Beat of the Heart (7 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: Beat of the Heart
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other shift partners broke into hysterics when he started twerking in front of me.

“Thanks. I think I need some bleach for my eyes now,” I groaned.

Slinging an arm around my shoulder, Dee gave my cheek a smacking kiss. “I’m proud of you, baby

girl. I think this is exactly what you need…and more.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“You gotta have faith,” he mused.

I wagged a finger at him. “So help me God if you start doing a George Michael ass swish in front

of me like in the
video, I’m going to request a transfer for you.”

He pursed his lips. “Don’t be hatin’ on my mad dancing skills.”

“Let’s get back to work, shall we?” I prompted before grabbing a chart.

Friday night found me wine glass in hand, stomach twisted in knots, and pacing back and forth in

my bedroom. Standing in front of Mama Sofia’s antique mirror, I once again gazed at my reflection.

Dee, along with my best girlfriend, Shannon, had insisted on taking me shopping at Lennox earlier in

the day. Everything in my closet that was dressy or sexy had too many Dev memories attached to

them. I needed a whole new ensemble for my big splash back into the dating world.

After a few stores and a few close calls, we’d finally found something we all could agree on.

Well, sort of. Although they’d insisted the dress was to die for and I was going to take AJ’s breath

away, I was still unsure, as I turned left and right in front of the mirror. Red had always been my

color, and tonight’s tight little number was ruby red with tiny spaghetti straps that made a

crisscrossing pattern across my lower back. While I thought I should have gone up a size, Dee

insisted that it hugged my body to the point it was like a second skin. “Trust me, baby girl. Latino men

love a woman with curves.”

I took his word for it and bought the dress along with some killer red heels that had a patent leather

strap. Shannon had insisted on taking me to have my hair and make-up done. For a sure fire

sexcapade, I thought I was going to a little too much trouble, but I decided to bite my tongue and go

along for the ride. Don’t get me wrong. I was all about dressing to impress and feeling sexy. I didn’t

get a lot of chances to do it during the week in my scrubs. At the same time, I knew AJ wanted to

screw my brains out whether I was wearing a Hefty bag or couture. In the end, I was so grateful for

letting Dee talk me into the shoes and dress as well as Shannon with the hair and makeup. For the first

time since Dev left, I felt truly sexy and desirable.

So I was all decked out at five until seven, waiting on my Prince Charming to arrive and begin this

Cinderellaesque fantasy night. All the while, I fought the urge not to throw up or refuse to answer the

door when AJ arrived. The doorbell rang, and I jumped a mile, sloshing wine onto the floor. “Shit!” I

exclaimed. I sprinted into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I threw it on the puddle and quickly

wiped it up. I’d just made it into the hallway when the doorbell rang again. “Coming!” I shouted.

When I finally flung open the door, AJ’s appearance took what breath I had left away. He wore

khaki pants, a crisp white shirt with an electric blue tie, along with a navy blazer. It was quite a

difference from the jeans and T-shirt from the other day. “Hi,” I murmured.

“Hello there, sexy.” His gaze drank me in from head to toe. “You in that dress is testing my firm

resolve to make this a true date and not just sex.”

I fought against the tiny fluttering of my heart at his words. “Thank you. You’re looking pretty

amazing yourself.”

“Thanks. I do clean up nice, don’t I?”

Oh hell yes, you do
Now let’s get you out of that tie and out of those pants and into my bed
. I

shook my head to free me of my naughty thoughts. “Yes, you do.” I eyed the bouquet of flowers in his

arms—they were my favorite pink roses.

“Flowers again?”

“Hey, I’m a firm believer in romance.” He handed the bouquet to me.

With the Baby’s Breath tickling my nose, I inhaled of the sweet smell. “But how did you know pink

roses were my favorite?”

“Dee gave me a little head’s up.”

“Ah, I see.”

He motioned to the card. “Aren’t you going to read it?”

“Is it
With Deepest Sympathy
this time?” I teased.

“No smartass.”

“Fine then.” I balanced the flowers in the crook of my arm while I took the paper in my fingers.

When I opened the envelope, I saw that there was a folded letter inside. After I unwrapped it, I saw

that it was AJ’s test results. When I glanced up at him, he grinned.

“All clear and ready to roll.”

I laughed. “I’m glad to see that. Mine are in my purse.”

“Good to know. So are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” I said softly. I closed the front door and then locked it.

Once I was out on the porch, AJ grinned. “When you took so long, I was beginning to think you’d

decided to bail on me.”

“Sorry. I had a little wine spillage.” At his puzzled expression, I shook my head. “It’s a long


When AJ stepped aside to lead me down the porch steps, I gasped. A shiny black, stretch Hummer

limousine sat in my driveway. Glancing over my shoulder, I cocked a brow at him. “A limo?


“My Hummer’s in the shop.”

“Are you sure you didn’t do this just to impress me?”

AJ snorted. “Since when would I need a limo to be impressive?”

I laughed. “You’re such a cacasodo.”

He gave me a mischievous grin. “Ooh, I like it when you speak dirty Italian to me.”

Cocking my brows at him, I asked, “How do you know it was dirty?”

“By the expression on your face.” He scratched his chin. “If I had to guess, I think it means

something along the line of arrogant ass?”

“Yep, pretty much.”

A chauffer, outfitted with a black suit and cap, waited with the door opened for us. “Thank you,” I

said, as I hopped inside.

“You’re welcome, ma’am.”

As I slid across the plush leather seats, I took in the twinkling interior lights and stocked mini bar.

AJ got in behind me. “Benny, we’re going to 5505 Marietta Street.”

“Yes, sir.”

Once Benny closed us in, I turned to AJ. “Is that the address of the hotel you’re taking me to?”

He shook his head, making a tsking noise. “What did I say before about this date?”

“That it’s not straight to bed, and you’re at least going to feed me first.”

AJ chuckled. “That’s right. I also had a little something in mind before our dinner reservations.”

“And?” I pressed.

“Nope. You’re just going to have to wait to find out.” He scooted forward on the seat to dig into

the mini bar. “How about a little champagne to start off our

“Plying me early with alcohol?” I teased.

“Whatever I have to do.” AJ handed me a crystal flute before pulling out a bottle that had been

chilling on ice. He popped the top and then filled my glass with champagne. As he poured himself

one, I gazed out the tinted window and sipped on my bubbly. We’d gotten off the interstate and were

traveling along some side streets downtown. “Do you live around here?” I asked.

“No, I’m over at The Buckhead Grand.”

I made a low whistle. “Pretty posh.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “The penthouse.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

He grinned. “It’s not like I spend a whole lot of time there. Once our first big checks from the label

started coming in, my parents were on my ass to invest in something like real estate. So I bought the

condo.” He gulped down the rest of his champagne. “I’d love to show you my views sometime.”

“Nice line, Rico Suave.”

AJ rolled his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” When I cocked my brows, he laughed. “I’m serious.

There are some killer views of the city.”

“Then I’d like to see them.”

“It’s a deal.”

The limo shuddered to a stop. It seemed like only a second before the door opened, and Benny held

out his hand for me. As I stepped onto the pavement, I glanced left and right, surmising my

surroundings. “A dark alley? What exactly do you have in mind for this evening?”

AJ chuckled as he hopped out of the limo. “It’s nothing shady, I promise. I just wanted us to be let

out at the back of the dance studio, rather than the front. You know, less chance of being seen.”

“Dance studio?” I questioned.

“Yes, the first stop on our evening of romance—and a little more—is for us to get to know each

other better through dancing.”

I straightened my purse strap on my shoulder. “You’re serious?”


“Hmm,” I murmured.

AJ’s hand came to rest on the small of my back as he led me through the door. A tall, lithe woman

stood waiting for us. “Good evening, Mr. Resendiz.”

“Hello, Molly.” He thrust out his hand to pump hers. “Please call me AJ.” When she bobbed her

head in agreement, he added, “Thank you so much for helping me out.”

She smiled. “I’m more than happy to do it. Won’t you follow me?” She beckoned us with her hand.

AJ motioned for me to go first, so I fell in step behind Molly. “I’ve made sure everything was very

private and secure. Although, at the moment, our evening classes are going on, no one will know the

two of you are here.”

“I appreciate that.”

Molly stopped at the first door on the left. From up ahead, I could hear a cacophony of different

genres of music from far down the hallway, along with the sounds of tap shoes clicking on the floor.

After she unlocked it, she flipped on the light. “This is one of our older instructional rooms. I hope it

will be okay.”

AJ gazed around the room, sizing it up. “Looks great.”

When Molly turned to me, I bobbed my head in agreement, although I would have had no idea

whether it was really all right or not. The room was outfitted with a ballet barre, wall-to-wall

mirrors, and a stereo system in the far right corner.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it. If you need me for anything else, please feel free to ask.”

AJ nodded. “Thank you.” After Molly closed the door behind her, he rubbed his palms together.

“All right. Let the lesson begin!”

I eyed him warily. “I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“I’ve never been the dancer girl type.”

“And exactly what type are you?” AJ asked, leaning back against the barre.

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