Beautiful Music

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Authors: Paige Bennett

Tags: #Contemporary

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Beautiful Music

An erotic short story by











Paige Bennett














This is an explicit and erotic novel

intended for the enjoyment

of adult readers. Please keep

out of the hands of children.

Beautiful Music

Copyright © 2012 by Paige Bennett



Edited by Tina Marie Smith

Cover Art © 2012 by Jennifer Morris



First Edition March 2012




Published by:

Phaze Books

An imprint of Mundania Press LLC

6457 Glenway Ave., #109

Cincinnati, OH 45211


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“Good day to all you Monday morning commuters. This is Mike Randall at WJRX, your source for up to the minute news and traffic information. It’s a typical slow morning on the Ramborough Throughway, and...”

Jack Harris punched the button, abruptly turning off the radio. The announcer’s energetic delivery was setting his teeth on edge, especially since he had come again to a halt on the parking lot that was that aforementioned throughway. He glanced at the car clock and swore. He was now more than twenty minutes late for his meeting with the owners of the high-rise office tower his company was building.

Knowing it was fruitless, he nonetheless leaned on his horn. “Fucking get a move on!” he yelled to no one but himself. His blood pressure was rising, and he felt the beginnings of a headache that he knew would bloom into a full blown brain crusher if he had to spend much more time in this traffic jam. Hoping to find some music to maybe lose himself in, he punched the radio back on.

“…and on the entertainment front, YouTube sensation Nyree Grant, following the triumphant release of her first album, is doing a ten city concert tour and will be appearing in our own fair city during May and June at The Crystal Lounge on Duke Avenue.

“You may recall the amazing story of her meteoric rise when impresario Oscar Santori discovered her on YouTube...”

Jack remembered the singer all right. He’d heard her first when a friend had forwarded a link to her video on YouTube. There she’d been, all five foot eight of curvy African America beauty. And that voice! It had washed over him, making his pulse race and his breathing get rapid. It was the first time he could say for sure that he’d experienced lust at first sight.

Since then, she had factored in more than one licentious dream, often leaving him breathless and spent upon wakening.

He was excited to know she’d be in his town soon. What an opportunity. He’d been working nearly non-stop for months now, and he was due for a little bit of R&R. After all, he was the boss. If he couldn’t delegate some responsibilities to his team and get himself a night off, then something was wrong.

He made a mental note to have his assistant get him a ticket for Nyree’s opening night. Damn it all, he was going to meet his dream woman, if it was the last thing he did.




This was the night Nyree had waited for ever since Oscar had stumbled upon her video on YouTube and dragged her into the limelight—a live audience gathered just for her!

The video had been a spur of the moment lark made on a dare from her best friend Sherice after the two of them had spent an evening finishing off a bottle or two of Chardonnay.

you’ve got a freaky amazing voice. Show the world girlfriend!”

That’s all it took. Nyree had belted out the old blue’s standard and, well, the rest was history now. She was well on her way to having the career she had dreamed of since she’d hit puberty.

If only other aspects of her life were as easy to bring to fruition. For, as attractive as Nyree knew herself to be, she hadn’t had a lot of luck in the romance department. Oh sure, she’d dated—a lot, in fact. But she hadn’t found that perfect someone who stirred the kind of passion she knew resided deep inside of her.

She pushed through the curtain that sealed off the entrance to the dressing room area of the club and made her way to the stage where the piano and upright bass players were already setting up. They’d be joined by a guitarist to round out the little trio—a perfect accompaniment to Nyree’s pure sultry voice.

Nyree spotted the man the moment she stepped up to the microphone, and a rush of pure animal desire swept through her curvaceous body. He was just her type: tall, nicely built, seasoned a little by life. His eyes connected with hers and a slow knowing smile appeared on his face. It was as if he could sense the turmoil of passion that he had inspired within her. Her heart hammered in her chest, and her breath caught in her throat.

She ran her hands over her hips, smoothing down the fabric of her form-fitting red satin gown and drawing his eye to her lush curves. She had a sharp vision of running her finger over his trim moustache and tracing his full kissable lips. She licked her own lips and wondered what it would feel like to press them to his. From far away, she heard the band start the intro to her first number. Throwing the handsome stranger a promising smile, she sidled close to the mike, cupped it lovingly with both hands and began to sing.

Nyree always lost herself in her music, but tonight the slow, sexy blues songs of her repertoire seemed particularly seductive. She closed her eyes and conjured vivid images of herself and the man locked in passionate embraces, tearing the clothes off one another and then ravaging each other's bodies with hands, lips, tongues and hot fevered genitalia. Her thoughts fueled her singing that night, and she knew she’d never sounded better. At one point she sneaked a glance at him and was sure she detected a substantial and growing bulge in his lap. By the time her set was over, Nyree was more than hot and bothered, and she knew what she would do.

Amid the cheers and enthusiastic applause, Nyree made her way off the stage and toward the stranger’s table. But when she arrived there, he wasn’t in his seat. Frantic, she looked over to the bar, thinking perhaps he’d gone to get another drink. No sign. She scanned the room. Similarly, no sign of him. Disappointment filled her along with a strong sense of sexual frustration. She grabbed the passing waitress.

“Cindy, do you remember the guy that was sitting at this table? Tall? Distinguished? Moustache?”

The girl nodded. “Yeah, sure. Good tipper.”

“Did you see where he went?”

Cindy shook her head. “Nah. It’s been crazy busy tonight.” She started to walk away, then paused and turned back. “Oh, but I did see him on his cell a little while ago. Maybe he got called away.”

Nyree nodded and thanked the girl. One more fruitless scan of the room, and she trudged off to her dressing room. It appeared that her fantasies would have to remain just that for tonight.




Jack had worked his ass off to finish up his last project and free up some time to go see Nyree. Something about her raspy contralto seemed to have a direct effect on his dick. And in person she was even more exotically beautiful than she appeared in any of the pictures he’d seen. She was the definition of sexy: lush full curves, mahogany skin with its satin sheen, exotic almond shaped green eyes, that waterfall of thick wavy black hair and long, long legs he dreamed of having wrapped around his waist.

Reality more than lived up to fantasy. As he watched her climb to the stage and sashay up to the mike, he found himself getting the hardest erection of his life. Of one thing he was certain: before the night was over, he would introduce himself to this goddess.

He gazed at her, drinking in her beauty. He was thrilled when she looked across the room and caught him watching her.
Oh yeah, baby. I have my eyes on you.
He gave her a slow sexy smile, letting her know how interested he was

that is, if the tent in his pants hadn’t already conveyed his lust.

The warmth of her responding smile and the heightened flush in her cheek made it clear that she was equally as moved by him. More than ever, he became determined to meet her.

The music began and her sultry voice had its usual effect on his libido. He squirmed in his seat, wanting nothing more than her lips wrapped around his pulsing erection. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, and he could almost picture her beneath him in bed, her head thrown back, her eyes closed as he pounded into her pushing her to the brink of orgasm.

These delicious visions were interrupted by the vibration of his cell phone. He took it from his pocket and checked who it was. Fuck! This was a call he couldn’t ignore. With a quick look toward the stage and the object of his lustful fantasies, he reluctantly stood and made his way out of the club to the street.

He flipped open the phone and punched in the number. Jack fumed. His first night off in months and he got called back to work. And the timing couldn’t have been shittier.

When it was answered, he snarled. “This better be good.”

“Hey boss.” It was Sam, his foreman.

“What’s so important that you had to interrupt my one night off?” asked Jack.

“Sorry, boss, but it can’t be helped. I’m out at the job site. We got a big problem with the new supplier. Says he won’t talk to anyone but you.”

Jack swore under his breath. “Fucking douchebag!” He took a deep breath to try and tamp down his rising anger. It wasn’t Sam’s fault, after all. “Okay. It’ll take me about twenty minutes to get there. Put on a fresh pot of coffee. It’s likely to be a long night.”

“Right boss.” And Sam disconnected.

Jack flipped his phone shut and jammed it back into his pocket. He looked longingly at the door of the club, wanting more than anything to just go back inside and fill his eyes with the lusciousness that was Nyree Grant. But he couldn’t. It was the price of being the boss. With one last curse, he turned abruptly and made his way to his car parked just down the street. One thing was for sure: he would be back and he
introduce himself to the beautiful singer.




The after show crowd of admirers had finally filtered through her dressing room and left. Nyree shut and locked the door and heaved a big sigh of relief. Alone at last. Immediately, her thoughts turned to the tall drink of gorgeousness that had caught her attention earlier.

She sat at her dressing table and removed her earrings, setting them in the small carved wooden box reserved for her stage jewelry. Then she reached behind to undo her pendant necklace—a pretty silver filigreed piece, a gift from her mother.

In the mirror she watched how her elbows pushed her breasts together, creating a rather spectacular cleavage. She had a sudden hot vision of her erstwhile admirer applying his tongue to travelling along this vista. A shudder of pure desire washed through her, and she felt the familiar delicious tingle in her nether regions. Quite simply, she was horny as hell and totally frustrated.

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