Beauty Tempts the Beast

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Authors: Leslie Dicken

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Beauty Tempts the Beast
Leslie Dicken
Samhain (2006)

Is the enemy of her enemy a friend…or a beast?

Lord Ashworth is scarred by a night of terror years ago that left his face in ruins and his life in shreds. He hides in Silverstone Manor, using rumors that paint him as a horrible, murdering monster to keep visitors at bay. Yet he can’t shake the feeling that the rumors might be true. He tells himself it’s better this way. If his memories ever resurface, at least he will be the only one hurt by them.

The woman on his doorstep, however, simply refuses to fear him. That’s not only an oddity, it’s a threat to his secret…and his heart.

Vivian Suttley has seen the face of evil more than once in her young life. She’s on the run from the latest, a cruel man determined to force her to marry him. Whatever the whispers about the reclusive Ashworth, surely it’s nothing compared to the bleak, violent future she leaves behind.

Ashworth saved her once before, and he’s her last hope for refuge. Yet she wonders if she’s truly safer at Silverstone—or if she has just made the biggest mistake of her life.


“This Beauty and Beast story in a Gothic mode is a feast of sensual tension and secrets with a mystery that pulls you to a surprise ending. From the very beginning it is hard to determine which is greater - the secrets the hero and heroine are hiding or the sensual tension that sizzles whenever they are together!”
~ eCataRomance

“If you are a historical romance fan I cannot recommend this book enough. On the Cheeky Reads scale I give it a 4 Heart Review - It really is a fantastic read!”
~ Cheeky Reads

“Beauty Tempts The Beast is brisk, fast-paced, and completely sexy...The dark and mysterious atmosphere Ms. Dicken's creates in Silverstone Manor pitch perfect...Ms. Dicken is a talented story-teller.”
~ Long and Short Reviews

“I was hooked from page one and sat up way too late reading because I couldn't put it down. I found the characters intriguing and well-written....Secrets abound, a mystery is afoot, and romance is in the air: all the makings of a fabulous story that does not disappoint. I can't wait to search for more of Ms. Dicken's work.”
~ BookWenches

“Dicken's gothic romance has a mysterious villain, a crumbling manor, a scarred hero and a desperate heroine. The mystery is well done, and the hero and heroine engage the reader's sympathies.”
~ RT Romance Reviews


Is the enemy of her enemy a friend…or a beast?


Lord Ashworth is scarred by a night of terror years ago that left his face in ruins and his life in shreds.

He hides in Silverstone Manor, using rumors that paint him as a horrible, murdering monster to keep visitors at bay. Yet he can’t shake the feeling that the rumors might be true. He tells himself it’s better this way. If his memories ever resurface, at least he will be the only one hurt by them.

The woman on his doorstep, however, simply refuses to fear him. That’s not only an oddity, it’s a threat to his secret…and his heart.

Vivian Suttley has seen the face of evil more than once in her young life. She’s on the run from the latest, a cruel man determined to force her to marry him. Whatever the whispers about the reclusive Ashworth, surely it’s nothing compared to the bleak, violent future she leaves behind.

Ashworth saved her once before, and he’s her last hope for refuge. Yet she wonders if she’s truly safer at Silverstone—or if she has just made the biggest mistake of her life.


Warning: This book contains a lot of sexual tension and a several sexual scenes, have a fan ready!

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201


Beauty Tempts the Beast

Copyright © 2009 by Leslie Dicken

ISBN: 978-1-60504-617-4

Edited by Tera Kleinfelter

Cover by Natalie Winters


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd. e
lectronic publication: July 2009

Beauty Tempts the Beast


Leslie Dicken


I wish to dedicate this book to:

My family, who have always been proud of me and supported my dreams.

Lisa Paitz Spindler, who has been a faithful critique partner and friend for nearly ten years.

Sheila Raye, who begged me to send her a new chapter to read and review each day as I wrote.

Tawny, Trish, Mona and Jenny, who read through this story and offered their feedback.

All members of the Playground (Writers At Play), who have encouraged me and provided me with years of fun and friendship.

And my editor, Tera, and Samhain, for giving me the chance to share this book with the world.

Chapter One

Lake District, Northern England, 1840

Wind screamed over the cliff, rattling the window panes with a phantom’s cold breath. Just the way he liked it.

Charles Hansard, Viscount Ashworth, swirled the brandy in his chipped glass, then swallowed it in a gulp. He’d had more than enough. It no longer held a taste. He waited in the darkened room for the clock to tick off several minutes. Let the girl squirm a bit before he entered, then she could flee in gratitude like the others before her.

He would not return to London this year, nor any other. He’d had enough of the ton’s whispers and glances. Nay, he’d not give them something else to discuss over tea or at their dreadful balls.

The cracked leather chair squeaked as he stood. It was time to set this next victim free. Despite his mother’s attempts at bribing girls with his wealth, Ashworth knew they feared him. He saw the terrified glaze in their eyes. No well-bred daughter wanted to marry The Monster.

He entered the rarely used parlor through the study’s adjoining door, expecting to find the girl trembling in the corner. That’s what they usually did. Hell, they all looked alike to him. Whether tall or short, dark or light, all of society’s debutantes paled at the sight of his hideous scar.

This one stood with her back to him, head angled up at a faded painting, the subject barely distinguishable. Instead of an expensive silk gown and fancy hat, this girl wore only a simple brown dress.

Dark hair twisted down her back in a single braid.

“You may take your leave,” Ashworth said. He leaned against a column and waited for her to run.

Her spine stiffened noticeably, but she didn’t make a move for the door.

“Go on. Leave. I don’t take kindly to strangers.”

She wheeled around, her eyes, darker than a moonless night, challenged him. “And I don’t take kindly to self-pitying eccentrics. Have the marriage contract drawn up. I’m not going anywhere.”

He must not have heard her correctly. No one wanted to stay in this appalling, crumbling house. No one wanted to be near him. “I won’t hold you to my mother’s bargain. Go.”

Her olive skin flushed. “I will not go. I have agreed to marry you. Let us sign the contract so that the wedding can take place.”

Ashworth shoved a hand through his hair. Who was this girl and what the hell was wrong with her?

None of the others had insisted on marrying him. Nay, they all ran like frightened kittens.

Something was driving her to desperation. Her curvaceous frame, obvious even in the plain clothing, did not appear to carry a bastard child. Her stomach looked flat and her breasts were full but not ripened for a babe’s hungry mouth. What brought her to him? Whatever the reason, it did not matter; he wouldn’t be the one to absolve her of her troubles.

He cleared his throat. “My mother fancies herself a grandmother. She will get those infants through one of her daughters. I do not wish to wed.” He went over and opened the parlor door, its creak echoing in the room. “Go.”

The stubborn girl stayed put. “From what I understand, you have no choice.”

“No choice? Certainly I do.”

She crossed her arms under her breasts, drawing his gaze. Ashworth looked away and focused on the clawed branches swaying outside the window. He wouldn’t be tempted by her feminine charms. She would not sway his stance. The Monster lived alone.

The girl lifted her chin. Did he detect a tremble of her lip? “You should have a talk with your mother.”

Icy fingers gripped his heart. She couldn’t do this to him. Yet, his own mother would use anything for her greediness, even an innocent child. Ashworth sucked in a deep breath of air, but his temples still pounded. “What did she tell you?”

The girl blinked, saying nothing. The clock ticked like a noisy heartbeat. Somewhere in the house a bell rang for a servant. At last, she wiped her hands on her skirt. “I only know that you must marry soon. I do not know why.”

Did she truly not know or just know better than to admit it? No matter, he could scare this girl away and then deal with his mother’s threat later.

Ashworth pulled himself up to his full height. Intimidation. Eventually this girl would submit to it, just like all the rest. Even the boldest antelope eventually fell to the mighty lion.

He crossed the room in long strides and stood within inches of her. She smelled of wild honeysuckle.

He narrowed his eyes and scowled, deepening his scar to its most hideous. “You’ll not want to be married to me.”

She flinched, but only for the briefest moment. “Do not be so certain. What makes you believe you are different from any other man?”

Had she known another man? Is this what brought her to him? “I am not like other men. I have certain tastes. Odd preferences.”

“Living in an old decaying manor? Reclusive from society?” She lifted a rounded shoulder. “They do not bother me.”

He would learn what bothered her.

Ashworth brushed a finger along her jaw. The caress startled her, widened her eyes, but she kept her courage and didn’t move away. His groin stirred at the soft texture of her skin. “Perhaps I meant in bed.”

She swallowed. Her face paled ever so slightly beneath his fingertips. “As…as your wife, I shall obey.”

His pulse leapt. He had not dared to dream. To have a wife, a woman to lie beside him at night. It had been so long since he enjoyed the curves of a woman’s body, too long since a woman’s delicate fingers trailed over his skin.

“What is your name?” The question came from his lips in a husky whisper.


Ashworth slid his thumb over the small dimple in her chin. He grinned when her red lip trembled.

“Have you a surname? Do you come from gentry? Perhaps you are a village girl out to dupe the eccentric viscount.”

Ah, that got her temper. Her cheeks flushed to rose-colored circles. “No, my lord. I am a baron’s daughter from a day’s journey away.”

He wanted to ask why she kept her family a secret from him and what caused her to make this trip to be a stranger’s wife. But his questions could wait.

Ashworth encircled her fingers in the warm cocoon of his hand. She gasped but still did not flee.

“Touch me,” he whispered, lifting her hand. “My face. I dare you to touch it.”

He brought her fingers to his scar then released them. He knew that at any moment she would recoil in disgust at the deep gash. His heart thumped against his ribs, his mouth dried with the anticipation, but Vivian’s gaze softened. No look of revulsion marred her smooth brow as she traced the deep chasm from above his right eye all the way down to his lip. Her finger repeated the trail with an unhurried tenderness, while inside him a fervor blazed.

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