Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark) (32 page)

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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“Never get enough,” he rasped.

“Glad.” It was the only word she could manage.

He kept a slow pace. Her gaze found his, and locked on. He could have looked away, but he didn’t. He peered down at her as if there was no one else he’d rather see, as if he were utterly mesmerized by her.

No one had ever looked at her that way before.

And I get to keep him. Forever.

In that moment, something profound happened. The connection between them deepened, and her soul sang the most beautiful song.

He’s mine. He’ll always be mine.

Thank you. Oh, thank you.

This love will never die.

Her heart actually felt like it expanded, welcoming even more love for him. Love and joy and peace—everything he’d ever wanted her to feel, in the sweetest degree.

She gave him all that she was, all that she would ever be, her breath emerging choppily. He gave her all that he was, all that he would ever be, his muscles knotting underneath her hands.

“Love you, Nicola.”

He felt the intensity, too, she thought. He must. “Love. Yes.” Oh, sweet heat... More, more, please more... Her heart was pounding...her body seeming to expand, just like her heart, unable to contain her innermost being. “Faster,” she begged.

He obeyed, his motions sharp and sure.

“Yes. Yes! Koldo, I’m going to...” Burst apart at the seams and fly away.

And that’s exactly what happened.

She burst. She flew. And wherever she ended up, utter satisfaction slammed through her, at last assuaging the ache that had plagued her since their first kiss. She was suddenly complete, a woman who had survived the worst and found the best.

In the distance, she heard Koldo’s loud roar echo, masculine contentment at its finest, drawing her back.

He collapsed on top of her, his heavy weight nearly smashing her lungs. But it was far more glorious than before. She was shaking and clutching at him, this man, her husband.

“How are you... You feel...” he said.

“Amazing,” she sighed.

“Yes. That was... That was... I don’t have words.”

“I do.” She kissed his neck, his hammering pulse. “That was worth doing again.”


crested in the sky, casting rays into the room, Koldo’s mind whirled. Nicola was draped over him, her chin resting on his sternum, her fingers petting through his beard, then along the planes of his chest. He had his hand flattened on her lower back, a possessive hold to be sure.

He opened his mouth to say thank-you—again—but he sang instead. He hadn’t sung since his childhood, days before his mother removed his wings. He’d never thought to sing again. He’d never had reason. And yet, his low baritone emerged, filling the room, giving Nicola this final piece of himself.

I’m yours. I surrender all.

When he finished, she sat up to peer down at him. He’d once again covered her with his essentia, causing her skin to glow the most luscious shade of gold—and his heart to constrict.

“That was so beautiful.” Her eyes were heavy with slumber, wet with tears, her lips swollen and red from his kisses. Beautiful strawberry curls fell in tangles, shielding her breasts. She was the picture of a well-loved woman—one he wanted to love again. “Such a serious expression, my famous warrior. What are you thinking about?”

He twirled one of her curls around his finger. Sex wasn’t what he had imagined. Oh, he’d known naked bodies would strain together. And because of the kisses and caresses he and Nicola had already shared, he’d expected the pleasure. But he hadn’t expected to have every bit of his sense of self shredded by her. Had he, he would have thought he’d hate it. Instead, he’d loved every second.

“I would tell you, but I’ve satisfied you too intently for you to have a working brain. You wouldn’t understand.”

A pause. A gasp. “Did Koldo the Serious just crack a joke?”

“He hopes not,” he said, trying not to grin.

She tsked. “I’m thinking someone needs assurance that he did a good job.”

“He does.” And he wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Her feelings mattered to him.

“How very human of him,” she said with a grin of her own.

“It’s fitting. After all, he has a human in his heart now.” He’d expected to go slowly with her, to savor every moment, help her gradually reach a climax so that her body wouldn’t shut down. Instead, his own had urged him to go faster, to do more, to do everything she would allow him to do. He’d been lost in a world of carnality—committed carnality, that is. He wouldn’t have liked doing this with anyone else. He’d suspected before, but he knew beyond a doubt now. He’d been too vulnerable during the act, all of his defenses down.

“If I had to describe our night together with a single word, I would say...hmm.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Pleasant, I guess.”

“Pleasant. You guess?”

A little giggle bubbled from her—the kind he’d wanted her to have. “Yeah. You need practice. Selah.”

A mock growl rumbled in him. “I’m not pausing and thinking. I’m starting now.” He rolled her over, poised above her with a dark scowl. “But before I teach you the meaning of
—again—you will tell me how you feel.”


“No weakness?”

“No. I’m healed.” Her eyes widened. “I am. Koldo, I’m really healed! My heart didn’t act up once.”

She was...right. Not once had she displayed any symptoms of a defective heart. Her stamina had even surpassed his own. “The toxin is gone.”

“Yes! But it’s more than that, I think. I feel so clean. So...strong.”

Yes, that did sound like more had happened. As if a spring from the Water of Life had formed inside of her, creating a well of health and vitality. But that would mean she was a Sent One.

He’d heard of that happening. But...was she?

“I’m so glad,” he said.

“I—” Suddenly she frowned, rubbed at her chest. “Something’s wrong. I need to check on Laila.”

As many times as he’d sensed the danger Nicola was in, he knew not to discount her instinctual feelings. “Of course.” He stood and dressed in the robe he’d torn. While the garment was once again in pristine condition, it was different than what he was used to. It opened in back and when he shoved his arms through the holes, the material had to fit itself around his wings and weave the seams together around them.

He tugged Nicola to her feet and pushed her own robe over her head, covering her beautiful curves—a certain travesty. He kissed her temple, and said, “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.”

“I know.” She was steady, her color high—welcome signs of her newfound well-being.

Koldo flashed her to Zacharel’s cloud, the romance of his home giving way to the functionality of his leader’s. “Zacharel,” he called out.

“Back here. Hurry. I was just about to summon you.”

Nicola burst into motion, dragging Koldo with her. In the living room, Zacharel and Annabelle crouched in front of the couch, where Laila still sprawled. Her skin had taken on a yellowish hue, and she was thrashing, moaning, her teeth coated with blood. She must have bitten her tongue.

Nicola rushed forward, pushed the couple out of the way and knelt beside her sister. “Oh, my love. No.”

Zacharel met Koldo’s gaze, stood and closed the distance. “Her heart stopped, but I was able to revive her,” the warrior said quietly. “She won’t last long.”

“Don’t you dare say that,” Nicola threw at Zacharel, clearly fighting sobs.

Something in Koldo’s chest constricted. He studied his wife’s twin. To his surprise, the Most High once again allowed him to see past skin and bone and into her spirit.

There were now two demons inside her.

They’d managed to slip past her defenses, Koldo realized, his heart sinking. Or rather, her lack of defenses. How would Nicola react when her sister died? And Laila would die. She hadn’t fought the toxin, but had welcomed more.

“The demons plaguing her...” Koldo began.

“They’re gone,” Nicola interjected. “I know that, but—”

“No,” Koldo said, torn up inside. “They’re inside her, love.”

Nicola stiffened. “No. No!”

“I’m sorry.”

Violently she shook her head, saying, “Feed her more of the Water.”

“I cannot help her if she will not help herself.”

“I’ll talk to her. I’ll make her understand.” She shook her sister, trying to wake her up. “Listen to me, Laila, okay? You have to listen to me.” Nicola shook her harder, her desperation evident.

Though an agonized moan was Laila’s only response, Nicola began to talk, telling her sister everything she’d learned about spiritual warfare and overcoming demons. She talked and she talked and she talked, but Laila’s condition never improved.

Eventually Nicola’s voice cracked. Big, fat tears rolled down her cheeks. She twisted, looked to Koldo. “Tell me what to do,” she croaked. “Please, just tell me what to do to help her, and I’ll do it.”

Spiritually, Laila was no stronger than she’d been the day he’d found her in the hospital. “Nicola—”

“No. Don’t say it. Don’t say there’s nothing you can do.” She swiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand. “There has to be something.”

He hated seeing her like this, so broken, so sad. Losing hope. He couldn’t bear it.

And he hadn’t tried everything within his power to force Laila to listen, had he? He’d concentrated his efforts on Nicola. He had allowed life to distract him, every spare moment spent with his mother or chasing after his father—even when he’d known the peril Laila faced.

If he didn’t try one last time, a wall could be built between Nicola and him. Oh, she would forgive him for any wrong she thought he’d done. If she even blamed him at all. But every time she thought of this moment, he would be cast in the role of failure.

He would have given up too soon.

He wouldn’t have done all that he could.

And she would be right to think so.

Dread filled him, but still he looked to Zacharel. “I must go. Guard the females.”

“What are you—” The answer must have come to his leader, because the male nodded. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I am.”

A nod of that dark head. “Will you come here afterward?”

“Only to give you the vial. If I stay, she’ll try and take care of me.” And that would only negate what he was about to do.

Again, Zacharel understood. “I see your essentia all over her. You have claimed Nicola.”

“I have.”

He gave Koldo another sage nod. “I’ll keep the females safe.”

“Thank you. And...thank you for the gift,” he said, flaring his wings. He turned to Nicola. “I must go, but I’ll return with the Water of Life. It will buy her another few weeks, and we can try again to teach her the truths she needs to fight and win.”

Hope sprang in her eyes and he gave her a quick kiss before flashing to the realm of the Council. There was no time to waste.

An opulent palace made from silver stone appeared just in front of him, the tiered structure rising from a steep cliff, each layer topped by a dark red steeple. Snowcapped mountains were spread out behind it, mist falling from each of the peaks.

Last time he was here, he’d lost the hair on his head and the skin off his back.

Today, he would probably lose his wings.

Koldo pounded up the steps leading to the double doors in front, his boots thumping against the cobbles. Inside, the walls were painted with scenes of the victories the Most High had won. Battles against demons, human lives saved. Battles of good against evil, right against wrong, love against hate. For once, Koldo understood why the Most High had fought so valiantly to save the humans. There was nothing more precious than a devoted human heart.

Two guards were posted at the entrance to the tribunal chamber, their wings a rich cerulean. Angels aided Sent Ones and humans alike. Both males held a sword across the door, the lines of metal crossing in the center.

Koldo paused in front of them and offered his name, as was custom.

“Grata,” they called, and clanged the swords together before flicking their wrists and twirling the metal behind them, creating an opening.

Koldo soared forward, pushing open the doors. An azure carpet stretched to the center of the spacious room. Above him arched a domed ceiling, angels and clouds visible through the crystal. The walls were draped with white velvet, and the floor polished ebony. The only furniture was a half-moon desk, and seven chairs. Seven council members peered at him expectantly, each wearing a decorative robe of a different color. Red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, magenta and violet. A rainbow of luxury. The Most High blessed His people with abundant wealth.

Four males, three females, and each appeared to be at the end of a human life—and Koldo wasn’t sure why. No one was, though they were certain it had nothing to do with rot, as with the Nefas. As with Germanus, these beings had silver hair and heavily wrinkled skin.

Even still, they were powerful in ways Koldo could not fathom.

He inclined his head in greeting.

“So soon you return to us,” Dominicus said.

“This surprises me,” Isabella said.

“I have need of the Water of Life,” Koldo announced.

Adeodatus tilted his head to the side, pondering him. “And you wish to give it to a human, rather than a comrade.”

He wasn’t startled by the fact that they knew his purpose. They always knew. “Yes.”

“Why?” Christa asked.

Koldo gave them the entire story. How he’d met Nicola, what had happened with her, what had happened with her sister.

“One listened, and one did not,” Benedictus said. “Interesting.”

“Why should Laila Lane receive another chance?” Katherina asked.

“Because she deserves it? No,” Koldo said. “Because she desires it for herself? No. But because I, a servant of the Most High, am asking.”

A slow smile lit Dominicus’s entire face. “You have gained confidence since last you were here. I approve.”

Last time, he’d come for Zacharel and Annabelle. Last time, he’d come with anger and hate in his chest, determined to do whatever was necessary to capture his mother. He had kept his head bowed, his voice low, too afraid of being turned down.

Today, he knew he would not be turned down. He knew his rights. Knew he was in good stead with the Most High, his anger released, his past wiped away. There were no obstacles in his path. What he wanted, he wanted out of love. And it was always the Most High’s will to heal. Never did He want a person to suffer, not even to learn a lesson.

“We have no need to convene and discuss. You are approved,” Christa said with a nod.

As he’d known he would be. Now, to hammer out the details. “What must I sacrifice? I will give whatever you ask, but I wish to remind you that this is not the Most High’s way. He doesn’t require anything but the respect of His laws.”

“But we require this, wanting our traditions to stand,” Benedictus said sternly. “Do you still wish to proceed?”

No need to think about his answer. “I do.”

A pause as the members looked to each other. In unison, they nodded.

“We could ask you to stay away from the human, Nicola,” Katherina said.

His stomach twisted. No. Not that. Anything but that.

“But we will not,” she added, and he breathed a sigh of relief. “We will take your wings. Leave them here. Then, you may go to Clerici’s temple, where you will be whipped. Afterward, he will escort you to the river gate. Do you agree?”

Nicola’s tearstained face flashed before Koldo’s eyes. “I do,” he said.

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