Beautiful Entourage (18 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Beautiful Entourage
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I didn’t know what to say because his words were so unusual. I couldn’t reject a guy if he just wanted a friendly conversation. “I guess.” I anxiously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I won’t ask you out again. I promise.”

I relaxed a little more. “Okay.”

Rich and I talked about life in New York and his job. He was a stockbroker working at a small firm in Manhattan. He was nice and attractive but I felt nothing on my end. We stood together at the bar for a long time, making small talk.


I’d recognize that voice anywhere. It came into my wonderful dreams and wrapped around me like a soft blanket. The visions were always blurred but his face and voice were always distinguishable.

I turned to see the blue eyes I couldn’t get enough of. They were seductive, luring me in until I was too deep to pull away. Like an artic glacier, they were bright and shiny under the sunlight. His fair skin highlighted his eyes, and his strong jaw was irresistible. I wanted to trail the outline with my forefinger and feel the growth of hair after a few days without a shave. He towered over me in height and his shoulders caught my attention, like they always did. I wanted to grip them while I rocked into him from above. It was a fantasy I had the moment I laid eyes on him.

My body immediately tensed at the sight of him and the air left my lungs. Then I recovered, unable to contain my excitement at his unexpected presence. Perhaps everything between us was just an act. Maybe he wasn’t the charming man he pretended to be. But somewhere, deep in my heart, I knew he was.

I immediately moved into his chest and hugged him, like I hadn’t seen him in ten years. His strong chest was comfortable and familiar. The scent of pine needles came into my nose. Everything about him drew me in. I hated hugging him because I knew I’d have to let go eventually. If I had it my way, we would just stay like this—forever.

Rhett didn’t seem to think my over-the-top affection was odd because he held me just as fiercely. His chin rested on my head and he gripped me tightly. His chest expanded against my face, and I could feel his heart flutter violently in his chest.

My arms were hooked around his neck and I was aware of how much time had passed. At least a minute had come and gone. I was still holding onto him, like we were dancing without moving. I’d give anything to have him the way I wanted him, to share a bed with him and cuddle until the sun rose the following morning. I’d give anything to make him stay.

Rhett still didn’t move. His hand slid up my back then reached my hair. His fingers touched my neck lightly then rested there. The touch was amplified in my mind. Every movement registered on my skin. A fire ignited in every place his fingers grazed.

Knowing I’d been hugging him for far too long, I pulled away slightly, hoping not to see a look of confusion on his face from the inappropriate affection. I’d have to control my emotions better. Every time I steeled my resolve, he looked at me with those blue eyes and I was lost.

But that’s not the reaction I got. He looked down at me with a slight grin on his face. His eyes flashed in brightness, like he was just as happy to see me as I was to see him. His hand remained on my neck and his face was close to mine, close enough for a kiss. “What a nice surprise.” His voice came out a whisper, only loud enough for us to hear.

“It is.” I couldn’t think of something wittier to say. He caught me off guard with his unexpected appearance.

“I figured you would be home, sharpening your cheating skills.”

I chuckled. “I don’t cheat.”

“You just read minds?”

“I guess.”

“What am I thinking right now?” He glanced at my lips then looked at my eyes.

That he wants to kiss me
. But that couldn’t be right. “You want another margarita from a can.”

His lips stretched into the grin I loved to see. “Hell no.”

“I guess I can’t read minds after all.”

“Maybe we can actually have a fair game of Battleship for once.”

“Maybe.” I looked into his eyes and felt myself fall deeper than before. It was the moment I’d been fighting, the moment I’d been dreading. People say they don’t know exactly when they fall in love. It just happens, and when they look back, they try to pinpoint the right moment but don’t succeed. But my moment had come. It was then, in that moment, that I fell irrevocably and madly in love with Rhett. It was done.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

“As long as it’s not a margarita and doesn’t taste like mango.”

“Okay,” he said with a chuckle. “I can do that. But classy ladies drink beer, right? So that must be what you want.”

“I like beer.” I’d even drink slug juice because my head was so far in the clouds.

“Then that’s what I’ll order.” His hand stayed around my waist and he guided me against the bar. One hand rested on the counter while the other remained around my waist.

Our faces were pressed close together, and I could detect the hint of alcohol on his breath. Maybe he was a little buzzed. But so was I.

“Two beers,” he said to the bartender.

I forgot Rich and Harper. All I saw was Rhett, the man who’d become my best friend in just a month. I never had more fun than when I was with him. I’d spend every day with him if I could. But I simply couldn’t afford it.

Rhett grabbed his beer and took a drink.

When I looked over his shoulder, I saw Harper.

“Who the hell is that?” she mouthed while she threw her arms around.

I couldn’t respond without Rhett noticing.

Then Harper tilted her head sideways and stared at his ass. She gave me two thumbs up.

I rolled my eyes at her.

“Who was that guy you were talking to?” he asked quietly.


“You know him?” His voice was unreadable. I couldn’t figure out why he was asking.

“He’s just some guy I met.”

“I see.” His eyes were still bright blue but there was a tint of gray to him. “Did you score a date?” he asked casually.

“No. I’ll never see him again.”

“Yeah?” The gray faded from his eyes.

“Yeah. He’s a nice guy but...”

“But what?” he asked.

“I’m not looking for anything right now.”
Except you.

He nodded then drank his beer again.

“Are you here with anyone?” I hoped his answer was no.

“Just my friends. Who are you here with?”


“The famous Harper?” he asked with a smile.

“The very one.”

“I have to meet her.” He put down his beer and his eyes were wide with excitement.

I was a little nervous. Harper was sexy and all the guys liked her. She was a petite woman that managed to take up the whole room. What if they hit it off? What if I watched her run off with the guy I’d fallen for? I knew my jealousy was unfair. Rhett wasn’t mine and could do whatever he pleased. “She’s right behind you.”

He turned around and dropped his embrace from my waist.

Harper froze and pretended she wasn’t just making rude gestures at me with her hands. “Top of the morning to you, lad.” She tipped a fake hat.

He smiled then extended his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet the woman Aspen worships.”

“Worships?” She shook his hand but looked at me. “I always knew you were into me.”

“I can’t hide it anymore,” I said with a bored voice.

She dropped her hand then sized him up. “What’s your name, pretty boy?”

“Rhett,” he said. “I’m a friend of Aspen’s.”

Her eyes almost fell out of her head because she recognized his name. “It’s you?”

“I told you he was gorgeous!” I mouthed over Rhett’s shoulder.

“Shut up!” she mouthed back even though Rhett could see her.

He chuckled. “Yeah…I hope she’s said good things.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. “Maybe…maybe not.”

“You’re a loyal friend,” he said with a nod. “I like that.”

“You got that right,” Harper said with attitude. “I’ll pop any guy in the jaw for messing with my girl.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about me,” he said.

“Better not,” she snapped. She acted like a hard ass, appearing taller than her five feet of height.

“In all seriousness, I’m really glad Aspen has you. You’re always there for her, and Aspen deserves someone like that. When she told me she had a friend who would do anything for her, I was really happy.”

Harper dropped her guard slightly but kept her eyes narrowed.

“So, thanks. If you ever need anything, let me know.”

Harper clearly didn’t know what to make of this sweet and sensitive man. She was falling under his spell too, just in a different way. She shot a glance at me then turned back to him. “A drink would be nice.”

He chuckled. “I’m more than happy to oblige.”

A tall guy appeared behind her, wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt that highlighted his arms. Like Rhett, he was gorgeous, but in his own way. He moved behind Harper, clearly checking out her ass. Then he turned to Rhett and mouthed. “Who the fuck is that?”

Rhett rubbed the back of his neck nervously, knowing I just saw what his friend did.

I smiled but kept it to myself.

He came up behind her and acted like he was humping her, though he never touched her. “Hook me up, bro,” he mouthed again.

I tried not to laugh.

Harper was oblivious to all of this.

“Harper, there’s someone I want to introduce you to,” he said quickly, no longer calm and smooth like before.

“Yeah?” she said.

The guy walked away then rounded again, pretending like he hadn’t come from behind her. “What’s up?” He put his hands in his pockets and acted like he wasn’t just humping her a second ago.

Rhett gave him an irritated look but didn’t say anything. “Troy, this is my new friend Harper.”

“Harper?” Troy asked, coming closer to her. “Wow, that’s a beautiful name.”

Her eyes turned playful once she took him in. He had a strong jaw, he was tall, and he had the definition of an athlete. I knew what kind of guys Harper liked and he definitely fit the bill. “You like that?” she asked. “You should hear my phone number.”

Her boldness stopped surprising me a long time ago.

He nodded his head in enthusiasm. “I’d love to hear your phone number.”

“Well, I’ll think about giving it to you.” She shifted her weight and kept her stance.

Troy didn’t seem offended. In fact, he seemed more interested. “Yeah? Well, I’ll think about taking it.”

Rhett watched them then cleared his throat. “Troy, this is Aspen.”

I liked the fact he just said my name. He didn’t say friend and he didn’t say a girl from work. I was just Aspen.

“Battleship?” he asked in surprise.

“What?” I asked.

Rhett rubbed the back of his neck again, clearly flustered.

Troy approached me then fist-pounded me. “Rhett says you’re the best Battleship player ever.”

“Well, I do okay…” So he talked about me to his friends? Did he say good things? His best friend already had a nickname for me. What did that mean? When I was in Rhett’s apartment, I noticed the picture frames on the counter. Now I recognized Troy’s face. “You played baseball with Troy in high school, right?”

“How did you know that?” he asked.

“I saw the picture of you guys together in his apartment,” I answered. “You guys looked so cute.”

Troy’s neck snapped in Rhett’s direction and his jaw was on the floor.

What did I say?

Rhett sighed but didn’t say anything else.

The vein in Troy’s neck was throbbing. “A word, Rhett?” He nodded to the left.

Rhett turned to me, an annoyed look in his eyes. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

I never want to go anywhere without you.

He walked away with Troy until they were back at their table. I couldn’t hear what Troy was saying but it was pretty clear he was yelling at Rhett. And Rhett just took it.

“I can’t believe this!” Harper dropped her indifferent attitude and practically jumped on her heels.

“Troy is hot, huh?” I was just glad she wasn’t into Rhett and he wasn’t into her.

“No.” She waved away my words like they stunk. “Rhett is so into you!”

My heart slammed into overdrive. “What?”

“He’s all over you! When he started talking to you, I thought he was some guy you were sleeping with that you never told me about. But that’s Rhett? Your escort?”


“That guy is over-the-moon into you. Shit, I thought he was going to kiss you.”

“He didn’t.”

“But it looked like he wanted to.”

For just an instant, I had the same thought. “But you even said he’s just acting that way because I’m paying him to.”

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