Beautifully Unfinished (10 page)

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Authors: Beverley Hollowed

BOOK: Beautifully Unfinished
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He bent down and gently kissed her forehead before he reached over and turned off the lamp.

“Tucker,” Lucy called as Tucker walked to the door. He stopped immediately and turned back to look at her. “Will you stay with me?”

“Stay here?” Tucker asked, unsure if that was what she meant.

“Yes,” she replied nervously. “I don’t want to be alone right now. Please.”

Without missing a beat, Tucker kicked off his shoes and pulled off his sweatshirt before he walked around the bed and climbed onto it behind Lucy.

As he lay down, Lucy turned and curled into him as he wrapped his arms around her.

It was the first time Lucy had spent the night with anyone, but it felt comfortable and right. She closed her eyes and was fast asleep in no time.

Chapter 12


Lucy woke up and found herself wrapped tightly in Tucker’s arms. She found it bizarre that just a week before, the thought of spending the night, lying in someone’s arms sounded so alien and terrifying to her, yet here she was, and it felt so natural.

She lay there for a few minutes watching him sleep. He really was gorgeous, but more than that, he was sweet and caring. Lucy wondered why he had never settled down.

She had to admit; she had feelings for him and she hoped he had them for her too

Suddenly, Tucker’s eyes blinked open, and Lucy blushed because she had been caught watching him.

“Good morning,” he yawned and grinned.

“Good morning,” Lucy said shyly.

“How did you sleep?” Tucker asked, as he stared deeply into her eyes. He reached up and softly brushed her hair back from her face.

“Good, thanks to you,” Lucy said with a smile.

“Do you want to talk about what happened last night?” He asked, and Lucy’s smile faded. She pulled away from Tucker and slipped her feet out of the bed.

“Not really,” she said, as she pushed up off the bed. “I think I will have a shower.”

“Lucy,” Tucker said, sitting up in the bed before he too climbed up off it. “Please don’t walk away. If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine. Just please don’t push me away again.”

“I never pushed you away,” Lucy said as she turned back to him, surprised by what he said.

“Lucy, you pushed everyone away,” Tucker said, as he walked around the bed towards her and took her hands. “And I get it, I do, but I swear I will never hurt you, so please let me in.”

“I am trying,” she whispered, looking up into his eyes. “I just need to take things at my own pace.”

“I can live with that,” Tucker smiled, as he brushed her face with the tips of his fingers. “Because, I’m going nowhere.”

Lucy smiled, then slowly leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek.

“I am going to go take a shower,” she whispered, as she slowly stepped backwards. “I won’t be long.”

“I will go make some coffee,” Tucker said, returning her smile.

Lucy turned and hurried into her en-suite. She quickly slipped the dress she had been wearing the night before, over her head.

She looked at herself in the mirror and for the first time in nine years, she didn’t just see the scars that Trent had left behind. For the first time, she saw the girl she once was.

The pretty blonde with the piercing eyes and a kind heart. She wondered if maybe she might have the chance to find love, and if Tucker could be the one to finally unlock her heart?

She climbed beneath the hot water and smiled as she thought about Tucker. Even after how she had treated him two days earlier, he was there when she needed him, just like he had been that night, nine years before.

She thought of Riley. There was a time when she believed he would have always been the one that would be there for her, but each time she had needed him, he had let her down.

Lucy decided she needed to put Riley in the past if she was ever going to have a future.

When she climbed out of the shower a short while later, she wrapped a warm fluffy towel around her and returned to the bedroom.

She had just sat down at the dressing table and started running the brush through her hair when the bedroom door opened, and Tucker came into the room carrying a cup of coffee.

“OH GOD!” Lucy exclaimed, as she jumped up from the dressing table and gripped her towel tighter. “What are you doing?”

“OH SHIT!” Tucker said, as he nearly dropped the coffee. He didn’t know where to look. “I’m sorry, I thought you would still be in the shower. I just brought you up a coffee. I didn’t mean…I am sorry, Lucy.”

“It’s okay,” Lucy said, trying her hardest to appear unfazed. “Thank you.”

Tucker walked across the room and set the cup down on the dressing table. As he turned, the scar on Lucy’s shoulder caught his eye and stopped him in his tracks.

Lucy instinctively covered it with her hand as her heart sank. She had thought if anyone could see past them, it was Tucker, but maybe she was wrong.

“Why are you hiding yourself?” Tucker asked, as his eyes met hers. “You don’t need to hide from me.”

“I know that they are ugly,” Lucy said in a small voice, dropping her eyes away from Tuckers. She felt so embarrassed.

“They?” Tucker asked as he turns to face her. “There is more than one?”

“Three,” Lucy whispered. “And I hate them. They are a constant reminder of what he did to me, and of how broken I am.”

Tucker didn’t reply. Instead, he stepped forward and reached for her hand that was covering the scar on her shoulder. He looked into her eyes before he pulled her hand away from her shoulder.

Lucy’s heart was racing. She had never felt more exposed than she did right at that moment, and not just because she was practically naked.

His eyes dropped to the scar, and he softly traced his fingers over the rough ridge on her shoulder.

“Please don’t,” Lucy cried softly as she closed her eyes. She went to cover it again, but he took her hand and stopped her.

“Lucy I don’t see scars,” Tucker said as he took her by the chin with his other hand and tilted her face up towards his. She slowly opened her eyes and met his gaze. “I see battle lines. Reminders of not what you have been through, but that you survived, that you survive every single day.”

Lucy was stunned when Tucker leaned forward and softly kissed the scar on her shoulder, then kissed the one on her arm. Finally, he pressed his lips to the one that was on the curve of her breast. Lucy held her breath the entire time.

Tucker stood up and gazed into her eyes before he inched closer and slowly brought his lips down on hers.

His kiss was soft at first; then it grew firmer as Lucy finally kissed him back.

Lucy leaned into him as he slipped his arms around her and his kiss deepened further. Slowly, she slipped her hands up his chest and around his neck.

Tucker teased along her bottom lip, and when she gasped, he didn’t miss a beat as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, stroking and teasing her tongue with his.

He slowly dropped his hand down her back, to her ass and pulled her even tighter to him.

Lucy was surprised to feel his erection against her stomach, and she froze. She wanted him; she really did, but she was so afraid. The only experience she had was what had happened to her that night.

Tucker breathlessly broke his lips from hers and pressed his forehead against Lucy’s.

“God, you have no idea how long I have longed to do that,” he whispered as he looked down into her eyes.

“Really?” Lucy asked in surprise.

“Lucy, it’s always been you,” Tucker said. “Since the first time I saw you.”

Lucy didn’t reply; she didn’t know what to say.

“I know you are scared,” he continued. “And I know you have been hurt, in so many ways, and by so many people. But I give you my word; I will never let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” Lucy said with a smile.

He kissed her again, then gave her another smile.

“I will leave you to get ready,” Tucker said, as he reluctantly released Lucy from his arms, but quickly took her hands instead. “I will drop you at the hospital before I head to the station, then I will come back later to collect you.”

“You really don’t have to,” Lucy said, but secretly she hoped he would insist and not just because she was terrified to face the hospital alone, but because she wanted to spend more time with him.

“I know I don’t have to; I want to,” Tucker replied before he added, “I was also hoping that maybe tonight, we could finally have that date we never got to have.”

Lucy’s face dropped, there was nothing she would have loved more than to go on a date with Tucker, but River Springs was such a small town and after the night before, she didn’t really fancy a repeat performance.

“What?” Tucker said, and Lucy could see the worry on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Tucker, it’s not that I don’t want to go out with you,” Lucy replied. “There is nothing I would love to do more.”

“But,” Tucker said, sensing there was one coming.

“But, after what happened last night…” she began to say but stopped as a knowing smile lit up Tuckers face. “What is so funny?”

“Lucy, I know the last thing you want to do it go to another noisy, crowded bar,” Tucker replied. “Especially after what happened last night, but I am asking you to trust me. Please.”

She looked at him for a moment and considered his request, as slowly, a smile appeared on her lips.

“Okay,” she finally said. “I trust you, and I will trust you on this one.”

“Good,” he said, and kissed her forehead. “Now get your ass dressed. We are leaving in fifteen minutes.”

“Yes, Sir,” Lucy said with a giggle.

“It’s lovely to see you happy,” Tucker said giving her one last kiss before he walked towards the door. “I plan on keeping you this way.”

He blew her one more kiss before he disappeared out the door. Lucy just smiled as she returned to her dressing table. She felt happy.

Fifteen minutes later they were in the truck and heading to the hospital. As they got closer to the hospital, Lucy grew quieter and quieter. By the time they reached the hospital, the happy, carefree Lucy that had been in the house less than half an hour earlier was replaced with the old, scared, closed off Lucy.

Tucker pulled into a parking space, switched off the engine and turned to look at Lucy.

“Talk to me,” he said, surprising Lucy.

“What is there to say?” She asked with a shrug.

“What is it you are afraid of?” Tucker asked, knowing exactly what she was worried about.

“I am afraid that Riley will come looking for me,” Lucy replied, deciding that she needed, to be honest with him. “I think he will feel the need to come check on me, and I don’t want to have to talk to him. Also, I am worried my dad will find out what happened last night, and he will go postal.”

“I can call into the station if you want me to, tell them I am not coming in” Tucker replied. “I will stay here with you.”

“No,” Lucy replied quickly. The last thing she wanted was Tucker feeling like he was responsible for her. She needed to be strong and show him that she could do it. “I think I need to do this alone. I am not letting this town or the people that live in it, beat me down again.”

“That’s my girl,” he said with a bright smile.

His girl,
Lucy thought to herself and smiled. She liked the sound of that.

“Are you ready to do this?” Tucker asked.

“Yes,” she nodded and tried to sound positive.

“I will walk you into your dad,” Tucker said, as he removed his seatbelt. He climbed out before she had a chance to respond.

When she stepped out of the truck, he took hold of her hand just like he had two days earlier and led her into the hospital.

As they rode up in the elevator together, Tucker gave her hand a tight, reassuring squeeze, and Lucy tried her best to appear calm, but inside, she was anything but.

When they reached Tom’s room, Tucker hesitated. He turned back to Lucy and pulled her to him and softly pressed his lips to hers.

“What was that for?” Lucy asked.

“Because I wanted to kiss you one last time before I head to work,” Tucker replied. “But I don’t want to kiss you in front of Tom.”

“Why not?” Lucy asked, surprised by what he said.

“I would like a chance to talk to your dad before he finds out about us,” Tucker explained.

“Okay,” Lucy said confused.”

“Lucy, there is so much you don’t know about me yet,” Tucker said, knowing he needed to explain himself. “I have done things; I am not necessarily proud of, and I don’t know what would have happened to me if it weren’t for your dad. I think I owe it to him.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” Lucy assured him.

She leaned up and kissed his cheek one last time and turned back to the door.

“Lucy,” Riley’s voice came from behind Tucker and stopped Lucy in her tracks. She could feel Tucker tense behind her.

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