Beautiful Assassin (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sagas, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Beautiful Assassin
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Chapter 13

The Assassin


Mob boy has lost his damn mind, he actually ordered these guys to
come and pack us up. 

No sooner had the dead goon's carcass been dragged away than these
beef necked hoods, (I know a hood when I see one) were at the door with boxes
and scowls that would scare small children.

"Mrs. Flanagan...."

"Come on in guys." He answered from behind me before I
could correct the man's assumption that I was the little wife.

I heard a whispered 'is that her' before the three men turned and
looked at me before being hustled off by the Don.

"What have you been telling these people about me?"

"Uh Mouth, we're not known for bow and arrows around these
parts, two in quick succession and obviously by the same hand will bring
speculation and being in our line of business, we have to keep up on the latest
news if you know what I mean, so if you didn't want people knowing you as the
Archer, you should've kept your ass in the house."

"Aren't you afraid I'll pin you to the wall next, seeing as
how you're always in my face?"

"Mouth, you just iced a guy because you 'thought' he was a
threat to me, I think I'm pretty safe."

I squinted my eyes at him, "I'm not sure about this
relationship shit, if the other person knows you so well they might start to
take advantage." I started mumbling under my breath, I was gonna have to
figure this crap out, no way was I gonna let mob boy get the drop on me. 

"Come here mouth, I read up on this shit and you're not
supposed to become hormonal for at least another few months, so please, your
special brand of crazy is enough to deal with don't add anything else just yet,
let's get moved in and settled. ..."

"I don't see why we have to move it doesn't make

"Because I say so, that's why."


Prince of The City



I should've known better yes, but where's the fun in that? I
fielded the little paperweight that came at my head just as the sisters in law
were coming through the door.

Michael the ass started grinning while Anthony tried to keep a
straight face.

"Hey Archer, trying out for a new sport, the shot puck
maybe?" Oh he thought that was funny, jackass.

"You two do what I asked?"

"Yep, all squared away."

"What did you tell them to do?"

"None of your concern babe, just go make sure the men are
taking everything, they have to go to your apartment next and pick up your

"I don't really have much over there, most of my things are
back home in Chicago, maybe I can..."

"Stuff it killer, you're not going anywhere, I'll hire professionals
to pack up your shit when the smoke clears and your father goes back

"Fine." She huffed her way into the bedroom grumbling
all the way. 

"Where're the twins?" 

"Bringing up the rear, they're still pissed that she got past
them to do Foster, they're trying to figure it out."

"Get them in here, they'll never figure that shit out and
trying to figure her out could take a lifetime, shit I was asleep next to her
and didn't hear a thing."

"I heard that mob boy, just you wait."

"Oh shit Shane, you better watch it, I don't fancy having to
unpin your ass from a wall, that shit is ghastly, speaking of which,
here." Anthony threw an envelope at me.

Inside were pictures of James, pinned to a wall by his fucking
neck, eyes and mouth opened as if in surprise. She'd nailed him dead center of
his throat.

"What's in those fucking things that they can hold a grown
man up like that?"

"That's just it, I think that shit is heavier than she is, I
don't know how she does it, but I heard the guys talking and it takes some
serious skill to do this shit."

"I can teach you Mikey." She sauntered back into the
room with a backpack over her shoulder.

"You're not teaching anyone anything, we're going to swing by
the craft store and get you some yarn so you can learn to make booties, what's
in the bag?" The two fucks started laughing.


"Quit fucking around Mouth, what you got, I don't recall ever
seeing that bag before." I pulled it off her shoulder and out of her

"Holy shit Arianna, what the fuck?" I turned the bag so
Michael and Anthony could see the contents just as Zane and Alec came in. I'd
left the door open since the place would be crawling with my men all day with
this moving shit and we'd pretty much taken care of the enemy quota for at
least another couple days.

"That's an assassin's cache boss."

"You think Alec?" I passed the bag off to him and turned
to the terror that was mine.

"You give that back."

"What do you need it for, huh?" I made a point of eyeing
her stomach when I said it to drive the point home.

"Hey kids what's going on? Ari I hear you nailed another

Her father and uncle along with my Poppy came through the door;
maybe I should rethink this open door shit.

"Hey dad, don't talk about it, it makes Leonidas over here


"Yeah you know, the Spartan king, fought with the three
hundred against Xerxes of Persia."

"Kid where do you come up with this shit?" 

"I'm a genius uncle Al, didn't you know?"

She grinned at the two men like we weren't just discussing her
little bag of destruction.

"So you're moving to the estate, that's good, it'll be harder
for the enemy to get to you there."

"Thanks for the update Poppy, anything new on your end?"

"Let's go talk in private, you don't mind do you
Archer?" He laughed his old ass off at that, fucking archer. 

"Man news travels fast, you three been gossiping again? Dad
where've you been, what's going on back home? Stalin over here won't tell me

"And he's not gonna tell you anything either, you're out of
it, done." I turned and headed to my office followed by the three meddling
fucks, who knows what they had up their sleeves this time, it was always
something with them, between them and Mouth I don't know how I have time for
anything else. 

"Okay let's have it."

"What little Shane, it's nothing, we just wanted to have a
little chat that's all."

"Okay so spill it."

"Well, we all agree that you're just the man to tame the
Archer, but...."

"Wait Poppy, you knew about this shit?" He didn't have
to answer; the guilty flush on his face said it all.

"Never mind, carry on." I held the bridge of my nose
between my thumb and forefinger where I could feel a headache coming on.

"Well, as I was saying, we think just cutting her off cold
turkey might not be the way to go, you see, you have to wean her off these
things, little by little, it's like you, you can't just go legit, you have to
maneuver things around and set things up just right before that can happen,
just as with her...."

"Poppy what bullshit, it's only the business part of things
that takes time, but I can keep myself from going out and offing a motherfucker
if I choose to."

"Yeah, then why do you have guys in Chicago right now?"

"Because those fucks back there are a threat to my wife and
besides if I don't do it, she will and I'd be damned if I let that

"Son, you're forgetting one thing."

"And what's that Rossi?"

"She's not yours yet."

"Are you fucking kidding me, she's all mine, has been from
the moment we met and last night we confirmed that she's with child so tell me
again how she's not my wife."

"You hear that Al, we'll soon have another one, a little Ari
running around, maybe we can..."

"No, you can't, whatever it is you're thinking you can forget
it, you're not turning my kid into a fucking killing machine."

"Son you sound like you resent her for..."

"Not her, you, I resent the fuck out of you two for putting
her in this position, for making her believe that this was the only way, now I
have to clean up your fucking mess, a fucking nineteen year old girl just iced
three people in less than a week, that I know of, as for your bullshit poppy,
you can't tame a lion after he's tasted human blood, you have to cut the
motherfucker's head off one time..."

"What the fuck Flanagan you talking about killing my

"No you ass, I'm saying you have to cut her off one time,
there's no weaning her, we're not talking about breaking someone of a bad
habit, we're talking about a fucking killing machine that needs to be stopped.
What's she gonna do, strap my kid onto her back and go out hunting? You two
have no idea of what you spawned do you? Do you even understand what she is?
She's stone cold, even I have a give a fuck meter, I think things through,
weigh the options, try to find redeeming qualities at least before I off
someone, not Mouth. She perceives a threat, she eliminates can you imagine some
other kid fucking with ours?
say the kids are into sports and some kid tackles Shane junior on the field,
Mouth would straight up off him and probably do the parents too."

"Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration?"

"Fuck you Alphonso, you know damn well it isn't, she's locked
into her fucking head, all kidding aside, I play it easy with her, but I can
see what not even she sees, she's locked into her fucking head and I have to
find the key. I have some ideas, but you three fucks stay out of it...."

"What do you mean locked into her head?"

"I mean that something happened in her childhood that set the
precedent for all this, somehow she's gotten it into her head that killing is
her only chance at survival, it's them or her, she perceives a threat, she
removes that threat. Permanently. Now unless you know what the fuck that is,
I'll thank you three to leave me to deal with my woman how I see fit."

"Boy you sure do have balls I'll give you that."

"Rossi, if you weren't her father I would've already capped
your ass."

Why that should make the three yentas howl with laughter was
beyond me, but then again I was surrounded by crazy ass people, I should get
used to it. Speaking of which I better go see what the mouthy one was up to.

Chapter 14

"Mouth what the fuck are you watching, oh hell no, turn that
shit off you do not need any ideas."

"Touch it and die Luciano, you feeling lucky?"

Fuck now she's dirty Harry; I ignored her ass and turned the TV
off, she did not need to be watching the Godfather, I think she was spoon fed
that shit as a toddler.

been moved in for two weeks, the situation in Chi town had been taken care of,
the three old fucks had been there and back since then, now Mouth and I were
supposed to go look over the operation there, Rossi had supposedly cleaned up
his shit and I was getting my shit done, mouth hadn't offed anyone in a while
that I know of, but I had my guys on her ass like white on rice, these days she
went no farther than my mom's next door or to one of the girls.' She seemed to
be doing just fine at the compound for all the griping she'd done in the
beginning, pain in the ass.

"I'm hungry feed me."

Yeah that's another thing, she's milking this pregnancy shit for
all it's worth, what a racket, all hours of the day it's feed me thus and get
me that; not that I mind though, I get a kick out of it, I also love fucking
her knowing my kid is in there plus she's horny as fuck too.

"What do you want to eat mama?"

"Fried chicken."

"You're not eating fried chicken for breakfast mouth, get the
fuck outta here."

She threw a pillow at my head and turned her movie back on. "Pie
will make me some if I ask."

That's true, my mom's new kick is spoiling the fuck out of my
girl, in fact it seemed like since news of the baby got out and about everyone
was trying to spoil her little ass.

"Fruit you're having fruit and some oatmeal."

"I'm not eating no stinking oatmeal Cochise, now get me the

"Arianna, cut the shit, who the fuck is at the door

"Probably dad and uncle Al."

"The fuck they want?"

"Be nice."

The two old reprobates came through the door.

"Where's the other one?" I'd grown accustomed to seeing
Poppy with them everywhere now.

"Talking to your dad, we need to talk Flanagan."

"Not here." I looked at Mouth, she wasn't allowed around
any business talk, she got too many fucking ideas so it was best not to tempt

"Read your bride magazine babe."

The wedding was in the works, mom and the girls were all over it,
Mouth was playing neutral but that was okay, I understood that it was her way
of safe guarding herself, she'd show up and say her I do but until the deed was
done my little scared girl was going to pretend indifference.

Ok what's the problem now?" We'd made it
to my office with the doors closed.

"You have a congressman that's not too happy with the new
order of things, he's making waves, your Poppy thinks we can work things out, I
think the guy just wants more money, but it's been my experience that these
fucking snakes never stop, they just keep coming back."

"So what're you saying Rossi?"

"I'm saying I've taken care of my end of things you and Ari
just have to take the helm, there will be no backlash I made sure of it,
everything is legit right across the board on my end, my little grand baby will
be inheriting a legit operation, we've taken care of everything here along with
your Poppy, all but this one guy."

"Don't even think about mentioning this shit to Mouth, she'd
have his ass pinned to a wall somewhere before I can even blink."

They exchanged a look between them.

"Don't even think about it you fucks, I'll have your

"We didn't sat anything."

"Mouth get the hell away from that damn door." I just
knew she was listening in to this conversation.

"Who says I'm listening mob boy?" I just rolled my eyes
at her bullshit.

"If I see on the news a congressman's been offed I'll tan
your ass, no joke."

She stomped back into the other room fussing.

"And cut that shit out, no stomping until after the baby


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