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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Beautifully Revealed (14 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Revealed
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Chapter 13




After I leave Cayden’s office my mind swirls with his insights and a mixture of emotions. I wander around for a while, but end up where my heart beats ready to claim my life.

Liam opens the door in a pair of gray washed jeans and a chain with a cross hanging over his bare chest.
Drops of water glisten off the tattoo on his arm and his wet hair nearly covers his eyes.

,” he says, looking at me suspiciously.

Before he can shut me out, I bound into his arms and attack his mouth. I devour him like a woman
deprived of her basic needs. He responds immediately, picking me up, and kicking the door shut before he sits me on the entryway table. I fumble with his belt buckle as he pulls on my shirt, releasing my breasts. My skirt is up around my waist and his jeans wrapped around his ankles in less than a minute.

His warm tongue wraps around my nipple and my back arches from the jolts of pleasure
shooting from my nipples to my pussy. He grabs the edge of my panties and I lift my ass up to help him get them off. As soon as the panties hit the floor his finger delves into my wet pussy.

“Ohh…god that’s good,” I moan.
It’s almost too much pleasure, his finger fucking me, his thumb rubbing against my clit, and his tongue flicking my hard nipple. I’m in a sensual haze but I’m still hungry for more. I want all of him deep inside me, pumping his powerful essence into me.

Gently brushing my hair aside he kisses my neck and
spreads my thighs. The wide head of his cock nudges at my entrance and I scoot my ass closer to the edge, encouraging him to take me. His first thrust is slow and deep, and I can feel every inch of him stretching me to capacity. He turns my head towards the entryway mirror and we make eye contact in it. His breathing is heavy and strained against my ear. He lifts one of my legs over his shoulder and says, “Watch me take you.”

Umm…watching his rigid cock slide in
and out, slick with my moisture increases the euphoria building in my body. His powerful, muscular frame is strained and knotted up with pleasure. His steely length feels as good as it looks but I can’t concentrate on the sex scene in the mirror, I’m too lost in the real pleasure that’s roaring through me, crying out for release. My eyes shut as he buries himself to the hilt causing me to gasp and latch on to his powerful arms.

His hand tangles in my hair an
d he kisses me passionately, rocking into me slow and deep. His hot pants against my mouth turn into grunts and my moans turn into a cry of ecstasy as I come unexpectedly. It grips me so hard that I can feel it from the rock hard tips of my nipples to my wet, swollen clit. I bump my head against the wall as my body convulses, but I don’t feel pain, I only feel the pleasure that’s raining over me. Lost in my own euphoric bliss, the only indication I have of Liam coming is the spasm of his cock in my tightened pussy.

My hands
caress his sweat soaked hair as he breathes heavily against my neck. His hold on me is unbreakable, my chest is crushed against his, and he’s still where I love him to be. Deeply seated inside me.

pull his face in front of mine and look into his green eyes. “You were right to leave me. You deserve someone better.”

A grimace quickly forms on his face and he shakes his head
. “No Ella, I didn’t leave you because I deserve better. You’re perfect and I couldn’t have dreamed up anyone better. Leaving you was about my fear, but maybe I was wrong. I’d rather have a hundred todays with you rather than worry about the fear of what’s to come tomorrow.”

Hope blossoms in my heart like a dying rose petal given new life by a few drops of water. I cling to his shoulders and search his eyes for the one thing that will make me happy
. “Can I come home?” I ask.

His smile widens and his eyes dance with joy
. “Your home is in my heart and to me you never left.”

Liam carries me to the bed
room and strips the rest of my clothes off while his eyes roam hungrily over my body. He scoops me up, carries me to the bed, and lies me in the middle before joining me moments later. We lie there just staring into each other’s eyes, letting the reality of being like this again sink in. His fingers are softly combing through my hair and my hand is against his pounding heart.

I know this is the moment. My heart rate speeds up
to match his, but I push the fear of not being accepted aside. “Damon was my best friend until he raped me.”

The abrupt confession causes his hand to freeze in my hair, his relaxed body stiffening with tension underneath my fingertips. His eyes don’t waver from mine and I know he’s waiting for me to continue.

“I was fourteen when I met him. He was nice to me and really paid attention to what I said. I never had that so I cherished it. He was older than me and I’ll admit that I liked the attention from a good looking older guy. Maybe if I hadn’t flirted with him the way I did…”

“Don’t do that,” Liam finally says
, breaking his silence. “Don’t blame yourself for what he did. He was older than you and he knew what he was doing.”

“It never even mattered to me that he was older because we were both lonely with our own set of issues. My mother hated me and his mother died during childbirth. His father loved him through his bank account
, and he didn’t seem to have any real friends. It didn’t take long for me to realize why. He had these crazy mood swings. One moment he was sweetest guy and then something would trigger him and he would fly off the handle. The first time it happened…” Emotions get clogged in my throat as I try to get the words out but I continue anyway.

“The first time I just wanted to die, not from the physical
pain, which went away quickly. From the pain in my heart and the dirty feeling that overwhelmed me. The kind of dirty that makes you want to scrub off your skin, but then you realize that the filthy feeling is skin deep and it stays with you forever.”

hands continue to caress my hair and I can see the anger building in his eyes. I’ll take anger over pity or disgust, those two emotions I can’t handle to see in his eyes.

“How many times did this happen?” he asks.

“I don’t know. At first I stopped sleeping in my room or I would wake up early before he would show, but I never knew what day he was coming, and it didn’t matter because he would always find me. It was worst when he had to look for me or I fought him so after a while I stopped trying to get away.”

“How is this even
possible? Where were your parents?”

My dad took a lot of business trips and my mom hated me. Damon always coincidently showed up when my dad was gone so I figured out she was letting him in.”

Why would she do that? My god, Ella, this is a lot to take in.”

“Why wouldn’t she
? Damon supplied her with her next hit, and all she had to do is let him fuck the daughter she hated.”

I’m pretty sure she wasn’t always an addict. Before I turned six
, she was just indifferent to me, ignored me most of the time. Then overnight everything changed, she was mean, cold, and never let a chance to insult me pass her by.

don’t know when Damon became her supplier because he never spoke to her when we were friends. My guess is that he got desperate when I wouldn’t talk to him and turned to Elaina for help.

Liam jumps out of the
bed and stomps out of the room. I follow him cautiously, and find him screaming into his phone.

“You need to find him now!
You’re supposed to be the best, do your fucking job and find the bastard. While you’re at it find Elaina Moss too.” He throws his phone across the room and I’m surprised when it doesn’t break from the force.

His head is down and his hand is rubbing his forehead. I walk up behind him and wrap my arm around his body, caressing his abs and kissing his back. I’m thankful that he has the urge to protect me, but I didn’t want to make him this angry.

“I’m okay now baby, I have you and I can finally see a future where everything used to be a blur.” He turns around and pulls me against his body, and rests his chin on top of my head. He holds my naked body closely and I’m ready to let him in, ready to lay my soul bare.

I tell him about
the day Damon took everything from me.




10 years earlier


I’m done

Done with Damon, done with my mother, done with this fucked up excuse of a life I’ve been given. I’m weeks away from leaving for college
, and I need to rid my life of them. I could never understand Damon’s obsession with me. If you ignore the cold evil glare in his eyes, he’s a handsome twenty-four year old man. I often saw women swooning over him, and prayed he would lose interest in me, but he always came back to torment me.

I knew he was coming today so when t
he door opens I brace myself for Damon’s reaction to my rejection. My heart pounds in my chest and my hands tremble in fear. It’s been years since I fought him and I’m not sure what he’ll do when I say no. He reaches out for me and I take a step back. Confusion clouds his eyes before he attempts to touch me again.

I’m done Damon, I won’t do this with you anymore,” I say, shaking my head at him.

His eyebrows lift and he chuckles at the absurdity of my words. “I’ll never be done with you
, Isabella. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. You were twelve the first time your father brought you to my house. I knew your beauty would only increase with age. I kept my distance until you were old enough. Even at fourteen, that body of yours had more curves than women twice your age. You were ready for me, and once you stopped fighting it, you enjoyed it. Your body loves the things I do to you. You love me.”

His fingers run down my face and I flinch from the contact. “I hate you,” I say through gritted teeth. “I’m leaving for college and you’ll never see me again.”

“Is that what you think? You think you’re going to run off to college and hide from me. You think you can find another man to make you feel the way I do?”

I don’t know why I decide to get bold
, but I know I have to make a daring move. “Plenty of men can do what you do but better. Plenty men already have.”

He takes a step back
, totally taken aback by my statement. He had no idea I’d ever been with anyone but him. His next move is so swift I’m shocked by the sudden pressure in my throat as his hands wrap around my neck.

“You fucking whore,” he seethes. His eyes
bulge out of their sockets and his face is red with rage. “You gave someone else my shit?!”

My hands clutch his arm
in an attempt to loosen his grip on my neck. I’m losing consciousness quickly and I need to do something before he kills me. My leg shoots up and my knee hits him in the groin. The second his hand loosens and he falls to the floor, I take off for the door, but not fast enough. He catches my ankle and I fall with a thud. He pulls me towards him and flips me over, hovering on top of me with a wicked sneer on his face. This time when he strikes my face the pain is so severe it makes the first time feel like a tap. I cover my face in an attempt to protect myself from his blows, but that only causes pain to shoot through my hand when his blows land there.

stands and towers over me. “You dirty bitch!” he howls.

This is it.

The day I die.

I’ve prayed for it, thought it would save me from Damon’s torture, but now that it’s here I feel scared.
His foot moves and pain explodes in my ribs as his boot slams into my side. I wonder why I haven’t passed out yet, the pain is so excruciating. I want the darkness to envelop me in its warmth and bring me somewhere safe.

I see his foot coming towards my face and before I realize what I’m doing, my hands reach out and catch his foot
mid-kick. I pull with every ounce of strength I have left until he slips and falls backwards. The sound of his head hitting the edge of the bed frame echoes in my ear. I don’t check to see if he’s dead or alive. I drag myself from the room and manage to stumble down the stairs and out of the house.

I wake up at the hospital.

Apparently I made it to a neighbor’s house and passed out after ringing the doorbell. I was rushed here in an ambulance and now the police are awaiting my statement. A doctor comes in and explains that Damon broke my hand and two ribs. My face is swollen and I can barely speak with my busted lip.

The police officer begins to ask question
s that I wish I didn’t have to answer, but not talking is no longer an option. Before I can answer anything, a loud voice erupts in the hallway, and my father slams into the room. He takes one look at my face and rushes over, frightened to touch me as if I might break. I’ve been broken for so long that the physical damage Damon caused today was a lot less painful than the emotional scars I bare.

“We need to take your statement
, Ms. Moss.” My dad looks at me with concerned-filled eyes and holds my hand.

“Can you tell us who did this to you?” the officer asks.

“His name is Damon Porter,” I whisper. I avert my eyes from my dad’s shocked gaze.

“Do you have any idea why Mr. Porter attacked you tonight?”

“He got angry when I told him I was done with him.”

“So Mr. Porter is your boyfriend?”

“No. He’s been…” I turn and look my father in the eye, not sure I can make this confession in front of him. He squeezes my hand and nods his head in encouragement.

I sigh before continuing, “The first time he raped me I was sixteen…” I retell the story to the officer with my dad clutching my hand desperately. When I’m done he doesn’t say a word, he just leans over kisses my forehead
, and follows the officer out the room.

BOOK: Beautifully Revealed
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