Beary Overdue (Polar Bliss 1) (3 page)

Read Beary Overdue (Polar Bliss 1) Online

Authors: Ruby Shae

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Polar Bear Shifter, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Mate, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Bury Step-Father, #Returns Home, #Hometown, #Holland Family, #Seven Years, #Corrupt Male, #Abandoned Family, #Charade, #Reconcile, #Notorious, #Exposed Reasons, #Emotional, #Hiatus

BOOK: Beary Overdue (Polar Bliss 1)
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“Touchy, touchy,” she said, dumping some of her coffee down the drain. She poured a decent amount of liquor into the cup and took a sip. “I guess it’s hard to be a morning person when you’re up all night.”

“It’s hardly morning,” he growled, glancing at the clock.

As usual, he’d slept later than he’d intended, and it was already after two. If they were going to fuck, it needed to happen soon, and then she needed to leave. The bar opened in a few hours, and if she planned on hanging around him all night, she had another thing coming. He didn’t date, and he hated clingy one-night-stands that didn’t have a clue.


Maybe fucking her again was a mistake.

His anger flared again, and he tightened his grip on the mug. When he saw his knuckles turn white, he slammed the heavy stoneware on the counter harder than necessary, causing the cooled liquid to splash out of both sides.


“You think you’d be more relaxed after last night,” she drawled, setting her paper cup on the counter next to his. She took a step closer and raked her claw-like nails down his chest. “Luckily, I’m ready for another round.”

His skin reddened and burned, and his bear growled beneath the surface. Reid ignored the animal and kissed the woman hard. She laughed, and when the sound prickled his already sensitive skin, the animal head-butted him. The bear rarely fought back, and the internal pain fueled his fury. He mentally chastised the animal, reminding the creature who was in charge, and left him to pace in the background.

He kissed the woman again, and when her hands encircled his waist, he grabbed one of her wrists and pulled her to the couch. He didn’t want anything close to sensuality, tenderness or love, and he definitely didn’t want her hands roaming on and marking up his skin. The thought of those nails on his dick threatened to make him soft, and he couldn’t risk it.

Coming hard was the only thing that would let him gain back some of his control. His needs were the only ones he cared about, and fucking the woman hard and fast was the only way to get the relief he desired.

Luckily, she seemed to enjoy his caveman approach.

He positioned her arms above her head, and then pushed her shirt up her chest, exposing her tiny breasts. The small mounds were lacking in his opinion, but the perky, hard nipples stood at attention, and he couldn’t deny their beauty.

He continued pushing her shirt up until all of the fabric was past her head, and then he pulled her arms between them and wrapped the flimsy material around her wrists. She squealed in delight, and smiled wickedly as he pulled her skirt over her hips and bunched the material around her waist.

The hair on her mound was trimmed close, but not shaved, and the tiny hairs glistened from the essence spilling from her pussy. Her excitement pushed him forward, and he guided her back until her calves hit the couch and she was forced to sit down.

“Lay down. Arms over your head, and spread your legs.”

As she followed his commands, he unzipped his jeans, pushed them down his legs, and freed his hard, throbbing cock. He took a step toward her, and then pulled his jeans back up.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she demanded.

“Getting a condom,” he growled.

There was no way he was fucking her, or anyone else who wasn’t his mate, without protection. He just couldn’t do it. Since losing his mate, sex without protection was the one thing he’d never faltered on, and he wasn’t about to start now.

He walked into the bedroom, grabbed the condom, and quickly returned to the living room and the woman waiting for him. He ripped open the foil packet, removed the rubber ring, and proceeded to drop it on the floor when the sound of someone knocking echoed around the room.

His bear roared again, and both curiosity and anger drove him across the room. One visitor was rare, but two was a goddamned epidemic.

Something had to be wrong.

He swung open the door, his unfastened pants neglected, and froze.


Chapter Three


Jillian pulled her car into the gravel parking lot of
The Dirty Bear
, and parked near the front door of the large, grey, rectangular building. For the second time that day, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her frantic heart as she studied the architecture in front of her.

Unlike the charming, cozy, open and welcoming design of
Polar Bliss
The Dirty Bear
looked like an abandoned warehouse with a sign featuring the bar’s name slapped on the side. Granted, the structure was fairly new and in good condition, but the dreary, almost secretive, style matched Riley’s warnings about Reid.

Had she made a mistake tracking him down without Riley?

The coffee house had offered some sort of protection against seeing him again, but if Reid were inside
The Dirty Bear
, she’d have to face him alone…or at least on his turf. She’d noticed three cars parked behind the building when she’d arrived, and she hoped one of them belonged to Reid, but what about the other two?

Maybe I should leave…

No! I have to see him!

With her mind made up, she got out of her vehicle and scanned the area. If she hadn’t lived here for nearly three years as a teen, she’d never believe downtown Longmeadow was less than ten minutes away. Though it seemed deserted now, the bar’s location had been well thought out, and she admired Reid’s business sense.

The metal door added to the industrial look of the building, and she pulled on the handle, half-shocked and half-scared when it opened freely.

Overhead lights lit up the large, undivided room, and she quickly surveyed the area before making her presence known. Considering the size of the overall building, the inside was expansive, but it wasn’t remarkable.

Several hi-top tables and chairs were scattered around the floor of the open space, and a jukebox sat in the corner furthest from the door. A full bar that looked too small for the probable crowd occupied about a third of the left wall, and she absently wondered at the odd number of barstools.

There were no pool tables, no darts, no video games, and no booths for patrons to become comfortable. The place had been designed for drinking, and not much else.

“Sorry, we’re closed.”

Jillian gasped and turned toward the bar. She knew the strong, deep voice didn’t belong to Reid, but the ginger-haired man behind the counter had startled her.

“Excuse me,” she said, walking toward the man.

“I said
we’re closed
,” he said, “you’ll have to come back after six.”

“I’m sorry,” she explained. “I wasn’t clear. I’m looking for someone…Reid Holland…do you know where I can find him?”

Jillian stopped at the bar and looked up at the gorgeous man.


She’d never been one for redheads, but the man was pure sex-on-a-stick. He was tall, muscular, and his eyes were deep Emerald green. Humans didn’t look that sinful, and she briefly wondered if he was a shifter, too.

“You’re looking for Reid?” he asked, skeptically. “Why?”


“You know what,” he sighed, “don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. Follow the building around back until you find a staircase. Reid’s apartment is at the top.”

“Thank you,” she smiled, and held out her hand. “I’m Jillian, by the way.”

The gesture caught him by surprise, and he steeled his expression as he glanced from her hand to her face. She didn’t know what he was looking for, but he eventually placed his hand in hers.

“Hayden,” he replied curtly, “and you’re welcome.” He didn’t smile, but when he leaned in close, she noticed a light sprinkling of freckles across his nose and she mentally sighed. He was gorgeous, but he wasn’t Reid.

Why can’t I be attracted to him?

She wanted to be, but she just wasn’t.

She let go of his hand, and went in search of the perfect man.

Reid might not belong to her anymore, but he’d set the standard for all the men who’d come after him, and that standard was high. She wasn’t willing to settle for anything less.

She followed Hayden’s directions around the side of the building and climbed the stairs at the back. On the porch, the first thing she noticed was the faded welcome mat, and she faltered. The mat didn’t fit the Reid she remembered, and again she questioned whether or not she was doing the right thing.

There’s only one way to find out…

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Time seemed to stand still as she waited for the door to open, and when it finally did, she understood Riley’s warning. If she hadn’t known him so well all those years ago, she wouldn’t have recognized him as a Holland.

His smooth, bare chest was wider than it was at twenty, and so were his huge, tree trunk thighs, but his once warm, dark brown eyes looked nearly black, cold and soulless. He had a tiny scar over his right eyebrow, something that looked like a stab wound on his right shoulder, and a three-inch slice-looking thing on his left side. His once short, dark, blue-black hair was long and uncombed, and he’d grown a dark, bushy, untamed two-inch beard.

The thigh-hugging jeans he wore were unfastened, and she noticed the head of his thick, hard cock peeking out of the open waistband. Upon closer look, she noticed several fresh, bright red scratches down his chest, and he smelled like alcohol and coffee.

She wasn’t a prude, but the old Reid would have never opened the door wearing next to nothing, and though he hadn’t been old enough to drink, he wouldn’t have been half-wasted before dinner. If his appearance hadn’t already convinced her she’d made a mistake, what happened next sealed the deal.

“Jillian,” he whispered.

The word sounded reverent, and for a moment she believed he was happy to see her. She opened her mouth to respond, but a woman’s voice cut her off.

“Whoa! You like fat girls, too, Reid? Good for you. I’m all for a threesome, hot stuff, but I’m not into fatties. I’m sure we can find someone we both like tonight.”

Jillian looked past Reid to the woman sitting on his couch. She was facing the door with her skirt bunched around her waist, and her legs spread wide open. She wasn’t wearing a shirt, and her pert breasts were thrust forward, framed by her wrist-bound arms.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Riley had been right. Reid had changed, and it wasn’t good.

Though she wanted to run, she forced herself to look him in the eye.

“I’m sorry,” she croaked, wincing at how weak she sounded. No wonder he hadn’t wanted her. “I should have called first.”

“Yes, you should have,” Reid growled.

“Maybe I’ll see you later,” she mumbled.

His angry glare nearly broke her heart, but she held her head high as she turned and slowly descended the stairs. Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

She held them in as she rounded the corner, walked to the rental, and drove to the motel. Each obstacle became a greater challenge, but she managed to hold it together until she was safe inside her room.

With the
Do Not Disturb
sign on the door, and the deadbolt locked, she grabbed a pillow, curled up on the bed, and allowed herself to let go.

The painful, muffled sobs were for Reid—the man he used to be, and the man he’d seemingly become—and for herself.

Seven years.

She’d wasted seven years hoping for something that didn’t exist.

She no longer believed in the perfect man.




Reid stood in the doorway, glaring down the stairs, long after Jillian disappeared around the corner. His bear roared and paced, desperate for him to chase her, but his feet felt like they were incased in cement.

He knew about Fred’s passing, but a scenario involving her return had seemed unlikely, and finding her on his doorstep had never crossed his mind. He’d honestly thought he’d never see her again.


He looked down at his now limp dick falling out of his open jeans, and thought about the naked woman on his couch. A glance over his shoulder revealed what he already knew. Jillian had seen all of the woman, including her bound hands, and she knew exactly what they were doing before he opened the door.

Worse, he hadn’t said anything when the woman opened her mouth. She’d not only insinuated he engaged in threesomes, but she’d insulted his mate while he stood silent.

Rage swamped him.

Seven years hadn’t been long enough to douse his attraction to her, in fact, if possible, she’d grown more beautiful. The last time they’d stood face-to-face she’d been a cautious, plus-sized, teen, but the person who’d just walked away was a grown, confident woman.

As expected, she’d gained a few pounds, but she’d gained them in all the right places, and he desperately wanted to get acquainted with her new, ample curves. Her honey brown hair, the same color as her eyes, was the same length it had been in high school, but she’d grown out her bangs, parted it on the side, and added several layers to accent her natural waves.

He still wanted her, and the realization, though obvious, sent a myriad of emotions coursing through his veins. Fury was the easiest to understand and manage, so he held on to it and buried everything else.

He slammed the door and stomped toward the woman.

“I’m glad you got rid of her,” she said, “she was gross.”

“Shut the fuck up,” he roared.

“Oh, please. You know it’s true.” 

He grabbed her wrists, untied the knot holding them together and threw her shirt at her bare chest. She didn’t move, and the soft material tumbled to the floor.

“Get dressed and get the fuck out of here.”

“Aww, don’t be like that,” she said, reaching inside his pants and wrapping her fingers around his soft cock. “I’ll help you forget about her and you’ll be hard again in no time.”

He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away.

“I don’t want to forget about her,” he barked.

“Right,” she sneered. “If you can’t get it up anymore, just say so, but don’t pretend you have a thing for that whale.”

“Walk out, or I’ll throw you out,” he said. “It’s your choice.”

“Whatever,” she snapped. “You’re no fun anymore.”

She picked up her shirt and righted her clothing, grabbed her purse and strolled toward the door as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She pulled open the barrier and turned back to face him.

“I’ll be back in the bar tonight. If you get that cow out of your head, come find me.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” he retorted.

“We’ll see.”

She smiled, stepped outside, and pulled the door closed. He half expected her to come back, and he stared at the wood a full minute before crossing the room to lock it.

He glanced at the clock, and then started the shower again.

His family had a lot of explaining to do.




Reid pushed open the door to
Polar Bliss
, and quickly scanned the little shop. Most of the medium sized crowd hovered around the pick-up counter, but the line to pay was growing. Riley stood at the register taking orders, and Ridge worked the machines, quickly filling them.

The smell of coffee filled his nose, and for a moment, the past came flooding back. He nearly smiled.
Polar Bliss
was almost always packed, and after high school, he’d spent nearly every afternoon working side by side with Ridge, as Ryker worked the register, and Riley and Jillian sat near the window doing homework. Though they’d all been faced with great tragedy, at the time, his life had seemed perfect.

He’d been fourteen when a hunting accident caused him and his siblings to become orphans, but their family had stayed together thanks to Ryker. His oldest brother had only been eighteen, but he’d fought hard to gain guardianship of him, Ridge, and Riley. The house had been paid off, but when he’d needed to provide a stable income, he’d used his inheritance to open the shop. They’d worked and lived together, loved each other, and laughter had always filled their home and the tiny shop.

Riley’s laugh floated across the room, and he frowned.

Jillian was Riley’s best friend, and his sister had failed to warn him about his mate’s return. The strong bond they once shared had been gone for years, and though it was his fault, he pushed away the memories and allowed his wrath to return.

He stormed behind the counter and used Riley’s surprise against her.

“Reid,” she smiled. “What are you doing here?”

He could see the hope and love in her gaze, but he didn’t care. Anger and betrayal flowed through his veins, and he wanted to make her feel as bad as he did.

He stood in front of her, and used his intimidating size to force her backward until she bumped against the counter behind her. Her brown eyes flashed, reminding him of a fierce warrior, but a second later fear took over and she cowered.

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