Read Beauty and the Barracuda Online

Authors: Nikki Winter

Tags: #Romance

Beauty and the Barracuda (7 page)

BOOK: Beauty and the Barracuda
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Sansone brought her back against him in a steady thumping beat that sent his heart into a staccato rhythm. Every push and pull of her tight flesh left a dizzying sensation in its wake. He fucked her as though they were the only ones in the building, the only ones in the city. Her palms hit the desk, and she rolled her hips in time with his thrusts, minute gasps leaving her mouth. He changed the angle and she called out his name.

what I want to hear—
name.” Her succulent ass jiggled on impact, and her finally allowed his lids to slide closed as he attempted to tap every place inside her sodden cunt.

“Sunny…I’m going to…”

Wrapping her hair around a fist, he gently but firmly tugged until her head came up and he was able to whisper against her ear, “Come.”

Her pussy snapped down on his dick and she keened as her inner muscles rippled around him, drawing the come from his scrotum. What felt like bolts of lightning blanketed his sex, and Sansone swallowed down the inclination to roar as her orgasm triggered his own.

Together they fell forward and rested against the hard wood, attempting to find their equilibrium again.

Sansone had opened his mouth to say something when a soft knock at Nyssa’s door halted him.

“Nap was
Alana—Nyssa’s assistant—sang from just outside the office. “Your coffee has been made and there was no under-boob involved. Need anything else?”

The woman beneath him hissed under her breath, “Off…Get. Off.”

He lifted upwards, and she ran a hand through her now disheveled hair, calling out, “Give me twenty minutes then ask me that again!”


When Alana was gone, Nyssa looked at him over one shoulder. “Obviously there is a conversation that needs to take place between you and me.”

His brows winged. “Was, ‘
Sunny…oh Sunny!’
and ‘
Jesus Christ…Jesus Christ!’
not enough of a verbal exchange?”

Sighing, she dropped back against the desk. “I think Sammie was on to something when she mentioned that exorcism.”

Chapter Five



Nyssa eyed the mug in front of her warily, then the man who was holding it. The same man who’d transformed into some crazed sex wizard and managed to puppeteer her body just minutes ago as though he’d had a hand in designing it.

“Jesus, Nyssa, it’s not like I slipped something in it.” Sansone sighed, waving the cup of coffee. He brought it up to his lips and sipped before saying, “See?”

Watching him closely, she finally grasped it and tensed when he took the place next to her on her office love seat. He blew out a hard breath. “I’m not going to touch you.”

She relaxed and her shoulders dropped from their previous position by her ears. It wasn’t like she was
to be a difficult bitch, but considering her best friend currently had her panties in his pocket because he’d yanked them down her legs for what he called, “a small reminder,”
Nyssa wasn’t exactly in the best state of mind at the moment. In all reality, lucidity should’ve set in the minute he’d made her come so hard that her teeth snapped together and yet…it hadn’t. Because she’d had sex with Sansone. Nyssa had had sex with
God almighty, she’d had sex with Sansone!

“You’re not breathing,” he noted. “You need to breathe.”

Exhaling, she tried to think of something sensible to say.
But all that came out was, “I have a meeting at noon and I need my panties.”

His silence caused her to chance a look in his direction—which was possibly the worst decision she could’ve made because she found herself caught in that goddamned stare! “Sunny—”

“No,” he said softly.

Her brows lowered and Sansone leaned closer until he practically had her bent backwards over the arm of the love seat. “Whatever it is you’re thinking, whatever it is you were about to say,

Nyssa swallowed and parted her lips to respond but he gave a slow shake of his head so she halted. “
is not something to regret.
is not something to be ashamed of.”

“I just think,” she retorted in a quiet tone, “that things got a bit out of hand.”

Sansone’s mouth curved. “And I think you should be sitting on my face right now rather than trying to rationalize something that was two thousand nine hundred and twenty days in the making. It seems we both have opinions, sweetheart.”

Tucking in her lips, she sat backwards and rolled the ceramic mug in her hand between her palms, trying to figure out how to answer that without
giving into the hysteria that was steadily creeping through her. She’d allowed Sansone Sultana to bend her over her desk and fuck her. Unintentionally, she’d started a small flame with that kiss, and an inferno had engulfed them both.

“Do you trust me, Nyssa?”

She had to set the cup down before she dropped it. Her hands shook so she balled them up and placed them in her lap. “What?”

“Do. You. Trust. Me?”

So much that sometimes it hurt just to look at him. “I um…I…”

“It’s a yes or no answer, baby.”

Closing her eyes, she whispered, “Yes.”

“Then you have to trust that what just happened wasn’t some sporadic fuck because we’re feeling lonely.”

She could’ve lied, could’ve told him that was exactly
what had happened because she’d been feeling as though her romantic life had taken a backseat to her career, but Sansone was right when he’d said she couldn’t lie to him.

“Look at me,

God, that endearment had ruined her from the moment it had been uttered. The way he said it, the warmth behind the word, did nothing but make her heart skip several beats.

Turning her head, she faced him and felt hot moisture prick the backs of her eyes at the expression on his face. It was so incredibly open, so loving, that she had no real idea how she hadn’t noticed it before now.

Reaching out, Sansone ran a fingertip down the bridge of her nose, that one touch causing her belly to quiver. “Do you believe I’d ever intentionally hurt you?”

She slowly shook her head. “No.”

He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Then why do you look so destroyed?”

Nyssa grabbed his hand. “Because if something happens—”

“Stop,” he demanded.

She did.

“I am not going
,” Sansone said, now cupping both sides of her face.

“We’ve crossed over into different territory, Sunny. This isn’t the friend zone anymore. We’re going to fight.”

“Which we already do.”

“I’m going to throw things at you.”

“I know a few coaches who can spare a helmet.”

“I’m going to be a bitch to work with.”

He simply smirked.

She took his hands from her face. “Sansone, this is
.” Did he not understand exactly how many people could be affected by this relationship? Their family, their friends, their employees, their

“Nyssa.” He moved closer, his gaze focused solely on hers with a solemn finality that made her feel as though she were coming out of her skin.


“When you say my name like that…all it does is make me hard.”

A quick glance at his lap confirmed that statement and despite the fact that he still hadn’t given her back her panties, she probably couldn’t stand without her ovaries rolling out onto the floor, and she quite possibly looked like a trauma victim…Nyssa found arousal thrumming through every erogenous zone on her body.

What was
with her? This was
The man who panicked when he got too low on Paul Mitchell! Granted, his hair made him quite possibly the sexiest man alive but his obsession was
a healthy one! The majority of the time he made her laugh
him and there were moments where she seriously questioned why in God’s name she had any association with his insanity. He snored, and for a brief time in their friendship they’d had too many arguments about his refusal to wear underwear. He teased her relentlessly on her minor addiction to dairy products and was a pain in the ass to buy gifts for. But right now, sitting next to him and recognizing the complete and total devotion in his eyes, none of that mattered because she loved him. By all that was unholy, she

“Come here.” He leaned back on the couch and patted his lap.


“Shh.” Sansone held up one finger then pointed back to his thighs. “I said come. Here.”

Nyssa moved to rest against one leg but he dragged her until she straddled him.

“Now kiss me.”

“We’re supposed to be talking.”


“About why this”—he waved a hand between the two of them—“is a bad idea.”

Sansone shrugged. “That sounds boring. I’d rather spend more time plundering you into subjugation. Now be a good girl and let me put my tongue in your mouth again.”

He was ridiculous—so,
ridiculous. “What is wrong with you?”

“Well, at the moment, the love of my life
allowing me to recite the Russian national anthem on her cl—”

She place a hand over his mouth. “No…just…no.”

His only response was a despondent sigh.

happened here was something we needed to get it out of our systems—”
Sansone opened his mouth as if he were going to cut in but she pressed her hand over it harder. “—and it shouldn’t have happened. If we go down this road I can almost
it won’t end well for anyone involved. We have a
Sansone. If we one day decide we’re disgusted with breathing the same air, others will suffer because we gave into something we’ve successfully ignored for so long and I. Will. Lose. You. We can’t pretend that you don’t have my panties in your pocket but we
make a definitive choice to stop this before it burns us both.”

Brows winging, he tried to reply to that but it came out muffled and she had no intention of removing her hand until she was done, so Nyssa left it there. “Ask yourself if it’s really worth it.”

He then tilted his head and his eyes narrowed just the tiniest bit. Nyssa attempted to scramble off his lap but the bastard held fast, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her skirt up once again. All she could hear aside from the pounding of her own heart was his belt buckle, then his zipper and afterwards his voice saying, “I obviously wasn’t blunt enough earlier when I told you that you had no authority here. Perhaps I should be just a little more thorough.”



What exactly was it about Nyssa Blackwell that drove him to being completely unreasonable? He didn’t know, and frankly he didn’t give one good fuck because if she thought for even a second he was giving her up in some chivalrous attempt to keep things at work balanced she was insane. Fuck work. Fuck everything else
right now. It was clear as day what she was truly afraid of. Woodard had devalued her, make her feel as though she were an object to be used for his amusement. He made Nyssa feel replaceable. For that alone, if Sansone ever saw him again, he’d hurt him the way he’d hurt Nyssa. She could never be interchangeable. He could never replace her. He could never pretend he hadn’t felt the silken grip of her pussy as she slid down his length. It was im-fucking-possible, and he wasn’t about to try.

He needed a mental evaluation because waiting this goddamn long to experience Nyssa in all her wanton glory had
been the decision making of a healthy man. The feather-soft kiss of her core had made his balls draw up so tight it was borderline painful. Sucking in a deep breath, he placed his mouth just over her cleavage and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her down against him.

“Sunny.” Her voice was strained just above his head. “We have to stop.”

“Tell me no,” Sansone rasped against her throat. “Say the word

She whimpered as he nipped her there but didn’t speak.

“You can’t, can you?” he asked. “You can’t tell me no because you don’t


He had one
hand on her left buttock and the other on her waist as he rocked against her clit in a slow, steady motion that had her nails biting into his shoulders, mouth forming a perfect “O,” and tits bouncing ever so gently, but he never entered her. “You can’t walk away from this,
We’re both on unsteady ground.”

Her chest heaved with a deep breath and Sansone caught her eyes. “Tell me

She shuddered and he dropped her down as he thrust upwards, pushing to the hilt.
“I think I’ll keep you like this all the time,” he said against her skin. “Impaled on my cock, looking as though you don’t know whether to scream or cry.”

Nyssa released a sound that resembled just that.
Pulling back, he felt his jaw clench as he watched himself disappear between her creamy folds over and over again.

“You’re a…manipulative…bastard…” she panted.

Sansone’s laugh was gritty. “Sweetheart, you haven’t seen true
manipulation as of yet. Believe me when I tell you you’ll know.” He lifted her slightly then dropped her down again, feeling her walls slicken and constrict around him. “Because that’ll
be the moment you give me anything I want.” His slacks would be ruined but he had a spare in his office closet and the thought of making Nyssa come hard enough to leave evidence did nothing but make his impending orgasm that much harder to fight.

BOOK: Beauty and the Barracuda
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