Beautiful in My Eyes (9 page)

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“Com' here,
'.” He draws me to him and I bury my face in his chest. “Tis all right, angel. It

It was real to me
. He kisses my brow and continues to hold me close. I desperately cling to him like a woman drowning in the sea, and try to calm my emotions. After a long while, I finally drift off.















Chapter 8

Beauty is not caused. It is.

Emily Dickinson

ad informs us that he is planning to stay a while longer and spend more time with Cassie, and I couldn't be happier. She is an amazing lady, and after getting to know her more, I can't imagine a better person for Dad. He is happier than I have seen him since Mama passed away. Watching the two of them over the past week, I have seen their affection for one another grow, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will continue to go well.

When Dad comes back two weeks later, it is with ecstatic news. He and Cassie are engaged. I tearfully hug him as he shares with us how much they love each other. He hadn't ever thought he would feel this way again about
another woman. I remind him that God has a plan for each of us. We simply need to open our hearts and let it happen.

He shares his decision to put one of his employees in charge of his architect business and settle in Utah. They have even found a home and it turns out to be the Victorian home we walked through after Mark and Sara's reception. They want to have a few kids to help fill the place. The thought of him being so far away and no longer seeing him as much makes me sad, bu
t I could never begrudge them
the happiness they deserve.

Dad also tells me he would like to take me away for a week for some father-daughter time. While I am excited to go–he won't tell me where–I have never been away from Julian and Aidan for more than a day. Julian assures me they will be okay, and says though he will miss me to distraction, I need to spend this time with Dad since he will be marrying soon and moving away.

Dad has me wait with Julian while he checks our luggage and picks up our tickets. He
is  still
keeping our destination a secret for as long as he can. I cuddle Aidan, noting the smile on Julian's face.

“You know where he’s taking me, don’t you?”

His smile widens, his pride in being able to keep the secret so long apparent. I give him an impatient smirk and he laughs.

“I can’t believe you, keeping secrets from your own wife,” I say, pretending to be hurt.

, sweetheart, I
keep secrets from ye, just
secret.” I give him my best pleading look and he averts his eyes. “Come on,
' me a break.
da made me promise.”

“But Julian . . .”

He silences me with a warm kiss. “
' ta find
soon enough. He
wan' ye ta know
ye are ready ta go through security
I gave him ma word I
tell ye. No matter how guilty ye made me feel.” A minute later Dad returns, carrying the tickets and Julian heaves a sigh of relief.

“I see I’m just in time,” Dad says, chuckling.

daughter was
' me down.”

“I would never do that,” I innocently protest.

ye say, love.”

We walk to the security entrance and Julian draws me into his arms. “I'm
' ta miss ye,
,” he whispers against my ear.

“I will miss you, too.”

Before getting in line, Dad hands me my ticket and I gasped. “New York! Really?” I have always wanted to go to New York. I jump into his arms and he laughs.

“I knew you would be pleased.”

I kiss Aidan's cheek and hold him close another moment. “I’m going to miss you, little guy. You
good for Daddy, okay?”

Julian pulls me close, kissing me tenderly. “I’ll miss ye, angel,” he breathes into my hair.

“You too,” I say again, caressing his cheek.

' a good time. An'

“Okay,” I sigh. “I’ll call you as soon as we get settled.”

I wave one last time on the other side of the security area before heading to our gate.












Chapter 9

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness; but still will keep a bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing...

John Keats

ad booked a suite for us at the Waldorf Hotel. Just the sight of the building leaves me in awe.

“Wow!” I whisper as we enter the elegant suite. “This is beautiful, Dad.”

“I'm glad you like it. I wanted everything to be special.”

“It is,” I say, hugging him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. But there are still many surprises to come.”

“I'm sure there are, Mr. Big Spender.”

He smiles at my use of Mama's pet name for him. “Well, when it comes to spoiling spouses, from what I've seen, your husband could give me a good run.”

“True, true.”

We take a few minutes to unpack. When I am finished, I call Julian.

“Hi, I made it.”

“How was

“It was good. How’s Aidan?”

, he cried a wee bit, but he will be okay.”

“How are you?” I ask, wishing he were here with me.

' ye,
', but I’m all right.
' a good time.
I are
' ta do some male
be fun.”

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