Before Sunrise (46 page)

Read Before Sunrise Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #bwwm interracial romance ir military romance, #bwwm interracial romance, #bwwm interracial

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I know my child. She’s
romanticized Liam in her head. He hasn’t given her half of what you
gave her. She was her own person because of you. What will she be

Phil sat forward. “Not really, Gail. See, we
talked about that, too. We sat down for four long hours and talked
about everything. She started living again because of Mackenzie.
She was honest with me, and you, from the beginning. We loved her
so much we wanted to help her, but we knew the source of her pain.
We knew the source of her strength. Her only focus was her


I can’t discuss this any
longer. To be honest, I’m not even sure if I can accept it yet. I’m
sorry, Gail, but I have a meeting.” He grabbed a folder. “It was
nice seeing you again.”

Wait. What about Christmas?
Are you coming over to the house? Is she moving Liam into
house? How does this

She and I are going to
figure it out. Excuse me. I have to go.”


Phil kissed her cheek, and then walked out.
He hurried his steps down the hall, his chest tight and his eyes
tearing. Gritting his teeth, he dialed the phone to call his own
mother, to break the news. He’d tried to hold on, but the best he
could do now was pretend. He loved her. He’d lost her. It was




Girl, stop. Are you
serious?” Angelina laughed.

Yes,” Kennedy said into her
earpiece. She kept both hands on the steering wheel, easing toward
the exit lane approaching. “Mackenzie woke up. I wanted to die.”
Kennedy smiled. She checked the rearview mirror and saw Mac playing
with the bell on her elf hat.

Well, honey, when the twins
were toddlers I could tell you some stories that could compete. I
felt like I was split in half. Anthony could be such a big baby
about it. I walked around with no panties on, so I could sneak a
little in between feedings and diaper changes.”

Oh no. I can’t do that.
Especially with her in the room.”

You’re going to be
surprised what you
do.” Angelina laughed.

Kennedy rolled her eyes, but didn’t deny it.
Maybe if they had separate beds she would have been even more

So what’s the plan? You got
your man back. I know you have to work things out with Phil, but
how will you do both?”

Not sure. Daddy and mama
are going to stay at the house with Mackenzie today. I just got off
the phone with him. Sally had to go back to Chicago. She’s going to
try to be here for Christmas, though. I plan to call Phil and have
him come over this evening to help Mac decorate the Christmas tree,
the way they usually do. That means Mackenzie’s day will be

And? You and Liam? What
will you be doing?”


You kidding,

No. He’s already making
plans and demands and he doesn’t even have a chair. So I have to
make some things happen pretty quickly.”

True. That is really sweet
of Eric. Anthony told me about it last night.”

Kennedy smiled “I love Eric. So does Liam.
He’s the best friend to us, next to you guys, of course.”

You know Harper has a crush
on him.”

Yeah, Eric has had to deal
with that crazy girl’s crush for a while. She hasn’t been really
good at hiding it. She nearly drools when he walks through a door.
He can handle her, I’m sure.”

I don’t know, she was
talking kind of crazy at the house yesterday. Said he was going to
be hers. She said she had a plan.”

Kennedy frowned. “I’ll talk to her. Liam
would flip out. No more drama, please.”

Why? Seriously, if anybody
should understand it’s you two.”

Eric’s a brother to him.
For Liam, it would be incestuous. Plus, Liam will never admit it,
but he still carries guilt over how young I was when we started
out. I can’t explain it. I just kind of know it. He would never
accept a Harper and Eric hook-up. Harper needs to fixate on getting
through the first year of college, not Eric. I’ll talk to

So you and Liam will buy
furniture. Then what?”

First he has to go on base
to meet with that witch. And I have to get to the office so I don’t
lose my job. Make sure everything is okay. We’ll meet this
afternoon. Do some furniture shopping and…well, I’ll probably stay
the night with him. I’m thinking that I should go and get
something. I don’t know. Sexy.”

Definitely. You got time to
get your hair done, toes done, coochie shaved.”

Kennedy laughed. “I think I can manage.”

I’m just glad the pregnancy
scare is over. I never thought your uterus would agree with you
carrying any man’s child but Liam’s.”

Kennedy laughed. “Funny, but you were the
one telling me to get pregnant. Now you knew I couldn’t?

Angelina spoke through her laughter.
“Whatever. You better be prepared, girl. Five years is a long time.
The man probably will have you sitting in a tub of ice after he’s
done. You know I know.”

Kennedy smiled, wheeling her Camry into her
driveway. “I sure do hope so.”




Mrs. Washington? Is that

Gail heard her name. Halfway to the door,
she stopped. She turned in time to see a distinguished woman in a
dark suit walking toward her. She was quite beautiful, with
shoulder length reddish-brown hair pulled back under a service cap
and clear blue eyes. Gail recognized her. But from where, she
wasn’t certain.

Hi. It’s me, Alexa. Alexa

Oh! Of course, forgive me.”
Gail smiled and returned Alexa’s embrace. She remembered her during
the time of Liam’s supposed death. Alexa hadn’t said much then,
just sat through the service and at the house, pale and weepy. She
was a very pretty woman, who seemed to grieve as much as Kennedy.
Gail found that odd. Gail thought at first she was a family member,
the way she carried on, but Kennedy said Liam and this woman were
nothing more than friends. “How are you?”

I’m well, thank you. What
are you doing here?” Alexa asked.

Before Gail knew it, Alexa led her back
through an office door. She didn’t mind small talk but she found
the gentle persistence uncomfortable. She really didn’t know Alexa
personally to have a visit. When Gail thought to stop and excuse
herself, she didn’t. Alexa had the presence that kind of directed
things, Gail supposed. “I came to see Phil.”

Ah, yes, it’s so upsetting,
all of this. Isn’t it?” Alexa smiled. “I mean we’re all happy
Liam’s back. But it’s been hell on everyone, including

Yes, it’s upsetting to us

I saw your television
interview.” Alexa added. “You were very eloquent. The media can be

Thank you.”

Very touching, how you
protect your daughter, her family. A mother’s heart can help the
healing process. That’s what I think.”

Do you have

Alexa chuckled. “No. Not the mothering type.
Though I have so much respect for women who can toe that line. I
remember how nurturing you were to Kennedy after the tragedy. I
always admired you, Mrs. Washington.”

Oh. Why, thank

No problem. How is
Mackenzie by the way?”

Gail beamed. She reached in her Chanel bag
and removed her matching wallet. She handed it over. “She’s my
angel. Look at her.”

Alexa studied the photograph. “She is
precious. She has her mother’s eyes. A very unique beauty.”

Yes, she’s an angel.” Gail
accepted the wallet back. She stared down at her grandbaby. She
might not care for Liam, but she couldn’t deny he’d left them with
a special gift. Mackenzie was her heart. “She’s the one bright spot
in all of this. She’s growing like a weed.”

I’m sure she is, making
room for the next grandchild.”

Well, who knows what the
future holds.” Gail sighed sadly.

Certainly this future is
promising. A new baby is always exciting.”

Gail frowned. “I don’t follow?”

Kennedy’s pregnancy. Does
she even know her delivery date?”


Your daughter didn’t tell
you?” Alexa put her hand to her chest. “I am so sorry. Please, Mrs.
Washington, please don’t mention this. I just assumed you knew.
Phil was so excited.”

Kennedy’s pregnant? With
Phil’s child?” Gail couldn’t believe it. “Are you sure?”

Yes, I am. But I think Phil
and Kennedy are trying to work this out. To keep it quiet for now.
Mrs. Washington, I have to share with you, Liam may not know this.
I fear that…well, he has stressors, so maybe it’s best no one knows
until they can get him the help he needs.”

What kind of

Alexa sighed. “Men who have gone through
what Liam has often suffer from PTSD.”

Post-traumatic stress
disorder?” Gail asked.

Yes. Our doctors think he
might need some professional help dealing with his trauma. We’re
trying to assist. But things are being handled delicately since the
world is watching. Privately, I can share with you that until he
gets the help he needs he really isn’t fit to deal with a wife,
child, anything.”

I had no idea,” Gail

Alexa pressed her lips together. “I honestly
thought you would have known. But I-I’m glad you know now.”




Liam knocked again. It was
cold outside. Where the hell had Eric gone? Liam would have to get
used to the weather. At the moment he felt as if his balls were
frozen and his dick reduced to ice. He glanced back over his
shoulder. Cloudy puffs of air escaped his nostrils. There was a car
he didn’t recognize in the drive. Eric had to be home. Then he
heard the engine of a car parked in front of a house across the
street turn over. His gaze swung toward the source in time to see a
black Chrysler with tinted windows drive away.
It was parked there when I arrived, wasn’t it?
He’d thought he saw a car similar to it when he
changed lanes on the expressway.

No, Liam. You didn’t. And
if you did, it’s a coincidence.
frowned. He kept his gaze trained on the vehicle until it
disappeared. He wasn’t a believer in coincidence. An icy-cold dread
covered him and he felt his anger surface. If he had a tail, then
that was to be expected. He just wanted it confirmed.

The door slowly opened. Liam turned and his
mind cleared. Eric wore nothing but his pajama pants, his Wolfpack
tattoo on his chest, and the meat-tags on his left side. Liam
frowned at the look of confusion on his friends face.

You going to let me in or
what?” Liam pushed past Eric and stepped through the door. It felt
much warmer inside. He had been grateful for the escape from the
chill. Liam walked into his friend’s living room on his cane. He
turned when he heard Eric approach. “It’s eight. You forget we have
to meet with Alex?”

Um, no. I…the meeting isn’t
for another two hours. Just trying to get some sleep.” Eric looked
to the hall.

Liam’s gaze followed. It dawned on him the
source of his boy’s discomfort. “Oh shit, brother. I’m sorry. I
didn’t think you had company. I’ll head out and see you there. I
just wanted to tell you about Kay.” Liam started for the door.
“Things are good, man. Real good. She loved the party, even wearing
my ring again. We back together. It feels right this time.” Liam

That’s great. You did it,
bro. You look good, too. I’ll meet you on base—”

Eric, where are

Stopping his approach to the
door, Liam turned his attention to the sound. Harper emerged in a
gray T-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. Liam stared at her,
confused at first. Her presence made no sense.
Why would she be in Eric’s house at this time of
He looked back at Eric.
. His friend
sighed and threw up his hands.

He was banging her?

You fucking Harper?” Liam

I can explain—”

Explain? Are you fucking
Harper?” Liam spat the words at Eric. The pressure in his brain
made his ears pop. His vision became darkly focused on Eric, only

Eric wouldn’t do this. Not Harper. She is a
kid. He wouldn’t touch her. What is she…seventeen? Just like Kay.
Dammit. He wouldn’t dare do this. Fuck. No. No. No. This is not

Answer me!” Liam

Liam, it’s my fault,”
Harper said weakly. “Don’t be angry at him, okay?”

Eric said nothing. He just held Liam’s

Motherfucking asshole!”
Liam swung, with either his fist or his cane, he didn’t know. He
didn’t care. His actions were instinctive. It was all a flash, one
strike, then another, like a strobe light kept going off in his
head. He hit Eric. Punched him. Then his balance slipped and he
nearly went down. He swung the cane wildly, shouting at the top of
his lungs. Flashes. Hit. Uppercut. Hit. Punch. “I’ll kill you! You

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