Bearing Her Wishes (2 page)

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Authors: Vivienne Savage

BOOK: Bearing Her Wishes
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Mahasti exposed every inch of flawless, golden brown skin to him. Her hair hung around her bare shoulders in buoyant waves framing her heart-shaped face and concealing full breasts. Leiv trailed his fingers through her ebony coils and inhaled the rich scent.

“You are beauty beyond compare. The most breathtaking,” he breathed against her cheek. He palmed one rounded breast and circled his thumb over the erect tip. Mahasti tilted her head back and trembled, gooseflesh rising on her arms.

Eager to explore, he coaxed her legs apart and glided his fingers between her thighs until they glistened with Mahasti’s arousal. Her body’s compact interior resisted the intrusion of his index finger, a discovery which thrilled him beyond measure.

She’s so tight. I want to be inside of her so bad, but I must wait. I need to show her I care and deserve her.

Against his nature, Leiv resisted the primal urge to immediately mount and claim his lover. He kissed his way down her throat, lavishing her shoulders and collarbone with tender care and playful nips of his teeth. By the time his second finger entered the djinn, she stumbled forward against him and recovered her balance by clutching his shoulders with both hands. Her nails pressed through his t-shirt, leaving crescent divots in the skin beneath.

He wanted to taste her. More than anything, he wanted to devour the sweet taste clinging to his fingers, a craving so intense he dropped to his knees before her and inhaled the heady scent of her desire.

Unlike a mortal woman, Mahasti needed neither a razor nor time at the salon. A sparse, sable triangle of silky hair at the apex of her thighs felt as soft as the sleek waves grown from her head. Briefly, he wondered how much was the true woman and how much she invented as an illusion, cultivating the perfect dream for his enjoyment. Leiv ultimately decided it didn’t matter.

“I want to feel every inch of you against me, Mahasti.” He touched his nose against her pussy, captivated by her delectable scent. A darting flick of his tongue discovered her taste to be equally sweet.

“Then you are overdressed,” she whispered.

Upon her whim, the clothes on his body faded away like smoke on the wind. He’d never felt so grateful to feel the liberating caress of her magic before. His cock, once restrained and trapped within denim and cotton, became free in an instant. Leiv’s hand, still wet from fingering her pussy, lowered to his dick and stroked it eagerly.

“Taste me again,” she begged.

“Does my tongue please you?”

“There is only one way to find out,” she challenged.

Her words were the only invitation needed to resume the sensual act. Skimming his nose over her smooth skin, Liev plunged his tongue between her pussy lips and lapped her up like cream. A single taste transitioned to insatiable hunger. He took possession of one toned thigh and guided Mahasti’s leg over his shoulder. Her fingers curled in his thick hair as his circled her clit with the tip of his tongue.

A forward nudge knocked her back onto the bed amidst the pillows. Mahasti fell with a whoosh of breath and a delighted giggle, which faded into a shuddering moan.

“Yes, Leiv, yes!” she cried. One hand remained in his hair and the other clutched at the sheets.

His strong fingers kneaded her plump ass and pulled her in tight against his face, alternating between stimulation from his tongue and fucking her with two digits. Every time she squirmed, Leiv claimed her clit between his lips and orbited the tender bundle of sensitive nerves with his tongue. He didn’t stop until Mahasti’s throaty cries culminated in orgasm, and still the unsatisfied shifter wanted even more from her. He suckled and lapped every drop she offered, fingering her snatch in tandem to the attention delivered by his tongue.

He stroked his aching cock in one fist while tiny aftershocks squeezed the fingers of his other hand. Not wanting to waste a single bit of her essence, Leiv sucked her juices from his fingers after pulling them from her body.

With strong hands, he flipped her over and guided Mahasti into a kneeling position. After providing her the first pleasure, he planned to take her from behind as was customary among most shifters. The mortals called it doggy-style, but to Leiv, it was the only position he knew and felt as natural as breathing.

“No,” Mahasti said, her voice firm and clear. She twisted away from him, gone in a puff of dark smoke only to appear beside the bed on her feet, no less naked, and still the same statuesque model of the ideal woman down to her last inch.

His interest in Mahasti had never been about her appearance - not completely - but the reality of exploring her nude frame ignited his lust for physical pleasure. Deep down beneath the alluring features, he’d always valued the infinite kindness she showed to him, a lowly bear shifter.

“No?” Leiv repeated. Had she changed her mind?

“I will not be mounted like a slave.”

Leiv remained on his knees amidst the pillows, but a shove of her fingers against his shoulder cast him off balance until he toppled back among them.

Her return to the bed came as a crawl over the midnight black sheets until she knelt between his legs. Manicured fingers slid up his legs, passing through the dark hair and continuing upwards.

“I’ve always wanted to see you naked,” she admitted in a sensual murmur.

As most of the feralkin who transitioned from human to animal form, Leiv completely lacked a sense of modesty. He unclothed as necessary whenever the mood struck him to use his animal form. Often, he traveled Saul’s land in his natural state and lazed away his afternoons beneath the sun.

“You have seen me before. Many times, Mahasti.” Each and every time, he had hoped she liked what she saw.

“But not like this. Not close and within my reach.” Her fingers closed around his dick and delivered a playful pump.

Her sexy confidence thrilled him. His dick twitched within her grasp, and then he tilted his head back and groaned as her lips slid over his head. A flutter of her tongue over the delicate corona made him writhe in ecstasy.

“Mahasti…” Her mouth slid off of him with a playful pop. “Why do you stop? No, no, do not stop,” he pleaded.

“Would you prefer the pleasure of my mouth or my body?” she asked with another nibbling kiss. She sealed her lips at the junction between his balls and the base of his prick then tickled him with her tongue before pulling away. He raised his hips desperately to search for her mouth, pumping in futility. No woman had ever made him so hard before, so absolutely, unforgivably hard until he felt as if a single stroke would make him blow his load.

Please no. I need more of her than that, but this is maddening.

“Your, ah, hell, Mahasti. I want
.” And it didn’t matter how he had her.

“And I you.”

Silk whispered across his throbbing cock. He didn’t know where the golden scarf had come from and he didn’t ask. With Mahasti’s magic anything was possible and tonight it was to his advantage.

“I have always wondered what you would taste like,” she whispered, drawing the gossamer veil across his balls. The slow descent of her mouth over his cock introduced Leiv to a torturous rapture. Each time Leiv expected her to take him in further she retreated and replaced her tongue with cool silk. The delicate fabric feathered across his dick until she drove him wild with desire and the primal side of him broke free.

“All of me, Mahasti,” he growled. Fisting his hands in her hair secured her into place, and his taut grip held her firmly upon his cock. She deep-throated him without resistance, taking in his every inch until his eyes rolled back and guttural groans of pleasure became the only noise Leiv could make. Instinct drove him to claim her however he could, and yet, she was never truly captive. Mahasti could have become free in the blink of an eye.

The glide of her lips up and down his veined shaft was hypnotizing. Each time she came close to slipping off, Leiv pulled her back down by a handful of hair. She chuckled around his dick, sending pleasing vibrations over the sensitive crown. She reduced him to putty in her hands. Leiv’s fingers fell away from her glossy waves as his hips began to desperately pump. He was so close, pushed to the cusp of orgasm, but no matter how he thrusted and fucked her delectable little mouth, no relief came to alleviate the building pressure in his balls.

“Enough, Mahasti,” he cried. “I want inside you.”

Her responding purr nearly sent him over the edge. Absolutely enchanted, he watched Mahasti pull away, dragging her lips teasingly until the tip popped from her mouth. His slick cock gleamed with saliva. With contact between them severed, gravity angled his proud length toward his washboard abs where it awaited her next touch. Waited to learn her intimate embrace.

Mahasti shifted above him until she straddled his muscled body. With one hand grasping his dick around the base, her controlled descent lowered the genie around his dick, allowing inch by throbbing inch to enter her heated embrace. Leiv practically shuddered beneath her, pushed to insanity by her slow and measured movements. The grip that once snugly held his fingers claimed his cock in steady increments.

“More,” he begged.

“In time,” she promised.

Mahasti’s slow and sensual claiming made every second count, letting his hard dick pass in and out of her body to a shallow rhythm of her own choosing. When she finally ceased the teasing movement and allowed their bodies to join flush, she rocked atop him and trembled in delight.

“Your wish is granted, Leiv. This night is yours.”

he thought. Having her for a night only satisfied a fraction of his appetite. More than anything, he wanted her to become his. With equal longing, he wanted to share his life in return as her mate.

It didn’t take long for their frenetic coupling to become a game of dominance. With a push of his foot against the bed, Leiv rolled her beneath him. Mahasti’s onyx hair fanned like a halo around her head. Her golden skin contrasted with the black sheets, but her eyes were as bright as the summer sky.

He held her hips steady to meet his next deep thrust. Her golden legs lifted and wrapped around his waist while her fingers curled against his chest, pressing rounded nails into his skin. “H-harder,” she gasped up to him. “I want to know every inch of you.”

The wet clench of her body and her seductive entreaty encouraged Leiv to pound her tight snatch, slapping his balls against her body and grinding against her clit. He slammed into her, pistoning fast strokes.

“You are so wet. So wet, Mahasti.”

“And you hard as marble.”

Leiv nibbled her earlobe. The pleasant action earned a shudder from the muscles surrounding his cock and brought him closer to losing control.
Sweet Goddess. Not yet. Not yet. I have so much more I want from her.
Leiv had loved Mahasti for years, and craved the chance to love her for a while longer.

“Only for you, desert flower.”

Their bodies moved together in instinctual harmony whether Leiv was above or below her. Pillows tumbled to the floor, blankets bunched at their feet, and the candles scattered around the room burned down to waxy stubs. Her stiff nipples responded beneath his calloused fingertips, each cocoa brown tip hardening to a tight peak. Leiv playfully skated his teeth across and then soothed the aching flesh with a sweep of his tongue.

Mahasti’s mouth fell open in a soundless cry accompanied by a tightening of her whole body. The graceful curve of her back raised from the sheets and her fingers gripped his brawny shoulders. Her face contorted with ecstasy while the mesmerized shifter above her studied the beauty of her rapturous expression.  

Growling, he drove home within her, jackhammering through the tremulous tension caused by her orgasm until the rhythmic squeeze urged Leiv into his own. His balls tightened until the pressure wound as tight as a coiled spring, until he was so close Mahasti’s frenetic rocking against him achieved its purpose. He came hard, spurting a hot release his eager thrusts whipped into a slick froth.

After he sagged against her, Mahasti’s toned arms and legs enfolded him close. Not even a breath of air could slip between their affectionate embrace. He nuzzled his cheek against one plump breast and closed his eyes, content with the way her fingers stroked over his short hair. Neither spoke, each waiting for the rapid pace of their hearts to settle.

Eventually, Leiv withdrew his softening cock. Still semi-rigid with lingering traces of arousal, he smeared the inside of her thigh on the backstroke. Once Mahasti nestled close against his body, he curved one arm around her slim frame. Eyelashes tickled his throat, a pleasant butterfly kiss beneath his stubbled jaw. But it wasn’t to last.

Mahasti’s roll from his side made Leiv turn to close his fingers around one of her slim wrists. “Stay,” he implored as he held her in place.

“It is for the best that I leave.” Her dark hair spilled over her shoulder and veiled her face from his view. Leiv propped his weight onto an elbow and strained to see her features. Her posture and positioning revealed only the svelte line of her back and a partial profile. “Is this to be only once?”

“It must be.”


Mahasti evaporated into mist, leaving traces of her scent lingering in the air. The presence of his lover surrounded him, filled with nurturing warmth and assurance as if that might provide a balm against the wound she inflicted to his heart.

“A day will come when you no longer see me as the woman you love, but as an immortal creature you resent with all of your heart. I cannot bear to watch. I will not.”

In another breath, she was gone.


Chapter 2

The next day didn’t bring Leiv any peace. Despite his efforts to make contact, Mahasti kept to the house and out of sight. At the night’s end after a fruitless attempt to find her in the manor, he wound up in the vault, contemplating the lamp bound to Mahasti’s soul and wondering if she’d hidden inside.

“Mahasti, please. Can we not talk? I am not upset. I would only like to talk to you.”

The lamp remained dark. Eventually, after his hope dwindled to complete disappointment, Leiv abandoned the vault and retreated from the manor. He spent the rest of the day fishing alongside Saul’s man-made lake where he ate away his bitter sorrow and chased the meal down with a fifth of vodka. He may have gotten his wish, but it came at the cost of one of his dearest friends.

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