Beast Denied (13 page)

Read Beast Denied Online

Authors: Faye Avalon

Tags: #panthers;shape-shifters;ménage-a-trois;cat shifters;second chances

BOOK: Beast Denied
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Through half-opened eyes, she saw Tynan. His lips were apart, his eyes hooded, but his gaze was on her while he continued to thrust his fingers. She couldn’t hold back much longer, and, as if he knew that, Tynan pushed deeper, moved faster. His gaze fell to her pussy, then back to meet her eyes. One corner of his mouth kicked up, and she lost it there and then.

She rode the wave, arching up and voicing her pleasure on one long cry of ecstasy.

Neither man stilled their movements until she sank back against Nathan’s chest. Her legs went lax and she let her knees fall out to the sides. Tynan stopped moving but kept his fingers deep. Her muscles pulsed around him, and he gave his fingers a twist inside her.

Naomi jerked, and seconds later, Tynan withdrew his hand. With his eyes still on hers, he brought his fingers to his mouth and let his tongue brush across the tips.

Naomi’s face burned. It seemed such an intimate thing to do, which was ridiculous seeing as seconds before he’d had two fingers plunged deep inside her pussy. But something in the way he looked at her and the way his muscular chest rose and fell with each breath told her that she might as well get used to this type of intimacy because he had a lot more planned.

Seconds later, he reached for her and pulled her up. He encouraged her onto her knees, and Nathan moved behind her, his erection pressing into the crease of her backside. “Enjoy that, sugar?” he asked against her ear. “Looks like we’re off to a good start.”

Tynan placed his hands on either side of her face and bent his head to kiss her. Soft, sensuous kisses with just the slightest taste of herself on his lips. Nathan’s hands anchored her hips, and he pressed his cock harder against her. Releasing his right hand, he slid it down and around her hips, pressing down to cup her pussy. She ground her hips against his hand while Tynan’s tongue explored her mouth.

Beneath the dual onslaught of hands and mouth, Naomi’s pulse quickened again.

Nathan slid his fingers inside her pussy. “You’re soaking.”

Was she? The ease with which his fingers moved along her channel confirmed he was right.

Tynan stopped kissing her. He had that look on his face that both troubled and excited her. His jaw was tight, his mouth a thin line. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was angry. But why should he be?

Seconds later, his hand dropped to where Nathan’s was covering her mound. He nudged Nathan away and slipped his fingers along her slit. Nathan cupped her backside, letting his fingers dip into the crease.

Caught between sensation as one man pressed forward while the other retreated, Naomi pressed her breasts against Tynan’s chest, loving the abrasive tension as her sensitive flesh met the hot, hard wall of muscle.

Her orgasm built again, and she wanted more. So much more.

Reaching out, she covered the bulge in Tynan’s jeans. He sucked in a breath. “Not a good idea right now, sweetheart.”

Spurred by the way he winced, she gave him a light squeeze. “Why not?”

“Because it’s been a while.”

She got the implication, and it gave her a strange sense of power. She liked the idea that Tynan hadn’t been with a woman in a while. She gave him another light squeeze.

With his free hand, he covered hers and drew it away from his cock. “Tonight is about you.”

Because he’d stopped using his hand on her, she pressed against him. “Why can’t it be about…all of us?”

Again, she’d almost forgotten Nathan was there. How in heaven’s name could that be? Nathan was currently the only one touching her, his fingers sliding along the crease of her backside, his chest brushing against her back.

But Tynan was her real focus. Was that simply because he was the one in front of her, the one currently giving her the most attention? She knew it wasn’t, and the thought scared her. She had to rein in her wayward thoughts and feelings, and the best way to do that was remember this was a threesome.

“That’s not the way it works,” Tynan said, his voice gruff. “This is your fantasy. It’s about you.”

“If it’s about me, then I get what I want, don’t I? And what I want is you naked.” She glanced over her shoulder at Nathan. “I want you both naked. Now.”

Nathan grinned and ran his thumb along her lower lip. “That can be arranged.”

As if to order, they both moved off the bed and went to stand beside it. Naomi dropped back on her haunches and watched while, almost in unison, they unzipped themselves and shrugged out of their jeans. Naomi tried not to focus on Tynan, but it was almost impossible. He was commando and barefoot and stood before her in all his naked glory. She couldn’t help compare the man he was now with the youth he’d been when she had last seen him naked. He was pretty amazing then, but now he was magnificent.

Leanly muscled and gloriously endowed, she let her gaze travel down his body. Her chest squeezed at the sight of the deep scars traversing his lower leg, and the deformity to his ankle. It looked like the bone had been crushed, the flesh covering it bruised and discolored.

Her throat caught. Tynan was such a vital, virile man, it was easy to forget what he had gone through and the effect it had left on him—physically and, no doubt, emotionally. He didn’t like talking about it, and she could empathize with that. She felt the same way about her own scars, her own demons. In fact, she didn’t talk about them at all. Period.

She looked up at Tynan, who watched her closely. Perhaps he was checking for her reaction to his damaged flesh. So she took care to temper her reaction, and kept her expression blank. His injury didn’t detract in any way from the sheer beauty of the man, or from the masculinity that oozed from every pore.

Nathan dropped a knee on the bed, and she turned to him.

“Looks like you got what you wanted, sugar.” He eased her back down onto the bed and knelt beside her.


“Two naked men,” Nathan said, drawing her legs apart. “Any other requests?”

Distracted by the extent of Tynan’s injury and knowing the pain he must have suffered at the hands of her vengeful father, Naomi shook her head.

Seemingly unaware of her melancholic reflection or simply deciding to ignore it, Tynan moved between her legs. He used his hands to anchor her, then lowered his head and kissed her thigh.

Shivers ran over her flesh, until sensation drove away her capacity to think. He dropped light kisses along her inner thigh, moving up to work across her pelvis, then down her other leg.

He pressed his mouth to her mound, and the heat from his lips shot reaction through her whole body. Her nipples hardened, her stomach clenched, and she writhed against his touch, grinding her hips sensually to encourage him deeper. He kept the pressure light, denying her what she wanted. She thrust her hips wantonly, dimly aware that Nathan had manacled her wrists with his hand and pressed her arms back over her head.

She arched up, pushing her breasts into the air at the very moment Tynan spread her labia. At the first touch of his tongue against her heat, she cried out. He dipped his tongue into her folds, before retreating again and leaving her panting for more. Dip and retreat. Dip and retreat. Until she had to bend her knees, and place her feet flat on the mattress to get her hips higher in the hope he would get the message.

He raised his head, that sexy grin hitting her with full force. “Someone’s impatient.”

She throbbed with need. “Because we don’t have all bloody night.”

Tynan’s laugh was low and wicked. “Who says we don’t?”

“We’ve got hours,” Nathan said, sliding his free hand over her stomach and applying slight pressure. “Hours to play. Hours to fuck.” He laughed. “Now, why don’t you be a good girl and keep still while Tynan does his thing?”

She wanted to tell them in no uncertain terms that she was no longer a girl, and if Tynan didn’t get the hell on and do
his thing
, she was going to scream with frustration. But then Tynan pushed his hands underneath her backside and lifted her up toward his mouth. With a flash of that grin, he lowered his head and drove his tongue hard and deep.

Naomi squeezed her eyes shut, wallowing in the way his hands squeezed her flesh to keep her anchored hard against him while he pressed ever deeper. Not only was he deep, but he twisted his tongue, moving inside her and setting up an amazing friction that was way off the pleasure scale.

She squirmed against the pressure of Nathan’s hand holding her down, and when he caught one tight nipple between his teeth, she cried out.

It was too much. Far too much.

Her face burned, her body ached, and the need for release storming through her was almost painful. She had never experienced anything like this. A dual assault on her senses, on her body. She was helpless against the erotic expertise of two insanely virile men who seemed to be hell bent on giving her the kind of pleasure she didn’t think it possible to experience.

Tynan’s lips pressed hard against her slit, while his clever tongue continued to screw her. She was so close to release, but she didn’t want this to end.

Nathan clamped her tight nipple between his teeth and tugged hard. Naomi moaned, and he did it again. Still he held her arms above her head, and she tried to free herself. He simply tightened his hold. He released her nipple and licked across the hardened bud. She pushed up against him, a delicious chill brushing across her flesh. Nathan kissed her, hard. She felt so wanton like this, squirming with desire and need while one man tongued her mouth and the other tongued her pussy.

She was so lost in helpless pleasure that it took a few moments to realize Tynan had withdrawn from her. Nathan moved back too, releasing her arms.

Tynan’s broad chest heaved, the swell of his muscles gleaming. His mouth was slick with her juice, and, with his gaze on hers, he slipped out his tongue and ran it along his lower lip. He glanced at Nathan, who leaned across to the bedside drawer and reached inside. Seconds later, he tossed Tynan a condom.

Naomi swallowed, but watched, fascinated, as Tynan rolled on the rubber. He looked at her with eyes weighed down by heavy lids and the slash of dark brows. He looked forceful, determined, and…predatory. Her stomach jumped again, her pussy throbbing with anticipation. Oh hell, she really wanted him. Wanted
inside her.

She didn’t have the opportunity to let that realization take up residence, because the reasoning part of her brain didn’t seem to be working right then. And Tynan was sliding his hands under her hips…

On his knees, he lifted her high. The tip of his cock nudged her slick opening, and, watching her, he pressed forward. True to his word, he took it slow. Easing in, then waiting before pushing farther. She wanted to tell him it didn’t matter, that she was no longer the naïve innocent she’d been a decade ago, but she knew it would make little difference. Tynan really was one of the good guys. Regardless, she shifted forward a little, coaxing him.

He frowned, a chunk of dark hair sliding across his damp forehead. The muscles of his jaw clenched, and he looked to be grinding his teeth. She could tell that the slowness of his entry cost him, but still he put her needs before his.

She didn’t like it. It made her think of him too fondly. And she didn’t want thoughts like that. She wanted him safely back behind that careful barrier in her mind, in her heart.

Again, she thrust her hips, encouraging him to push in all the way.

“Fuck, Naomi.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m trying to take it slow here.”

Frustrated in so many ways, she almost laughed. “Maybe I don’t want it slow. For God’s sake, Tynan, will you just do it?”

Nathan, who had been circling her breasts with his hand, laughed. He’d been avoiding her nipples, which didn’t exactly help her frustration levels right then.

“You heard the lady, Ty. Or maybe I should take over.” Bending down, he licked her nipple. “I know just what she likes and how she likes it.”

Naomi gasped as Tynan shoved himself up to the hilt. His balls banged against her flesh, his cock filling her to capacity.

She lost her breath for a moment, the size of him and the speed at which he’d finally taken her a shock to her system. The look on his face told her that Nathan’s taunt had finally broken his control. She wanted to be thankful for that, but she was currently trying not to hyperventilate. Tynan shoved hard, then pulled out before plunging inside her again. His eyes were closed, his chin tilted toward the ceiling, the muscles of his throat standing out.

He was magnificent, she thought. Even in the throes of passion, she sensed his resolve, his determination to direct his energies where he saw fit. And right then it seemed that meant fucking her to the moon and back. He didn’t temper his pace, and soon she felt her intimate muscles clench tight around him, holding him to her each time he withdrew and then releasing against the onslaught when he shoved forward again.

Light-headed, she tried to suck in oxygen. But his relentless pace meant that only short, sharp gasps of air were available to her between each thrust.

Nathan slid a hand down her stomach. As Tynan brought her close to orgasm, Nathan worked her clit.


She came on an explosion of color and light, arching up as her pussy throbbed and pulsed. Her whimpering moans filled the room, and then they were joined by Tynan’s loud cry as he pumped his release.

The last pulsating tremors quieted through her body, and Naomi sagged back against the mattress. Her heart pounded against her rib cage, and her whole body felt as if Tynan had stroked it from the inside out. He remained above her, braced on his hands, and began to withdraw so slowly, it made her feminine muscles contract.

A sheen highlighted his forehead and his pectorals, and he breathed through his mouth in long labored drags. His eyes were steady on hers, a thousand questions darkening their depths.

Naomi couldn’t look away. Her throat caught, and something elemental moved through her. It felt both simple and complex, a combination of everything she’d ever wanted and everything she’d always tried to resist.

Beside her, Nathan cleared his throat. “Remember me?”

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