Bearing it for the Outlaw (10 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Motorcycle club, #MC, #shifters, #series, #domination, #shapeshifters, #paranormal, #Romance, #bears, #Erotic, #bad boys

BOOK: Bearing it for the Outlaw
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“Shit, damn drunken kids,” Jagger said, and everyone moved out of the room, heading toward where the noise came from. The music was still loud, but there were clearly males shouting and cursing at each other. When they entered the main room Drevin made sure to keep her behind his wide back, but she could see the action on the other side of his arm.

“Damn kids,” a woman said from behind Allie, and she looked to her left. The woman that stood next to her was older, but still so beautiful. She also had this look in her eyes, this one that said she knew a lot, was experienced in life, and probably could handle these men with an iron fist.

“This is kind of crazy,” Allie said, feeling stupid for saying anything aloud.

The woman smiled and nodded. “Yeah, these guys are always starting shit, but it’s usually with others and not each other. She looked over at the guys again, the smile still on her face. “I’m Tatum by the way, the unofficial den mother of these heathens.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Allie.”

Tatum turned and faced her fully. “I’m really glad Drevin brought you in, just sorry it had to be to see this shit.”

Allie shrugged. “I’ve seen worse, believe me.”

Tatum gave her a sad smile. “That’s a damn shame, sweetheart. I’m just sorry it had to be when you were meeting everyone.” Tatum patted her on the shoulder. “I better go get the first aid kit.”

She watched Tatum head in the back, and turned and faced forward again. Drevin pulled her closer to his body once more, and she felt the strength he emitted pour into her.

The biker named Mason and another one were in the center of the room. Blood came from Mason’s nose, but he wore this grin, this sadistic almost smile that said he might like getting hit. The other man swung out, connected with Mason’s jaw, and had the guy crashing into a table. There was already one down, and glass bottles were shattered all over the floor.

“Mason. Jakob,” Jagger barked out, his anger clear. The music was suddenly turned off, and all eyes were toward them … toward the original, older members. Jagger moved forward, closer to the younger, already patched in males.

“Mason,” the one named Court said. “Son, what the fuck are you doing fighting with another member?” Mason was obviously Court’s son given what she just heard and the similarities in their appearance. It was clear fighting with a brother of the club, even if they were both patched in, was not something that was tolerated.

Mason stood his ground, and crossed his arms over his chest. “What? We were just playing around.” He wiped the blood from his nose that started to trickle out. “Ain’t that right, Jake?” Mason said without looking at Jakob, without even sounding like he gave two shits they’d been caught.

“Jakob, what the hell is going on?” Diesel stepped forward now.

Jakob glanced at Mason, narrowed his eyes, and looked back at Diesel. “Nothing, Dad,” he answered, then turned and headed over to a member that looked strikingly similar to Jakob. They had to be related, most likely brothers. “Come on, Bodhi, let’s get the fuck out of here.” The two men left, and when everyone turned and faced the original Grizzlies again, the tension lightened a little.

“I need a fucking drink,” Brick said. Then the tension broke, and everyone started partying again.

“I think we should leave,” Drevin said to her. “I want to be alone with you, just enjoy you without the fucking drama.” Drevin pulled her close, cupped the back of her head, and grinned down at her. “Just you and me, baby.”

“Man, what in the hell was that?” one of the younger members asked Mason. They were not too far away, and she heard them well enough.

“It was nothing, Cain, just a little testosterone being thrown around.”

She glanced at Mason’s direction, saw him look at her, and smirked in a hardened way. He grabbed one of the barely dressed women hanging around the club, and he disappeared down the hallway. Damn, she was in for drama by being with Drevin. As she turned back around and looked at him, saw the way he watched her, with all these emotions on display just for her, she knew she’d walk through fires to have this with him. The two of them was all that mattered.

Chapter Twelve


Drevin pulled his bike to a stop in the nearly deserted parking lot of the Steel Corner wildlife preserve and lake. There was one lone truck parked in a shadowed corner, and the sun was just starting to set over the horizon. The lake could be seen, and the lingering light from the sun sprinkled the top of the water. Drevin had never been one for romance or endearing shit like that, but it was definitely growing on him the longer he was with Allie. He climbed out of the SUV and went over to the passenger’s side door. Before he could open it she was out and standing before him.

“I wanted to be a gentleman,” he said on a grin, even if he wasn’t a gentle man in the least.

“Being a gentleman is overrated.” She rose on her toes and kissed him. He’d taken her out here tonight because he wanted to be alone, surrounded by the wilderness, and just enjoy having the time to be with a woman. He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulled her close, and claimed her mouth. They stayed locked in that embrace for several seconds before he finally pulled away and took her hand in his. They went up the slight incline that led to a path that made its way around the lake. He didn’t care if this romantic type of behavior might not be considered manly, especially for a shifter. Allie had expressed interest in doing this, and he wasn’t about to deny his woman anything.

They walked for about ten minutes before he pulled her to the ledge of the rock outcropping. The lake was only a few feet below, and when he pulled her close to the side of his body he instantly grew hard. He was a monster, an animal when it came to being with Allie sexually. It was like being with her only fueled him higher, made him want more of her, and that he’d surely tear shit up if he didn’t have her.

“Drevin?” she asked softly.

He turned and looked at her.

“Can I see it?”

He lifted a brow, his thoughts totally in the gutter. When she rolled her eyes, clearly knowing what he was thinking, he grinned.

“I mean your bear. Can I see your bear?”

His animal rose up, anxious to show off, to let her touch him, stroke him, just be with his primal side. “You want to see my animal, baby? You want to touch him, let him be close to you?” He was getting excited, anticipating this.

“He won’t hurt me, will he?”

Drevin growled low, moved closer, and grabbed her waist again, pulling her to him. “He’d never hurt you. We are one and the same. He wants to protect you, make you feel safe, and hurt anyone that thought to take you from us.”

“Then I want to see him,” she said almost breathlessly.

His woman didn’t need to ask him twice. He moved back, breathing in and out as he felt the shift overtake him. But first he removed his clothing, because if not they’d be torn to shreds as his body grew. When he stood before her naked, he allowed his bear to come forth. Skin tore, muscles stretched and expanded, and he felt his feral animal rose to the surface. Fur replaced flesh, he grew to a staggering height of over ten feet tall, and his hands and feet became paws tipped with massive, deadly claws. He stood before her, his bear now taking control, aware of his surroundings, and always on alert. He focused on Allie, took in the way she examined him, took a step back, and scented her fear lightly coat the air. He didn’t want her to be afraid, but he was a massive beast, and her human instincts told her to be wary.

He dropped to his front legs, moved closer to her, and huffed out. She moved back another step until a tree stopped her from retreating. He huffed out again and glanced down at the hand she slowly lifted and held out to him. He came closer to her until his nose brushed along her fingers.

“Come here, Drevin. I want to touch all of you.” She looked amazed, sounded like it as well. Her fear slowly started to fade, and he loved that, grew pleased about her accepting him. “You’re so big. I’ve never actually seen a shifter in their animal form.”

He moved closer, and she speared her hand in his neck fur.

“Can you understand what I’m saying?”

He moved his head up and down, butted it gently against her side, telling her without words he did understand her. She smiled, and he felt his human and bear fall harder for this woman. She was
He rested his big body beside her, and closed his eyes, just reveling in the feel of her running her hands through his fur. For several minutes all they did was stay like that, with her breathing steadily, moving her hands over his body, and finally pressing her face against his neck. She felt safe with him, and he fucking loved that. He’d protect her with his last breath, and never let her get hurt.

“Drevin, will you shift back?” Her voice hitched, and she moved away an inch.

It only took her a moment for him to turn back into his human. He stood before her naked, his clothes still on the ground, and his cock standing hard and at attention.

“Be with me, Drevin,” she said and started removing her clothes. She was now naked and aroused, and that turned him on even more. He went toward her, and kissed her hard and possessively. He grabbed the back of her head, molding her closer to him.

“Baby, if we don’t stop I’m going to end up fucking you on the forest floor like some kind of animal.” His cock punched forward even harder, more insistent.

“Maybe I want you to take me right here on the forest ground, Drevin. I want your animal to claim me.” She was the one to pull him closer now, take control of his mouth, but his inner beast wasn’t about to be dominated.

“You asked for this, baby,” he growled and moved them so she was now pressed to the tree trunk, her tits hidden from him, but her ass on full display. “You’re mine, Allie.
old lady,
woman.” He claimed his female with nothing stopping them, no one around, and his bear growling in approval. “I’m not letting you go … ever.” He got on his haunches and spread her ass cheeks. He stared at the tight hole of her ass, and without thinking, because his bear took control, he started licking between the cheeks of her bottom. He speared his tongue between her mounds, ran it up and down the crease, and groaned in approval. This was his.
was his. And he’d take her in every way possible until she screamed for more. And Drevin would give it all to her.

Chapter Thirteen


Allie crawled out of bed and sat on the edge of it. She was still so tired, and although it was well past ten in the morning, she hadn’t been able to fall right asleep when they got back to Drevin’s house. She’d lain there in his arms, loving that she felt safe, protected in his embrace. His breathing had become deep, even, and she’d known he’d fallen asleep with her tucked close to his body. God, how had her life turned out to be so … great? She’d never envisioned feeling this happy, especially not so soon or with a bear biker. But here she was, sitting on Drevin’s bed in his home, smelling him all around her, and loving that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. She stood and stretched, walked over to the bathroom that was attached to the room, and looked around at the masculine stuff on the counter. His room was pretty void of anything that could be considered decorative. Aside from the bed and dresser, he had a framed picture of the MC, all of the original members she’d seen yesterday. But they looked so young, and she knew it had been taken decades ago.

The bathroom held a few of his personal items: toothbrush and toothpaste, a bottle of cologne, and even a grease-stained rag that sat on top of the toilet. The shower was wet, and she knew he’d been here not too long ago. She wished he’d woken her up, maybe with something illicit and erotic. Her body instantly heated at those thoughts. Last night there hadn’t been any sex, hadn’t even been any heavy petting or making out. He’d said he wanted to hold her, keep her close, and feel her body heat seep into him. It had been sweet almost, caring and intimate, and she’d soaked it all in. She turned and faced her reflection, removed the oversized shirt she wore … his shirt, and brought the material to her nose. She moved that their combined scents filled the fabric, saturated it, and she couldn’t help but smile. Allie looked at herself in the mirror, took in the bumps and rolls on her belly and thighs, and the scars on her inner arms. Although she’d always hated looking at herself in the past, she didn’t so much anymore. Drevin told her continuously how beautiful she was, how her body made him hard, aching and needy. How could a woman not appreciate the way she looked when she had a man that treated her so well?

She quickly took a shower, not knowing where Drevin was, but anxious to see him. Once out, dried and dressed in a pair of his oversized sweats and an equally oversized shirt, she left the bedroom and searched the house for him. It was a small place, and once she realized he wasn’t actually in the cabin she moved toward the living room window. There was a detached garage across from the cabin, and she could see Drevin working on a truck through the open bay door. Allie could hear the steady pump of music coming from the garage, but her sights were set on Drevin, the way his muscles bulged in his biceps as he leaned over the truck and worked on something under the hood. Although it was sunny out, they were in the mountains, and it was going on spring, so she knew there would be a chill in the air. A sweater hung on a coat rack by the door. She slipped it on, rolled up the long sleeves, and headed outside. The closer she got to the garage the louder the music came through. She breathed in deeply at the way Drevin was hunched over the hood of his truck in nothing but a pair of jeans, thick biker boots, and a dirty white t-shirt. She could see his big hands working on the guts of the vehicle, and trailed her gaze over his thickly veined and muscular forearms.

He lifted his head and pierced her with his deep, dark eyes. Neither one of them said anything for a second, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because the music was too loud for them to hear each other. He moved out from under the hood and walked over to where an old school stereo sat on a dirty workbench. As he turned the dial the music instantly lowered. He faced her and started cleaning off his hands with one of the shop rags, this half smile on his face.

“Hey baby,” he said the endearment in a deep, husky voice. His jeans were filthy with grease, like he’d been running his hands on the denim instead of the rag he held. He went over to the sink, washed his hands for what seemed like forever, and when he turned around he was grinning.

“Hey.” She smiled and moved closer, needing him.

The wide expanse of his chest was on full display, the muscles defined under the thin cotton of his shirt. His hard, muscular pecs were visible, and his tiny male nipples with the piercings were evident through the material as well. For the millionth time since being in his presence her pussy got wet and a tingling started in her belly. Her arousal was a continuous slow burn inside of her, but in moments such as this it reared its head violently. It was like her body was screaming at her to let this man have her over and over again, to let his powerful body slide between hers and control every aspect of her.

“You should have woken me up,” she said on a breath and moved closer still.

“You looked peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you.”

She noticed the way his breathing changed, and she swore his bear flashed across his face. Was her arousal that obvious, because his clearly was? She opened her mouth to bring the focus onto something not so sexual, but Drevin pushed away from the counter and strode towards her. Allie couldn’t move as she watched him stop in front of her. He was just so big that his entire body took up her eyesight and blocked out everything else. With the scent of him filling her lungs, and the masculine sexuality he was throwing off, she was helpless to stop what he did next.

He gripped her behind her neck and pulled her forward until her body slammed against his. Her breasts pressed against the hardness of his chest, and the air gushed out of her at the feel of his rock hard planes against her softness. For several long minutes all he did was search her face. Neither said anything, but she knew he could see her need. It felt like her body would explode if he didn’t touch more of her.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” His words were spoken softly, and she couldn’t deny that having him give her the compliment along with the profanity drove her need higher. Drevin was rough around the edges, brutal in his strength, and didn’t apologize over these traits. She found it so damn attractive.

He lifted his hand and ran his finger along her cheek. The scent of motor oil filled her senses, and she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. The growl that came from him had her opening her eyes and staring up at him.

He started to lower his head to hers until his lips were a hairsbreadth away. “Your aroma invades my senses, and your closeness drives me up the fucking wall, Allie.” His warm breath slid along her face. “I’ll never get enough of you. My bear will never get enough. Do you hear me? Never.” He grabbed the back of her neck. Let me taste you, baby.” He didn’t say it like a question, and she knew he’d do it no matter. But she wanted to have his lips on hers.

“I don’t think you ever need to ask to taste.”

“That’s right, baby. You want this, too.”

Yeah, she did, but she couldn’t find the words to voice it. Fortunately his lips crashed against hers, taking her mouth in a bruising kiss that didn’t let her think of anything aside from the fact he wanted her with a desperation that rivaled her own.


Allie’s mouth was hot and sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted. Drevin swept his tongue into the wet cavern and stroked it along hers, eliciting a moan from her. Sliding a hand over her back, he gripped an ass cheek and brought her closer to his erection. He still had a hold of her nape, and tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss. His cock jerked at the feel of her softness. She slid her hands up his chest and wound them around his neck. They were as close as two people could get, yet it wasn’t enough. He walked them backward until the counter of his workstation stopped their movements. Moving his hand to her other ass cheek, he gripped her tighter and lifted her easily to set her on the counter. Her legs opened as if on their own, and he stepped between them, feeling the heat of her pussy right on his dick. Grinding himself into her, he grunted, and she gasped.

“You want me between your legs, Allie baby? You want my cock in your pussy?” He kissed and nipped along her jaw and smiled against her neck when she tilted her head to give him better access. A gasp left her when he ran his tongue along her throat, and lower still to her mark …

“Baby, I want you so fucking bad that I could take you right in this dirty garage.” He ground himself against her again. He wanted her desperately. Her nails dug into the back of his neck and he relished the sting it caused. He ran his tongue the rest of the way up her neck and to her mouth. He let his hands slide over her waist to the front of her sweats. He gave her a moment to stop him, but she didn’t. In fact, she moved to the edge of the table, giving him better access. A growl left him as he undid the drawstring of his sweats. Yes, he fucking loved she wore his clothes, and smelled liked him.

Gripping the edge of her sweats he started pulling them down her legs. She lifted her ass to help, and when they were off, he stared at the fact she wasn’t wearing any panties. “Well fucking hell, baby. You’re full of surprises.” He kissed her again, their lips moving together more desperately. He tore her sweater and shirt off until she was so damn naked he could smell the soap she’d used not long ago. He quickly took off his clothes until he was just as nude as she was, then moved back between her thighs. Her pussy was wet, his cock sliding between the slick folds easily.

“God, what are we doing out here, Drevin?” She murmured against his lips, and he could tell in her voice it wasn’t a literal question.

“I’m going to fuck you.” He could have said it a little more gentlemanly, but he was not a gentle man in the least. Why sugarcoat what they were going to do in his grimy garage? Besides, it didn’t matter what he called it or how he said it. He was going to claim his mate, and they both were going to enjoy the hell out of it.

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