Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
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“Gianni, this is amazing,” she said,
full of excitement.

He took hold of her hand and pulled
Natasha into the bedroom. She first noticed the floor to ceiling windows. But
more importantly, there was an enormous poster bed and a super sheik Jacuzzi.
He kept pulling until they were in the master bath. There was a huge rainforest
shower and a tub that was big enough for at least five.

Gianni asked, seeking her approval,
“You like it?”

“Yes. I love it. But is this your
definition of taking it slow?”

“It is, sweet Natasha. My suite is next
door,” he responded with a seductive smile that made Natasha regret that they
weren’t sharing a room.

“Come. I have something to show you,”
Gianni insisted. He captured her hand and led her to the closet. He released
her hand and separated the double doors. Natasha stepped into the walk in
closet that was stocked with women’s clothing. She ran her hand over the
garments, before she realized that the clothes in the closet were for her.

Without looking at him, she
whispered, “What have you done?”

“I have insured a good weekend for us

“Gianni, these are enough outfits for
ten weekends.”

“Then you’ll pack them and take them
home, like leftovers.”

Natasha argued, playfully, “Just so
you know, I don’t need you to pick out my clothes.”

“That’s not what Malik said,” he
mumbled, before walking out of the bedroom.

Natasha’s mouth flew open. She turned
from the closet and ran after him. “What do you mean, that’s not what Malik
said?” Then she asked through gritted teeth, “What exactly did Malik say?”

But if her intention was to
intimidate Gianni, she had failed. Gianni walked over to Natasha and wrapped
his arms around her waist. Since he was so tall, he did a slight squat, closing
the distance between them. Gianni pulled her body against his, and when he
pressed his lips to hers, Natasha forgot all about interrogating Gianni. She
allowed her hands to slowly glide up his solid chest and over his broad
shoulders. Gianni’s hands caressed and massaged her back as his mouth devoured
her. Natasha began to moan as their tongues ignited pure unadulterated lust.
Her fingers found his silky hair. She held on tight, subconsciously preventing
him from pulling away. Gianni’s hands slid down her back and over her bottom.
He possessively cupped her ass. He had every right to be possessive, because at
that moment he owned her. Natasha could feel his erection as she wantonly
pressed her body to his. But all of a sudden, Gianni pulled away, and Natasha
actually whimpered from the loss of contact. Before she could gather her
senses, Gianni turned and walked toward the door.

“Wear the red dress. I’ll be back in
an hour,” he muttered over his shoulder, before walking out.

Natasha stood in the exact spot where
Gianni had left her, hot and bothered. She was amazed by the way Gianni
governed her with his touch. She was indeed a weak woman. When she was finally
able to unglue her feet from the floor, she walked through the bedroom and
entered the bathroom. Natasha noticed her toiletries from home. Her own hair
products and makeup were on the counter. She opened drawers and pulled out her
curling and flat irons. Gianni had meticulously planned their Vegas date, with
Malik’s assistance.

Natasha left the bathroom and walked
to the closet. She was almost afraid to see the red dress that Gianni wanted
her to wear. She opened the doors and the sight before her made her laugh out
loud. She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed it before. All of the
dresses were red.




Even though he had his own keycard, Gianni knocked on
Natasha’s door. A few seconds later, the door swung open and Natasha stood in
front of him. Gianni stood in the doorway, unable to move. The sight of
Natasha’s curvy body in the tight red dress was crippling. She stood on the
other side of the threshold with her hands on her hips. Gianni’s eyes roamed
her body, starting with the sexy high heels on her feet. It was only when his
eyes made it to her face, did Gianni realize that she was speaking to him. She
stopped talking and began to study him, no doubt, wondering why he was standing
there like an idiot.

“W... What?” Gianni attempted to snap
out the trance that Natasha had put him in when she opened the door.

“I said... I see that you and Malik
have been plotting behind my back.”

“Oh. Yeah,” Gianni admitted, without
an ounce of remorse.

“You are something else, Gianni
Storm. Let me get my purse.”

Gianni laughed softly. But his
laughter was cut short when Natasha turned and walked over to the coffee table.
She bent over to retrieve her purse and the view that he had of her plump ass
could’ve very well changed their plans for the evening.

“You’re staring at my ass, aren’t
you?” Natasha asked without turning around.

“Qui. C’est magnifique.”

Gianni walked out behind Natasha and
closed the door, still staring at her ass. They stood in front of the elevator.
Natasha narrowed her eyes at Gianni and said, “I don’t speak French.”

The elevators doors opened.

Devilishly, he smiled, “I know.”





Thank God it was Friday. It had been a long week, and
Victoria was shocked at how much John did for Storm Enterprises. From vetting
possible employees, managing the security team, and investigating corporate
espionage; John did it all. Not to mention the personal investigations, given
to him by Jack. Both John and Victoria’s plate was full, and she was already
exhausted. After all, Victoria had a new baby that didn’t sleep through the

By nine-thirty, she had finally left her office. Jack and Victoria’s new house
was thirty minutes from downtown, but her Spyder got her home in twenty.
Victoria walked from the garage, and into the kitchen. She dropped her briefcase
on the table and headed up the back stairs. She wanted to peak in on Jasmine,
but she ran into Jack in the hall.

“Hey baby,” she said, happy to see him. Only Jack didn’t appear to be very
happy. “What’s wrong?”

“Victoria, it's ten o’clock.”

“I know, baby. I’m sorry. My new boss is a dictator. He expects all of his
employees to perform miracles,” Victoria joked with a smirk.

“Ha ha. Maybe your boss wouldn’t be such a tyrant if his wife didn’t work such
late hours.” As he responded, he lifted Victoria from the floor and tossed her
over his shoulder.

As he carried her to their bedroom, he swatted her behind, causing her to

“Shh... You’ll wake the baby,” he warned.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t hit me!” Victoria quietly squealed.


“Jack!” she shrieked.

Jack tossed Victoria on the bed and kneeled down in front of her. He removed
her shoes and began rubbed her feet.

“Do you know how much I love you?” he asked, staring directly into her eyes.

Victoria nodded and smiled. She did know how much he loved her. He showed her
every chance he got. As she stared into his icy blue eyes, she could feel
nothing but warmth.

“If you keep working this late, I will fire you.” Jack’s statement had
completely wiped the smile from Victoria’s face. Looking at her husband, she
was certain that he was serious.

Jack kissed Victoria’s knee and stood, holding out his hand. “Come. I ran you
some bathwater.”

As he pulled her from the bed, he leaned down and softly kissed her lips.
Victoria happily returned his kiss. She wasn’t angry with him. He had every
right to want to see more of his wife.

Before leaving for her bath, Victoria expressed her submission. “Baby, I know
that I’ve been spending a lot of time at the office. But that’s because I’m
just learning the job. Just give me a little time to figure out what I’m doing,
and I promise that I won’t work such late hours.” She sighed as she thought of
her daughter. “I missed Jasmine this week. Maybe I should stay home.”

“No, baby. You can work. I’ve come up with a solution,” Jack reassured as he
wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her close to him.

“We are going to hire Emma full time and make that empty office next to yours a
private nursery for Jasmine. That way, we’ll both be close by all day. We won’t
have to miss her.”

Happily, Victoria asked, “We can do that?”

“Baby, we own the company. We can do anything we want.”


own the company.”

“Yes, but you own me.”

Relieved, Victoria fell into her loving man. “Jack, that’s a great idea. I’ve
been feeling like shit for leaving my baby every day.” Then she lay her lips on
top of his confessing for the millionth time since they’d met. “I love you so

 “I love you too….Okay, baby. Go,” Jack insisted. “Enjoy your bath.”

She retreated for the bathroom delighted to discover that Jack had placed
candles all over it. She quickly stripped and stepped in a warm bubble bath. She
sank further in the tub and sighed. It was the beginning of the perfect ending
to her day. With the ending being Jack inside of her.

Jack walked into the bathroom and grabbed her dirty clothes from the floor. He

pushed a button on the remote, and soft music flowed from the

He smiled seductively. “Don’t be too long,” he muttered seductively as he
walked out of the room.

“What a man... What a man... What a mighty good man,” Victoria sand out loud
with a smile. “... Yes he is!”



Natasha rolled over in bed. The first thing that she noticed
was the horrible taste of whiskey and morning breath. She stuck her tongue out,
gagging. Her eyelashes fluttered open. She was laying on top of the comforter,
still in her

dress and heels. She looked around her Vegas penthouse,
trying to remember the night before. But the last thing she could remember was
doing shots with the cast from the Cirque Du Soleil.

Natasha climbed from the bed and
tripped over something on the floor. She fell on her hands and knees. She
looked back to see what had made her fall. It was Gianni. He was passed out on
the floor. When Natasha attempted to stand, she noticed the ring on her finger.
It was a simple platinum band, and she had no idea how it ended up on her

Since her bladder was about to
explode, Natasha crawled into the bathroom. She simply wasn’t strong enough to
stand. Once inside, Natasha grabbed the counter and used it to pull herself
from the floor. She stumbled over to the toilet, sat, and pissed like a man.
When she was done doing her business, she wiped and walked over to the sink and
washed her hands. Again, she stared at the ring on her finger, trying to jog
her memory. But she could remember nothing. Natasha washed her face and brushed
her teeth. She walked out of the bathroom, deciding to ask Gianni about the

Natasha kneeled to wake Gianni, but
the sight of a bottle of Dom Perignon on the nightstand caught her attention.
She lifted the empty bottle and shook her head. It was no wonder that she
couldn’t remember anything. She returned the bottle to the nightstand and
gasped at a marriage certificate, with both their names on it. Natasha stumbled
over to Gianni. She was trying to shake him awake when she noticed that he too
had a platinum band on his finger.

“Gianni!” She yelled hysterically.
“Gianni! Wake up!”

Gianni slowly opened his eyes. He
blinked up at Natasha, but when he focused on her panicked expression, he
jumped up.

“What?! Are you okay?”

“Gianni! We got married!” Natasha
screamed, clutching her head, because she’d aggravated her own hangover.

Once Gianni was satisfied that
Natasha wasn’t in danger, he returned to his spot on the floor, closed his eyes
and went back to sleep. Natasha was certain that Gianni didn’t fully understand
what she had just told him. She couldn’t believe that he could sleep so easily
after finding out that he’d made a life altering mistake. She looked down at
his handsome sleeping face.

Well, as far as husbands went, she
could’ve done a lot worse than Gianni.



Gianni sat on the edge of Natasha’s bed and waited for her to
come out of the bathroom. She had been in there since he stopped pretending to
be asleep, and it was obvious that she was stalling. Admittedly, seeing Natasha
so distraught about being his wife was beginning to hurt his feelings.

Gianni couldn’t wait anymore. He
walked over and knocked on the door.

“Yes?” She answered from the other
side of the door.

“Natasha, please come out here.”

Gianni looked down at the ring on his
finger. Reality hit as he realized that here he was trying to coax his wife out
of the bathroom. The door opened and Gianni stepped to the side. Natasha walked
over to the bed and sat. The miserable look on Natasha’s face was breaking his
heart. Gianni sat next to Natasha and wrapped an arm around her.

“So... It seems that we are married.”
He chuckled, trying to make light. Gianni was relieved when he heard soft

“How about you and I go out and hit
the Las Vegas strip? Then we can come back here, and I’ll cook you a special

“How are you gonna cook dinner?
There’s no kitchen in... Wait. You own the place, don’t you?”

“Well, now, so do you,” Gianni teased,
but Natasha wasn’t amused.

“Gianni, what are we gonna do about
this marriage thing?”

He stood and walked toward the door.

“We’ll deal with it tomorrow,” he
said, over his shoulder.



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