Beauty Queen (29 page)

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Authors: Julia London

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Beauty Queen
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And then there was the vacuum cleaner.

Matt closed his eyes, rubbed one, opened them again, and yessir, that was a toy vacuum cleaner. What the hell? he asked, pointing at the vacuum cleaner.

My fackum cleaner, Grayson said, looked at him with great expectation.

No. No, no, noooo, kid, Matt said, shaking his head as Grayson looked curiously at the vacuum cleaner beside him. You cant play with a vacuum cleaner. Thats a girls toy! Dont you play boy games?

Like what? he asked.

Like . .. hunting for frogs, or digging holes. Dont you do stuff like that with your friends?

You mean with Jo Lynn?

No. I mean with your pals.

I dont have any friends where I live, he said apologetically.

This wasnt right, not right at all. She was going to warp a perfectly cool little kid and turn him into a girly man. Matt put his hands on his waist, stared down at Grayson. What about your rescue guys? he asked, gesturing at the four of them lined up there. Grayson followed his gaze and looked at them. They hate vacuum cleaners, you know.

They doT

Oh, yeah, Matt said, shrugging out of his coat and loosening his tie. This is what they think of them, he said, and walked around to the front of the desk, picked up the fireman, and dive-bombed him into the vacuum cleaner. Only he must have used a little too much force, because the piece of shit plastic toy switch snapped off.

But it made Grayson laugh, and he got the gist of the game, kicking the sweeper.

Thats what Im talking about! Matt said, and handed Grayson the paramedic Rescue Hero and blithely watched the kid go after it. In fact, he was having such a good time watching him that he didnt hear Toms office door open, didnt hear them at all until Rebecca exclaimed, What are you doing?

He and Grayson both jerked up, staring with horror at each other before turning toward the door where Rebecca was standing, gaping at what was left of that stupid cheap vacuum cleaner essentially, two big plastic pieces. Tom stood behind her, shaking his head. Thats not cool, man.

Rebecca looked at Matt with the same blue eyes that were haunting him on a fairly routine basis, looking for an explanation. Okay, he said, holding his hands out. Hear me out. Maybe we went a little too far, but the thing is, Rebecca, thats a ... a vacuum cleaner.

Youre kidding, Tom exclaimed, wide-eyed.

I know what it is, she said, her brows dipping into a pretty scowl. A pretty furious scowl.

Grayson doesnt need to be playing with vacuum

cleaners, Matt said earnestly, putting his arm around Graysons shoulder and drawing him into his side.

I cant imagine Bud would like it, Tom opined matter-of-factly.

That earned both men a look of pure disdain. Well, thank you both for your insights. But I will remind you that Grayson is only five, and he likes toys that have motors. Thats all that it means.

I dont like fackum cleaners, Mom, Grayson said in the little big man thing he had going, and Matt felt the stirrings of pure male kinship.

Really? You did ten minutes ago! She went down on her haunches and looked at the two halves. Matt almost told her that the thing really came apart pretty easily, and he hoped she didnt pay a whole lot for it, but then she looked up at him with such an icy blast that he thought the better of it.

Rebecca, Im sorry. Grayson and I will clean it up, and Ill reimburse you

That wont be necessary, she said coolly, and stood up again. By the way, did you decide Grayson didnt need any of his other toys, or do they all meet with your approval?

Ah, theyre ... fine. Matt mumbled sheepishly.

Thank you.

So, ah, what have you guys been doing? Matt asked in a blatant attempt to change the subject.

Tom slapped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously. That bingo thing was so greatV he declared. Ive asked Rebecca to set up a big star-studded fund-raiser for me this summer. Statewide invites.

Matt stopped looking at the vacuum pieces. A fundraiser?

Yeah. Im thinking one with all the big stars of Texas, like Renee Zellwegger, he said, and looked at Rebecca. Do you think you can get Renee Zellwegger?

Ive never met her

Yeah, but maybe Bud or someone knows her. Maybe your dad?

I dont think so, Rebecca answered, looking puzzled.

Tom shrugged. Okay, just ask around. Tell your dad youre trying to get her, and maybe he can help.

But my dad

Wait, wait, Matt interrupted, still trying to absorb it. Jeff said theyve already set out a schedule of fundraisers, including a big mother.

Yeah, but this is going to be even bigger and just for me. Ive got my own backers, and I told Rebecca if she could find a big outdoor venue, we could do like a barbecue and dance, something like that. You know, make it a thou to fifteen hundred a plate, more for the inner circle.

But, Tom, Matt tried again, the party has carefully planned the fund-raisers. As in when and where and who ... you cant just insert a big bruiser in the middle of all that.

Tom laughed. Hey, pal, he said cheerfully, whos running for office, you or me?

Matt, can we go hunt for frogs? Grayson asked, oblivious to the conversation around him.

Why? There was a huge toad and his pretty little lily pad standing right in front of them.

Chapter Twenty
And it is precisely these variations in behavior and attitude that trigger in each of us a common response: Seeing others around us differing from us, we conclude that these differences. . are but temporary manifestations of madness, badness, stupidity, or sickness. . .

So here shed spent several days romanticizing his gift and thinking about little else but him, and he shows up to bust Graysons vacuum cleaner and get all bent out of shape because they had planned a big gala fund-raiser? The man seriously needed to get over himself... or maybe she did. One of them did.

Rebecca picked up a piece of Graysons little Hoover, which, incidentally, he LOVED until this afternoon, and his Rescue Buddies, and shoved them into the portable toy box that accompanied them everywhere. Big Pants squatted down to help her, and they both reached for the paramedic at the same time. Rebecca slapped his hand away.

Ouch, he whined.

Wheres the S.W.A.T. guy? she asked Grayson. He shrugged his shoulders.

I think hes over here, Matt said, and fell over himself (literally) getting it off the desk to hand her.

Say Matt, lets talk about the Hispanic Democrats. Jeff says youve got some ideas? Tom said over her head.

Ah . . . yeah. Just give me a minute

Rebecca stood up, gripping Graysons portable toy box with the pieces in it.

Come on back to the office, Tom said. Rebecca, you keep up the good work! And dont forget to call your dad and tell him all about me! With a jaunty wave, Tom started back to his office.

Matt shoved a hand through his hair, winced at Rebeccas cool expression. Will you just wait one second before you take off? he asked, following Tom.

Rebecca waited exactly one second as she watched him stride down the hall, feeling very baffled by Big Pants, but what else was new, and a little baffled by Toms sudden interest in her father. During their hour-long meeting, he had asked her twice if Dad knew about the campaign, what he thought of it, and if he was going to come to any of the events. She tried to explain to Tom that her dad really wasnt political (and didnt even attempt to explain his aversion to Democrats in general, or her reservations about him showing up anywhere she was trying to work), but Tom was insistent. Tell him about me. he had said without an ounce of self-consciousness.

In spite of her very best efforts to keep the old girl down. Doormat Rebecca reared her ugly head and said, Sure! God. she was too polite sometimes! And gullible. And entirely too easily pushed around.

Not this time. She was going to stand right up and stomp on Big Pants humongous he-shouldnt-be-playing-with-vacuums ego. Maybe give the homophobe a good kick in the pants while she was at it, which she envisioned doing, in slow motion and really hard, like they did in the Matrix movie.

She found the Rescue Buddy policeman and the fireman, asked Grayson if there was anything else. He pointed to his book, tossed aside. She put that in the sack, too, then returned to the small office where they normally stashed their stuff, gathered up her purse and briefcase and her son, and, together, they marched out to the Rover. Rebecca loaded the stuff into the back, then went around to the

passenger side where Grayson was sitting, kicking the dash. Stop kicking the dash.


Oh grand. She glanced over her shoulder as she strapped Grayson in his seat. Matt was jogging toward her, his tie flapping behind him. When he reached the Rover, he stopped, flashed that heart-melting grin, and said, Hey, Im really sorry. When Rebecca didnt respond, his grin just got deeper and whiter. I had no right to do it or even think it. Im an idiot.

Im with you so far, she muttered.

Im a jerk, what can I say? It was very stupid and insensitive of me. And juvenile. And just plain disrespectful and selfish and Im probably going straight to hell for it. Well, for that, and a lot of other stuff.

I couldnt possibly agree more, she said, shielding the sun with her hand so she could glare up at him.

Grayson and I promise to never do it again, dont we, Grayson?

I promise, Mom!

Dammit, but she could feel a small, hairline crack in her anger. It was just a toy, Matt, not an indictment of my sons preferences. What are you, a homophobe?

I deserve that, he said agreeably, but no, Im really not.

I really dont understand you. How can you be such a nice guy and then ruin it by making some snap judgment, like Barbies are unacceptable for a five-year-old boy, or Bingo games arent appropriate political venues

Hey, Im right about the Barbies

That is exactly what I am talking about, she said, frowning.

He sighed, looked at the pavement, and stroked his chin. Yeah, I know youre right. He peeked up at her. Im sorry, I really am. Let me make it up to you

I dont want you to make it

Want some ice cream, kiddo? Matt asked Grayson, blowing right past her.

YES! ICE CREAM! Grayson shrieked.

Thats cheating! Rebecca protested.

I know, he said with a wink, and casually propped his arm against the car door and grinned down at her. But it was the only way I was going to win. And I have to win this time because I was really an idiot, and if you dont let me make it up to you now, I may never have another opportunity. So how about it, little girl? Want some ice cream?

Ice cream, nectar of the Gods. I dont care for any, she lied, but I might be talked into a soda. She lifted her chin a smidge higher. And you have to ride in the back with the Rescue Buddies. She stepped back, out of his strong magnetic field, the one that could suck her in and seize her before she knew what was happening.

Thanks, Matt said cheerfully, and climbed in.

He directed her to Amys Ice Cream, which was located, rather conveniently, just across the street from his penthouse apartment. Grayson got double fudge chocolate with Reeses Peanut Butter Cup pieces. Matt got butter pecan with extra pecans thrown in, and talked Rebecca into a small cup of chocolate ice cream, which she took with some reservation. Her reservation being that she had a small problem with ice cream, like a crack addict had a problem with cocaine. It was completely out of her control, and she really preferred Matt-not hear any of the terrible oinking sounds she could make when she ate it.

They ended up taking their ice cream to Matts apartment after he asked Grayson if he wanted to see his room. The man was wily, shed definitely give him that. They sat around his big glass dining table; Matt devoured his ice cream in about three bites, tossed the container into a nearby trash bin, then leaned back, stretching his arm across the next chair. So how was your weekend? he drawled as he watched Rebecca pick at her ice cream.

Small talk. She hated small talk, had never been any good at it, and was really no good at it when her skin was on fire just because of the proximity of a man. Ah . .. fine, she said.

Fine? Thats it? Did you hit any bingo halls? Vacuum anything? Maybe hand-address a few thousand envelopes?

Obsess about him, maybe?

We went to Grandpas house, Grayson answered for her. He has horses and cows and some sheep. But no pigs, because Grandpa says they stink.

Excellent! Matt exclaimed, and shifted his gaze to Rebecca. So I guess I can assume you have nothing against the lyric opera, but were out of town?

Rebecca smiled into her cup. You may assume that.

Well paint me remarkably relieved, he said with a smile. So with all those animals around, did you find time for drawing?

Mom drew lots of pictures, Grayson chimed in again. And then she made Bean take about ten baths!

Matts chest puffed a little. You took your sketchbook, huh?

Rebecca stabbed her chocolate ice cream, wondered why answering that question made her feel like she was pulling her skirt up and exposing herself. Yes, she said at last. I took it. And I drew a little.

She drew some trees and some cows, Grayson clarified.

Ah, Matt said, drumming his fingers against the table top. Trees and cows . . . So? How did it go?

With a soft laugh, Rebecca shrugged. Im no Renoir, thats for sure. Im very rusty ... but it started to come back to me, she said, and glanced sheepishly at him. Thanks. You really cant know what a precious gift that was.

That made, Matt positively beam. This is great news Im not one hundred percent idiot.

Rebecca shook her head; her gaze fell to his mouth, her heart filling with the memory of his kiss, how it felt to be held by him, how it felt. ..

Mom, did you tell him about Tater? Grayson asked, jerking her back to reality.

Whos Tater? Matt asked, still beaming.

Hes my dog.

So dude, what is up with all those dogs? Matt asked, playfully punching him in the shoulder. You have Frank, right? And Bean

And Tater! Grayson cried. But we cant help it cuz they come to live with us.

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