Beauty and the Beast (54 page)

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Authors: Laurel Cain Haws

Tags: #Science

BOOK: Beauty and the Beast
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Just before they all started out the next day on their journey back to Father’s world, the Tandin doctor and midwife caring for Father’s community relayed the telepathic message that the young couple, Quincy and Tanya, had just been blessed with an healthy baby girl. Father said happily, “Well, we need to plan for a Baby Naming Ceremony next month!”
Brooke grabbed Jamie’s arm as they started on their journey back and asked her, “Isn’t Dresden going to travel back with us? I was beginning to think that he would never let you out of his sight!”
Jamie giggled at her and shook her head. “He told me that he has an obligation that he can’t get out of here.
The big Brute will probably turn up when I least expect him to in our world.”
Brooke smiled and said, “I doubt that he will hang
around here for very long. He is head-over-heals in love with you and making absolutely no effort to conceal it!” Jamie smiled and nodded.
To the delight of everyone, Perrine decided to accompany Mouse back to Father’s world. They were ideally suited for one another, communicating more by actions than by looks or words, and both of them were comfortable with silence. Kanin had been sent word to start working on a chamber for Perrine, and Angela was preparing a temporary satellite chamber for her.
Tanimus, Letha, and Elisia were making the trip back with them, so that they could begin tutoring Vincent to help him further develop his mental abilities in Father’s world.
Chrystal was also coming with the group, so she and Rolley could play duets on the grand piano for Winter -Fest. After Winter-Fest, the Tandins that had been babysitting Father’s world were going to accompany Rolley and Chrystal back to the Tandin world, where Rolley was going to take over as Chrystal’s piano teacher.
As they traveled back by the same route they had used to come to the Tandin world, they encountered both Tandins and humans working in the tunnels, expanding and improving the passageways. They had power-wagons loaded with equipment, materials, and tools to accomplish the improvements all along the way back. Lighting, bathrooms, and security monitors were being installed between the two worlds. They were even attaching the plumbing pipes along the walls to extend Pascal’s communication system between worlds. When they passed through the steam tunnels of Paracelsus’ former domain and the site of their frightening battle, they found Tandin workers sealing off unsafe tunnels and accessway s.
Along the way, Tanimus spoke to Father. “Father, what would you think about a student exchange program between our two worlds?”
Father looked at him with enthusiastic curiosity.
“Why, Tanimus, I think that is a perfectly marvelous idea! Our children could learn a lot from your people that we cannot teach them with the resources we have at this time. I’m not sure what any of your children would get out of such an exchange, though.”
Tanimus then told Father, “Actually, Father, our youth would benefit greatly from experiencing a simpler life and learning new skills in your world that would help them to be less reliant on technology. It would add breadth to their education and help them develop in ways we aren’t equipped to accomplish in our advanced world.”
When the group finally arrived at the edge of Father’s world, the entire community was lined up along the corridors waiting for them. Elisia and Tanimus had been relaying their position as they traveled, to the Tandins in Father’s world, as the anxious community awaited their arrival. Now, they were very excited and happy as they hugged and kissed everyone returning. Vincent was carrying Catherine as they came through the crowded tunnels, and everyone was completely overcome with tears of happiness to see her awake and restored to Vincent.
The children were all clamoring to hug Catherine, so Vincent had to find the nearest boulder to sit on, so they could touch her. Catherine had tears of joy streaming down her cheeks at this heartwarming reception.
Angela swept Little Jacob away for a bath, and other community members took everyone’s backpacks for them, so they could wash their clothes. William took them all into the kitchen for the meal he had prepared including a belated birthday cake for Jamie. Then, they were all sent off to baths and to bed.
Finally, the morning of March 20
arrived, and the entire community was in an happy festive mood. The Helpers from above had all been led down into the tunnels, carrying their Winter-Fest candles, and Father, Mary, Vincent, and Catherine were at the head of the procession as they went through the tunnels and down the stone staircase leading into the lower regions of their world to the Great Hall. Vincent lifted the heavy wooden beam from the huge double doors and opened them wide. Father lit his candle from the wall torch outside the doors, and then he took Mary’s hand, and Vincent took Catherine’s hand, and they led everyone into the Great Hall and down the staircase into the huge cavern. William had set the long tables for the feast they would have, and
now everyone found places to sit, so the ceremony could begin. The room was completely dark except for Father’s single candle, and everyone looked expectantly at him after they were all seated.
Father spoke in a joyful tone. “We begin this year’s Winter-Fest celebration just as we have always done in darkness, the way these tunnels were once dark.” Father lit Catherine’s candle on his left, and then he lit Mary’s candle on his right. They, in turn, lit the next candles of those beside them, and all of the candles were lit in turn as Father continued speaking. “Over the years, we have lit these tunnels with our love for each other as we have built this world with hard work and perseverance. Our Helpers have helped us to keep them lit by supporting us with both supplies and love. This year’s Winter-Fest is very special. We have weathered yet another great storm.” Father looked lovingly at Catherine and then at Vincent. “Those who were once lost to us in each world have now been found.”
Father then looked around at each of the Tandins in attendance. “Our family has been extended, and our world has expanded to include wonders we never could have imagined before. Now, grief, despair, and terror have been replaced by light, love, family, and friends. This is a time to be thankful for our many blessings and to celebrate the rich life we have been afforded.” By this time, even the great candle chandeliers had been lit, and the entire cavern was now brightly illuminated. Father
looked at Kevin Chin. “Kevin, would you please offer a prayer of thanksgiving for all of us and ask for a blessing on the fine feast that William has prepared?”
Kevin Chin arose and said the prayer. Then, William stood up and said in his booming voice, “Well, what are all of you waiting for? Grab your plates and go dig in!” It was then joyous chaos as everyone picked up their plates and went to the buffet that William had set up against the wall for them.
Even before they had finished eating, the games and socializing commenced. The grand piano had been moved from the concert chamber into the Great Hall, and Rolley and Chrystal began playing duets together to the delight of everyone.
Vincent and Catherine were at a small table with Diana and Joe, and Jamie had just joined them. Brooke had stolen Little Jacob after he nursed, and she and Tony were talking to a group of the children who wanted to hear stories about what they had seen in the Tandin world.
Father took Mary up to the landing on the stairs, and then he shouted to get everyone’s attention. They all stopped what they were doing and looked up at them. He said, “I want to announce some happy news! I have asked Mary to be my wife, and she has graciously said ‘yes!’ We are taking a page out of Vincent’s and Catherine’s wedding book, and we have decided that the past thirty-plus years counts as a more-than-long-enough engagement. We are, therefore, planning to be wed next Saturday morning.
Rebecca had been standing just below Father on the floor of the Great Hall. With her hands on her hips, she interrupted him by shouting, “Father!”
Father looked down at her and asked, “Yes, Rebecca?”
In a very determined and firm tone of voice Rebecca said, “If the next words out of your mouth include anything remotely similar to ‘simple’ or ‘no-fuss,’ I am going to throw a serious temper tantrum!” Father’s mouth snapped closed, and everyone laughed. Rebecca continued, “This wedding will be spectacular!” Everyone clapped with happiness, and Father led a smiling Mary down the stairs. Rolley and Chrystal began playing a waltz. Father handed his cane to one of the children and swept Mary across the floor to it.
Charles, Devin with Elisia, and Tanimus with Letha, were seated at the table next to the one with Vincent and Catherine. When Charles’ face lit up with surprised pleasure, they all turned to see what he was looking at.
His very tall and pretty Tandin art teacher, Roselyn, was coming down the stairs. Charles jumped to his feet to go greet her, and when she caught sight of him, she rewarded him with a beautiful smile. Roselyn was fair-skinned with a light-brown hip-length mane and pretty dark-brown eyes. Tears sprang to Devin’s eyes to see his big friend, whose life had been miserable for such a long time, so happy now.
After Charles had taken Roselyn off the stairs, Dresden
made his grand entrance. He charged down the steps to the landing of the stairway, and then he began calling out in a loud voice, “Jamie! Jamie! Show yourself to me!” Everyone stopped to watch his performance.
Vincent laughed and said to Jamie, “I think that’s your Heathcliff calling for you. Didn’t you tell me once that you were not going to send him packing?”
Jamie burst into laughter. “Don’t tempt me! I guess I’m going to have to go do something about this.”
Jamie then leaped up onto the table and called out, “I’m here, Dresden, and I’m coming!” She then began running and leaping across the tables like a graceful gazelle until she jumped down to the floor below the landing.
Dresden vaulted over the railing and landed right in front of her. He swept her up into his arms, and then he bellowed so everyone could hear him, “I love Jamie!” In a lower voice, as Dresden looked into Jamie’s eyes, he asked, “Aren’t you going to call me a Brute and demand that I put you down?”
Jamie settled comfortably in his arms and laughed, “Not this time, Heathcliff.” Dresden cocked his head sideways, and raised his eyebrows as he looked at her.
She shook her head. “Oh, just shut up and kiss me already, you big Brute!”
Dresden smiled at her. “That’s my girl! I love it when you’re bossy.”
Dresden ran with Jamie still in his arms back up the
stairs to the landing, where everyone could see. Then he dropped to one knee, with Jamie seated on his other upraised knee.
Catherine giggled as they watched from their table. “That looks familiar!”
Vincent laughed too. “It does, doesn’t it?”
Dresden pulled a necklace out of his pocket, and Jamie stared at it with pure delight. It was a white-gold four-leaf clover studded with heart-shaped emeralds forming a crown. The unique charm was on a delicate white-gold chain. Jamie exclaimed with little-girl joy, “Oh, Dresden, I’ve never seen anything so pretty in my life!” Dresden put it around her neck and said, “I’m sorry that I couldn’t get it finished in time for your birthday, little Princess. You were still traveling then anyway, and this is a much more romantic setting.”
Jamie stared at him as she held the charm in her hand. “You made this for me, Dresden?”
Dresden chuckled at her astonishment. “I did, with Roselyn’s help. That was why we couldn’t travel with you and Charles. I wanted to get this finished for you in time for your Winter-Fest celebration. Now, did I hear something about a kiss?”
Jamie giggled at him. “Yes, I said kiss me, you big Brute!”
Then Dresden put a giant hand under her chin, tipped her head up—and kissed her on the forehead. Jamie gave him a look of pure exasperation. “You never stop, do you?
What are you, my brother? I love you too, Dresden! Now, pay attention! This is how you do it!” With that, she grabbed his face in both of her hands and kissed him passionately on the lips. Dresden’s eyes closed in ecstasy as he pulled Jamie against him amidst cheering and clapping from everyone who had stopped to watch the couple. Dresden and Jamie were completely oblivious to it all, though.
At Vincent’s table, Joe spoke up. “So, that’s how you give a woman jewelry!” Joe shook his head. “I think I just might have to do some field research testing that method!” He looked at Diana who was giggling.
Brooke and Tony came to their table with Little Jacob, and when the baby saw Catherine, he reached for her with an happy smile and said, “Mama!”
All of them stared at him, and Catherine gathered him to her with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. Little Jacob had said his first word, and Vincent was also tearful with happiness that the baby had chosen to honor his mother with that word. Catherine’s look of motherly love and awe of her child moved him deeply. Vincent scooted his chair closer to Catherine’s and wrapped his arms around his wife and baby.
Looking up and watching all of the joyous commotion going on as everyone continued to celebrate; Catherine smiled and said to Vincent as she laid her head on his chest and held Little Jacob against her breast, “Our world is such an happy place, Vincent, so full of love!” It made
Vincent’s heart swell with rapturous joy to hear Catherine say “our world” instead of “your world,” and he squeezed his little family tighter.
And the story continues.. Happily Ever After
INDEX The First Season Disk 1
Once Upon a time in the City of New York Terrible Savior Siege No Way Down
Disc 2


Masques The Beast Within Nor Iron Bars a Cage Song of Orpheus
Disc 3


Dark Spirit A Children’s Story An Impossible Silence Shades of Gray

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