Beautiful (22 page)

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Authors: Ella Bordeaux

BOOK: Beautiful
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Holy shit, this girl is so damn cute. She thinks I’m talking about moving in with her!

I looked around the little cottage. It screamed
—at least, I thought it did.

Turning back to Skylar, I reached down and brushed my lips against hers. When she let out a small moan, I wanted to rip off her dress. I pulled back slightly and smiled.

My mind went back to the conversation I’d had with Skylar’s father two weeks ago. I had asked his permission for Skylar’s hand in marriage, and at first, he’d looked like he wanted to beat the shit out of me. Then, he’d sat back in his chair with his two index fingers resting on his lips. After what had seemed like forever, he’d finally smiled slightly. He’d shaken his head as he leaned forward, like he was going to whisper to me. I’d instinctively moved toward him to hear what he was going to say.


“I like you, Wyatt. I always have. I can read people, and the moment I met you, I knew that you loved my daughter and wanted nothing but the best for her. You’re both young, and I’m not so sure how I feel about this. She has to go to school first. I won’t accept anything less.”

“Yes! Yes, of course, sir. I was thinking we wouldn’t get married until after college. I want the same things for Skylar as you do, sir.”

“You know, her brothers would help me hide your body if you ever hurt her.”

“Um…yes. Yes, I’m well aware of that, sir.”

“Fine…as long as you are aware of the fact that I love my daughter more than the air I breathe.”

“Very much aware of that, sir.”

“Then, you have my permission to ask Skylar to marry you.”


I closed my eyes and smiled, thinking about how happy he had been when I showed him my grandmother’s ring.


Skylar’s voice pulled me from the memory.

“I love you, angel.”

“I love you, too.”

I slowly got down on one knee as I reached into my pocket and took out the ring box. I brought it up and watched her face. Her smile faded for one brief second when I opened the box and exposed the oval cut diamond ring surrounded by round cut diamonds. The band was made of white gold, and it was encrusted with diamond accent stones. It was the perfect ring for my angel.

As she brought her hands up to her mouth, I saw a smile spreading across her face.

Before she had a chance to even think, I started talking, “Skylar, I know we’re young, and we haven’t been together for very long. But I know in the deepest part of my soul that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to have children with. The one I want to sit on a front porch with someday when we’re so old that we probably won’t even remember our names, but we’ll always know we were meant to be together.”

When I saw a tear slowly slip from her eye, my hands started shaking.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

“I’ve already asked your dad for your hand in marriage, Sky. My goal in this world is to always keep you happy and safe. I’m not asking that we run right out and get married. I promised your dad that we’d wait until after college, but…but…if you would do me this honor, and…”

My throat felt like it was closing up, and I couldn’t talk. My hands were shaking, and I just knew I had beads of sweat rolling down my face.

I tried again to ask her, and I felt tears building in my eyes. “Um…” I had to get my heart rate under control.

Skylar dropped to her knees in front of me and put her hands on my face. The moment she touched me, I was instantly calm.

“Sky, will you do me this honor and accept my proposal of marriage? I’d like to give you my grandmother’s ring.”

The tears were now falling like rain down her face. She smiled so big as she let out a giggle.

Shit…is that a good sign or a bad sign?

She started nodding her head as she moved closer to me. “Yes! Oh God, yes, Wyatt! I want nothing more than that.”

Tears ran down my face as I smiled at her. I got the ring out of the box and gently took her hand in mine. I placed the ring on her finger and smiled. My parents had said if it were a perfect fit, that was a good sign. It meant we would be together for all eternity.

Fits like a glove.

I pulled her closer to my body and kissed her. At first, it was a slow, sweet kiss, but it quickly became a more passionate and heated kiss.

Skylar started to take off my jacket, and then she undid the buttons on my shirt. She pushed the shirt off my shoulders and began kissing my neck and down my chest. I gulped in air and held my breath as she sucked on one nipple and then the other.

She made her way back up to my lips and bit down on my lower lip. I wanted to move slowly, but she was driving me crazy. I pulled her up to a standing position as I moved my hands to take off her dress. As I let it fall to the floor, I took in the sight in front of me. She was dressed in a red-and-black lace bra and matching panties.

I could hardly breathe. “So damn beautiful.”

She smiled and put her face down. Taking my finger, I placed it under her chin and gently pulled her face up. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was looking everywhere but at me.

“Don’t ever be embarrassed in front of me, Sky. I worship your body. Every thing about you makes my knees weak. You’re beyond perfect.”

Leaning down, I captured her lips with mine while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

What will it be like to be inside her? God, I can only imagine.

Reaching into my pocket, I made sure I had the condom. There was no way in hell I was going to start something without protection.

I started to walk her back to the bed. The backs of her legs hit the mattress, causing her to stop. I reached down, picked her up, and softly laid her on the bed. I moved my hands up her legs and over her stomach as I kissed along the trail of my hands.

I loved how her body reacted to me and to my lips on her skin. I continued to kiss her until she was practically ready to jump off the bed.

“Oh God, Wyatt. Please…don’t tease me like this.”

“I want to touch you, Sky…to see how my touch affects your body.”

“Please…” she begged.

I stood up and took off the rest of my clothes. We’d seen each other naked before, but this…this was like seeing her for the first time. I watched her eyes take in every square inch of my body.

I crawled back on the bed and started to slide off her panties. “Sit up, Sky.”

Skylar sat up. Her chest was rising and falling with each breath. I reached behind her and unclasped her bra, slowly pulling it off of her. I had to catch my breath at the sight of her body.

She’s going to be mine, only mine. No one will ever hurt her again. I’ll die before I let someone hurt her.

I moved over her body and gently kissed her stomach, making my way up.

“Yes, please,” Skylar whispered.

I slowly put my hand on her stomach, causing her to jump.

I wanted this moment to last forever, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.

I leaned down and whispered against her ear, “I love you so much. God, how I love you. You’re forever mine.”


We were soon lost within one another. It was pure heaven.

I stopped moving and stayed on top of her while we both caught our breaths. She opened her eyes and looked directly into mine, and we smiled at the same time.

“That was…” she started to say.


She smiled and nodded her head. “Yes. That’s the perfect word to describe it.”

“That’s going to be our life together, Sky. Beautiful.”


The night couldn’t have been any more perfect. Wyatt had asked me to marry him, and then he’d made such passionate love to me.

Now, I was lying in his arms as he slept peacefully next to me.

I lifted my hand and stared at the ring on my finger. It meant so much more, knowing it was Wyatt’s grandmother’s. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

Turning, I put my eyes on the most handsome man I’d ever seen. Wyatt’s dark hair was a complete mess from my hands. His chest rose and fell softly with each breath.

I knew Wyatt had to have been with other girls. He was beyond amazing, and he had taken his time in making sure I was being pleasured.

My teeth sank into my lip as desire bloomed inside me.

Could I do it?

There was something about Wyatt that made me feel like I could do anything.

I slowly pulled the covers back and let out a soft moan. His body was perfect. That ever-loving V was leading my eyes to what I wanted—again.

Grabbing a condom from the side table, I crawled over to straddle him, and Wyatt mumbled in his sleep. I couldn’t help but smile. He was exhausted, but I wanted more.

Leaning over, I began kissing his broad chest.


I smiled against his skin. Hearing my name come from his lips surged the heat building between my legs.

Slowly moving my hips, I felt Wyatt grow bigger underneath me. His eyes quickly opened as he looked at me and grinned.

With a huge smile, I softly said, “I couldn’t sleep. And I was hungry.”

I’d never done this before, so I had no idea if I was doing it right or not. The look of lust in his eyes gave me a hint that I was most likely doing everything right.

“Oh God, Skylar,” Wyatt said as he sat up and wrapped his arms around me.

Taking the condom I held up for him, he placed it on himself.

We quickly got lost in one another as whispered names were spoken against our lips. When he rolled us over and made sweet passionate love to me, I completely melted into him.

Two heartbeats became one as our bodies trembled and fell together.

I never wanted this moment to end.

“My God, you couldn’t be glowing any more if you were standing under a lamp!” Michelle said, running up to me and pulling me in for a hug. “How was it?” she whispered in my ear.

“Beyond amazing. We made love three times.”

She pulled back and lifted her brow. “The boy has stamina.”

My face heated as I playfully hit her on the arm.

Mitch walked up with a scowl on his face. “I don’t even want to know why you’re blushing.” Glancing over my shoulder, he asked, “Where is the asshole?”

“Stop it, Mitch! He dropped me off and is parking his truck.”

“How was your evening?” I asked Michelle as I looked back at her.

Her smile grew bigger on her face. “It was perfect! We snuck out during breakfast because Mitch said he was sure the owners would know he was not a twenty-four-year-old Marine.”

Laughing, I laced my arm with hers as we started walking toward the restaurant. I peeked back to see Mitch was waiting for Wyatt.

“Tell me everything, Skylar. Was he gentle? Did he go slow? Is he big?”

My mouth fell open as I started laughing. “You did not just ask me that!”

“Oh, yes, I did. If you ever asked me if Mitch was big, I’d tell you that I couldn’t walk right for a week after we first had sex.”

I stopped walking and gave her a horrified look. “Oh my God, why would you give me that visual?”

“What? I simply said he was so big that I couldn’t walk for a week.”

My face screwed up as I shook my head. “You did it again! Gross! I don’t need to hear that about my brother!” My body shook as I tried to wipe the image from my mind.

“All right, we won’t talk about my wild, dirty sex life with your kinky brother.”

My head dropped back. “Oh Lord. I’m going to puke.”

Michelle laughed as we walked up to the hostess.

“Hey, Skylar. What’s up, Michelle?”

Looking at the girl standing in front of us, I smiled. “Hey, Beth. I didn’t know you worked here.”

She shrugged. “Trying to save up money for college. Sucks having to work the early shift after prom though.” She pressed her lips together and looked nervous. “I, um…I hope you don’t mind that I went to prom with Jacob. We’ve been sort of seeing each other the last few weeks.”

Pinching my eyebrows together, I replied, “Why would I mind? I’m with Wyatt, and Jacob broke up with me a long time ago.”

She shrugged. “Well, I knew he still carried feelings for you, so I wasn’t sure if you felt the same.”

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