Bearly Interested (5 page)

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Authors: Kim Fox

Tags: #PNR, #Paranormal Romance, #Werebears, #Shifters, #bear shifter, #shifter romance, #werebear, #steamy pnr, #funny pnr, #shapeshifting, #bears, #wolves

BOOK: Bearly Interested
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She giggled. “Where did you find that CD?”

“At the sixth record store that I went too,” he said.

She snorted a laugh. “You’re ridiculous. Too bad I never enter a competition that I can’t win.”

“You’ve never played against a master,” he said, with a wink. “I will die serving you until you break down and love me.”

Angie turned away to hide her giggle. She looked up at the new light coming from the light fixture on the ceiling. Normally it was offensively bright and hurt her eyes but now it had a pleasant softness to it.

“How did you dim the lights?” she asked, pointing up.

“I installed a dimmer,” he said, pointing to the wall. “I wanted tonight to be perfect.”

Angie dropped her purse on the ground and shuffled over to the couch, exhausted.

Sidney flipped the pan, the veggies inside tossed over in the air and then he turned off the burner. He poured her a glass of red wine and brought it over to her.

She sighed and then reluctantly took it. One glass of wine and then she would tell him how she felt. No. Not how she felt but what had to happen.

She took a sip of the day-forgetting wine and then sank down into the couch with a moan. Sidney sat on the edge of the sofa beside her and reached for her shoes.

He slid off her flats and rubbed her ankles with his firm hands, circling and massaging his way down to her heels and arches.

He knew how to use his hands and before long she was melting into the sofa, groaning. She was always on her feet at work and by the end of the day they were killing her. He kneaded her inner arches with his palm as he worked between her toes with his skillful fingers.

“Pretty good,” she said, taking a sip of wine. “And no tickling. I’m impressed. You’re still not going to win. This is doing nothing for me,” she lied.

“Maybe I should take my shirt off,” he said, turning around with a cocky grin.

The timer dinged over the oven, saving her, and he jumped up and headed into the kitchen.

“What are you making?” she asked, walking over to the island. She sat down on the barstool that she bought at a barn sale in Maine and sipped on her wine as she watched him work. “More poison ivy? Because I’m just getting over the last meal that you made us.” She touched her chin with her fingertips. It took two weeks for her skin to get back to normal.

“Not this time,” he said, opening the oven. The warm smell of cooked lamb flooded the room, making her stomach grumble. “Lamb chops with garlic sauteed vegetables.”

“So how did the guy who fed me poison ivy and tree bark a month ago learn to make that?” she asked.

“I’ve been taking cooking lessons for the past month,” he said. “Since you left.”

She took a sip of wine not asking if it was because of her. She knew it would be and it would make what she had to do later that much harder.

He placed the dinner on the table and lit the candles. He was a gentleman, pulling out her chair and placing her napkin on her lap for her.

She glanced out the window at the other apartments in the building across the street and grinned. For once she would be the one having the romantic night.

Her grin turned into a bitter smile when she realized that it would all be over soon. It had to be. She needed him to leave so she could finish her project this week. And then if all went well, which it would, she’d be leaving to Switzerland. For good. It would never work between them. Why drag it out and make it harder in the end?

He served her, placing a heaping portion of lamb and potatoes on her plate. It smelled incredible. He topped off her wine and sat down with a smile on his face.

“Bon appetit,” he said. “That’s German for enjoy.”

She was about to correct him when he held up his glass for a cheers. She rolled her eyes, with a smile on her lips and clinked his glass.

“To falling in love all over again,” he said.

“How about to two people having dinner,” she said, with a smirk.

“Fine.” He lifted his glass up. “To two people falling in love while having dinner.”

They ate and talked about everything. Angie told him about her parents and how being an only child had shaped her career aspirations. Her demanding parents had such high goals for her and she couldn’t help but internalize them over the years. Sidney listened with focused attention, hanging on every word that she said.

He told her about his time in the NFL, admitting that he wasn’t as famous as he initially let on. She held in her grin as he told her that although he still had a following of fans, he had exaggerated it a little.

When they had finally gotten up from the table the candles were on their last leg and the gravy had a hard top, like a frozen lake.

All that time talking and she had never asked him to leave. She had never made it clear that now wasn’t a good time for her and for her career.

He piled the dishes in the sink and let the water run. A mountain of bubbles climbed up between pots and pans. She had to tell him now.

She grabbed the dishtowel off of the oven rack and stood beside him, taking a deep breath. He dunked a plate in the soapsuds, rubbed it with his rag, and rinsed it under the running water. Excited bubbles cascaded down the plate, revealing the naked ceramic below.

Her mischievous eyes traveled up to his rolled up sleeve and his thick forearms, which were flexing as he washed. Every time he turned to take a dirty dish off of the counter her eyes shot up to his broad shoulders and muscular arms. She bit her lip, desperately wanting to reach up and touch him, to feel his warm skin under her fingertips.

He handed her the plate, touching her hand with his wet fingers. She swallowed hard and focused on the plate.
Focus on the plate. Don’t mind the hot bear shifter that wants you. Focus on the plate.

“I need you to go,” she blurted out. She regretted it the moment that it sailed past her lips.

He dropped the pan in the sink, took her hands in his, and looked into her eyes. “I know this may sound weird to you,” he said. “But we’re destined to be together. Yes we may argue and bicker more than we agree but there are forces at work here that are bigger than us.” He placed her hands on his vibrating chest. “My bear recognizes you as his mate. I’m pulled to you. I’ve bonded to you. Do you know what that means?”

She shook her head, unable to break her gaze from his glossy eyes.

“It means that I’m attached to you for life. An attachment that runs deeper than love. You can fall out of love but a bear shifter can never break a bond with a mate.”

She took a deep breath and looked down at the floor. No one had ever talked to her like that and she felt unworthy of such praise. She was embarrassed.

“I get that you feel strongly for me,” she said, “and I have a lot of fun with you but I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m in a serious part of my career right now. I can’t be caught up in all of this.”

This guy was frustrating and maddening as all hell but Angie couldn’t remember anyone else with whom she had such a good time. He was excellent at bringing her out of her shell and getting her to experience life. It was something that she needed to do more. But not right now.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“You feel it too,” he said. “I can tell. You just won’t open yourself up to it. Please,” he begged. “Just open yourself up to the chance that I’m right.”

His eyes, his voice, even the way he held her hands, were full of passion, full of desire. Both were things she hadn’t experienced in a long time. And never on this level.

She looked down at the tiled floor. “Sidney I…”

Before she could finish, his mouth found hers, his warm aura washing away her reluctant feelings. She wrapped her wet hands around his neck in a fury that surprised her. She leaned in, pressing her breasts into his chest as his tongue tickled hers. His strong hands caressed her back and pulled her in close.

She gasped as his lips finally released her. She was breathing so heavily. She wanted more.

He poked his index finger down the waistline of her pants as he moved his lips to her neck, sending tender trembles through her willing body. Angie unbuttoned the top of her pants and guided his hand down. His fingers slipped into her panties and slowly inched lower. She grabbed his bicep and squeezed as his finger found her pearl. His hand crawled down further and rubbed her lips, his rough fingertips gliding lightly over her opening. She writhed against his hand, wanting to feel his fingers slide inside her, wanting him to touch her properly. His other hand moved to her breast and caressed it as he kissed a wet, luscious trail down her neck. His lustful breath was hot against her skin.

“Fuck,” she moaned as her hand traveled to the front of his pants and the hard cock hidden underneath. He gently grabbed her wrist and pulled it away.

“No,” he whispered in her ear as he moved his finger back up to her clit and rubbed it in a slow, circular motion. “Let me.”

Angie braced herself against the counter as her legs started to tremble. Her hand splashed in warm water. The sink was overflowing onto the kitchen counter and onto the floor. She hit the faucet off as Sidney slid a finger into her wet pussy. “Ahh,” she moaned, her body convulsing. She leaned back against the counter, her heart pounding in her chest.

Angie whined as Sidney pulled his hand from her pants. He cupped the back of her thighs and easily lifted her up onto the wet counter. She clenched the back of his neck and shoved her tongue in his mouth. He lifted her hips up, slid off her wet pants and tossed them on the floor.

He put his hands on her knees and gently spread her legs apart. His hands slowly traveled down the inside of her thighs to her eager box. She could barely swallow. Barely breathe. Her whole body was rigid and tight with anticipation as his tongue caressed the inside of her mouth. She needed him to touch her aching pussy again. She wanted his fingers on her. In her.

His thumbs brushed against her pussy as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her yellow panties. She let out a shuddery breath. He slid the panties down her leg slowly, pulled away from Angie’s mouth, and guided her bare feet out of them.

Her thoughts were jumbled as her body responded to his. She let it all go, choosing to focus on his hands and on his tongue.

Sidney kissed her lips one more time, then sank down. He kissed her inner thigh, just past her knee, and worked his way down, slowly kissing and licking her skin with his warm lips and hot tongue. She grabbed her burning pussy and he pulled her hand away. “You must wait,” he whispered between kisses. He ripped his dress shirt open and flung it on the floor with his tie. Stray buttons littered the tiled floor. He licked his lips and then went back to work.

His tongue traveled down her leg slowly. Way too slowly. He took his time, teasing her and making her muscles tighten, making the pressure build up. She could feel soft kisses on one thigh, his cheek against the other, his nose grazing across her opening. Just as his mouth arrived at her aching pussy, he switched legs and moved back up to her other knee.

“Just lick it,” she begged, digging the back of her head into the cupboard in beautiful frustration. He snaked his tongue down her inner thigh, tickling and teasing as he went. Angie moaned and gyrated her hips on the wet kitchen counter as he got closer and closer. She closed her eyes. He was so close. She spread her legs further apart, her whole body aching with anticipation. He reached her wet pussy and blew on it gently. Her whole body shook in convulsions. She grabbed the loaf of bread on the counter next to her and squeezed it into a pulp, ripping the bag.

He gazed up at her with fierce, dark eyes and licked her pussy from the bottom to the top in one slow, ecstatic lap. “Fuck!” she screamed, grabbing his short, blond hair and thrusting her hips forward. Hot waves of delight took over her body as she focused on his tongue inside her, exploring her lips, her folds and her throbbing clit. His thumb pressed against her clit and rubbed in small, slow circles as his tongue licked her faster and more intensely. His tongue was firm and controlled.

She let out a low, trembling moan as he slipped his tongue into her channel. He switched it up, sliding one finger, then two, into her hole as he flicked his tongue on her clit. She cried out as the pressure built up in her, desperate to be released. Angie hit the cupboard behind her with the side of her fist as he relentlessly flicked her pearl with his forceful tongue. The glasses clinked inside.

She threw her shaking leg over his ripped shoulder as she felt her knees start to buckle as they always did whenever she reached orgasm. “Fuck,” she screamed again, mangling the bread bag even more.

“Mmm,” Sidney moaned as he tasted her. He slid his two fingers in and out of her hole as he put pressure on her swollen and tender clit with his tongue.

Soft growls filled the room as his inner bear got a taste of her.

Little eruptions exploded from her clit and rushed through her body. “Ahhh, Godammit,” she cried as the convulsions came on harder and more frequent. Heat flooded her body as every muscle in her tightened, ready for the sweet release. Every whimper, cry and moan leaving her mouth became louder, harder and more desperate.

She held her breath, her body tense, her throat burning. She grabbed a handful of Sidney’s hair, almost yanking it out.

Her pussy exploded in ecstasy as the orgasm ripped through her violently. “Fuck,” she screamed as blissful tremors flew through her legs and stomach up to her head. Her hips bucked on his mouth. Her legs shuddered as she threw her head back and cried out again as another wave of pleasure rushed through her veins.

She pushed his head away and closed her legs, the feeling of him on her, in her, too much to bare. She grasped the wet counter as she breathed in small, hurried breaths. Her legs trembled, out of her control.

The convulsions slowed down, replaced with a wonderful feeling of warmth and fulfillment. “Fuck,” she moaned. She opened her eyes and saw Sidney smiling at her, looking proud. “Where did you learn that?” she asked, gasping like someone who had just been rescued from a near drowning.

He shrugged, then smiled.

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