Bearilicious - Collection (12 page)

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Authors: Ashley Hunter

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It was seconds before she slid an arm around his neck and licked her tongue across his lips. Ben growled from somewhere deep in his chest, and hungrily took her tongue into his mouth, massaging it with his own, his body pressing against hers.


Kathleen moaned against his mouth, hugging him to her, ignoring the fading pains as he pressed her rear against the side of the tub.

Just when she was about to reach for the front of his pants, he broke the kiss and forced himself back two steps.


“No! Kathleen, I’m sorry. I can’t.”


“It’s the shirt, isn’t it?” she asked.


“I’ll take it off. Look, I can make it okay.”


“No,” he shouted and averted his eyes as she removed the shirt, exposing her plump breasts to him.


“What is it?” she asked.


“You want this just as much as I do. I can


Ben put a hand over his erection and groaned.


“Ben, what’s going on?”


“I don’t deserve you, okay? I don’t deserve to be with any woman.”


“Why? How can you say that?”





Chapter 5



Ben shook his head, stumbling back a few more steps to lean against the wall. In that moment of emotional vulnerability, Kathleen felt very exposed.


Now she regretted having tossed the t-shirt to the side. With few other options, she covered the front of her breasts with her arm.


“You wouldn’t understand,” he said.


“They never understand.”


“Who are they?” she asked, worried this may take a turn for the psycho after all. She didn’t suspect it could, he was the nicest man she’d ever met.


If he wanted to hurt her, kill her, or do anything, he’d had a ton of chances. It didn’t make sense for him to be doing this now.


“I dragged you here. I got you into this now. I might as well show you. Otherwise, you’ll think I’m lying, or that it’ll be different. Well it won’t. You’ll be just like them, and you’ll leave.”


“Show me… what?”


“I’m sorry,” he said.


“I never meant for this to happen. I do want you. I do.”


“I want you, too, Ben.”


He looked at her, that sadness once again in his eyes, and he shook his head.


“You won’t.”


Before she could ask anything else, Ben grew. The fingers of his hands stretched, his arms bulking with muscle even as they became longer. His face pulled forward into an animal’s muzzle, and brown fur sprouted all over his body.


In seconds, he was a massive bear, its arms and legs having torn his uniform to shreds.


“You’re beautiful,” she said, surprised by her own words. They had just slipped out, but even as she realized what she’d said, she knew it wasn’t a lie.


No wonder the others had screamed and left. They were weak, easily frightened girls. Not Kathleen. She’d been through too much.


The bear stretched out its neck and opened its jaws. The teeth clacked as he snapped the jaws shut again, and he shrunk back down to his normal human self.


“You didn’t scream.”


“Mm-mm,” she said, shaking her head. The tatters of his clothes left almost nothing to the imagination, and Kathleen let her eyes roam over his exposed body.


“You’re not running.”


“No sir, I am not.”


“Don’t I frighten you?”


“You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met. I’ve been through too much in my life to let something small like this get in the way.”


Ben smiled and stepped toward her.


“Something small, huh?”








“You really know what to say to make a man feel special.”


As he came closer, Kathleen reached out and took him by the hand.


“Let me show you how special I think you are.”


Ben stepped forward, and they embraced one another. Their lips immediately found one another again, and this time he didn’t hold anything back.


Their hands roamed all over one another’s bodies. She removed the last remains of his clothes, and he carefully slipped her panties down her legs and free of her feet.


With all of his superhuman strength, he lifted her up and slowly dipped her into the tub. The heat of the tub enveloped her body, making every inch of her tingle.


Reaching up, she pulled him into the huge tub with her. His wet body, slick with the soap and bubbles, rested against her own. She ran her legs along his own, taking in the delicious sensation of feeling his skin against her own.


Already he was hard, and the more they kissed and touched one another, the more she needed to show him just how much she wanted him.


Ben locked his mouth to hers as he slipped himself inside of her, and she moaned, her body arching against him. Eager to feel more of her, he started a quick rhythm of withdraw and thrust.


The water sloshed around them, spilling to the floor, the bubbles frothing around their bodies as they made love. Kathleen made sure to kiss him fiercely the entire time, wanting to be sure he knew how much she wanted everything he was.


The orgasm took her by surprise, and she cried out with the force of it. Ben groaned in surprise, grabbing onto her, his orgasm swiftly rising up to join her own.


They thrust and pushed against one another, working to get him deeper inside, until finally they collapsed in an exhausted, soaking heap.


As he rested his head against the side of the tub, catching his breath, she gingerly ran her fingers along the sides of his face, tracing the edge of his ear. It was the face of a man she’d never let herself be without.


Kathleen sighed happily, rested her head back against the tub, and let sleep take her, knowing she was safe.



Loving Her Bear


Ashley Hunter

 Copyright 2015 by Ashley Hunter


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

in any way whatsoever, without written permission

from the author, except in case of brief

quotations embodied in critical reviews

and articles.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First edition, 2015



The sound of cheers and groans erupted from the crowded bar - one football team had scored to gain a miraculous win from behind. A short, curvy young woman sat in the corner alone, two glasses on her table with one untouched.

She’d been there since about ten minutes before the game started, though she took her time before ordering the beers. She sighed as groups of men and women around her embraced in celebration.

She reached for the untouched glass and took a large gulp with a grimace. The woman too had rooted for the winning team, but her demeanor matched that of the disappointed bar patrons either slumping out the door or moving for more drinks at the bar.

She took another gulp of the beer and leaned back into the booth she sat against, hoping she could simply evaporate into the wood grains.

“Hey, Leticia,” a waitress walked up to her, taking the empty glass on the table. “He didn’t show up, huh?”

“Hey, Becca. No, he didn’t,” Leticia answered, taking another gulp. “I’m not sure why I expected him to come at all.”

“Oh, don’t say that, T.C.,” Becca said, sitting in a chair across from Leticia.

Leticia took the final gulp of the beer. “I’m just going to walk home, I think. It’s just down the street.”

“I know.”

The short girl stood and made her way out of the bar. None of the male patrons took a second look at her. As her mother liked to say, she was just “a beautiful voluptuous woman,” and all those “college idiots” couldn’t see that.

Walking along the streets with other young women - other
young women - she didn’t feel like she stood out. If she did, it was for the wrong reasons. If anyone noticed her, she figured they thought, “It’s such a shame she’s so chubby. She could be a pretty girl.”

She paused at the elegantly lit window of El Principe Oso. The family owned many restaurants around town, but El Principe Oso was by far the nicest. Leticia walked up to the glass and gazed in at the expensively dressed people inside, focusing especially on the smiling couples. She longed to be one of them - she always had.

But to be stood up at El Principe Oso would be a far more expensive, and perhaps even more lonely, experience. She sighed and walked slowly home.


Inside the restaurant, in the darkest and most prestigious corner, an older man and his younger double sat together, eating silently. A few of the diners whispered about the two, but the men didn’t appear disturbed. It wasn’t often the owners ate there or at any of their restaurants.

“What was this meeting about, Dad?” the younger man asked. “You know I hate coming out to the restaurant.”

“Which one?” the older man raised an eyebrow.

“Any of them.”

“Look, Lorenzo, I think it’s time we talk about you settling down.”

Lorenzo put his fork down, “Excuse me? Is this like the Middle Ages now?”

“The Middle Ages?”

“You know what I mean. That’s an old-fashioned idea.”

Lorenzo’s father folded his napkin and became stern, “I understand it’s old fashioned, but we must add more offspring to our clan. Unfortunately, your mother and I were never able to have more children, and you’re our last hope. It’s important you get started before I die.”

“You aren’t going to…”

“I’m getting old now, son. And we both know my health is… not good.”

“I’m not ready for marriage after Teresa. I’m not even ready to date.”

“I understand how hard it was when she left you. But it really is essential you get married. It’s time to move on and do what’s best for the clan.”

Lorenzo frowned, wanting to argue but deciding against it. In the restaurant, he couldn’t exactly talk about the “clan.” The male members of the family could transform into bears at will.

The family folklore stated a distant ancestor had survived being sacrificed by the Aztecs by transforming into a bear; thus, they felt it a gift from the gods. Lorenzo, on the other hand, felt it was more of a curse than a blessing.

Sometimes, he just needed to let his animal side out, and that didn’t bode well in his relationships. The last woman he’d dated, Teresa, seemed like the one. But once she found out about the clan, she left him. Of course, not before sleeping with a few of his friends. She told him he was “emotionally distant.” He thought he’d given her everything he had. But, he supposed, that was just the way love went.

He and his father went back to eating in silence as Lorenzo thought about how he could possibly find someone to marry in a short time. At this point in his life, he no longer wanted to give himself to another woman. The whole prospect seemed like an inconvenient waste of time.

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