Beast: An MMA Stepbrother Romance (12 page)

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“We can’t—” Oh.  Oh no.  I clamp my hands over my mouth as I realize what I said, and what Caleb said he would do to me if I ever said it again.

“Emma,” Caleb lifts my face up towards his, “I’m going to need to see you in my office right now.”

Caleb’s words from last night bounce around my head as he walks past me into his office.

If you say “we can’t” one more time, then I’m going to spank that shit out of your vocabulary.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it last night, no matter how many drinks I knocked back.  Me telling Caleb off, and Caleb reaching the end of his rope, making me get up onto his lap, and spanking me until I’ve learned my lesson.  I’m not sure why it’s so hard to get that image out of my head, but unless I do something, it’s about to happen right here in Caleb’s office.

There’s no way that can happen.  I need to tell Caleb exactly where to shove his stupid, perverted spanking ultimatum before he takes things too far and actually tries to bend me over his desk.  There’s only one problem:  every time I think about Caleb spanking me, the fire down between my legs gets hotter and hotter.


Chapter 16:  Caleb


Honestly, I was trying to leave Emma alone.  Give her some space and shit.  I need her to not hate my guts when the championship rolls around so she’ll actually come cheer me on.  But when I saw her sitting there, matched up with some hipster douchebag with a surfboard under his arm, I couldn’t fucking help myself.

I mean, yeah, all that shit I said about her not being allowed to use PoodleMatch is true.  I probably would have needed to step in anyways to make sure she didn’t get into trouble.  But mostly, she’s just too fucking fun to mess with.  The way she acts all nice and proper, right until she gets too turned on and starts biting her cute little lip, practically begging to be fucked…it’s the hottest thing in the fucking universe.

I bet she’s actually going to let me spank her, too.  She’s going to roll her eyes, call me a pervert, and put up this cute little fight, but then she’s actually going to bend over and let me spank that insanely curvy ass, and before I’m even halfway done with her spanking, she’s going to get so wet for me she’s going to start moaning my name after every fucking smack.

Shit.  She’d better get in here quick, or I’m probably going to start jerking off to the fucking idea of it.

Emma knocks on the open office door, snapping me out of my fantasy.  “You asked for me, Mr. Matthews?”

Something about her calling me Mr. Matthews is an insane turn on.  She’s trying to play it super professional like she came in here on business, but nobody here calls me Mr. Matthews, so she actually just sounds like she’s roleplaying my dirty secretary.  I laugh, and she looks pissed.

“Come on in.  We need to talk.”

“Can I have my phone back yet?”  Emma whispers as she steps into my office.

I slide her phone across the desk.  “Go ahead.  I uninstalled PoodleMatch.”

Emma checks her phone as I get up to close the office door behind her.  “I swear, if you read my texts, I’m going to kick you so hard in the balls.”

“You can try, but you might end up in a submission hold.  Not that you’d mind.”

Emma scoffs, but at least she doesn’t call me a pervert.  After I close the office door, I knock on one of the frosted glass windows.  “These are completely soundproof, by the way.  We’re going to need it.”

When I turn around, I almost have a fucking heart attack when I see Emma bent way over my desk, ass sticking straight up in the air.  She looks back at me and rolls her eyes.

“What?  We both know how this is going to go, so let’s just go ahead and get it over with”

That’s adorable.  She’s trying to skip the reluctance, pretend like it doesn’t bother her at all.  Nice try, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting her off that easy.

“Get what over with?”

“You know…my punishment.”

Emma’s annoyed face tells one story, but her bare, quivering thighs tell a different one.  She’s so wet for this that I’m starting to wonder if she intentionally broke the rules just to get my hand on her ass.

“What are you talking about?  Why are you bent over my desk like that?”

“So you can spank me, asshole.”  Emma turns crimson, and I can barely manage to keep a straight face.

“Whoa, hold on, Sis.  I know you’re horny, but can’t it wait until we get home?  This is a public office.”

“I’m not…horny,” Emma says as she spreads her legs wider, “I said something I wasn’t allowed to say, and now I’m just following the rule.”

“Oh, yeah, from last night.  Refresh my memory of how that went?”  Emma looks like she wants to hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher.  She knows I’m playing dumb.  The funniest part is I’m not even holding her to this.  She could call my bluff and leave any time she wants, but she’s not doing it.

“You said that if I said ‘we can’t’ one more time, you were going to spank it out of my vocabulary.  And I just said it in the break room, so…come on.  Let’s get it over with.”

“Is that any way to talk to your co-worker, little Sis?  With an attitude like that, you’re practically asking for a spanking.”

Emma says nothing, pushing her ass out even further into the air.  At this point, I don’t just want to spank her, I want to lift her skirt up over her waist and fuck her from the back.  It’s too bad the thickest frosted glass in the world wouldn’t be able to muffle her screams if I did that.

I walk up to Emma, grabbing the sides of her hips, getting them into position.  “You know, I probably would have taken it easy on you if you hadn’t given me all that attitude.  A couple taps through your skirt and then you’d be right back to work.  But since you’re so insistent that this is all about me being a pervert, I think you actually need to learn a little lesson.  That’s why I’m going to give you a real spanking.  No skirt.  No panties.  Just the way it is in your fantasies.”

Emma sucks her upper lip into her mouth and shivers.  “I
have fantasies about this.”

“I don’t believe you.  But I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?  Because if you’re as wet for this as I think you are, you’re not going to be able to control yourself once I get going.”

I dig my fingers into the waistline of Emma’s skirt, feeling her heavy breathing as I yank it down to her thighs.  Then, I slide it the rest of the way down her legs with my palms, making sure she feels my hands every inch of the way down.  Her panties are next, sliding over the curve of her ass, down off her feet, and right into my pocket.

“If you’re a good girl for the rest of the day, you might even get those back.”

Emma starts to say something, but it melts into a moan as I start spanking her.

Normally, I’d be making fun of Emma for how into this she’s getting, moaning every time my hand comes down on her ass and thrusting it right back into the air for more, but fuck, man, I’m getting pretty into this too.  Emma’s fucking naked from the waist down, and my hands are all over her perfect ass. 

Since I’m a professional fighter, I start off by holding back a little bit on Emma.  As I keep spanking her, though, she starts pushing her hips back into my hand like she wants more, and I start giving it to her harder.  And harder.  And harder.  Holy shit, Emma likes it rough.  Her fucking moans of pleasure are getting louder, longer, and higher, and pretty soon she’s going to be making some noises that she’s not going to be able to explain as anything innocent.

An idea forms in my head, and I almost burst out laughing before I can put it into action.  First, I ramp things up, spanking Emma faster and faster until she starts to get all flushed in the face.  Then, with no warning, I stop, resting my hand against Emma’s tingling ass and wait for her to say something.

“You stopped.”  Emma looks at me quizzically.

“You told me you wanted to just get it over with.  Is that a problem?  Do you want me to keep going?”

“Ew.  No…”

“Really?  Because you’d think if you wanted me to stop, you wouldn’t still be here, bent over with your ass up against my hand.”

“I’m just waiting for you to officially release me, that’s all.”

I push my hand into the back of Emma’s thigh, where I can feel her muscles clenching with need.  “That’s all, huh?  So you’re telling me you didn’t enjoy that?”

Emma bites her lip and shakes her head.

“Are you sure?  Because it really seems like you’re having fun down here.  Are you telling me that if I sent my hand up between your legs, you wouldn’t be wet at all?”

Emma shuts her eyes tight.  “Yeah…”

“I’m not so sure you’re telling the truth, little sis.  Not with you acting like this.  Luckily, there’s an easy way to tell how you really feel.”

Firmly, my hand pushes between Emma’s thighs until it finds her pussy, tight, hot, and soaking fucking wet.

“Looks like you’re a horny little liar, sis.  You’re fucking dripping down here.  I’m starting to think you wanted me to spank you.”

Emma doesn’t say anything, but she also doesn’t move herself off of my hand.  I bring my fingers and my palm down the length of her slit, and then push them right back up.  I mean, shit, if she’s going to keep herself right here on my hand, then I’m just going to find her hard little clit and start rubbing…

Before I can, though, there’s a knock at the office door.  Almost immediately, Emma gets off my hand, picks her skirt up off the floor, and runs behind my desk.  “Oh, God, they heard us, didn’t they?”

“They didn’t fucking hear us.  The guy who used to have this job blasted music in here and we couldn’t hear shit from out there.  It’s just a coincidence.”

Emma pulls her skirt on and motions towards the door.  “Answer it, before they think anything weird’s going on.”

I laugh as I pull the door open.  It’s Dylan, my co-manager.  Nice guy.  Huge nerd.

“Hey man, what do you need?”

“Do you have Emma in there?”  Dylan looks over my shoulder at Emma, who’s sitting behind my desk and smiling, looking like the picture of innocence.  Honestly, she looks a little too innocent.

“Yeah, we were just going over some rules and regulations.  Why?”

“Um…ok…so is this…a disciplinary meeting?”

What the fuck?  He didn’t hear us, did he?  I try and read Dylan’s face.

“Sort of.  Why do you ask?”

“Well…uh…I think I should be the one getting punished instead of Emma.”

I grin, right on the edge of bursting out laughing.  I definitely didn’t need that image in my head.

“What makes you say that?”

Dylan’s fucking sweating bullets, so I start to relax.  I don’t think he knows what we were doing when he knocked.  “Well…Emma asked for a PoodleMatch prototype for testing purposes, and I gave her one, but I accidentally gave her an experimental build with live messaging.”

I flash an annoyed look at Dylan, mostly because he knocked on my office door at the worst fucking second in the history of time.  “It’s alright.  I saw her using it before she sent a message, and we took it off her phone.  She was the only person in the office that could have happened to, and she’s definitely not going to be using any dating apps in the near future.”

“Good!  I mean…uh…yeah.  Good.  I’ll add a warning to that build so it doesn’t happen again.”

“Yeah, you should probably do that.  Is that all?”

Dylan nods.  “That’s all.”

He looks at Emma one more time, and then heads back to his desk.  I close the door, and Emma lets out a huge sigh of relief.  “Oh my God, I almost crawled under my desk when he asked if this was a disciplinary meeting.”

I shake my head.  “That guy wants to get in your pants so bad.”

“Dylan?  No way!”

“Come on, sis, he couldn’t stop checking you out, and he gave you the full version of PoodleMatch just because you asked.  He wants you to be his fucking PoodleDate or whatever.”

Emma rolls her eyes.  “Yeah, he wants me so bad that he gave me a dating app where I could message other guys.”

Then she looks straight at me.  “But hey, maybe I should give him my number.  He seems like a

“Someone’s not getting their panties back today.”

“Caleb!  I need those!”

“Oh yeah?  Well, I need you to think about what happened in here, and having to work the rest of the day with no panties sounds like just the thing to make sure you don’t forget.  Of course, you could always earn them back.”

Emma presses her legs together, letting out a hot, conflicted breath.  Then, she gets up and heads straight for the door.  “I need to get out now, before I actually take you up on that.”

And just like that, she’s gone, leaving me alone in my office, hard as fucking granite.  How the fuck am I going to get any work done now?


Chapter 17:  Emma


My calendar feels like it’s mocking me now.  Literally every cute little thing I had planned so far this summer has been totally turned upside down by the foul-mouthed, oversexed MMA god who came into my life right after I made it.  Yesterday, I was apparently supposed to throw a pool party with as many friends as possible and try cooking a new recipe.  Instead, I bent over a desk and let my stepbrother spank me in his office.

Not this time, though.  Today’s the day Gina and I start our road trip, and it’s girls only.  No boys allowed.  It’s not a huge road trip—we’re just going up to Portland and back—but Gina and I have been talking about it since our last semester started.

And I’m sure Caleb would love nothing more than to come along and be stupid and sexy and try to get me to make bad decisions with him, but I actually managed to convince him he didn’t want to go.  Now, it’s probably just because the big tournament is coming up and he’s been training overtime for the past few days, but still.  It feels like a little victory, even though I had to turn down Caleb’s offer to put us up in luxury hotels to get it.

I’m a little surprised he didn’t fight harder, though.  Maybe he’s finally starting to get it through his skull how dangerous we’re being, and that little disciplinary meeting was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

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