of the instrument as tenderly it touched the tip, arousing, stimulating, her body reacting, writhing in a perpetual state of absolute arousal. He clamped it then, watching it stand stiff and proud. Then he cupped her breast with an arc of clothed metal that held it in place.

The left breast he held firm, wondering if he should first have strapped her body to the couch. But not wanting to lose the momentum he brought the instrument to touch slightly, causing immediate and unbearable sensation to course through her body. Immediately it went into a wild frenzy of activity. Her head reached up instinctively despite the blindfold, as if to see what he had done. Her body pulled against its restraints. She was trying to free her hands to wrestle with the blindfold, trying to reach it, gasping and gagging, and yet at the same time wanting more.

Shadow was strangely aroused. He loved to see damsels in distress, all the more so because he understood their pain, the helplessness, the confusion and doubt, and yet at the same time excitement which held them there. He knew the experience as his own. And he was caught between two worlds; that of Dom and that of sub. He wanted both, often at the same time. He couldn't choose. And right now he was enjoying the power, the play, the control, being able to switch her on and off at will. But he also wanted the thrill of enjoying the spasms of delight she was experiencing. And jealousy kicked in that she could have it and not him. It was a dangerous place to be, for both of them.

He clamped the nipple viciously and, like the other, lifted the breast. Then he moved to strap her forehead almost at right angles to the couch. Her neck was stretched, pulled back, leaving her body exposed, free for him to explore. His fingers held her jaw for long moments, forcing her mouth wide, and then inserted the circle of silver in the shape of a large ‘O'.

A single sound escaped her but she surrendered to his touch. Moments later hands were gently soothing her tummy, an apology for the pain; stroking, holding hips firm, massaging aching muscles. She loved the sensation they offered. Gently, even without being aware of what was happening, her senses dulled, her mind released all thoughts, and in a state of oblivion all she had were feelings that swelled in her body like giant waves crashing on a distant shore, drowning her in a way she had never felt before.

The hands worked on down her body, bringing her still closer to the edge. They manipulated her groin, soothing, stroking, then, with lips clamped open, thumbs held and rubbed her pulsing clit. Slowly fingers entered...
one... two... three
... widening, thrusting, striking a rhythm to match the way her body gyrated.

The incessant sound of humming filled the room. A small vibrating egg was inserted into the vaginal passage. Another followed. The body arched, lifting high off the couch. Urgent gasps came from the recipient, lost in a world where touching and feeling merged as one.

He stood with fingers wrapped around her jaw, and gently but firmly pushed into her mouth a plastic penis-like mould. It fitted neatly into the silver metal ‘O' that held her wide and open. He eased it in and then out, feeling her initial panic subside as her body was confused by the throbbing of the egg.

He repeated the exercise. One part of him wanted to ram it all the way in to make her choke and scream. The other part of him was aroused, needing to know the experience, to have that same feeling of someone over him while he lay helpless and bound.

Once more she struggled, trying to remove the object with her tongue, unable to move her head because of the clamp. Her body relaxed the moment he withdrew, and returned to the sensation of the vibrator below. This time when he inserted it he took hold of the leather gag to which it was attached, and holding the ‘penis' in her mouth, fastened the ends tight.

Immediately Abi was heaving and retching as the thing inside her mouth reached the back of her throat. She felt suffocated, trapped, vulnerable, and yet at the same time strangely enjoyed the powerlessness it offered.

Shadow's response was to turn up the vibration in the eggs. Her jaw relaxed as her mouth accepted the intruder, while her body and mind drew once more to the avalanche of feeling that caught her in giant waves of emotion.

He watched her thrashing, listened to her garbled messages thrown out of a mouth too full, trying to squash his own desires and hold them for a later time. It was a turn on to watch someone else, and it made all the difference in the world knowing what it felt like, understanding, finding out how feelings became associated with the pleasure-pain experience, and exactly how to make that happen, how to take control.

Presently he lifted her legs from their clamps, and releasing her hands turned her over onto her stomach. Again he let her head hang over the edge of the couch, binding her arms securely. He pushed her knees under her in the submissive position so that her body arched, clamping her legs wide. Holding the base of her spine firmly down he raised her butt and took from the wall behind him a small whip, swiping it suddenly and sharply against the smooth pale skin.

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