Read Beautiful Ties Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Beautiful Ties (16 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Ties
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“Wow,” Jason hummed in appreciation. “I almost forgot you had this,” he said with an admiring tone while walking toward the passenger door. His eyes traveled back and forth across the length of my car.

I blinked over at him in surprise. “You’ve seen it before?” I asked, striding to the driver’s side.

“Yes. It was parked in your brother’s driveway a few weeks ago.”

I chuckled under my breath. “Ah, the night Lily drove me home after I’d consumed too much alcohol on our girls’ night out.”

With only the hood of the car in between us, Jason’s eyes danced with amusement as he kept his gaze on me. “I was hoping to meet you then, but you were there and gone before I had the opportunity.”

“Well, at least you finally got your chance,” I teased with a smile.

Jason grinned. “Yeah, I did.”

After making the drive to Sacramento, a long sigh of relief slipped past my lips at being twenty minutes early for my meeting. I slipped my car into park and shut off the ignition. Being early for a business meeting was necessary for my mental health. I was one of those people who needed a few minutes to relax before going into any business meeting, so I could prepare my game face.

I glanced out my window to see a gloomy, run-down peach brick building with chipped white paint bordering the window trim and front door. On the front lawn, brown rust with an orange tint outlined the edges of a white sign that read,
Blackborough Incorporated

I shook my head. Frederick Adams was indeed in serious need of a more up-to-date building. The newly remodeled office building he was purchasing from Kyle’s company had been completely renovated on the exterior as well as the interior. The restorations had taken nearly six months to complete. And at three hundred thousand, Frederick was walking away with a great deal.

I sincerely hoped today’s meeting with the CEO would go better than the last. Frederick was a single man in his early forties, and I’d learned that he believed women had no place in the business world. From the first moment he’d set eyes on me, I had known that his objective was to fight me at every turn in hopes that I would fold under pressure and lower the price. Today, I would hold my head high and keep my backbone firmly rooted in place. Women belonged in suits just as much as men did. I would not let him shake my confidence this time around.

Jason lightly touched my forearm, pulling me out of my thoughts. I had been so absorbed in them that I had forgotten he was there. My head spun to meet his questioning stare.

“You okay?” he asked softly, searching my eyes.

“Yep.” I nodded reassuringly, putting that game face of mine securely in place. “Let’s close this deal, and give this CEO a more eye-catching building.”

Jason chuckled. “Let’s do it.”

We stepped out of my Camaro at the same time. I opened my backseat to grab my handy briefcase before shutting the door. I rounded the trunk of my car and noticed Jason buttoning his black dress jacket. For the second time today since he had changed into a business suit, I came to an abrupt halt, admiring the breathtaking view.

His dirty-blond hair was styled lightly with gel, giving him this roughed-up, messy, sexy look. My eyes traveled down the expansion of his shoulders that were set and ready for business. His biceps filled out every inch of his jacket sleeves. My gaze skimmed over his narrow waist, envisioning those gorgeous abs hidden beneath his dress shirt, before looking over his toned thighs.

My God…

I wanted to ravish him on the spot. I pressed my lips together as I fought the urge to drag him into the leather seats of my car, so I could show him just how hot he looked right now. For all I knew, it could have been hours by the time Jason took a deliberate step toward me, causing me to meet his gaze. Desire pumped hot and heavy in my veins at the sight of his heated dark eyes burning into me.

He stopped mere inches in front of me and slightly bent his head forward while keeping his hands at his sides. “The way you were just looking at me…” he trailed off, shaking his head as if to block out the vision. “I would fucking give anything to strip you out of that skirt and take you up against the hood of your Chevy right now,” he said in a hoarse tone. “The next time you look at me like that, you’d better hope we’re in a more secluded area.”

My heart beat with measured force.
Oh, what I wouldn’t give for him to follow through with that right now. If only we didn’t have a meeting—

Right! Meeting!

I reached up to steal a chaste kiss, hoping it would hold me over until later.

As I pulled back, Jason groaned. “Damn, woman, you have me all tied up in knots.”

I smiled up at him affectionately. He’d had the same effect on me since the first moment I laid eyes on him.

“Same here,” slipped past my lips before I could stop it.

Jason’s eyes softened. I had to fight back the urge to kiss him again, or we were never going to make it inside the building.

“Let’s get this meeting over with, so we can get back to our mini trip.”

“You got it,” he said, dropping his hand to the small of my back before leading me to the door.

My eyes scanned the parking lot for people, and luckily, I came up empty. I was relieved that no one had witnessed our private moment. Jason opened the front door for me, and I walked inside first. I rounded the corner to see a stunning redhead sitting at a small black desk in the center of the room.

“Hello.” She smiled. “Welcome to Blackborough Incorporated. May I help you?” she asked in a friendly tone.

I politely returned her smile while stopping in front of the desk. “I’m here for a one o’clock appointment to see Mr. Frederick Adams.”

She glanced over at her computer screen. “Miss Madison?”


“I’ll let Mr. Adams know you’re here.” Rising from her spot, she gestured to the waiting area. “Please have a seat.”

“Thank you,” I responded, moving to take a seat in the brown leather chair along the far wall.

Jason sat down next to me. We watched her walk out of the room, and then she reemerged a few minutes later with Frederick. Jason and I rose to our feet. Frederick was dressed in a gray suit with a pink tie. His long black hair was combed back, and his green eyes locked on me.

“Ah, Miss Madison…” Frederick said in a tone that made bile rise up in my throat.

Hearing his voice again just gave me the creeps.

He stopped in front of me and outstretched his hand. “We meet again.”

I reluctantly shook his hand only long enough to be polite. “Mr. Adams, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Indeed,” he replied before directing his attention to Jason. “And did you bring a rookie with you this time? Or is he your backup?” he asked, attempting to make a joke.

“He’s no rookie or my backup,” I corrected in an even tone. “This is Jason Johnson, Kyle’s new partner.”

“Interesting,” Frederick responded, looking as if he was sizing Jason up. He did not offer to shake Jason’s hand. Instead, he gazed back at me. “Well, I don’t have all day. Follow me,” he said, spinning around to lead the way.


I had never met someone so rude and arrogant in my life.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed Jason staring at me. I tilted my head at him as we started to follow Frederick. Jason didn’t say a word, but his eyes spoke for him. He didn’t like Frederick or his attitude. I couldn’t have agreed with him more, but business was business, and I had a job to do. I just wanted to make it through this meeting and get back to my happy bubble.

We walked into a conference room. Frederick took a seat at the head of the table. Jason and I sat next to one another on the side closest to Frederick. I set my briefcase down on the floor at my left.

“So, Abbey—” Frederick drawled.

Jason corrected, “Miss Madison.”

I could feel the tension radiating off of him in dense waves.

Frederick’s eyes snapped to Jason and then back at me. “Fine. Miss Madison, you have a contract for me, I presume?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied, picking up my briefcase and opening it. I pulled out all the necessary documents. I handed the contract to Frederick while quickly rattling off my speech with all the necessary details for the second time.

Frederick nodded here and there, just like he had at our original closing, and then the snake reared its ugly head at the closing cost—again.

“Miss Madison, I told you once before, and I’ll tell you again. My offer was two hundred and seventy-five thousand. Please don’t tell me you wasted my time again with incorrect numbers,” he sneered. “And we agreed to all contractors providing a warranty of their craftsmanship for two years, not one.”

Is he seriously going to sit there and act like I accidentally typed the price twenty-five-thousand dollars higher? This man is delusional.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched Jason sit upright in his chair, propping his forearms on the table. He looked ready to protest. I gave him a warning look to back off.

I had this. My backbone was confidently in place. “Mr. Adams, why you would make these ridiculous accusations is beyond me. Three hundred thousand was the final agreement, and all of our contractors have a standard one-year parts and labor warranty as always,” I replied.

Frederick pondered briefly. “I’ll accept the one-year warranty miscommunication, if you meet me halfway on the price. Certainly, you have that authority.” He smirked.

Apparently, I was going to have to be more direct. “Surely, you haven’t brought me here for a second time to argue over twenty-five thousand. The offer stands as is. Take it or leave it, Mr. Adams,” I said firmly.

Frederick eyed me for a second and then let out a loud, defeated sigh. “A pen, Miss Madison?” he asked, outstretching his hand.

I reached for one in my briefcase and handed it to him. He signed the contract and slid it over to me. We all rose to stand.

As Frederick stepped forward, I politely extended my hand. “Thank you for your business, Mr. Adams.”

“Uh-huh,” Frederick nearly grunted, shaking my hand.

Then, I let go. I turned toward the door, ready to exit. I took the lead with Jason and Frederick behind me.

“Miss Madison,” Frederick said, placing a hand on my shoulder, “may I have a word with you in private?”

In an instant, Jason stretched his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. “I don’t think so. Hands off,” he threatened in a dangerously low tone.

I tried to diffuse the situation. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. Good day, Mr. Adams.”

Frederick glanced between Jason and me. His mouth opened, but he didn’t speak.

“Good-bye, Mr. Adams,” Jason said without looking at him as he gently nudged me forward.

I barely made it out the front door before erupting into nervous laughter. Jason took my hand in his, tugging me toward my car.

He looked at me with a raised brow. “I don’t know what you could possibly be laughing at. That was the most fucked-up meeting I have ever been to in my life.”

“That’s what I’m laughing about.” I actually didn’t have the slightest clue as to why I was laughing, except that I might have a small breakdown if I hadn’t laughed. I reached into my purse and unlocked the doors with my keyless entry.

We climbed into the car and put on our seat belts.

“Are all of your meetings like that?” Jason asked me with a baffled expression.

“No. Thank goodness,” I sighed in relief, starting my car. “Just with Frederick. He’s a jerk.”

“I can think of many better names for him than that,” Jason grunted. “I wanted to pound the fucker into next week.”

“Don’t let him get under your skin,” I said, reaching for his hand.

He was still tense. “Does Kyle know how Frederick speaks to you? Because if he does, Kyle and I are going to exchange a few words when he gets back from his honeymoon,” Jason nearly growled.

“No,” I answered quickly. “And I don’t want him to know either.”

Jason looked confused. “Why haven’t you told him?”

“Because I already backed down from Frederick once before. I let him rock my confidence, and Kyle had to step in.” I exhaled, exasperated. “When Kyle asked me to close the deal this morning, I knew without a doubt that he had no idea how Frederick had treated me, and this was my second chance to prove to myself that I’m a strong businesswoman who can hold my own.”

“It was hot as hell, watching that business side of you take charge and put him in his place.” Jason grinned before his eyes suddenly darkened. “But I saw red the second he put his hands on you. It took everything I had not to give him a black eye.”

The way he had hauled me toward him at Frederick’s advance warmed my heart. A part of me felt it might have been an overreaction, but it had also shown me how much he cared about me.

I cupped his cheek, grateful that he was with me today. “Thank you,” I whispered, leaning forward. I kissed him tenderly.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled against my lips. Then, he backed up slightly to look at me. “So, I want to take you somewhere nearby.”

Intrigued, I smiled at him. “Oh yeah, where’s that?”

BOOK: Beautiful Ties
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