Bear with Me (Bear Mountain Patrol Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Bear with Me (Bear Mountain Patrol Series Book 1)
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Chapter 23


Tag stormed through the condo going room to room, clenching and unclenching his fists. Drawer contents littered the floor, furniture was toppled and papers were scattered everywhere. Inhaling, he filtered scents searching for whoever had been in the condo. After identifying the three residents, he discarded Ryan and his own. That left two.

An icy cold calmness raced down his back as the identity of one of the scents registered. He pulled out his phone and called Lorenzo. “Where are Amber and Justin?” He tried to keep the rage strangling him from his voice but failed.

“Don’t know where that bastard is but Amber’s been avoiding him for the past coupla’ days and I finally called Jackson. She’s with BMP now.”

“What happened?” Had Justin finally crossed a line Amber couldn’t ignore? The bear had been bad news for years.

“With Justin? Not sure, only that he loses control more now than before. Amber got off on a little pain but not what he’s doing now. She thinks he’s unhinged and doing all kinds of illegal shit.”

“They were both doing shit,” Tag reminded Lorenzo.

“True but she had reasons, ask Jackson about it.”

Tag almost said he didn’t care but stopped before he insulted his friend. “So you have no idea where Justin is? I really need to find him.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

Tag hesitated. “I need to clear a few things with him. If you find out anything on his whereabouts, let me know…please.”

“Sure thing, I owe you. But just so you know, BMP is looking for him too.”

“Thanks.” He clicked off and returned to Camilla and Tyra. The two sat in the midst of scattered chaos on the living room floor. Camilla met his gaze and his heart stuttered at the sorrow and fear reflected in her depths.

Tag stooped, took her hands in his and waited for her to read the sure-fire confidence of his ability to keep her safe, or die trying, in his gaze. For the next few seconds, neither spoke, instead they spoke with their eyes. She accepted his pledge for her safety and he accepted her pledge to bond with him.

Grizzle pushed and grunted. “
Protect mate. Mate hurt, help mate
.” Grizzle’s anger tightened Tag’s chest to the point rumbling sounds slipped from his mouth.

“What’s that?” Tyra asked frowning as she looked around.

Tag stood, pulling Camilla to her feet. He wrapped an arm around her waist then extended a hand to Tyra. They moved to the sofa and he corrected its position so they could sit.

“At this point I don’t know why someone broke into the condo. The police are on their way up and will have a lot of questions.” He kissed Camilla’s forehead. “For both of you. Answer them to the best of your abilities. When we’re done, we lock up this place and head to my place.”

“What about Jewel? She went to visit some friends but should be back later today,” Tyra said.

“This is some homecoming,” Camilla added before kicking a few papers.

“Call her, tell her what happened or leave her a note. At this point there’s no reason for her to return, neither of you will be here.”

“Can’t she come with us to your place?” Tyra asked.

Keeping two women, potential hostages, safe would stretch his capabilities. If someone demanded Camilla’s life for Tyra’s, Grizzle wouldn’t hesitate. But he made a promise to Ryan and believed his human side would fight to find another solution to keep both women safe. He had no allegiance to Jewel which could make her potential cannon fodder.

“Let’s not borrow trouble,” Camilla said before he responded. “Jewel is safe where she is, send her a text telling her we’re still at Tag’s. That’s the reason she left in the first place, right?”

Tyra nodded. “She didn’t want to be here alone.”

“Well, we still aren’t going to be here, you came home for a change of clothes and saw this mess. We came to get you. Just tell her the basics,” Camilla said.

“Okay.” Tyra stood and walked to the back as a knock sounded on the door. Tag opened it. Detective Ivory’s gaze lit upon the debris on the floor as he walked inside and looked around. He waved in a uniformed officer who started taking pictures.

“A detective for breaking and entering?” Tag said staring at the shorter man.

“Slow day, plus this is the last address for Ryan Lee and Camilla Lopez. Those are two opened cases.” Ivory looked around. “Is Mr. Lee here?”

“No.” Tag returned to the sofa and took Camilla’s hand in his own. Tyra greeted the detective and sat next to Camilla.

“How is your fiancé, Ms. Sands? He never came to the station to file a complaint or to give us any information on his assailants.”

Tyra ran her tongue over her lips. Her fear spiked. “As well as can be expected.”

Ivory looked at them, one at a time. “Where is he?”

Tyra’s chin went up a notch. “He left for rehab this morning.”

“Really? Which clinic? Is it in the state?”

“I’m not really sure, it had a long fancy, foreign-sounding name. He’s going to send me a text when he gets checked in,” she said without hesitation.

“And you didn’t go with him… to the clinic, to check him in?” Ivory asked in a haughty tone.

“No.” Tyra met his stare and didn’t back down.

“Strange considering you wouldn’t leave his side the entire time at the hospital. You were the one to remove him after his discharge, correct?”

“Yes, you’re correct on all fronts.” Tyra continued staring at Ivory. Tag bit back a smile. This one would make a formidable attorney.

“But you don’t know where he is now?” Ivory asked again, his tone curt.

“No, like I said, he’ll send me a text when he’s settled.” She matched his tone.

Ivory stared at her a few seconds then turned to Camilla. “And you are?”

“Camilla Lopez.”

Ivory froze, then stepped closer.

Tag stood between the two of them. “Detective?”

Ivory looked at Tag as if he hadn’t seen him before and stretched around him to see Camilla again. “When did you… return? Or did you leave? What’s going on? There’s nothing saying you were found.” He inched back and crossed his arms, this time he focused on Tag. The other cop came and stood in the living room as well.

“As you can see she’s home,” Tag said watching Ivory closely. Was the detective involved? Why did his face redden as he looked at Camilla?

“You’re Camilla Lopez?” Ivory asked again, pointing at her.


Tag sensed her concern over Ivory’s actions and wanted to ease them.

Grizzle growled, the rumble brushed against Tag’s chest. The detective needed to back up.

“Ryan Lee is your cousin? How is that possible?” the detective asked.

“My father and his mother are brother and sister.”

The detective continued to stare at her then released a long breath. “And your father?”

“He’s dead,” she answered in a flat tone.

“Sorry, surprised that’s all.” He wiped his forehead with the handkerchief and stepped back. “What happened here?” he asked as if it were an afterthought.

“Someone broke in and trashed our home,” Tyra snapped.

Ivory glared at her and then spoke to the police officer. “Take their statements, find out what happened and file the report.”

“Yes, Sir,” the officer said.

Ivory’s gaze swept the three of them and returned to Tyra. “Tell your fiancé to contact me. I’d like to know if he remembers anything that’ll help close this case.”

Tyra nodded, walked over to the uniformed officer and sat at the table.

Ivory pointed at Camilla. “There’s a missing person’s open case on you, seems we were right not to expend a lot of man hours to find you. I have one question.” He looked at Tag. “If Lee is your brother and she’s his cousin, is she your cousin?” he stared at how close they sat on the sofa.

“No, she’s not my cousin,” Tag said with a straight face.

“Hmph,” Ivory said as he turned and walked down the hall.

Chapter 24


Two hours after Detective Ivory left, they arrived at Tag’s home. Tyra would stay the night and fly to see relatives tomorrow. Camilla objected and wanted her friend nearby but Tag was grateful that he’d never need to make unpalatable choices.

“I’m tired and hungry,” Camilla said after dropping her suitcase with the rest of her things on their bed. “Shower then food.” She placed a kiss on his lips and headed into the bathroom. Tempted to follow, Tag grabbed his cell and went outside near the animal pen to place his call. Jackson answered on the second ring.

Tag explained what happened and that he picked up Justin’s scent. He waited for Jackson to say something. “Well? Do you know where he is?”

“Not at the moment but I’d suggest you prepare for company. Justin’s unstable, we’ve been tracking him for a while but he’s remained a step ahead of us until recently,” Jackson said.

Tag thought of the last time he’d seen the man. “Amber turned on him?”

“I can’t discuss her with you. Fortify your home; Justin and his band of thugs will no doubt pay you a visit,” Jackson said.

“You sound certain of that, why?” Tag asked searching the tree line and inhaling deeply.

“Because he didn’t get what he came for at her place.”

“If he comes for my mate, he dies.”

“Understood. Just make sure she’s your mate and no charges will be pressed,” Jackson warned.

Tag snorted. “Whether she agrees or not, my Grizzle has claimed her. Plus she’s human and the same rules cannot apply. They take longer to mate.”

“Perhaps but our laws haven’t changed to accommodate humans. If you kill him, make sure he attacks you first and there is no alternative.” Jackson paused. “He never travels alone, you know that, right?”

“Yes and Jackson, if he and his cubs step foot on my property, I will shoot them, you can believe that.” Tag thought of his weapons and itched to bring them out.

Jackson sighed. “Wound to stop them, try not to kill them, Tag. I’d like to interview them.”


“If possible I’d like to know who he’s working for, human or dual.” He paused. “See if you can get that information first.”

“I’ll try. But that bastard’s coming too close to my mate. Hell, he’s coming to take my mate, you know what that means,” Tag said growing more agitated.

“Yes, I know. Be careful. Justin’s … be careful.” Jackson clicked off after giving tacit approval to kill Justin.

When he returned inside, Tyra and Camilla sat at the table eating. Tag grabbed a plate and joined them.

“Where’s Ryan?” Tyra asked.

“Rehab,” Tag said cleaning his plate.

“That’s what he told me but I don’t believe it,” Tyra said leaning forward. “He’s in trouble, isn’t he?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” Tag said meeting her stare. He needed Tyra and Camilla settled into his underground bunker so he could prepare a welcome for Justin. How to get his mate to go along with it?

“Tag, can I talk to you for a minute?” Camilla said standing and leaving the kitchen. He looked at Tyra.

She shrugged, stood and cleared the table.

He followed Camilla’s scent into their bedroom. She stood in front of a window with her back to him.

“Lock the door.”

He locked it and waited.

“Before anything else happens, let’s bond. Cyndy said it didn’t take long, so let’s do it now.” Chest heaving, she faced him.

Alarm bells went off in his mind. She wanted this out of fear. Did that matter? No. They had the rest of their lives to be together for the right reasons. He stepped toward her and pulled her into his arms.

“I’m honored.”

“I’m scared,” she whispered.

His heart ached from her confession. “Don’t be. I’ll take care of you.”

“If something happens to you, life… it won’t be the same. So let’s do this now.” She leaned back and looked at the bed. “Do I need to lay down?”

He smiled. “No. Mating is spiritual, scent is the gateway to creating the bond. Look at me, search my eyes. See what I offer you as my mate… allow yourself to believe,” he said softly as he returned her stare.

Grizzle chuffed and grunted in approval. What had Gold said? If she didn’t really accept both him and Grizzle, the mating wouldn’t work. They were halfway there and he prayed she would accept all of him. Her heart raced. “Camilla, will you accept me and my beast?” The first time he tried to introduce her to Grizzle, she refused to look at him. The second time she’d watched Grizzle swim and play in the pool, even laughed at his antics. The third time, she petted and groomed him, her fear gone. She rode around on Grizzle’s back like he was her personal horse and then later, exhausted fell asleep in the pool house next to him.

He released Grizzle. On all fours, Grizzle remained still while staring at her. Camilla gasped but didn’t move. After a few seconds, she swallowed hard, reached out and touched the side of Grizzle’s face. Her body shuddered but she never broke her gaze.

He grunted.

“Shhh, quiet, Tyra can’t know.” She stepped closer. Staring into Grizzle’s eyes she searched them. Tag wanted to tell her he was there, that he and Grizzle were one and that they both loved and cherished her. But she had to realize that on her own.

“I see you in there, Tag,” she whispered and then smiled.

Grizzle licked the side of her face. She rubbed her face against Grizzle’s neck, no doubt removing the icky mess. Grizzle moved his head up and down, his version of dancing for joy.

Camilla laughed while embracing Grizzle, sealing them together as one.

“Yes, Tag. I accept you both,” she whispered imprinting her words on his heart forever. Elated he wanted to roar to the world this beautiful woman was his for all eternity. The moment she accepted him, her scent changed.

“Tag, do you accept me, human nature and all?”

Tag returned to human. How did she know what to ask? Did it bubble from somewhere inside like his question had?  “Yes, Camilla I accept every inch of you. Your human nature is precious to me.” A jolt of sizzling energy ran from the top of his head, down his back and legs. His body shuddered and his breath caught in his chest, burning from the heat of its passing. His scent changed, followed hers and the two intertwined, tightened and became one yet separate.

Their combined scents grew stronger and changed again. Hunger for her gripped him in a tight vise. “Kiss me,” he demanded in a guttural voice. Unable to wait another second, he pulled her close and sealed their bond.

Reds, yellows and blue lights exploded behind his eyelids. She shuddered and held him tighter. Liquid warmth wrapped around them, holding them in place and then penetrated their skin. A cool breeze kissed his cheeks in congratulations.

Tag took his time, deepening the kiss when she leaned into him, rubbing against his cock asking for more. Her probing tongue tangled with his. He ached to be inside her. They broke apart, gasping for air. He inhaled deeply, the recognition of her smell slammed into him, weakening his knees.

Her small sigh stroked his cock as surely as her fingers. Now he understood why matings took place in bed. His legs trembled beneath the need to lose himself inside her velvety warmth and claim her body.

Camilla grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him again. Sparks flew behind his eyelids as she took control. Citrus and vanilla fragrances filled his nostrils as they entwined with her natural scent as she claimed his heart, mind and body. Moaning his need, he placed his arms beneath her ass and lifted. Her long legs wrapped around him, securing their connection. Breaking apart, she gasped for air, and met his gaze.

“Mine,” she said and rubbed against his hard length.

Like a puppet on her string he nodded, swallowed hard and pulled her hips closer. Damn, she felt so good. “Yours always.”

“Take me, let’s finish this right,” she whispered against his mouth.

He tasted her desire and released her. Within seconds, they were undressed and grabbing each other. She pushed him down on the bed and crawled forward. Pleased that she wanted them, Grizzle panted in preparation. Harder and more turned on than he’d ever been, he waited for his mate to have her way with him.

His mate.

His woman

When she took him in her mouth, his eyelids fluttered and then closed at the exquisite torment. One hand on the back of her head and the other grabbing the sheet, he rolled then bucked his hips slowly.

“Stop, I can’t take much more,” he begged after a few moments. Tugging on her hair, he pulled her away from his cock. The sour look of disappointment on her face reminded him of an angry mama bear.

“Promise to make it up to you, love. This time we need to fly together. It’s important.”

Her face cleared in understanding. Instead of moving off, she climbed further and positioned herself over his erection. Surprised and pleased, he held onto her thighs prepared to offer assistance. The sounds of her gasps of pleasure and purring noises as she eased down captivated him. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from her face. The first time he met her, she appeared, timid and lost, certainly not this confident she-bear riding him for her satisfaction. Her lips parted as she found her rhythm. Unable to remain a spectator, he joined the ride, following her lead.

“Yes, right there!” she screamed and quickened her pace. Joining her, they rose to the top and fell over together. Tag roared as he claimed his mate, fully.

Camilla tightened around him, arched back and screamed her release, milking him. Sweat dripping, body shaking, she lay against him breathing hard.

“We… that… always…” she said then rolled to the side.

Tag pulled her close, inhaling their combined scent. “Yes, always.”

The next few minutes passed in silence as their breathing regulated. Several things needed to be done before nightfall when he suspected Justin would attack. In the meantime he would prepare.

“I need to shut the house down in case someone followed us here,” he said against her hair.

She stiffened and then relaxed. “Okay. How can we help?”

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