Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (38 page)

BOOK: Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America
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Control Education of Foreign Students of Hostile Countries

With the infiltration of radical extremists in our universities, it is foolish to allow Muslims to take any type of science courses, especially any of them that deal with chemistry or nuclear physics. We are actually supplying them with the knowledge for destroying a democratic society without really trying. We make it so easy! A lot of these students come here on a scholarship by their government to study. I know from personal experience with Lebanese friends that the Hariri Foundation, headed by the late billionaire Rafik Hariri, made it possible for Lebanese students to come study here in the U.S. on the condition that they would return to Lebanon. I wonder how many of these students studied chemistry and physics and are now applying their knowledge to Hezbollah terrorist operations.

Develop Alternative Energy Sources

Another way that our government can eradicate terrorism among the radical Islamists is to stop their cash flow. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil supplier to the United States and Europe
and the main provider of funds to promote Islamic terrorism throughout the world. Lack of revenue from oil profits would stop terrorism cold in its tracks. The development of American natural gas and oil reserves along with conservation projects are essential to curbing terrorism. Incentives are being offered right now by the government to businesses to create solar, wind, and nuclear energy. The elimination of energy dependency and Arab petrodollars will go a long way in the elimination of Islamic terror.

Silence Any Teaching of Hate and Intolerance Against Our Country

In addition to regulating Muslim classes at the universities, the government needs to ban all Islamic books and literature inciting hate in any mosque and madrassa in the United States. The material distributed in these institutions by the Saudis is inflammatory and an incitement to murder non-Muslims. Any members of mosques or madrassas who spew and preach hatred and are not American citizens, should immediately be sent back to their own country. We need to send a clear message that this type of hate education is not and will not be tolerated or accepted in our great country. In addition, the government should monitor Islamic Web sites.

What We Can Do to Make a Difference

Everyone can make a difference. I hope my personal experiences and the information in these pages will serve as a catalyst to motivate and compel readers into an activist’s role. None of us can fight terrorism alone. But if everyone commits to just one idea that I will discuss in this chapter, then we will win the war on radical Islamic terrorism! Here are several suggestions for how individuals and groups can make a difference. Remember, while you are reading this book, terrorist cells around the country are planning your death. The very people who devastated my homeland of Lebanon and massacred its Christian citizens are here in America and hope to carry out a similar plan in the name of their merciful and compassionate God, Allah.

Contact Your Elected Officials

Politicians are here to serve the people. If they want to be reelected, they will aim to please. Voting for candidates who are taking an objective and informed approach to our security makes a colossal difference. Your elected official can submit proposals and/or vote on legislature that has an impact on curbing terrorist activities. Get out there and be a participant in controlling the spread of radical Islam by making an appointment with your congressmen for you and a group of friends (groups wield more power). Let your politicians know that you take your grievances seriously. Discuss issues that you are concerned with and bring documented information in case your officials are uninformed regarding your subject matter. Let them know that you want to get involved in order to make a difference. Make sure not to leave their office until they have agreed to look into the matter and get back to you with suggestions on how they plan to initiate change for the better. Follow up with a note expressing gratitude for their time. Have friends and relatives write letters to your politicians to express their concern or satisfaction with a politician’s position, action, or legislation. Initiate legislation or sign petitions to change laws that hinder security, and start or sign petitions to promote legislation that strengthens security and makes a difference in slowing down terrorism. Who knows, this could be the beginning of your political career for a stronger, united America! Pressure your congressional representatives to:

  • Pass laws that will publicly disclose which countries sponsor terror, how much they have invested in American companies, and which companies.
  • Support the PATRIOT Act, and enact strict legislation that will protect us during this time of war.
  • Ensure wide presidential powers to protect us during this time of war.
  • Restrict visas granted to Islamic foreign nationals each year.
  • Provide for U.S. energy security and reduce the importance of oil in the global economy—go to the Energy Security Policy Web site and learn.
  • Create legislation that will lead to developing sources of energy other than oil.
  • Pass laws that promote Western values and ideals and dismiss excessive political correctness.
  • Secure the borders.
  • Fight legislation that empowers all tax-exempt religious organizations with increased abilities for political influence.
  • Enact laws to discourage excessive foreign funding for religious groups within the U.S.
  • In dealing with Islamic countries, insist on reciprocation or no deal. If they want to build a mosque or Islamic school in our country, we should be able to build a church and a Christian school in theirs.
  • Pursue all means available to uncover the plots of terror cell members and supporters living among us.
Monitor Your Local College or University

Another important way that you can make a difference is at your local college or university. Call the registrar’s office and ask if they have a Middle Eastern studies program or a course in Islamic religion. If so, try to talk to some of the students taking the course to understand the nature and content of the professors' lectures. Better yet, just show up to class every day and monitor courses to see if they have any anti-American or anti-Semitic focus. See if the course covers material that you feel may present a threat to America’s continued existence or include sentiments that could be construed as incitement to hate or murder. Make sure that you document everything that is said in class. Present your findings to the school administration, the media, the FBI, the local police, and the ACLU. (Wouldn’t it be great if the ACLU did something for a change and really stood up against those who want to replace America’s civil liberties with Sharia law?)

Report Suspicious Activity or Behavior

Speak out and fight against terror in our country by reporting any suspicious activity or individual. Homeland Security has reported that a number of suspects and known terrorists in this country have been apprehended thanks to the attentiveness of the American people. If you hear a person speak in a manner that can be construed as treasonous, or speak about an individual or group in such a way that it may promote violence against them, address that person. Let him/her know his/her vicious remarks are the result of ignorance and won’t be tolerated in your presence. If you feel that this individual may be a threat to our communities, contact the authorities.

Raising awareness to the threat of radical Islam in our country is an excellent way to fight terrorism. Our job is to inform as many people as we can about the history and deceitfulness of Islam, and the inflammatory, hateful passages in the Koran toward non-Muslims. This knowledge can be disclosed to one individual during a casual conversation, or to a group of people invited into your home. The more people who are informed, the more voices there will be to place additional restrictions on organizations that preach radical Islamic idealism. This is an essential step in curtailing the flow of terrorism.

Join an Activist Organization Against Terror

Joining an organization whose mission is to expose and combat the threat of Islamic terrorism is an excellent way to become an informed activist. These types of organizations will expose you to accurate facts on issues related to terrorism and will bring like minds together to discuss concerns and solutions. Working together, we can provide each other with the comfort and strength needed to battle our enemies.

The group I founded, American Congress for Truth (ACT), is one such organization. ACT was formed to give a voice to Americans— Jews, Christians, and Muslims—who have lost their tongue to political correctness. ACT’s mission is to inform, educate, inspire, motivate, network, and empower millions of uninformed Americans about the threat of militant fundamentalist Islam to America, Israel, and Western civilization. Through media, speaking engagements, and meeting with our elected leaders, ACT is working to bring change through an organized grassroots movement to oppose the terrorist threat to America.

We are informing concerned Americans using action alerts and a highly organized and informative Web site which deals with timely issues and legislation relating to our security. We are educating millions of uninformed Americans about our enemy and what they can do to protect themselves and our country. We are inspiring activists to get involved and take action. We are motivating Americans to become active in decisions affecting their security and way of life. We are networking with like-minded organizations to work together to bring about change. We are empowering average people to become a voice affecting their community and their nation.

Since its inception, ACT has created a membership of thousands of concerned Americans. We have given hundreds of presentations and numerous radio and TV interviews to educate the public about the Islamic threat facing our nation.

Join us today and become one of thousands of concerned Americans who have joined their hands with ours. Sign up at
. With the threat of radical Islam to our country and with so many of our citizens remaining silent and apathetic, President John F. Kennedy’s words still apply today: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for country."

Lobby for Patriotic Education in Americas Schools

Lobby for young people to be taught more in school about our founding documents, civics, American history and its heroes and participants, and America’s place in the world. Without this, our children grow up ignorant of the awesome and truly unique nature of our country. Think long term, as our enemy does. Hold school systems accountable for providing nonpartisan education. Monitor this by asking your children about what political positions their teachers take, and whether they indoctrinate against our country. If so, organize the parents to protest in writing. Make it known that you will not tolerate the teaching of any anti-Americanism in your child’s school, and enforce it.

Stay Informed and Speak Out

Stay informed—attend seminars in your local community about current issues. Many organizations, especially Jewish temples and community centers, host speakers on current affairs regularly. Read books, Web sites, and magazines. Watch political talk shows and listen to talk radio. There is so much information over the airwaves regarding what is happening in America and around the world. Do whatever you can to get the truth out. Write letters to your local newspaper expressing your opinion and letting journalists know that people are monitoring what they write. Speak up in your church, temple, or social group and inform others. If you can’t do either, then financially support those who can and have dedicated their time, energy, and effort to educating the public, putting the facts out, and mobilizing average Americans to protect America. Support

Promote Western Values in Your Home

Promote Western values and ideas in your own home. Plan family trips and take your children to Washington, D.C., and other historical sites to teach them to know and respect our culture and heritage. The White House Historical Society has games, toys, puzzles, and books which teach kids history in a fun way. Search the Internet for more information. Start instilling patriotic values in your children at a young age.

Important Things You Can Do
  • Divest your own portfolio of investments in companies that do business with terrorist-sponsoring states. Go to the
    Web site and learn more.
  • Learn which Muslim organizations have ties to terror (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) and work to allow them no support within the U.S. or around the globe.
  • Learn about electromagnetic pulse attacks, and support the EMP Threat Commission.
  • Defend and support all movements toward personal freedoms in the Middle East.
  • Reduce your own fuel consumption.
Support Our Troops

Finally, one of the kindest ways to fight the threat of Islamic radicalism is to send cards and letters to our military men and women in the Middle East and the rest of the world. Search the Web for organizations supporting our troops through letter-writing campaigns. Write the troops and thank them for their service and courage in their battle to restore the world to order and eliminate the danger of Islamic terror.

So many times in history in the last hundred years, citizens have stood by and done nothing, allowing evil to prevail. As America stood up against and defeated Communism, now it is time to stand up against the terror of religious bigotry and intolerance. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. The longer we lie supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect.

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